MTL - After Being Fancied by a Necromancer-Chapter 43

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Cyril saw the numbers on the brass card with sharp eyes - all "9", he took a breath.

For a time, I felt the smell of Wu Jing rushed towards my face and patted it coldly on my face.

Brian saw Cyril's wide almond eyes staring at the card in his hand, he smiled slightly: "It's the card of Brian's mentor."

Cyril choked when he heard the words, and his heart suddenly choked.

Under what circumstances would a man let another man hold his bank card and let the other man control his wealth? !

In addition, he quickly remembered that Mr. Scott was uneasy because of his new S-rank apprentice...


Cyril felt that he had accidentally discovered a shocking secret, and his voice trembled slightly: "I understand, Mr. Scott, wish you a long life!"

Afterwards, he thought that he was now Mr. Scott's fellow disciple, so he subconsciously added a sentence, trying to explain: "I am not here to break up this family, I am here join in…"

But as soon as the words came out, Cyril felt that something was wrong?

He shut up.

Brian raised his eyebrows, and there was a flash of doubt in his eyes.

What was the little rose talking to herself just now?

Why doesn't he understand what the other party means?

Brian looked down at Cyril who had a very colorful expression for a while.

The expression on his fair little face changed, from dazed, shocked to suddenly realized, and finally his face was full of meaning "I understand, I understand".

Brian suddenly felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart, as if something was out of his control.

For a time, the turbulent destruction was about to burst like a flood.

If the little rose is peeled and boned now... It might be a little troublesome to hide the aftermath from the Wizarding League... Brian's mind changed.

He turned the ring on his finger and raised his eyelids carelessly, just in line with Cyril's gaze.

Cyril felt that his psychological endurance was superb!

He has digested this secret, and imagined the future that was arranged clearly after he entered the husband's shop

He will definitely work hard to be a little transparent who studies hard and will not disturb Mr. Scott and Dean Brian's romance!

Cyril raised his head to look at Mr. Scott, intending to apologize for the time he had just lost, and suddenly met his gaze.

No wonder he felt that there was an inexplicable familiarity between Mr. Scott and Dean Brian, which was probably the husband and wife.

Brian looked at Cyril's black and white eyes, his eyes were clear, his eyes flashed slightly, with a little loose interest.

Forget it, there will be many opportunities in the future, there is no need to do it now...

I don't know what to think, Brian hooked his lips, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth made people not suspect that he was in a cloudy mood at this time.

Immediately after, he took two steps closer and walked to Cyril.

Brian's slender fingers ran through Cyril's hair and twirled leisurely on his little curls.

Not waiting for Cyril to open his mouth to say anything, Brian stretched his arms around Cyril's waist, leaned over and whispered in his ear: "Hold tight."

He disappeared with Cyril.

Space transfer is really convenient and fast, and it is an essential skill for travel.

They soon came to Whale's Head Lane.

First of all, go to the magic bookstore to buy all kinds of textbooks.

Cyril watched Mr. Scott without even consulting the clerk of the bookstore, just raised his hand slightly, and several books flew down from the bookshelves and even the ceiling of the bookstore. , yarded in neat stacks on the counter.

Mr. Scott is so handsome!

Cyril looked at Mr. Scott who took the initiative to check out and exclaimed in his heart.

Cyril was struggling with how to bring back so many books when he saw Mr. Scott bent his fingers and tapped the air in front of him, and a gray vortex appeared in front of him.

Jumping in the gray vortex, then disappeared.

Magic, so convenient and magical!

Cyril stared at the scene in front of him and sighed in his heart.

Next, they went to buy all kinds of instruments needed for magic pharmacy: goggles and crucibles that can be retracted and unfolded at will, automatic stirring rods, a set of large and small knives, Protective gloves, etc.

Probably because of Cyril's too focused and fiery eyes when looking at the dessert shop, Brian paused slightly, but walked into this dessert shop that didn't fit his style at all.

"Welcome, two handsome gentlemen! What do you need?"

The shopkeeper standing behind the counter saw the customer coming, and asked with a smile.

Cyril stared at the beautiful little cakes in the glass cabinet, quickly thinking about which little cutie to eat first today.

Hey, I really want it!

Cyril's eyes quickly stopped on the small cakes. Before he could think about it, he heard Mr. Scott's always elegant and magnetic voice sound, his tone was silky and calm: "All."

Shopkeeper: ? ? ?

Cyrillic: !

Cyril and the shopkeeper looked at each other, both confirming whether the other was daydreaming.

However, the experienced shop owner responded quickly.

Man, this is a great customer!

While quickly packing all the little cakes in the store with magic, she quietly glanced at the taller handsome man.

Tsk, I want to show my wealth in front of the little cutie beside me!

"Huh?! Mr. Scott...Thank you!"

Cyril immediately thanked the other party after reacting.

The corners of his mouth cocked uncontrollably, his eyes sparkling like melted sweet honey.

The whole person also looks very well-behaved, as if contaminated with the soft fragrance of the small cakes in the dessert shop.

Cyril still felt a little embarrassed.

Mr. Scott took Dean Bryan's card to buy dessert for himself, what seemed to be wrong?

The owner looked at them both with a smile on his face.


However, the next moment the shopkeeper heard the good man she had just certified in her heart whispered devilishly to the little cutie beside her: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the debt is too much."

The owner was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, a little incredible.

However, she often asked people to bring love novels from other continents to read, and she quickly reacted, and the corners of her mouth moved subtly.

She understands, this is the second part of the classic romance novel - you owe too much, why don't you promise yourself?

Oh, young people can really play.

The owner looked at them with piercing eyes, looking forward to the appearance of the classic third section.

When Cyril heard this, his smile gradually disappeared, and he almost burst into tears.

What is this devil creditor speaking?

His immature shoulders bear a debt that should not be borne at this age!

Brian took a good look at Cyril's grief and indignation, and suddenly felt refreshed.

He looked down at Cyril, his thin lips hooked lightly.

Brian waited until Cyril put on a "numb, feel free, I think about it" Buddhist expression, and then said in a calm tone: "Just kidding. No need. Worry, this is the benefit of the S-class wizard apprentice."

Afterwards, he smiled and looked at Cyril's accusing eyes, while he put the desserts in the compressed packaging box with the storekeeper's preservation spell into the gray vortex, and took Cyril directly arrogant disappeared from the dessert shop.

The owner silently glanced at the operating income completed in advance, and could not help but open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

She raised her glass and wished the two young people a wonderful night tonight.

Of course there is no such thing as a wonderful night.

Brian took Cyril back to Cyril's original room on the Black cruise ship.

Cyril watched the other party leave him a piece of fragrant chocolate cake and left.

He didn't even have time to ask Mr. Scott how to get back the items he bought today from him.

Forget it, we will meet again when we arrive at the academy.

Cyril pushed the door and walked out, came to the restaurant, and found that everyone had returned.

He saw a few familiar friends from Philadelphia, as well as many unfamiliar faces.

"Hey Cyril!"

Jenny was the first to say hello to Cyril, and she and Loz came over.

"We all heard that you became an S-class wizard apprentice!"

Jenny lowered her voice and said cheerfully.

"You are amazing!"

Lords nodded.

This taciturn teenager still looks very calm and reliable.

Cyril scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

"How about you? I mean, how's it going?"

"Lords and I are both Class B wizard apprentices, praise Merlin!"

Jenny rolled her eyes, and that special foresight ability allowed her and her brother Loz to avoid a lot of danger in the secret realm.

She looked around and said: "Snoburg Wizarding Academy does not accept wizard apprentices below C-level, and now the freshmen on the cruise ship are at least C-level."

"I guess that's a good thing?"

Her voice was a little uncertain, and Loz patted her on the shoulder.

"Have you met Dean Brian?"

Cyril asked involuntarily.

"Dean Brian? The dean of Snowberg Wizarding Academy?"

Another slow voice came.

Cyril turned his head and saw Paris Greer.

Warren Abraham and Grace Abraham also came over.

Everyone greeted each other and exchanged information.

Only then did Cyril know that Dean Bryan did not return to the hall where the freshmen were graded after sending him back to the cruise ship Black.

The freshmen of Snowburgh Wizarding Academy are made up of the beautiful woman in a black dress that they saw before, oh no, listen to Jenny and they say this beautiful man Witch, the sorcerer named Black is solely responsible.

They also saw that Black wizard snatched several A-level wizard apprentices from other wizarding colleges.

Then, all the freshmen who were about to go to Snowberg Wizarding Academy were sent back to the Black cruise ship, and each handed out a list of books needed for admission later and supplies.

Cyril took a look at Warren's list, sighed in relief, and thanked Mr. Scott, he had it all done.

This group of old acquaintances from Philadelphia are doing quite well, and they all become B-level wizard apprentices.

To Cyril's surprise, except that he was assigned a mentor on the spot by Dean Brian, the rest of the freshmen were not assigned a mentor.

According to Black wizards, if they show outstanding aptitude in a certain aspect after admission, they will be accepted as students by their fancy tutors.

Everyone is very envious of Cyril being assigned to the dean just like that, but no one shows jealousy, or even feels honored.

"So, the cruise ship will leave tonight for Snowberg Wizarding Academy."

Paris Grauer concluded the chat.

Probably because he made a lot of money by betting on Cyril in the ring match on the cruise ship, this young boy finally no longer looks like a proud nostril, in addition to slow Tun's aria could not be changed for a while, but he was able to communicate with everyone calmly.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

Jenny looked at Whale Falls Island, sighed with emotion, and expressed the voice of everyone.

Since leaving the familiar Philadelphia, I have seen so many different scenes from ordinary life.

Despite knowing that the wizarding world is not as gentle and harmless as imagined, and even full of unknown pressures and dangers, it is still fascinating and fascinating.

In the evening, all the wizard apprentices who went out to buy came back.

Cyril also learned from Jenny and the others that the college will provide low-interest Wujing loans to freshmen, and you can advance a Wujing in advance and return it a year later.

Of course, the dire consequences of late payment are not what they want to know.

Butler Papeet has allocated rooms to all the new wizard apprentices, and the Black Heart Restaurant has reopened to everyone for free, no more fees.

This crispy prawn is also very well done. The prawn is delicious and fragrant.

This steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli is also delicious. One bite of a small abalone with firm flesh is wrapped in the flavor of pepper and garlic, and spreads on the tip of the tongue.

There is also the seafood chowder soup, which seems to have only two flavors of hot and sour in rough taste, but it seems to have a hundred flavors in fine taste, and the layered taste is very rich...

Cyril had a delicious dinner and went for a walk on the deck.

Walking, he felt a little strange, how could it feel that the cruise ship was getting farther and farther from the sea.

"Look! The cruise ship is flying!"

Someone cried out in surprise.

Although they were walking on deck, the cruise ship Black did start to take off.

The two sides of the cruise ship have huge brass wings like bird wings. There are dozens of propellers at the top and several rows of paddles at the bottom.

If you look carefully, you can see that the edge of the deck of the entire cruise ship has a layer of magic film glowing blue.

Because of its existence, people inside the cruise ship do not even feel the changes of the entire cruise ship.

The cruise ship Black, now perhaps called the Black airship, flies extremely fast.

The brightly lit Whale Falls Island at night kept shrinking in the field of vision, and after a while, Whale Falls Island became an indistinct glowing dot.

Many wizard apprentices stopped on the deck to watch all this, looking at the almost invisible Whalefall Island, looking at the mighty dark blue water below, and looking at the dark night sky around.

There are puppets standing not far away, and their heads without facial features seem to be looking at the scene outside the airship.

Young apprentice wizards are quick to accept new things.

After a while, the lively atmosphere on the deck has returned.

A strange boy came towards Cyril.

He was wearing a protective cloak bought at the grocery store, and his black hair was parted and neatly combed.

There is also a pair of round black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, and the eyes behind the glasses are very intriguing.

"Hello, I'm Addison Morgan, nice to meet you, Mr. Lawrence!"

The boy stretched out a hand and made a handshake that strictly conforms to etiquette norms, even the angle is impeccable.

Cyril was a little overwhelmed, wondering how the other party knew his name.

But this Addison Morgan didn't look hostile, he also stretched out his hand and shook it lightly.

"Hi Morgan."

Cyril said politely.

Soon, the boy explained his origins.

He took out an ordinary notebook and a pen from his pocket, like a well-trained reporter, always ready to take notes.

"You are Cyril Lawrence, the only S-level wizard apprentice in this class of freshman wizard apprentice grading trials. Take the liberty to ask if I can get some data from you, in return, I will customize a detailed personal improvement plan for you after I enroll."

Addison Morgan finished his speech like a cannonball, his voice was steady, without too many fluctuations.

Cyril even felt that he was imitating Mr. Papeet and other puppets.

Cyril was a little dumbfounded about the other party's proposal.

He glanced at Addison Morgan as he opened the notebook, and the front pages seemed to be filled with words.

And the boy even sketched Cyril's portrait on a blank piece of paper with a few strokes, and even his body was strictly proportionally reduced.

"Okay, just ask."

Cyril laughed, and he just skipped any offending questions.

Addison Morgan's eyes lit up, and the lenses reflected a bright light.

"Thanks. I'll start then."

"The first question, your mental power and magic power? Of course, I heard that you took Moonlight Fruit in the secret realm before, which caused some deviations in the data, but it doesn't matter, I can follow it later. It can be inferred from the relevant records of Moonlight Fruit."

He wrote down in his notebook.

Cyril was a little surprised, it seems that this Addison Morgan is very well informed!

Presumably this kind of person can become a variety of news dealers after entering the academy.

"My spiritual power is thirty, and my magic power is ten."

Cyril blurred the psychic data.

Addison Morgan paused and muttered, "Merlin is on top. Excellent talent, amazing."

Then wrote in the notebook: "Focus on improving the efficiency of mental energy absorbing elements into magic power."

"Next question, do you usually feel anything different from others? For example, the five senses are very sensitive?"

Addison Morgan pushed up his glasses and continued to ask.

After the interview, Cyril felt that the other party was indeed very keen and could quickly realize some key points.

When Addison Morgan closed the notebook, Cyril breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Lawrence."

Addison Morgan nodded to Cyril and said, "I'll find you when I get to the academy."

Cyril nodded helplessly, waved at him, and said goodbye to him.

At this time, just happened to meet Warren and came over.

He walked to Cyril and said in a low voice: "He really came to you. I heard that this Addison Morgan interviewed all the A-level freshmen on the cruise ship. Over and over."

The night was getting dark, and Cyril also went back to the room to sleep.

Although the events of the day were extraordinarily rich and exciting, as soon as Cyril touched the pillow, he soon fell into a sweet dream.

Good night's sleep.

The next morning, after he woke up and finished his breakfast, he heard Butler Papeet's undisturbed voice throughout the airship.

"Sorcerer apprentices, please pack your things, Snowberg Wizarding Academy is coming!"

The author has something to say: Cyril: I understand, I understand!