MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 428 hard to decide

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   Chapter 428 Hard to choose

"That's what I put in since she was born, and I'm afraid it has long since become one with her body. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have been able to find her so smoothly and get her out of the capital. However, since I After I took her to Rongcheng, I never found out her whereabouts again, presumably, it was you who acted on her!"

   After saying that, the man squeezed the old man's chin with a sudden force, which almost didn't remove his chin.

   "Say, how can I get that girl?"

   Seeing that the man had lost his mind, Gu Li vigorously wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then stood up and slapped the man in the face with a fist.

  The man had been on guard against him for a long time. As soon as he started to move, the man kicked his foot sideways and hit him in the stomach.

  The man showed no mercy at all, this kick directly kicked Gu Li to the opposite wall, and then fell down violently.

   "Pfft!" Gu Li spat out a mouthful of blood.

   Seeing this, the old man was trembling with anger, but because his jaw couldn't move freely, he could only be anxious, but couldn't say a word.

  The man seemed to enjoy the feeling of being trampled on by him, and the madness in his eyes became even stronger.

   "I advise you to be acquainted, otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will do anything!" The corner of the man's mouth suddenly evoked a murderous arc.

   This expression made Old Master Gu's heart skip a beat.

   Couldn't he really be so mad that even Laozi and his son can do it?

  It's okay for his old bone to die, but Gu Li can't!

   "Ah..." Old Man Gu opened his mouth, raised his finger and pointed at his hand, signaling him to let go of himself.

  The man thought that the old man was afraid, he wanted to tell himself how to find out Su Muxi's whereabouts, and he let go of his hand without hesitation.

   "Wouldn't it be over soon?" Because the goal was achieved, the man's face was full of pride.

   However, the next second…

   "Crack!" The old man threw his hand and gave him a slap in the ear, "Beast! That is your own son, I am your father, if you treat us like this, you are not afraid of being struck to death by lightning?!"

   "Bah!" The man spat on the ground with a grim expression, and when he saw bloodshot and a white tooth in the saliva, the violent factor in his body was immediately ignited.

   "You immortal, you dare to hit me?!" The man's eyes were stern, and he raised his hand to slap the old man's face.

   At the critical moment, Gu Li, who didn't know when he climbed up to his feet, stretched out his hand to hug his leg and pulled it back hard.

  The unprepared man was dragged to the ground.

   Seeing that the opportunity could not be missed, Gu Li aimed his elbow at his abdomen and slammed it down.

   But the man wasn't a vegetarian either, and he broke free after only one touch.

   The next moment, the two father and son scuffled together.

   The old man standing beside him was beaten by that slap for a while before he recovered.

   When he saw this scene, a worried expression appeared on his face.

   Gu Li was beaten so hard before, can he be his opponent?

   Sure enough, within a few minutes, Gu Li gradually fell behind.

   Upon seeing this, the old man's face had a tinge of pain.

   He slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he seemed to have made up his mind, with a firm look in his eyes, "Let him go, I'll tell you the whereabouts of that girl."

   (end of this chapter)