MTL - After Becoming a Male God, I Broke Three Big Guys-Chapter 30 wedding

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In the wedding scene, the protagonists were all adults in their twenties. In order to "show old age", the stylist made Qiao Yu a 37/30 haircut, and her eyebrows were drawn sharper, which made her youthful The breath was pressed.

Put on a suit, tie a tie, and stand in front of the mirror.

You Chang was right next to her. At this time, she had already changed her wedding dress and was putting on the bride's head. She has now taken off her wig, and without the heavy bangs, she looks a little more gentle and generous.

Qiao Yu supported the back of her chair with one hand, looked at her in the mirror, and said with a smile, "Sister is so pretty today."

"Does that mean I wasn't pretty before?" The stylist behind was helping her with her hair, but she couldn't move her head, but she gave the big boy in the mirror a dagger.

"Sister, you know, your look yesterday..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a smirk from You Chang.

"I'm about to brew my emotions, don't force me to hit you."

Qiao Yu's role in today's role is not difficult. Her role is only a polite blessing to this wedding and to the heroine. She only needs to stand there and applaud the newlyweds, just like attending any ordinary wedding. .

But the emotions that You Chang wanted to express were much more complicated, and it was very difficult for her to be a singer.

All the group performances were already in place, the assistant helped You Chang into the auditorium, and everyone walked through the scene roughly to determine when to give a standing ovation and when to sit down again.

Everything is ready, the director shouts "action."

In the auditorium, You Chang stepped onto the long blanket, and the applause rang in her ears, but she was unaware. The former teenager was not far away. She should have looked ahead and looked at her groom, but her eyes kept shifting towards him.


Everyone stopped, and You Chang also turned to look at the director.

"Xiao Chang, make some adjustments, starting from when you cross the arch." The director touched his chin, "That look is still not in place."

You Chang made a far more OK gesture and retreated to the arch.

After going back and forth, seven or eight more shots were taken. Finally, when the director called to stop again, You Chang was already screaming in the sky.

She is not a professional actor after all, it is difficult to bring into the role.

Finally, Qiao Yu came over and asked her, "Do you have "Goodbye" in your phone?"

You Chang's assistant handed over the phone and headphones, You Chang clicked on the song, and handed her a pair of headphones. Qiao Yu lowered his head slightly and shared a pair of headphones with her.

Although he was invited to play the leading role, Qiao Yu had never heard of "Goodbye" before.

The prelude to the song is very catchy, and at the climax, the sad female voice that seems to be crying hits the heart directly.


Can I see you again,

It doesn't matter where,

I trace your silhouette in the corner of the light,

I am greedy,

I always want to see you,

leave the past,


"The MV plot is just a derivative of the song." Qiao Yu looked at her, "Do you understand? Her feelings for him."

Today is the most important day in the heroine's life. She is going to marry her boyfriend who has been in love for three years.

The wedding march sounded on time at twelve o'clock. The waiter opened the door of the auditorium. She took her father's arm, holding flowers, and walked into the auditorium step by step.

Dragging her long wedding dress, she walked through the arch, all the guests stood up and applauded, and she saw him beside the long blanket at a glance.

The young man in her heart was in full bloom, just like in the past, but she suddenly became many years older.

"If I see you again, after so many years, how should I greet you,

With silence, with tears. "

In the eyes that spanned a long ten years, she was finally able to let go.

Maybe it wasn't her love for him that fermented in ten years, but she was just full of unwillingness, so she always wanted to see him before leaving the past.

This time, she can finally let go and say goodbye to the past.


This one went well, and You Chang stepped down with the help of his assistant.

"Stinky brother, come and take a picture." She shook her phone towards Qiao Yu.

Qiao Yu came over, and You Chang stuffed her phone with her, "You're tall, you shoot."

You Chang is about 1.6 meters tall, but she is wearing high heels today, so as not to ask Qiao Yu to accommodate her height, Qiao Yu stood behind her, raised her mobile phone high, and shouted, "Eggplant!"

Um? eggplant? Do elementary school students take pictures?

Yu Chang turned his head to look at her.

Qiao Yu handed her the phone, "It's taken."

In the photo, the boy has a bright smile, and she is looking at him with a puzzled expression.

"Want to retake a picture?"

"Forget it." She turned off the screen of her phone, "Can I post it on Weibo later?"


This can be regarded as helping her face, why not do it.

Two hours later, You Chang, who was always reposted on Weibo, posted an original Weibo post.

Singer You Chang: Spoiler for the new song MV.


In the picture, You Chang is wearing a wedding dress, and the man behind him is in a straight suit, looking very right.

The comment section exploded instantly.

【My God! Did I Chang finally remember my Weibo account? 】

[I clicked it without reading the text, and I was almost scared to death by the wedding dress[/goodbye][/goodbye][/goodbye]]

[The little brother in the back looks so good! ! Are you new? 】

[@qiaoyu, guide the way to Weibo, you will fall in love with him. 】

[My boyfriend ran to shoot an MV with my wife? Still acting as a couple? 】

【The new album has been waiting for a long time! Is it finally going online? looking forward to]

[Speak quietly, I think it's a bit worthy[/shut up]]

Qiao Yu also retweeted it, and the comment area is also lively. Girlfriend fans said they were very jealous, career fans said they were looking forward to the MV starring her brother, and mother fans told her to rest well, all tired and thin.

She has been in a hurry recently, and now she is going back to Jiangcheng again, and has been replying to fans on the way to the airport.

Qiao Yu has never felt how amazing he is. It is really a blessing for him to be liked by everyone.

She cherished each of them.

Recently, I found that there is a big weekly update, from 17 to 20, which is a bit envious.