MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-v2 Chapter 438 ?r?stop

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Admiral in the Marvel World Chapter 438 Time Stop




The black Maybach stopped at the entrance of a hospital in New York. Cao Gui glared at his two girlfriends in the back seat: "It's all your fault, we're late, we've been late for a long time!"


"Huh?" Beth snorted angrily, "You seemed to be the one who enjoyed it the most just now, right?"


"Cough... Okay, don't talk about it." Gwen coughed twice: "Let's go up quickly."


Ashamed to say, the scumbag is addicted to cultivation, although the public food is still handed in on time, but...for some reason, I suddenly feel very fragrant, and I couldn't hold back for a while, and it was her fault that I was late.


Cao Gui parked the car and walked to a ward with his two girlfriends. Looking up, a fat little black man was talking and dancing with exaggeration. A curly-haired black girl supported her chin and listened boredly. holding a book.


There was also a straight black girl who smiled and looked at the little black fat man and Peter Parker, but she was absent-minded, obviously not very interested in the conversation between the two.


Cao Gui rolled his eyes, Damn, the whole room is full of niggas.


"Cao, you guys are a little slow." Harry laughed at the side, Cao Gui was stunned for a moment, and his worries about Harry becoming the Green Goblin gradually began to diminish.


This Peter Parker likes black people and is not very interested in Harry, a pure white man.


"Why the three of you?" Harry asked suspiciously.


"Can't I have two girlfriends?" Cao Gui hummed, and stretched out his hand to hug the two girls beside him.


"Fairy Wood"


Gwen and Beth rolled their eyes, but didn't push the scumbag away and let him hug him.


The corners of Harry's mouth twitched, which is enviable... disgusting!


Peter Parker's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He looked at the curly-haired black girl and the straight-haired black girl beside him. His heart was full of pride. It seemed that I could too...


But the two black girls just glanced at him blankly and then looked away, neither of them were very interested in Peter Parker.


"Huh? Why are there so many people in this ward?" A female doctor came over, and when she saw so many people, she raised her brows and said, "So many people are not allowed in the ward. Don't crowd here and affect the patients."


"Doctor Palmer, it's not cramped here, there's no need for it." Harry spread his hands and said, this ward was actually arranged by him, how could the future helm of the Osborne Group be stingy? Of course the best stuff is all on it.


The same is true of this ward. It is spacious, bright, and has a single room. There is no pungent smell of disinfectant and medicine in general wards.


Cao Gui rolled his eyes and simply greeted Peter Parker. Cao Gui walked out of the ward with his two girlfriends.


This Palmer doctor, Cao Gui, knew that when Gwen was bitten by a mutant spider, Cao Gui was the one who came to rescue Gwen from excessive blood loss, and the person who called her was Harry.


"Christine, something happened, come here quickly!" A female doctor hurried over.


"Another patient?" Kristen Palmer frowned: "I'm not the doctor on duty at this time..."


"Christine, it's Dr. Strange!" the female doctor whispered: "He was in a car accident and was injured in many places...especially his hands, his ligaments were broken in many places, and his nerves were severely damaged."


"And...the golden time for restoration has been missed!"


"FUCK!" Dr. Palmer suddenly exclaimed. Stephen Strange is her ex-boyfriend. She is too familiar with her colleague and ex-boyfriend. What he is most proud of is not his doctorate of medicine, but his ex-boyfriend. His pair of sensitive and stable hands.


Those hands allowed him to solve many extremely difficult operations in this world, but now, his hands are seriously injured?

"Where is he?" Doctor Palmer asked hastily, hurriedly leaving everything in his hands and rushing to Strange's emergency room.


Not far away, Cao Gui raised his brows slightly, what a coincidence? I actually met this Doctor Strange.


When Harry asked Harry for help when he lost too much blood, Dr. Strange was actually Harry's first choice. After all, he was the best doctor, but... it was just a blood transfusion, and Dr. Strange felt that It was an insult to him, so I refused.


He wasn't short of money and wasn't interested in the high price Harry offered, so it fell to Palmer.


Cao Gui hesitated for a moment, and decided to follow him over there, um... take a picture of Strange, and when he becomes a supreme mage, he will take a picture of the lake face himself.




"I'll go take a look, you guys..." Before he finished speaking, the time around him suddenly freezes.


In the entire corridor, suddenly fell into a strange silence, everyone, all actions were stagnant at the same time, only Cao Gui and the three were still able to move.


"Damn... what's the matter?" Gwen's face changed suddenly, her perception was telling her that the whole world was in danger.


Beth's face darkened slightly, her hanging right palm lit up with a fiery red light, and she looked alert. This situation was too weird, even weirder than Cao Shizhan's space freezing.




Why does Beth know that space freezes?


Ahem... I'm ashamed to say, Cao Gui used space to freeze more than once to imitate the time-stop series...


So Beth and Gwen have felt it many times, but Gwen and Beth have never seen such a strange situation in front of them.


The corner of Cao Gui's mouth twitched, this is the real time still.


Before the thought disappeared, the sparks spun around in front of him, a space door slowly opened, and the bald female mage in yellow robe slowly walked out.


"Gu Yi Mage?"


"Cao, long time no see." Master Gu Yi chuckled.


Gwen and Beth looked at each other, and the guards on their bodies slowly relaxed. It turned out to be from Kama Taj. Cao Gui told them about this place and knew what this ancient master represented.


"What kind of trouble is this?" Cao Gui pointed to the still time around him and said speechlessly.


"I hope you don't disturb said Master Gu Yi.


"Ah...about this." Cao Gui shrugged: "I didn't mean to disturb you, I just wanted to take a photo."


"Just take a photo?" Master Gu Yi glanced at Cao Gui with a strange expression. Who else would do such a boring thing?


"Yes." Cao Gui smiled and rubbed his hands together, looking forward to it.


Gu Yi was speechless for a while. It turns out that there are really such boring people. I thought something big happened, so I hurried over.


He raised his hand and waved, and a Polaroid appeared from the void. Master Gu Yi handed Cao Gui a photo that appeared on the Polaroid.


"What you want."


In the photo, Strange's face was covered in blood, his eyes were blank, and his ten fingers were crooked and twisted.


Cao Gui slammed it, and suddenly felt boring. What he really wanted was not the photo itself, but the feeling during the filming process.


"Okay." Cao Gui was helpless. Master Gu Yi strictly prohibited him from contacting Strange. He couldn't fight with Master Gu Yi, right?


Turning his eyes, Cao Gui asked, "Master Gu Yi, what kind of person is that Casillas?"


"Casillas?" Master Gu Yi frowned. Why did he suddenly think of this person?




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