MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 425 young man

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   Chapter 425 Young Man

Why? !

  Why all the good things in the world are taken up by Su Muxi alone?

   How can she not hate it? !

   Knowing that her hatred for Su Muxi had become paranoid, the three of Su Qingzhu just looked at her indifferently and didn't say anything.

   It can be seen how bad Zuli's status is in this home.

   After the identity of the code name S was revealed, someone posted on the Internet again, saying that Su Muxi was the poison king medical saint that only existed in the legend.

The title    is not a medical student, and most people have never even heard of it.

   However, because of the word "legend", the name was instantly pushed to a very high position.

   This identity has been numb to many netizens.

   She has too many identities, even if they add one more, they won't be surprised.

   At this time, Su Muxi, who had already become a "celebrity" on the Internet in this way, was in a dark and damp cave.

   Don't get me wrong, she is not being tortured, but sitting comfortably on the haystack and playing games with others.

   "Okay, I taught you to play chess, you have to take me away, but you can't break your promise."

  Su Muxi played with the stones in her hands and looked at the humane on the opposite side nonchalantly.

   Opposite her was a young man in his twenties, with a disheveled face, looking very sloppy, and exuding an unpleasant smell.

   Time goes back to morning.

  Because she was worried that Pei Xinyu was in danger, she hurriedly drove away from Pei's house and wanted to go to the company to find him.

   As a result, she was ambushed five hundred meters from Pei's house.

  The road is surrounded by bushes on both sides, and it is also a blind spot for surveillance, which is a perfect spot for an ambush.

   I have to say, these people really worked hard for her.

   The other party was obviously prepared, not only was there a lot of people, but everyone had a **** on them.

   Fortunately, Su Qingcheng assigned her two bodyguards and blocked two shots for her at a critical moment. Otherwise, she would have been killed by these people long ago.

   Later, she escaped all the way, and lost her mobile phone at that time.

   There are several hills beside this place. She was only concerned with escaping for her life and didn't pay attention to the route at all.

   Accidentally, he ran to a deep mountain.

   How can her legs outrun the pursuit of firearms? On several occasions during her escape, she nearly got shot.

   It may be that she should not die!

   Just when she was cornered, the man across from him appeared out of nowhere, pulling her and running away.

   This person seems to have lived here for many years, so don’t be too familiar with the route.

   Even more strange, after only ten minutes of running after him, Su Muxi threw off her tail.

After   , he took her to a cave.

  The environment in the cave is naturally not as good as the outside, not only is it cold and cold, but there is no light.

  The man walked to the middle of the cave with familiarity, started a fire in the dark, and then pointed to a haystack beside the fire, "You sit there!"

  Su Muxi sat down according to the words, and as soon as she lowered her eyes, she saw a simple chessboard painted on the side.

  The chessboard is drawn directly on the ground, and bamboo tubes are placed on both sides.

   One bamboo tube is filled with black stones that have been polished smoothly, and the other bamboo tube is filled with small round logs that have been polished smoothly.

   It looks like they all smell like black and white chess pieces.

   got these ready and don't know how long it took him.

  The man pointed to the chessboard on the ground, Xu Shi hadn't spoken for a long time, his voice was hoarse, "Will you?"

   Maybe the other party had just rescued her, Su Muxi smiled friendly at him, and then nodded confidently.

   Seeing this, the man was not surprised, "Teach me, let you go!"

   It may be that he has not communicated with people for a long time, and his expression may not be accurate.

   At least, in Su Muxi's view.

  Su Muxi glanced at him and tried to repeat what he meant, "You let me teach you, and take me out of here?"

   Hearing this, the man nodded expressionlessly.

   (end of this chapter)