MTL - Admiral in the Marvel Universe-Chapter 9 adjudicate fate

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Inside the apartment, Cao Gui stood on the ground with his right arm raised, his naked arm muscles undulating like water waves.

The breeze from outside the window blew on the muscles, like ripples on the water surface, showing layers of ripples. After a while, Cao Gui stopped using "paper painting".

"Or not."

Cao Gui shook his head. He tried many times to soften his bones, but he still couldn't do it. Forcing it would only hurt himself, so he had to give up.

After failing so many times, Cao Gui probably knows why. The reason is very simple, that is, his physical strength is not enough.

Softening the bones will cause some damage to the body, but if the body is strong enough, the damage can be within the acceptable range. Coupled with the recovery skill of "return of life", the body will not be injured.

But the problem is, Cao Gui can't do that level yet.

[Justice Navy System (helping every navy soldier with justice)]

[Soldier Name: Cao Gui (Second Class of the Navy)]

[Meritorious Points: 145 EXP: 652/1000]

[Dao Strength: 97 (reflects the standard of combat effectiveness, not the factor determining combat effectiveness)]

After a month of training, his Dao Strength value finally reached nearly 100. During this period, Cao Gui also went to Hell's Kitchen for a few laps to test his skills, and the harvest was good.

But over there is Jin Bing and Daredevil's territory. Cao Gui just came back after practicing his skills.

The beeping alarm clock sounded, Cao Gui looked out the window, it was almost dawn, and it was time to prepare for school.

Cao Gui cleaned up the food scraps and wreckage left over from last night, and then went to the direction of Midtown College in New York. During this month, through his own efforts and the help of the Gwen female scholar, Cao Gui took the [original] Body] made up for the lost grades, even more than before.

During the period, Sitwell came back for a visit, and was naturally overjoyed to see Cao Gui's achievements, and felt that Cao Gui was more sensible than before.

Then, he gave Cao Gui a new FBI certificate. This time, it was not a non-staff certificate, but a genuine FBI certificate.

Sitwell took advantage of the relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. and the FBI to make Cao Gui an FBI who was taking no money. The purpose was the same as the previous non-staff certificate, to give Cao Gui a layer of protection.

But now this umbrella is obviously stronger. Cao Gui is now a real FBI in legal terms, and he has the right to apply to the FBI everywhere for assistance and combatants.

Sitwell just added a protective cover to Cao Gui before, but now Cao Gui has a counter-attack weapon. I have to say that Sitwell really loves [Original Body] to the extreme.

Midtown College of New York

"Hey, Cao!" Gwen jumped and came to Cao Gui.

"Ah la la~, so it's Gwen."

Plaid suddenly had black lines all over his head: "Hey, what's the matter with your strange oral addiction?"

"Haha, it's nothing." Cao Gui smiled with a righteous navy smile: "Is there anything you want to do with me? Dear Gwen?"

"I want to ask what electives you choose?" Gwen rolled his eyes, ignoring Cao Gui's name.

"Well... this is it..." Cao Gui touched his chin, he was always being held down by this girl in his studies, it was time to turn the situation around:

"I choose Chinese class, what do you choose?"

"Chinese?" Gwen frowned, "This class is very difficult."

"Huh? As a scholar, Gwen also fears difficulties?" Cao Gui teased Gwen.

"After the age of seven, it is difficult to learn a language well, especially Chinese, which is known as the most difficult language in the world to learn." Gwen said angrily.

"Is there still such a statement?" Cao Gui was shocked. After studying for so long in nine-year compulsory education, he didn't feel any difficulty. Chinese is not difficult to say, it is not easy to get a high score, but it is not so simple to get a low score.

"Of course." Gwen said:

"Chinese characters are the oldest pictographs in existence in the world. Each Chinese character has three functions, that is, phonetics, shapes and meanings. There are also Chinese characters with different characters with the same sound, and the same characters with different sounds."

"It can be said that learning Chinese is a hundred times more difficult than English."


Cao Gui looked bewildered, what happened to his failing English when he was a student? Is it a dream?

"Cough cough." Seeing what she said was so mysterious, Cao Gui immediately calmed down: "Then Gwen, don't you want to challenge your weakness?"

"Look, the Chinese class is so interesting and the credits are so high, so you have no reason not to take this course! Besides, I can teach you with me, so what are you afraid of?"

"You?" Gwen wondered, "I remember you have been living in New York, haven't you been to China?"

"Uh... yes." Cao Guitian shamelessly admitted, then opened his eyes and said nonsense: "But although I can't, I have a heart that loves learning!"

Saying that, Cao Gui ignored Gwen's rolling eyes and pulled her to the office: "Let's go, let's sign up now."

In Sloan's office, Textile Mill 17, on the Hackensack River, on the outskirts of North Bergen.

The butcher stood respectfully in front of Sloan:

"Boss, what do you want me to do? I'm preparing to follow the guidance of my destiny and prepare to judge the little FBI. I can't be distracted by other things."

Some time ago, I taught Wesley to almost suffocate him to death. We had to hurt Wesley, but he could not use his hands so hard that he would accidentally break the veins in his hands and feet, so the butcher had to carefully search for the meat. The thick part, during that time, he was comparable to a surgeon.

Sloan took a sip of the cigar, exhaled a ring of smoke lightly, and then waved his hand to signal him to stay calm:

"I came to you because of that little FBI."

Saying that, Sloan took out a document and handed it to the butcher: "He has become a full member of the FBI, so you can't use it any more."

The butcher took a look and couldn't help frowning. As one of the core members of the Brotherhood, he can actually enter bullet time and also use gunfighting techniques, but he still prefers to use a knife, just like the cross likes long-distance sniping. Same.

What he likes most is that the boning knife in his hand opens up the enemy little by little, and bleeds him little by little, until the enemy is slowly dying in endless despair and powerlessness.

For the butcher, it was a **** carnival feast.

Anyway, the names given by the Loom of Fate must be something that deserves death. It is not a pity to die.

But the other party turned from an "FBI non-staff" to an "official member of the FBI", so he can't follow the previous ruling, otherwise it will lead to crazy revenge from the FBI.

"That leader... what do you mean?"

"Disappear." Sloan said, "No one is alive, no body is dead. You should know that in the Federal Constitution, if you can't find a body, it can't be considered murder, and the FBI won't find us on our heads."

The butcher's dirty beard moved, a little reluctantly, it was too troublesome, it was not his familiar way of dealing with it, it would take a lot of his energy.

Sloan could naturally see what he was thinking, and immediately took out another document: "This is the target's daily activity pattern."

Seeing that Sloan did this, the butcher could not refuse any more. He silently took the document and turned to leave.

Sloan watched the butcher leave, picked up Cao Gui's information and looked at it, FBI? College student? What a good boy, but unfortunately it doesn't look pleasing to the eye, so let's get rid of it.

At this moment, a beautiful and moving woman pushed the door and walked in:


"Oh, Firefox." Sloan asked, "How's that little guy Wesley doing now?"

Firefox frowned slightly: "That kid is very weak. He spends nearly 12 hours in the recovery room every day. I even doubt whether he has the ability to help us."

However, Sloan smiled and said, "You are too impatient."

"The current Wesley is just passively accepting everything we have arranged. We should change this method and let him take the initiative to pursue power."

Firefox thought about it for a while, and then showed a sudden look: "Boss, I understand."

"Go down."
