MTL - After Breaking Up, I Still Dump All Sentient Beings-Chapter 56

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"Turn around."

When Li Ruonan's voice came from the other end of the phone, Lan Muyu instantly opened her eyes and looked around, "What, what did you say?"

At this time, the sound of high-heeled shoes coming closer and closer behind him, the familiar frequency of steps, made Lan Muyu's hand holding the phone a little tighter.

She dared not look back.

She was afraid that the voice on the phone just now was just an illusion, and she was also afraid that she had misunderstood the footsteps in reality because she missed too much.

"You said that you want to see me, why don't you want to look back at me now?"

The familiar voice behind him that was slightly teasing, but was slightly panting because it was too late, made Lan Muyu stiff in place.

As the person behind her touched her wrist, Lan Muyu quickly turned around.

Behind her, Li Ruonan was walking in a hurry. She was always meticulous. Tonight, her hair was a little messy due to the cold wind. Only Lan Muyu was left in her beautiful eyes, full of worry. There are many well-dressed stars outside, but none of them can hide the light on Li Ruonan.

"Why don't you know what to say when you see me?" Li Ruonan rubbed Lan Muyu's head and pinched Lan Muyu's cheek, "Stupid?"

"Well..." Lan Muyu stared blankly at Li Ruonan, not knowing what to say.

Li Ruonan chuckled and softened his voice again, "You're such an old man, why are you still so unpromising? Isn't it just a broken award, and it's worth your unhappiness for so long?"

Lan Muyu replied in a muffled voice, "Aren't you still the same as you were back then, you would say that I'm useless."

Li Ruonan's hand paused, and the memory fragment flashed in his mind. At that time, Lan Muyu was in high school and lost in a certain math competition, and locked himself in the room for a whole day.

The Lan family's couple were both workaholics and were busy with work. When they got home in the evening, they were informed by the nanny that Lan Muyu had not been out of the house for a day.

Lan's father and mother, who didn't know how to comfort him, had to find the Li family overnight and seek the help of Li Ruonan, who happened to be home on vacation.

That was also the first time Li Ruonan knew that the little girl who fought against her all day in the day would also hide and cry at night.

Li Ruonan sighed and said the reprimanding words in a very gentle way, "What's so rare about this kind of broken award, I'm here, you can't be sad anymore."

Lan Muyu didn't say anything, looked straight at Li Ruonan, looked at Li Ruonan's eyes full of concern, stepped forward and plunged into Li Ruonan's arms, wrapping his hands tightly around Li Ruonan's waist.

She buried her head in Li Ruonan's neck, smelled the faint perfume, couldn't help taking a deep breath, and hummed a few times.

"Why, you're still acting coquettishly? Now you're not afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi?" Li Ruonan hugged Lan Muyu, patted Lan Muyu's back lightly, and comforted her softly, "It's alright, it's alright, I'm here, I'll be with you."

In fact, when Li Ruonan appeared, Ling Shan had already sent the others away. She knew that for Lan Muyu, ten others' comforts were not worth one Li Ruonan.

But after all, this is still the area covered by the Huaying Awards venue, and I don't know when the paparazzi will appear, Li Ruonan stretched out his hand to block Lan Muyu's face, "Okay, even if you want to act like a spoiled child, go home. Sa, save tomorrow that your fans will put some strange characters on the two of us."

Li Ruonan said so, how could Lan Muyu refuse?

"Okay, then let's go home and talk slowly."

She could feel Li Ruonan's care, she wanted to care about her, and she didn't want to cause trouble to her career.

Li Ruonan took Lan Muyu's hand and walked in the direction of the car, not forgetting to scolded, "Who wants to talk slowly to you, this coquette, who can't take care of himself and is bullied all day long, sticking to the dead already."

Li Ruonan went out temporarily after seeing the live broadcast of the award ceremony, so he did not bring the driver with him. On the way home, Lan Muyu snatched the car keys and drove the car home at the maximum speed without speeding.

As soon as the car entered the garage, Lan Muyu locked the door again and turned to look at Li Ruonan eagerly.

"Unlock, get off the car and go home."

Lan Muyu shook his head: "You said that I'm clingy, I always feel that I don't do anything, I'm sorry for your words."

Li Ruonan's breathing stagnated for a while, and she pulled someone and kissed her. She carefully put her hand on Lan Muyu's head to prevent Lan Muyu from getting hurt. Gradually, without knowing when it started, Lan Muyu had already squeezed into the co-pilot's seat with her.

After feeling the coolness on his fingertips, Li Ruonan realized that Lan Muyu did not know when it had been posted. The narrow space made the kiss even more anxious.

Lan Muyu took the initiative to hold Li Ruonan's hand and net Xia, and at the same time, she landed on the rocky beach of Li Ruonan's body, which had not fully aroused her emotions, trying to attract Li Ruonan to dance with her soul.

The car window soon became foggy, and through the blurred window, you could vaguely see the figure inside, and the desperate groan.

When the temperature in the car dropped again, Li Ruonan took the tissue, um, quickly pulled the two's jackets, and got out of the car with Lan Muyu.

Even though they were both soft women, they were squeezed into a passenger seat for ten minutes, and Lan Muyu, who was sitting above, numb her legs, and she couldn't control her body and fell forward as soon as she got out of the car. .

Li Ruonan grabbed Lan Muyu's waist in time, took the person into his arms, and teased: "It's really sticky, and the next car will throw him in his arms."

Lan Muyu glared at Li Ruonan with the corners of her eyes that were a little red because it just ended, and walked towards the elevator without looking back.

"Hey, walk slowly, be careful you fall again." Li Ruonan quickly chased after him.

The door of the apartment opened, Lan Muyu pushed Li Ruonan, closed the door actively, wrapped around Li Ruonan's shoulder, and put her lips on it.

Li Ruonan's movements stopped, and he quickly reached out and hugged Lan Muyu back and forth.

The two did not change their shoes or turn on the lights. They stumbled and stumbled all the way. With the familiar memory in their minds, they stumbled and stumbled onto the big bed in the bedroom with the clear and flustered sound of their heels.

Tonight's Lan Muyu was very enthusiastic. During the pulling, the coat had already fallen off, and a lot of clothes had been lost on the carpet, and the atmosphere gradually ran away in a direction that was out of control.

The air conditioner is not turned on in the bedroom, but the temperature is getting higher and higher, and there is no cold feeling in winter at all.

"Wait..." When Lan Muyu kissed Li Ruonan's neck all the way down to her chest, Li Ruonan gently pressed Lan Muyu, she took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "You've been tired all day today. Well, it's not already... it's better to rest early."

Even though it was the darkness that could not see five fingers, Lan Muyu could still accurately catch Li Ruonan's eyes, she looked straight at Li Ruonan, and leaned over again.

The kiss blocked Li Ruonan's lips again, and with the sound of water stains, after the two were tired and crooked, Li Ruonan spoke again, "staying up all night hurt your body, you're in a bad mood today, plus it's just now... you still have to Go to bed early, it's time to rest, Mumu, be nice, okay?"

But the atmosphere has already reached this level, why would Lan Muyu give Li Ruonan a chance to refuse?

"not good."

Lan Muyu turned over and pressed Li Ruonan under her body, and bit Li Ruonan's shoulder heavily to express her dissatisfaction.

"Be good, Mumu, be good, okay?"

" can change it."

Li Ruonan snorted, and after Lan Muyu finished venting, he finally compromised, and hugged Lan Muyu back in response to the customer...

When the temperature gradually cooled down, Lan Muyu, who was lying on Li Ruonan's body, panted slightly.

Li Ruonan's mood also failed to calm down, and her slightly dry voice made her voice a little hoarse: "Go down, take a shower."

"No, wait." Lan Muyu rubbed against Li Ruonan, playing with the tangled hair of the two in his hands.

Li Ruonan rubbed Lan Muyu's head helplessly: "Okay, it's up to you."

The next day, when Lan Muyu woke up, it was close to noon, and Li Ruonan was no longer on the bed.

Looking at the empty room, Lan Muyu pouted, but after the sheets slipped off and saw the red marks under her collarbone, she recalled the warmth from last night again in her mind, and her mood couldn't help but feel a little better.

She took the mobile phone, and there was a WeChat message left by Ling Shan on it.

It was nothing more than those words that comforted her and told her not to mind. At the end, she asked if she was free today and went to study the script with Fu Qian.

Lan Muyu got out of bed and opened the blackout curtains, and the light scrambled to occupy every corner of the bedroom. She is lucky to have such a warm group of people by her side.

Ling Shan decided to discuss with Fu Qian because she was worried that she would mind too much. On the one hand, she wanted to give her hope for new movies and new awards, and on the other hand, she wanted to use her work to distract her. For this reason, Lan Muyu naturally had no reason to refuse.

Lan Muyu looked at Ling Shan's expression and said with a smile, "Sister Ling, I'm really fine, am I the kind of person who can't eat and sleep just because of a prize?"

The stone in Ling Shan's heart fell, and she teased: "Yeah, how could I forget that you Lan Muyu was blacklisted by the variety show director, what are you afraid of?"

Lan Muyu snorted softly: "Block me, don't they still invite me to participate?"

The two chatted and laughed, and the car quickly arrived at the destination. When Lan Muyu arrived, Fu Qian and the director and screenwriter were already waiting there. Lan Muyu said apologetically, "I'm sorry everyone, I'm late."

The director next to Fu Qian waved his hand, "It has nothing to do with you, we all decided to let Ling Shan contact you later. When something went wrong last night, I thought you wouldn't come over today, but when I saw that you looked good, I would not worried."

The director of this movie "Dream Traveler" is a middle-aged female director with a good reputation. She is very patient with her younger generation. As soon as they meet, Lan Muyu can't help but feel a good feeling in her heart.

"Thank you director, don't worry, I won't bring personal emotions into the shooting."

The director waved at Lan Muyu and arranged for her to sit opposite Fu Qian.

Ling Shan, who was behind Lan Muyu, gave Fu Qian a wink, "Last night's Huaying Awards was still buzzing online. I have to deal with it. I'll leave this person to you."

"Okay, don't worry."

Hearing Ling Shan mentioning the Huaying Award, the director on the side sighed and frowned and commented: "Hey, this time the Huaying Award is really... I don't know what's wrong, just, it's a mess anyway. Xiaolan. , don't take it to heart, you are still young, and there will be more opportunities in the future."

The screenwriter on the side also echoed, "Don't worry about it, Xiao Lan, you don't know how much the director likes your performance. At that time, Fu Qian talked to the director. After the director went to see your two movies, the same day I'll give you that."

Fu Qian, a senior who has won the Grand Slam Best Actor trophy, hinted: "Xiao Lan, there are many opportunities to win awards."

Lan Muyu nodded, "I understand, you don't have to waste time for me, I also like the work that can be done well this time."

However, this silence was broken in the afternoon.

Lan Muyu received a call from Ling Shan: "Xiao Lan, are you still with Fu Qian?"

"Well, here I am, we just had a halftime break."

"You heard me, you stay there and don't go out." Ling Shan's tone was serious but anxious, "Do you remember Shangguan Min?"

"You mean the heroine of "The Snake", the one who won the award yesterday?"

"Yes, now the Internet is full of news about the Huaying Awards. I originally dealt with some trivial topics, but Shangguanwen's topic has changed now. She has started to set up a hot search for buying people, and she is inside and out. They're stepping on you."

Lan Muyu was stunned for a moment, but then laughed, "She wants marketing and popularity so much, Sister Ling, why don't we take the opportunity to give her some more?"

If the clown wants to jump off the beam, it will naturally make her jump higher, and the show will be more lively.

"You mean..." Ling Shan said with a bit of joy, "I thought you would let me push her down."

Lan Muyu looked at the artificial bamboo forest outside the window, "I really didn't want to talk about it at first, and after the awards ceremony is over, the chapter will be turned over. But since people have brought it to the door so proactively, I feel that she can't gain popularity on her own. It's only fair to give her a gift. Sister Ling, you know, I don't like to owe favors the most."

Hearing Lan Muyu's increasingly innocent words on the other end of the phone, Ling Shan's mouth twitched as she took money to do things. Since Lan Muyu thought, she would naturally help her as a manager.

Besides, according to Lan Muyu's words, they neither clarified for themselves nor suppressed Shangguanwen.

Just follow Shangguan Min's hot search and give her more popularity like a charity.

Shangguan Min should thank them.

After Lan Muyu hung up the phone, he swiped on Weibo, and as expected, Shangguan Min's name had already been put up in the front row of the hot search, and there were also several related topics hanging up in the back.

Click on the #1 #shangguanwenyinghou#, and the front row that pops out is the acceptance speech that Shangguanwen said when he won the award. The comments below have been washed once by the army and fans, and there is nothing wrong with it. His remarks were all praise for Shangguan Min's words.

Not seeing what Ling Shan said about Shangguanwen's character and her comments, Lan Muyu was a little disappointed, so she withdrew, and clicked into the second hot search #shangguanwenresponsequestion#.

Xu is the navy that Shangguanwen bought before she put her remarks on the front row, and the marketing account in front was full of people who questioned Shangguanwen's award:

[The best actress is Shangguan Min? Am I blind or the judges are blind? Shangguan Min, the background board heroine who came from a sci-fi special effect background, can participate in the awards? 】

[Damn, if the audience has no eyes, the awards can be handed out at will? I happened to be very busy during the National Day. I went to the cinema to watch "Limited Sale" and "Snake". The difficulty of their performances is not the same. 】

[Agree with the statement above, even if it's not Lan Muyu, it should be Zhang Limin from "Love Song"? People have been acting for many years, and their acting skills are clear at a glance. It is a pity that the script of "Love Song" did not highlight Zhang Limin, otherwise it would be a strong competitor. 】

There are countless buildings and likes below these remarks, and most of them agree, but those doubts are beginning to be faintly suppressed, and there is a trend of catching up.

After seeing one of the comments saying that Shangguanwen all responded to the question, Lan Muyu was too lazy to look for the response because the weight was not under the square, so he cut it out and clicked on the third hot search: #上guanwen To be down-to-earth#, Lan Muyu finally found what she wanted to watch.

In the video, Shangguan Min is indoors, wearing a long white dress. The interview was only accepted today. The reporter asked Shangguan Min's opinion on the remarks that questioned Shangguan Min on the Internet. Shangguan Min lowered his eyes and talked to the reporter. Communicating:

"I am willing to accept the public's doubts about me, and I will also accept everyone's criticism of me. In the future, I will work harder to spur myself. In fact, I will tell you that winning the award is actually something I didn't expect.

It was an honor for me to be able to participate in the crew of "The Snake". My original intention was very simple, I just wanted to bring better works to the audience, but I didn't expect to be favored by everyone. "

The reporter asked: "What do you think is your biggest advantage?"

Shangguan Min gathered the broken hair in his ears and said with a smile, "I think acting needs to be down-to-earth. After all, time will not disappoint those who work hard. If they rely on other improper things, they will eventually be exposed one day."

The reporter asked again: "What do you mean by improper?"

"Then there are a lot. It's not good for me to say too much. After all, there are too many resource coffees in this circle."

As soon as the voice fell, the camera switched to the white gauze of the curtains floating on the side, freeze, and ended.

Lan Muyu closed the video. In this interview with Shangguan Min, the words and the matching scenes are very suitable for Shangguan Min to set up a self-motivated person who is silt and unstained in the entertainment circle.

If she had seen such a video before, Lan Muyu would have praised it a lot, and maybe even let Ling Shan learn some other people's public relations techniques.

Too bad this time...

Lan Muyu habitually went to the comment area again. The comment area under this hot search has been in the hands of Shangguan Min, and the comment area is very pleasing to the eye:

[I have liked Min Min since she was a little transparent, I knew that those who worked hard would not be let down, Min Min deserves this actress! 】

[Goddess Min Min is the best, it is too difficult for Xiao Transparent to have a way out, Min Min must have paid a lot and look up to Min Min. 】

At the same time, there are also sensitive fans who heard the overtones of Shangguanwen's words from Shangguanwen's interview. It's an unfair method, and it's a resource cafe, isn't it just the Lan Muyu who is competing with each other? So Shangguanwen's fans began to help Shangguanwen get up:

[Support Shangguan Min, even if you win the award, you are still humble as always. Unlike some people's fans, if you can't win the award, it's not because of your strength, and you don't know why you jump so high? 】

[Min Min is just too kind, and what kind of resource coffee is it beautified into? Now that there is a backer and a gold owner, is it still not allowed to tell anyone? How long has it been since I debuted, I thought I was amazing after making two movies, God's choice. 】

[People who live on the hot search with all kinds of pranks during filming, is the traffic useful when judging awards? Is hot search useful? Hahahaha laughed. 】

[We, Min Min, are honest and practical in filming, who would have thought that we could easily win the actress! 】

And there are many fans of Lan Muyu in the building within the building of these comments.

Those fans with high quality didn't quarrel with Guan Min's fans, but just hoped not to fight again. However, Shangguan Min's fans were aggressive, as if Lan Muyu's fans had to admit that Lan Muyu was inferior to Shangguan Min.

What's more, they directly asked Lan Muyu's fans to apologize, and asked them to admit that Lan Muyu was inferior to Shangguan Min.

These actions made some passers-by who eat melons look down, and they began to speak for Lan Muyu, but they were all labeled as "jealous", "navy" and "doesn't understand movies" by Shangguanwen's fans .

Fans of Shangguan Min talk to themselves, pointing at the Jiangshan in Weibo with a high-level attitude, without any reason. No matter who helped Lan Muyu speak, or said a little something about Shangguan Min's bad, they would all be attacked.

As a star, Lan Muyu has long been accustomed to cyber violence. But when she saw that her fans and those kind passers-by were tagged by Shangguanwen's fans for speaking for her, she began to regret letting Shangguanwen do whatever she wanted.

This battle of words on Weibo is inevitable. Even if her fans and other passers-by are good-natured, I am afraid they will eventually catch up with Guan Min's fans and scolded them, and both sides will suffer.

This is what she doesn't want to see.

Lan Muyu took the phone, found Ling Shan in the address book, and was about to make a call, but Li Ruonan's video call came over. Lan Muyu looked around, found an unoccupied corner, and plugged in the earphones.

She is very familiar with the decoration behind Li Ruonan, especially the desk with hard material. Every time she thinks about it, her back still hurts a bit.

Li Ruonan asked, "Did it bother you? Are you still reading the script?"

"No, I'm swiping my phone, but I wasted a while looking for headphones."

I thought Li Ruonan was here to ask her about dinner, but unexpectedly, the familiar reprimand from the other side: "Don't look at the messy things on the Internet, waste your eyes and waste time."

"A mess?" Lan Muyu laughed, "How do you know I'm watching a mess? I can't watch small movies here."

Li Ruonan's eyes widened, and it took a few seconds before he recovered his voice: "I'm telling you the business, don't get off the topic."


There was silence between the two for a while, and Li Ruonan softened his voice and coaxed: "Okay, now you go to the script and don't affect your mood because of this kind of person."

Lan Muyu laughed, "But Shangguan Min spends a lot of money on marketing himself, this kind of good show is not common."

"That's true." Xu Shi was infected by Lan Muyu's smile, and Li Ruonan also laughed in a low voice: "Then you can look at it every hour."

every hour?

Is it...

"What have you done again?"

Li Ruonan nodded as a matter of course: "Help you vent your anger."

The author has something to say: I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Rabbit Coquettish.jpg)