MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 138 magician (10)

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Wen Xusheng felt that he might be hallucinating.

He stared at Shi Jingge fixedly, as if he wanted to see through Shi Jingge, without saying a word.

Shi Jingge tilted his head, and asked rather pitifully, "Can't you?"

Wen Xusheng still did not speak.

He was seriously thinking about the possibility that he had fallen into an illusion.

Shi Jingge was silent for a moment, saddened, "Then I..."

He said those two words very slowly, Wen Xusheng still looked like he was not in the situation, Shi Jingge took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and pushed Wen Xusheng away.

Wen Xusheng's wheelchair turned around the house several times, giving up the space to Shi Jingge, and he had no intention of resisting at all.

Shi Jingge didn't expect it to go so smoothly, and was slightly taken aback.

"Since big brother's kindness is hard to turn down," Shi Jingge smiled and rolled his eyes, "then I'll go in."

Wen Xusheng still didn't respond.

He thought, he must be dreaming.

If it wasn't a dream, how could Shi Jingge do this?

Shi Jingge said again: "Brother doesn't speak, then I will take it as your acquiescence."

Wen Xusheng pursed his lips, thinking why the Shijingong in this dream was so full of nonsense, hurry up!

As if hearing Wen Xusheng's voice, Shi Jingge came in with a big stride, then walked to the bed very naturally, and calmly put his pillow next to Wen Xusheng's.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Jingge turned his head and waved to Wen Xusheng, "Come on, brother."

He yawned, and his voice became more vague, "It's too late, it's time to go to bed."

This time, Wen Xusheng was even more sure that he was asleep.

Because all of these are developing according to the most secret and most anticipated direction in his heart.

If it wasn't in a dream, how could it be like this?

Even though there was a small voice in his heart reminding him that this was probably true, he still ignored it.

He stared fixedly at Shi Jingge, the wheelchair started to move slowly, but soon, he abandoned the wheelchair.

Since it's in a dream, shouldn't you do whatever you want?

He stood up.

When Shi Jingge heard the movement, he also looked over, but did not make a sound.

Wen Xusheng slowly raised the corners of his lips. If it wasn't in a dream, how could Shi Jingge see this scene without saying a word?

Everyone knew he was bad, including himself.

Wen Xusheng walked forward slowly. He hadn't left the wheelchair for many years, and walking was still a bit too miraculous for him.

In addition, there is also a sense of powerlessness that cannot be explained.

And at this moment, Shi Jingge got off the bed, without saying a word, he just silently supported Wen Xusheng, and walked towards the bed with Wen Xusheng.

The corners of Wen Xusheng's lips curved even more. He turned his head to look at Shi Jingge, and the flames in his eyes gradually burst out.

When approaching the big bed, Wen Xusheng suddenly reached out and pushed Shi Jingge onto the bed.

Shi Jingge was caught off guard and didn't react at all. He fell on the bed and looked up at Wen Xusheng, with some doubts in his eyes.

Still no movement.

The surrounding magical elements gathered to form a small sphere, emitting some faint light.

Those lights shone on Shi Jingge's body, adding a little more tenderness to him, those eyes were soft and innocent, like a harmless deer.

Wen Xusheng stepped forward, stretched out his hand to pinch Shi Jingge's chin, then slowly bent down, and licked the base of Shi Jingge's ear.

Shi Jingge shuddered, but he didn't push Wen Xusheng away, just looked at him.

The beautiful black eyes were stained with a layer of water mist, which was surprisingly beautiful.

It was indeed a dream.

Wen Xusheng was even more sure of this, let go of his hand, and fell on the bed with Shi Jingge.

To be precise, it fell on Shi Jingge.

At this moment, Shi Jingge thanked Wen Xusheng surprisingly for being thin.

Just go so thin.

Stop growing fat.

"You are good in your dream." Wen Xusheng's voice was a little hoarse, "Why don't you talk?"

Shi Jingge was a little funny, this guy thought he was dreaming?

Before Shi Jingge could speak, Wen Xusheng said again: "Forget it, you better shut up."

"I don't really want to hear you talk."

Time Scene Song: "?"

Wen Xusheng propped up his body with his left hand, and slowly touched Shi Jingge's face with his right hand. The moment his skin touched, Wen Xusheng's fingertips trembled.

Shi Jingge didn't know what was going on, so he suddenly laughed.

Wen Xusheng's hands stopped, making him even more sure that this was a dream.

If it wasn't a dream, how could Shi Jingge laugh at this moment?

Wen Xusheng looked at Shi Jingge silently, and suddenly laughed, "Are you laughing at me?"

"That will pay off."

He pinched Shi Jingge's chin and kissed it without hesitation.

Some rough.

The tips of his teeth rubbed against Shi Jingge's lips, and their breaths intertwined, giving Wen Xu a vague feeling of being inseparable.

How close they were in the dream.

How far apart they are in reality.

"I don't like you," Wen Xusheng said with misty eyes, "I hate you, Shi Jingge."

At that moment, Shi Jingge's expression was a bit strange, he resisted the urge to overthrow Wen Xusheng, and at the same time, he felt a feeling of dumbfounding.

Can you still be so awkward in your dreams?

"Do you know how miserable it is to be hated by the devil?"

Wen Xusheng lowered his head and kissed Shi Jingge's forehead. His movement was very light, even with a bit of pious feeling.

For a moment, Shi Jingge lost his temper.

"The devil will always follow you, he will always be by your side forever, and you can't get rid of it.""

"The devil will destroy your happiness. Don't you like that Nie Ziyu? It's a pity that you will never be with him."

Wen Xusheng smiled strangely, with subtle malice mixed in his voice, and then fell silent.

After a while, he opened his mouth in a low voice, with a hint of order.

"Stay away from Nie Ziyu."

"That's not a..." Wen Xusheng said vaguely, "...a good thing."

Wen Xusheng tilted his head and fell asleep.

Breathing is very stable.

Shi Jingge let out a long sigh of relief, the words that Wen Xusheng said just now echoed in his mind, and he was quite dumbfounded.

At that moment, Shi Jingge really wanted to ask Wen Xusheng, did he believe the nonsense he said?

But when he turned his head and saw Wen Xusheng sleeping peacefully, he didn't want to get Wen Xusheng up again.

"It's really..." Shi Jingge couldn't help sighing, "Who gave you the idea of ​​a devil?"

"Can we change the word?"

"I'm tired of hearing it."

And at this moment, Wen Xusheng opened his mouth.


The voice is very soft, almost inaudible, but it has a gentle taste.

Shi Jingge looked at Wen Xusheng, the corners of Wen Xusheng's lips turned up, as if he was smiling.

The usually pale lips had a rare addition of blood, which was very attractive.

At that moment, Shi Jingge had a thought and wanted to kiss her.

He thought so, and he did.

Wen Xusheng kissed him, why can't he kiss Wen Xusheng?

If there is coming, there must be going.

Wen Xusheng opened his eyes at this moment.

He found Shi Jingge kissing him.

...Oh, still in a dream.

He thought so.

So he kissed Shi Jingge back.

Early the next morning, Wen Xusheng opened his eyes earlier than Shi Jingge.

He looked at Shi Jingge beside him, and his first reaction was that he was still in a dream.

But immediately after, Shi Jingge also opened his eyes, and said calmly, "Morning."

Wen Xusheng began to realize that there seemed to be something wrong with this matter.

"You don't think you're dreaming, do you?" Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows and smiled lazily, "Brother, don't be so cowardly, the courage to admit and take responsibility are the good qualities of a person. Do not escape."

"I don't think it's a dream."

Wen Xusheng was silent for a while, then slowly looked at Shi Jingge, and just when Shi Jingge thought Wen Xusheng wanted to say something, he disappeared.

Time scene song: "!"

...This, is this running away? !

In the next second, Wen Xusheng's wheelchair also disappeared.

Shi Jingge was silent.

This coward actually ran away!

Shi Jingge was about to be laughed out of anger, he really wanted to wait from here until Wen Xusheng came back, but unfortunately, today was the day Nie Ziyu left, so he had to send Nie Ziyu off.

It doesn't matter, there is always a chance.

Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows coldly.

At that time, a certain counselor will know the scene of the escape.

And the devil.

The devil is good at running away?

Nie Ziyu feels that today's Shijingong is very different.

There was a bit of color in his brows and eyes, and his whole body was full of vitality, like a rose in full bloom, hot as fire.

It's a side that was never revealed in the old Shijingong.

Also very confusing.

Nie Ziyu felt her heart beating louder, and her throat was a little hoarse.

In order to cover up this, Nie Ziyu took the initiative to say, "Xiao Ge is in a good mood today?"

After a pause, he jokingly said, "I thought Xiaoge would feel a little sad if I had to leave."

"In a good mood?" Shi Jingge repeated these four words with a murderous look, "whatever happens to me today has nothing to do with these four words?"

Nie Ziyu pinched his palm, and said as nonchalantly as possible: "Then are you unhappy?"

"No," Shi Jingge squeezed out a smile, looked up at the ceiling, as if he could see another person through the ceiling, "I'm happy, I'm so happy."

Nie Ziyu: "...Aha?"

Shi Jingge waved to him, "It's time to hit the road."

Nie Ziyu frowned slightly when he heard the sound of the carriage.

"Goodbye." Shi Jingge waved to him very chicly.

Nie Ziyu said in a low voice, "...bye."

Then, he saw Shi Jingge walk away.

This is the first time that Shi Jingge left before he left.

Every time in the past, Shi Jingge would look at him in place, and would not move until the shadow of the carriage completely disappeared.

But this time, Shi Jingge didn't do that.

…why? Is it because of that guy?

Thinking of Wen Xusheng, Nie Ziyu's eyes were gradually filled with anger and disgust.

That guy obviously has everything, why did he come to grab his little song?

And his little song seems to have been taken away by...

Nie Ziyu suddenly stretched out his fist and slammed it heavily on the table in front of him.

No, he can't delay any longer.

In just a few days, Shi Jingge has changed so much. If there are a few more days, will Shi Jingge still be of use to him?

Shi Jingge must have been brainwashed by that guy!

He has to take advantage of Shi Jingge still caring about him to advance the whole plan, or else...

Nie Ziyu's eyes froze.

In the next second, with Tu'e's scream, the entire carriage flipped over on the spot!

Nie Ziyu was still holding the torn magic scroll in his hand, and nothing around him hit him. The anxious voice outside lingered in his ears. He struggled to find a magic potion and put it into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, blood flowed from the corner of his lips, his entire face became extremely pale, and magical power surged through his body, making him weak and embarrassed.

Only then did he remove the magic shield brought by the magic scroll, and let himself be pressed under a heavy object, his consciousness gradually blurred.

Can't think of it?

I, Nie Ziyu, are back again.

After Shi Jingge sent Nie Ziyu off, he went to find Wen Xusheng, but before he could find it, the housekeeper Zhao Bo received news that Nie Ziyu was attacked on the road, the carriage overturned, and Nie Ziyu was seriously injured.

Immediately, Uncle Zhao contacted the therapists in the castle and asked them to stand ready, and then hurried to find Wen Xusheng.

It's just that when he was looking for Wen Xusheng, he also gave the news to Shi Jingge, and asked Shi Jingge to temporarily take care of Nie Ziyu instead of the castle owner.

Shi Jingge didn't hesitate for long, and readily agreed to the request.

Soon, Nie Ziyu was sent back. At this time, he was still in a coma and sent to the room prepared in advance.

The therapists in the castle quickly followed up to diagnose and treat Nie Ziyu.

Occasionally, a therapist came out of the room with a bad expression.

Shi Jingge stood guard outside without saying a word.

After an unknown amount of time, Wen Xusheng appeared at the other end of the corridor.

Now many people are here, bustling with people, but Wen Xusheng can still find Shi Jingge in the first place.

Shi Jingge just sat there so quietly, with his head down, unlike everyone else, he was static, so he looked... so sad.

Wen Xusheng's heart trembled, his wheelchair slowly slid towards Shi Jingge's direction, but Shi Jingge didn't look up, he silently put his arm on Shi Jingge's shoulder, and patted it lightly twice, Like consolation.

Then, the moment Shi Jingge raised his head, he had already opened a considerable distance from Shi Jingge, and came towards Shi Jingge with an indifferent and serious look.

Shi Jingge looked up at him, his face pale.

Wen Xusheng glanced at him, and looked away without saying anything, but a therapist came over to talk to him, looking anxious.

Nie Ziyu was still seriously injured. This seriousness is not superficial, but the source of magic power.

At the moment when the incident happened, Nie Ziyu was supposed to be practicing magic or something, so the magic power in his body was very active. Once this accident happened, Nie Ziyu's practice was interrupted, and the magic power flowed back, which caused some damage to him. influences.

And most importantly, the magic that Nie Ziyu practices is probably beyond his current level of magic, so he has no way to master it, so that he was directly backlashed.

And people have a subconscious mind to protect themselves, so at that moment, the magic power in his body must also want to protect him, but compared to the power of backlash, this magic power is still a drop in the bucket, and it hurts his magic power origin.

Everything else is easy to say, but the damage from the magic power source cannot be solved by a therapist of their level.

But these therapists in the castle are already top-notch therapists.

These words of theirs undoubtedly sentenced a magician to death.

For a magician, if the source of magic power is damaged, it means that magic power cannot be stored, and it is difficult to absorb magic elements, and Nie Ziyu's own talent is not good, so the impact on him is really quite big.

"Unless..." the therapist opened his mouth, glanced at Wen Xusheng's expression, didn't continue, just hurried into the room, and continued to diagnose Nie Ziyu.

Wen Xusheng's expression was very calm, and there was no fluctuation when he heard such a big event. The therapist couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this little master of the castle is really cruel.

Wen Xusheng sat in a wheelchair, slowly came to Shi Jingge's side, and asked condescendingly, "Did you hear that?"

Shi Jingge nodded, "I heard it."

"What do you want to do?" Wen Xusheng asked again.

The surrounding people were bustling, but the two of them seemed to be isolated. The surrounding people seemed to ignore them, not paying attention to them at all, let alone hearing their conversation.

But Shi Jingge felt the familiar magical power.

Wen Xusheng just made an enchantment and came out.

After noticing this, Shi Jingge relaxed slightly.

Shi Jingge didn't answer that question, but thoughtfully said: "I think it's very strange."

Wen Xusheng raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

"I specifically went to ask where the incident happened. I thought I had left the jurisdiction of the castle, but in fact I didn't. Can someone sneak attack the owner's carriage within the jurisdiction of the castle? With such strict patrol and protection under?"

After a pause, Shi Jingge said again: "Same as the guy who went to the kitchen to steal noodle soup?"

Wen Xusheng pursed his lips, and his voice was surprisingly cold, "You doubt me?"

Shi Jingge glanced at him in surprise, "Are you finally admitting that you were the one who went to the kitchen to steal noodle soup?"

Wen Xusheng shouted sharply: "Shijingge!"

Shi Jingge shrugged, "Dare to do it but dare not admit it, what about people nowadays."

Wen Xusheng: "..."

Itchy hands, want to hit someone.

Shi Jingge said softly: "Don't you feel that everything is too coincidental?"

"The last person who caused thieves to appear in the castle has been proven to be a thief calling for a thief."

Shi Jingge gave Wen Xusheng a meaningful look. Wen Xusheng was a little annoyed at first, but at that moment, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

In a flash, Wen Xusheng blurted out: "Do you doubt Nie Ziyu?"

Wen Xusheng's expression was so shocked and unbelievable that Shi Jingge took a few more glances with interest, and then replied confidently, "Why can't you doubt him?"

"Aren't you—" Wen Xusheng's voice stopped abruptly, he pursed his lips, and stopped talking.

"Don't I like him?" Shi Jingge continued Wen Xusheng's words calmly, "Who told you?"

Wen Xusheng looked straight at him without speaking.

Shi Jingge laughed, "Brother, do you think I'm a fool?"

"I can still tell who is using me, who is plotting against me, and who is really treating me well."

Shi Jingge said something eloquently.

The corners of Wen Xusheng's lips moved slightly, and when he was about to say something, Shi Jingge suddenly stood up.

"Perhaps we can go and see him."

Shi Jingge walked out first, keeping Wen Xusheng silent.

Only at this moment, Wen Xusheng's brain suddenly became extremely clear.

He thought he was dreaming yesterday, well, he might not really think he was dreaming, but he just needed a chance to vent.

But regardless of whether he himself is sober or not, Shi Jingge has always been sober.

But Shi Jingge acquiesced to his actions.

Does this mean...?

And at this time, that sentence came to Wen Xusheng's mind again.

"I can still tell who is really nice to me."

When he said this, Shi Jingge looked at him.

Are you... talking about him?

Wen Xusheng suddenly became agitated. He looked up to look for Shi Jingge, but he couldn't find anyone. He was stunned for a while before he remembered that Shi Jingge had gone in to see Nie Ziyu.

Wen Xusheng also hurriedly followed.

However, Wen Xusheng didn't enter the room, but just took a look from outside the door.

His magical power is too powerful, Nie Ziyu can fool everyone, but he cannot be fooled alone.

Those were just illusions, Nie Ziyu's magic origin was not injured.

He should have used something like a magic potion, most likely the ancient potion that was passed down, allowing him to "create" a "magic source" in addition to the source of magic, but that source of magic was false in the first place. The effect will decrease with the passage of time, so it is disguised as the effect of the "magic source" being damaged and disappearing.

Why do you want to do this?

Isn't the purpose obvious enough?

In order to reshape talent.

The so-called magical talent is actually closely related to the source of human magic power.

The source of magic power is damaged, and there is basically no possibility of repairing it, it can only be reshaped.

There is basically no difference between reshaping the source of magic power and reshaping magic talent.

And since the first day Nie Ziyu appeared in the castle, didn't he just want to "change" his talent?

Nie Ziyu woke up.

Except for the problem of the source of magic power, he hardly suffered any injuries, and naturally woke up quickly.

He looked around blankly, and finally fixed his eyes on Shi Jingge, showing a weak smile, "Xiaoge."

"I didn't expect to see you again."

Nie Ziyu didn't "know" that his magic source was damaged, so he "struck" his spirits up, as if he didn't want Shi Jingge to worry.

"It wasn't long before I left, and I came back again."

"Bai asked Xiaoge to give me a ride."

"Take another two days' rest, and Xiaoge will have to send me off again."

"Xiao Ge won't be annoying?"

Shi Jingge was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head.

Nie Ziyu felt that Shi Jingge's mood was not quite right, but after thinking about it, Shi Jingge cared so much about him, how could his mood be normal after finding out that something happened to him?

It's normal to feel wrong!

Nie Ziyu stretched out his hand again, touched his head, then quickly put away his hand, forced a smile at Shi Jingge, pretending to be relaxed, "Then Xiaoge, this time, why not give me a little longer."

"How about sending it to the academy?"

"I can still show you around the academy."

"Need not."

At this time, Wen Xusheng's voice suddenly came over.

Nie Ziyu turned her head to look, only to see Wen Xusheng sitting in a wheelchair and slowly entering the room.

"Cousin takes good care of his wounds, don't think so much."

"As for the time scene song—"

Wen Xusheng paused, and when he spoke again, his voice was a little weird.

Nie Ziyu suddenly had a bad feeling.

In the next second, the premonition came true.

— "He will go to the academy with me."

The author has something to say: Thank you Nie Ziyu for the assist

Nie Ziyu: ...I feel bitter

Devil's Diary:

How can something about the devil be called running away?

That's called a strategic retreat

I'm giving Xiaoge a chance to repent!

Later, when Shi Jingge saw this, he asked curiously: Is there really a chance to repent?

Wen Xusheng nodded silently.

Of course there is.

There are countless opportunities for you to go back on Nie Ziyu's side.

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~

There are a few more, this dungeon is over!

The next dungeon wants to open the lord hhhh

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-05-23?23:58:44~2021-05-24?23:59:23~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: Drain? 53 bottles; milk tea Xiaosu? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!