MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 117 Overlord (3)

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When Ding Yuxi saw the old man, his pupils shrank slightly, but he still suppressed the anger in his heart, and said flatly: "Dad."

The old man Shi nodded and didn't say much. He just looked up at Ding Yuxi and showed a kind smile.

But Wan Yijiang didn't know why, he always felt awkward, and his heart was extremely disturbed, even his heart beat a lot faster, which was not there when he faced Ding Yuxi just now.

Wan Yijiang knew that this old man was definitely not as gentle as he showed.

He even felt a little afraid of the old man.

"He didn't say anything more," Wan Yijiang replied courageously, "When he was paying, he saw a new scheduled delivery service on our platform and was very interested, so he bought these services and asked me to give them to you every morning. Ms. Ding sent flowers."

Old Master Shi nodded with a smile, "This child is filial."

Wan Yijiang nodded hesitantly.

Ding Yuxi hugged the flower in his hand, listening to the old man Shi's words, he always felt uncomfortable.

The joy and joy of receiving flowers just now have almost disappeared.

"Dad," Ding Yuxi forced a smile, "I'm going to find a vase, this kid is not sensible, he gives it away every day, where do I put the flowers?"

The old man turned a deaf ear and only smiled lightly, "Xiao Ge has a heart."

Then he turned his head to look at Wan Yijiang.

Ding Yuxi's heart skipped a beat, he always had a not-so-good premonition.

The old man smiled and said a few words to Wan Yijiang again, and at the end, he casually asked: "What time did you order the flowers last night? These flowers are fresh."

Wan Yijiang felt a little strange, "It's about four o'clock in the afternoon, the flowers just arrived this morning, and there was no business early in the morning, so I rushed to deliver them."

Only then did Old Man Shi nod his head, and said with a smile: "Young man remembers the time very clearly. I must have a good sense of time. Xiaoge has found a good young man who is responsible."

The weirdness in Wan Yijiang's heart was even worse, but he couldn't tell what was weird, so he just replied honestly: "Because our salary includes a commission, this business has just started, and the store manager will give us a higher commission. Mr. Shi recharged 5,000 yuan in one breath, and sent a bouquet of flowers every day from the membership card, which meant that my salary this month would be relatively high, so I was very impressed."

Suddenly, Ding Yuxi understood something.

- Mr. Shi suspects that Shi Jingge is acting!

He was suspecting that Shi Jingge was dissatisfied with his decision, that Shi Jingge was unwilling to be kicked out, and that Shi Jingge was playing tricks, thinking that Shi Jingge had hired the young man in front of him to fight such a A set of family cards!

Ding Yuxi's breathing suddenly became short of breath. She knew that the old man was eccentric, but she couldn't be so eccentric, right?

"Dad," Ding Yuxi laughed back angrily, but his eyes seemed to be burning with flames, "If you are worried, you can go with this young man and see when the membership card in their store will be paid out. All right?"

"Or check Xiaoge's bank card to see when Xiaoge spent the 5,000 yuan?"

These two sentences can be said to be very impolite, the old man turned his head to look at Ding Yuxi, and said with some displeasure: "What do I worry about?"

Normally, when the old man expressed his displeasure so clearly, Ding Yuxi would usually bow his head and apologize, but at this moment, Ding Yuxi only felt a surge of anger rushing straight to her temples, how could he bear it?

Yesterday, her son was kicked out, and she couldn't speak; today, her son gave her a bouquet of flowers, and the young man who delivered the flowers said a few more words to her, and the old man popped out of nowhere, secretly suspicious of her son , is this over yet?

Cooperating with her son does everything for a different purpose and purpose. Only his eldest grandson is a good person in the whole world?

Her son is also his grandson!

There must be a degree of eccentricity!

Ding Yuxi's chest rose and fell violently, she smiled and said: "Well, yes, what worries Dad?"

"It's me who is worried."

"I am a mother, and I have to ask for a bouquet of flowers for my child? Otherwise, wouldn't the flowers stick to my hands?" "I'm so worried, I'm going to adjust Xiaoge's bank card records today , if I don’t take this account seriously, I just don’t feel relieved!”

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Mr. Shi had probably never been contradicted like this before, and he was still very angry in front of outsiders.

Ding Yuxi rubbed his forehead, and said in a strange way: "Isn't this a sleepless night and worried that the child is not awake enough? Dad, don't bother with me, you know I'm stupid, I just passed after being coaxed, continue to talk to others If you are not stupid, how can you watch your child being kicked out of the house without saying a word, don't you think?"

"Ridiculous!" The old man shouted angrily, seeing Wan Yijiang next to him, he didn't want to be seen as a joke by outsiders, so he suppressed the fire, and said to the servant next to him, "Why don't you bring me in?"

Ding Yuxi sneered, took a few hundred dollars from his pocket, and stuffed them into Wan Yijiang's hand, "Thank you."

Wan Yijiang was at a loss with the money, of course he refused to accept it, but just as he said the words of refusal, Ding Yuxi flicked his hair and left. His back was like a female soldier returning from victory.

Wan Yijiang suddenly felt a little sad.

...that kind and awkward gentleman, has he been kicked out of the house?

Holding flowers, Ding Yuxi went upstairs aggressively. On the way, he met the second son of Shi's family. The second son of Shi's family hurriedly followed him to ask what was wrong, but Ding Yuxi ignored him.

She didn't move until she entered the house. The old man of Shi's family thought badly, this must be a big deal, so he hurriedly squeezed her shoulders and thumped her back, said a lot of good words, and Ding Yuxi finally made some movement.

When she opened her mouth, tears were falling, she couldn't speak, so she could only reach out to wipe her tears.

The second son of the Shi family was even more at a loss, he wrapped Ding Yuxi in his arms and coaxed him softly. After coaxing for a long time, Ding Yuxi said slowly: "The old man is too partial!"

"I couldn't hold back, and beat the old man."

On the way back, Ding Yuxi regretted it. He felt refreshed for a while, so what if he delayed his son? The son was already disgusted by the old man, and he was kicked out. It's fine that I, as a mother, can't help, but I'm holding my son back. What's the matter?

The second son of the Shi family was stunned for a moment, and his heart sank, but he didn't show it at all, he just smiled and said, "What big deal do I take, don't worry, leave it to me."

"What can you do?" Ding Yuxi didn't believe it.

"Why can't I do anything?" The second child of the Shi family glared at her. "I don't know how many times I have offended the old man since I was a child. I know how to coax him. Don't worry."

Although Ding Yuxi didn't believe it, seeing how confident Shi's second child was, he still relaxed a little.

And at this moment, Ding Yuxi's cell phone rang.

It's Shi Jingge's call.

Ding Yuxi quickly picked it up, wiped his face, and pretended to be calm: "You brat still knows how to call me?"

Shi Jingge smiled and said, "Mom, have you received the flowers yet?"

Ding Yuxi paused, and said in a low voice, "Got it."

"That's good," Shi Jingge said with a little hesitation in his voice, "I heard something wrong with your voice, are you arguing with your aunt again?"

Ding Yuxi pretended to be impatient and said: "It's so early in the morning, who has time to argue? Maybe it's because I just woke up and my voice is a little hoarse."

"Oh," Shi Jingge replied, and Ding Yuxi told him some homely things, eat on time, remember to add more clothes, etc., Shi Jingge also obediently listened.

At the end, Shi Jingge said jokingly: "Mom, since you are so worried about me, you might as well abandon my dad and come to live with me for two days and take care of me."

Ding Yuxi's heart fluttered for a moment, but it was only for a moment.

They are here, the old man is so eccentric, if they leave, the old man must forget them and go to Java?

"You're so old, you let me take care of you, you're really filial," Ding Yuxi pretended to be impatient, "It's okay, okay, don't bother me early in the morning, your good mood will be ruined by you."

"Mom—" Shi Jingge called out in a long voice.

"Okay, I have to go down to eat, you also remember to eat breakfast, body first."


After hanging up the phone, Ding Yuxi sighed slowly, as if she was asking herself, or asking Shi's second child. "You said, our little song is also very good, how can the old man be partial to that?"

"If you say two wrong words, you will be kicked out."

"The promises he gave us before were all false?"

On the other side, Shi Jingge hung up the phone and sighed slightly.

He can understand the feelings of Ding Yuxi and his wife.

The old man hung a carrot in front of them, and the two of them had been chasing that carrot for decades, and every time they wanted to give up, the old man would put the carrot closer, making people reluctant to leave.

Decades have passed, and the old man wants to give that carrot to someone else, who can bear it?

This is not a day or two, not a year or two, but decades!

These petty fights can make Ding Yuxi and his wife disappointed with the old man, but it is not so easy to get away and leave.


…with a bigger carrot all their own.


Wan Yijiang did not meet that guest named "Shi" again.

He still remembered the hundreds of dollars that Ms. Ding Yuxi gave him that day, and when he sent flowers the next day, he deliberately wanted to return the money, but this time, the flowers were signed by the housekeeper, so he didn't have time to mention these words.

There was no other way, Wan Yijiang had no choice but to hope that the customer would return the money when he came to the flower shop again.

But on the fourth day, Wan Yijiang received a call.

It's at home.

His father's tired and sad voice rang through the phone, and he first asked Wan Yijiang how he was doing, whether he had eaten well in recent days, whether he was too tired, and so on.

"Hey," my father was silent, as if he couldn't speak, and after a while, he said in a low voice, "Jiang Wazi, do you still have any money?"

Wan Yijiang suffocated for breath.

"Your mother's situation is a bit complicated," the father said with a choked voice, "the doctor said that surgery is still needed."

"Surgery Fees…"

Father couldn't go on.

The silence coming from the phone was so cold.

It was so cold that Wan Yijiang felt that his lungs were about to freeze.

"I'll figure out a way," Wan Yijiang reluctantly said, "I got a big client this month and made a lot of money. I'll pay for Mom's surgery fee, don't worry."

In the end, Wan Yijiang didn't know what he was talking about, and repeated those few words over and over again, I can make money, you take care of yourself, and there is me, etc.

But how could Wan Yijiang not know how false these words really are?

He was too weak to stand up.

Where else can I get money?

Wan Yijiang thought of the several hundred yuan.

It seems that those hundreds of dollars are not going back.

He smiled bitterly, tears just fell down.

He didn't know what to do either.

He is currently working three jobs, working continuously for more than ten hours a day, or else he will squeeze in a little more to see what he can find to survive at night and make some money.

He is still young, so it doesn't matter if he sleeps less for a few hours every day, or he can go to the construction site to move bricks. He heard that the construction site makes a lot of money, and he can earn a few hundred yuan a day.

He's young, he's strong enough, that's fine.

Wan Yijiang repeatedly persuaded himself like this, persuading and persuading, he felt uncomfortable in his stomach.

It was as if a small electric drill was beating non-stop, trying to drill a hole, and he was so painful that he almost curled up, and with this pain, his tears fell even more joyfully.

It's so cold, how can it be so cold?

And at this moment, footsteps sounded in the flower shop.

If it is normal, Wan Yijiang will definitely come forward to greet the guests as soon as possible, introduce the flowers and plants in the store to the guests, and strive to sell one and a half flowers.

Every time a flower is sold, there will be a commission of one flower, Wan Yijiang is full of motivation.

But at this time, he didn't want to care about it at all, he didn't want to sell flowers, he didn't want to greet her, he just wanted to be willful for once.

But he doesn't even have this willful power.

He stood up unsteadily, his eyes still misty, and he opened his mouth and said, "Hello, welcome..."

Before he finished speaking, Wan Yijiang felt that his body had become limp, his legs seemed to be unable to support his body, and his eyes turned black, even the pain seemed to be moving away from him.

At the last moment of losing consciousness, Wan Yijiang heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"Hey! What's the matter with you?"

"Don't be dizzy!"

"Hey! Hey!"

When Wan Yijiang opened his eyes again, he was in the hospital.

He looked around stiffly, looking at the IV drip in his hand, and it took him a while to realize that his face changed suddenly.

Some panic.

Where does he have the money to pay for the drips?

Now that I secretly pulled out the needle and ran away, is there still time?

Wan Yijiang only felt that his mind was in a mess, and his left hand unconsciously stretched out to the right hand that had the needle, but at this moment, a loud shout sounded in his ear.

-"what are you doing?!"

In an instant, Wan Yijiang shuddered, as if he had been awakened suddenly, and only then did he regain some sanity.

Shi Jingge looked down at Wan Yijiang, "I think there is something wrong with your stomach, not your brain."

Seeing Shi Jingge, Wan Yijiang lowered his head and whispered, "Thank you."

Shi Jingge sneered, and suddenly said, "Do you know how embarrassing I am today?"

Wan Yijiang was stunned.

"I just went to a florist to pick a bunch of flowers, but I happened to meet a clerk who fainted in front of me. I couldn't do nothing but send him to the hospital."

"Then the doctor told me that you were starving."

"They condemned me, pay attention to your diet, pay attention to your psychology, they seem to think you are a young man who wants to lose weight, and I am your brother or something, teach me a lesson."

Shi Jingge's voice paused, and his breathing suddenly became rapid, "—So many people are watching here, I've never lost such a person!"

These are of course Shi Jingge's nonsense, no one cares so much at all, he is just making things easier for later "troublemakers".

Wan Yijiang said: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry, is it useful?" Shi Jingge sneered and asked back, "Can the people I lost come back?"

"I will... I will clarify for you." Wan Yijiang's voice became even softer.

"Will anyone believe it?" Shi Jingge smiled even colder, "They might think that I forced you to do it."

Wan Yijiang didn't know what to do anymore, he just hung his head and grabbed the corner of the quilt.

"And you still want to pull out the needle," Shi Jingge said in a fierce tone, "Why, the person I lost was lost for nothing, right?"

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Shi Jingge sneered, and stuffed the bedside lunch box into Wan Yijiang's hands heavily, "Finish!"

Wan Yijiang hugged the lunch box and wanted to say something, but when Shi Jingge glanced over, he didn't dare to speak.

"Hurry up and eat," Shi Jingge said in a cold tone, "Let's settle the score after eating."

How can this Wanyijiang still eat?

He cautiously suggested: "Why don't you do the math first?"

Shi Jingge glanced at him, "Outpatient fee, bed fee, medical fee, as for the rest, I don't count them as yours, should you pay for these?"

Wan Yijiang nodded, of course he should pay, and he has to thank others for sending him, but unfortunately, he has no money.

"I also think you don't have the money to pay me," Shi Jingge sneered, "but if I let you go like this, I'm sorry for the scolding I have suffered."

Wan Yijiang shrank his neck.

"If you don't have any money, let's work." Shi Jingge cast a sidelong glance at him, "You know a lot about planting flowers?"

Wan Yijiang nodded hesitantly.

"That's fine. I have a garden. I want to get a rose bush. You can take care of it for me. It's 8,000 a month. I don't care about food and housing. I have a trial period of one week. I don't pay any money. I want to pay off the debt. Do you want to do it?" Shi Jing Song said coldly.

Wan Yijiang suddenly raised his head, and repeated in disbelief: "Eight, eight thousand?"

"Why, too little?" Shi Jingge raised his eyebrows.

Wan Yijiang shook his head vigorously, how could it be too little? This is too much!

"Then why don't you hurry up and eat!" Shi Jingge looked at him with disgust, "Go to my side after the infusion, and I'll watch you do it. Don't even think about going anywhere until the debt you owe me is paid off." !"

After leaving these words sonorously, Shi Jingge turned around and left.

He originally wanted to take it easy, the two of them would get in touch more, and after they became friends, they would work for Wan Yijiang and so on. Who knew that Wan Yijiang would send himself to the hospital in just two or three days?

Shi Jingge knew he couldn't delay any longer. But he didn't want Wan Yijiang to have any feelings for him, and with the original owner's character set there, he could only adopt such an arrogant and unreasonable side.

And how could Wan Yijiang fail to see Shi Jingge's good intentions?

When he opened the lunch box, the aroma of the food came to his face, and it was still steaming. How long has it been since he had such a meal?

Moreover, every dish here is light and suitable for patients, which shows the owner's intentions.

Wan Yijiang sniffed.

He really met a nobleman.

Even though that Mr. Shi looked fierce just now, he actually offered him a job with a high salary.

How could he not be grateful?

Sure enough, that Mr. Shi is a good man with a cold face and a warm heart.

After Wan Yijiang finished the infusion, Shi Jingge led him back.

The garden was still empty, with nothing but soil.

"That's it." Shi Jingge didn't blush, "I want to build a rose garden there, plant all the roses for me, I want red roses, understand?"

Wan Yijiang whispered, "Understood."

Only then did Shi Jingge nodded in satisfaction, then swaggered into the living room, lay down on the sofa, and asked, "Can you cook?"

Wan Yijiang nodded.

"Okay," Shi Jingge pointed to the kitchen, "That's the kitchen over there. There are vegetables in the refrigerator. Let's cook."

Wan Yijiang hesitated for a while, but finally went to the kitchen to cook without saying anything.

Three dishes and one soup are all home-cooked dishes, and the taste is not bad.

Shi Jingge said with satisfaction: "I still lack a chef here to take care of my three meals a day, will you do it?"

Before Wan Yijiang could speak, Shi Jingge waved his hand, "Forget it."

Wan Yijiang was instantly disappointed.

"I'm short of not only a chef, but also everything, and I'm too lazy to look for it," Shi Jingge yawned, "You're in charge of my three meals a day, the cleaning of this villa, and everything about the rose garden by the way, as long as you Make this place clean for me, and I don't care if you go out to pick up jobs."

"I'll give you 50,000 yuan a month, and you'll get a bonus if you do a good job. Do you want to do it?"

fifty thousand!

If you don't do this, you are a fool!

Wan Yijiang asked on the spot: "Sign, sign the contract?"

"Sign it now?"

I can't wait even more than Shijingge.

"Sign," Shi Jingge sneered, "Do you think I can trust you? Why don't you sign the contract?"

Believe me, didn't you bring me here? Still without a contract.

Wan Yijiang shrank his neck and said nothing.

However, I have more understanding of Mr. Shi's tough-mouthed and soft-hearted character.

Wan Yijiang thought of everything he saw.

This villa is very empty, and everything in the kitchen is brand new, some of which have not even been unpacked, so it looks like no one has used it.

There was dirt everywhere in the garden, and no one had taken care of it at all.

As far as the eye can see, it is empty, without any decorations.

It looked like it was moved in hastily.

Wan Yijiang suddenly remembered the conversations he heard that morning, and in an instant, his impression of the old gentleman suddenly became very bad.

—How can you have the heart to drive such a good person out of the house?

Still in such a hurry.

Thus, Wan Yijiang and Shi Jingge's "cohabitation" life officially kicked off.

Assistant Tang has been paying attention to Wan Yijiang, and after learning that Wan Yijiang and Shi Jingge live together, he sneered even more.

I can't blame this idiot Shi Jingge for not using his plan, look at how fast Shi Jingge is progressing, they hooked up in just a few days? Did you bring it home?

I just don't know if that silly stand-in is Qian Jingge who fell in love with Shi Jingge, or Shi Jingge's person.

But it doesn't matter, you can always find an opportunity to try it out.

Assistant Tang snorted coldly with disdain, and just in time to see the message received on the phone, his eyes lit up.

It's going to be fun.

——Bai Yueguang from Shijingge is going back to China.

The author has something to say: Shijing Song: I'm super fierce.jpg

Wan Yijiang: Mr. Shi is super nice!

Time Scene Song: ?

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~