MTL - After Breaking Off the Engagement, She Went To the Countryside and Was Pinched By a Rough Man and Pampered-Chapter 368 Fall apart

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Chapter 368: Breaking up

“Uncle, didn’t you also say that it was because of Liu Xiaoyun’s mother that my mother suffered so much?

 Why don’t you feel sorry for my mother now? You actually feel sorry for Liu Xiaoyun’s mother. "

 “Aren’t you kids being unreasonable?

Who doesn’t work hard? Who didn’t suffer when they were young?

 I have said that your mother suffered, but the sufferings your mother suffered were the same ones we suffered when we were children.

Your mother accidentally fell into the river when she was a child. Your aunt was also young at that time. She was only ten years old. Isn’t it normal for a ten-year-old child to not dare to go into the water to save people?

 It is because your mother has suffered, her body has been injured, and she has become ill.

 But it’s not your aunt’s fault.

Your aunt can’t swim, so she didn’t jump into the river to save people. Although it’s morally unacceptable, it makes sense logically. "

"Your aunt has felt guilty over the years, so she always says she owes your mother. But according to common sense, why does your aunt owe your mother?"

“Don’t do this kind of thing again in the future.

 It’s all because of what role you played in it!

You should have done enough bullying Liu Xiaoyun over the years.

 We all see it, just because I don’t say it doesn’t mean you are doing the right thing. "

“You are already a college student now, so you should be able to tell the difference between what is important and what is important.

 Put more energy on your studies and your future life.

 Don’t be tempted to have these crooked thoughts.

 Let me tell you this is the last time I will allow you to come to me in such an unreasonable manner, and you should not come to me for this kind of thing in the future. "

Fang Shuhua couldn't believe it when her uncle spoke to her in such a cold tone.

 She stared at her uncle,

“Uncle, how could you do this?

 Your current job was also helped by my parents.

How can you turn your back on someone?

You are called burning the bridge across the river. Believe it or not, I will tell my dad to get you, the school director, down. "

The school dean was very happy. He realized for the first time that in the eyes of his niece, he was the lackluster of their family.

Anyone who wants to can do it can do it.

“Your dad used to help me with this job, but your dad also charged me 500 yuan when he helped.

 Seriously, we all get what we need.

 To put it bluntly, I don’t owe your dad anything.

If I talk about my relatives, I have helped a lot to your family these years, and even some people should pay back.

 I was able to reach the stage of being the school director because of my own efforts and my own ability. Your father only helped me as a small miscellaneous teacher in the school.

 Everything is achieved through my own efforts.

  In your mouth, I borrowed the light from your father, okay. Then you let your dad **** me. "

The school dean has long disliked this niece because of such an arrogant and domineering junior, but he just tolerated it out of affection.

But now I didn’t expect that my niece could actually say these words. This completely shattered the relationship between the two families.

 Everyone is just getting what they need, and each other is useful, but in the words of the niece, it turns out that he has become a slave at the whim of their family.

Which one is tolerable or intolerable?

Fang Shuhua's eyes widened in anger at her uncle's words. She didn't expect that her uncle would dare to do this?

The uncle who loved her so much, who was very close to her parents, and who almost always responded to their Fang family's requests, actually changed his face.

 Fang Shuhua left the office.

Since I couldn’t go home, I could only return to the dormitory in silence.

Everyone in the dormitory was happy, but Fang Shuhua was the only one with a sullen face, while Xiao Qin had long disappeared.

The days seemed to go by like this. A month later, when Fang Shuhua went to get her meal stamps, the eldest sister who received the meal stamps handed her the meal stamps and food stamps.

 “Sign here.”

Fang Shuhua pinched the meal ticket in her hand and felt something was wrong.

  Frowning and counting the meal tickets, he asked.

 “Isn’t this meal ticket wrong?”

 The eldest sister’s eyes widened.

“What’s wrong? Every student gets 15 yuan in meal stamps a month, plus 20 kilograms of food stamps. Why is it wrong to get it to you?

I just handed the meal stamps to you. Don’t tell me I’m short. Now count them in front of everyone to see if they are 15 yuan and 20 kilograms of food stamps? "

“No, I’m not saying that 15 yuan and 20 kilograms of food stamps are wrong. Every month I receive meal stamps for two people, myself and Liu Xiaoyun.

 Why is it only mine this time? "

The eldest sister curled her lips when she heard this.

"This classmate cannot collect it on his behalf. This is the rule above. Everyone must collect his own."

Fang Shuhua immediately became angry.

“It was possible before, why can’t it be done now?”

“It used to be possible, because the school director told us that you could collect Liu Xiaoyun’s money on your behalf.

 However, the dean of academic affairs has now personally told us that from now on everyone will receive their own rewards.

 Liu Xiaoyun receives her meal stamps and food stamps herself, and you receive your own.

If you are unhappy, go to the school dean and stop yelling at me here. This is not my rule. "

The eldest sister who received the meal ticket looked impatient.

 “Go, go, go, leave quickly.

 There are still many students queuing up.

 Because you are delaying everyone’s meal. "

 The students behind immediately started cheering,

“Yes, this classmate, please leave quickly. How can you collect someone else’s meal ticket on your behalf? He doesn’t have long hands or feet, so why do you need to collect it on your behalf?”

“You don’t know that this is Fang Shuhua. I heard that she received meal tickets for two people by herself, and also deducted the meal tickets from her classmate and refused to use them.

 That’s why the school dean stepped forward to deliver justice. "

"She is that Fang Shuhua. I heard that she spread rumors about others in school, but was caught red-handed."

 “And who do you think she spread the rumors about?”


“The person who spread the rumor was actually the daughter of the principal and teacher.

   She also started a rumor between her and her brother. As a result, they unexpectedly came to her door and gave her a big demerit. "

 “It turns out it’s her!”

 “It’s really not embarrassing enough.”

 “If I had bought a piece of tofu and killed her, I wouldn’t have the nerve to go out and embarrass myself.”

The voices of these discussions made Fang Shuhua's face turn gray for a moment. There was no way she could help it. As arrogant as she was in the past, she was being stepped on now.

Fang Shuhua took the meal ticket and left quickly.

Liu Xiaoyun was a little excited to receive her meal ticket for the first time. With the full meal ticket, her heart was full of imagination.

These meal tickets are enough for me to eat well, and I can even save some for my brother and mother to take home.

Dad now eats in the cafeteria every day. It is a staff meal. The meal portions of boiler workers are larger than that of ordinary people.

 From now on, my mother and brother will eat at home, and there should be enough food at home.

 And all this was done by Xia Zhi.

 (End of this chapter)