MTL - Absolute Deal-~ Testimonials

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to be launched.

Thank you for your continuous support, and thank you to the editor for your constant care.

On the shelves, it is also the moment when reality invades dreams.

This August, the end of August, is a tough time.

My father's physical examination reported that there was an index of CA19-9 (tumor marker) that was nearly ten times the normal index. The next thing was a heart-wrenching examination.

Fortunately, on the 29th, various examination results came out, and it was not a tumor, but some polyps.

After a period of time, it will be hospitalized for excision.

Some people say that a false alarm is one of the most beautiful words in the world, but this time I finally realized it.

However, it is not a complete false alarm. The index is still high, and it does not drop, which means that there is a certain danger. You need to pay attention at all times. Regular inspections and re-examinations cannot be as easy as before.

More than a year after graduating, and writing novels at home, what my father often said to me is—you are still young, you still have time, spend another year or two to continue to forge ahead on the road, even if there is no way to get ahead in the end relation.

But after this incident, I suddenly realized that what he said was wrong.

Actually, there is not much time left for me.

This has nothing to do with my age, it has to do with life and reality.

The book's grades, subscriptions, became sharper, and became almost the only indicator.

Compared with the past, the results of the public period were not satisfactory, but in today's environment, it is not worth mentioning.

As a veteran for many years, I don't have any other skills. I still have a little bit of judgment about some prospects.

Going down this road is not an easy thing.

I listened to a song yesterday, and it was very emotional. I will use it here.

I have four glasses of wine.

A cup of toast to reality, a cup of toast to dreams.

A toast to yourself, a toast to you.

On this road, I hope you will always accompany me on this journey.


I always don't like to express my personal emotions, because I think everyone is reading books. It's good to write books to spread laughter and love.

Everyone came to read the book, not to listen to my rambling.

But this time, some thoughts really want to vomit a little, please forgive me.

After vomiting, he started talking about the business.

Then, I want a girlfriend—no, please subscribe!

Ask for genuine subscription!

Ask for support!

As I said before, a subscription is the lifeline of a book. With a subscription, the lifeline is long and thick enough that the book can be maintained, especially for a full-time old salted fish like me.

Five more outbreaks on the shelves!

After the launch, it will be updated twice a day, with a minimum of 6000+ characters, at 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm respectively.

Each of my chapters is more than 3,000 words long, and two chapters are equivalent to three chapters of the 2K Party.

There will also be additions, outbreaks, and so on. When the results come up, everything is easy to say.

I seldom make promises. Since I have said it, I will definitely have it, so please rest assured.

This is the promise of the Handicapped Party (proud)!

In addition, if possible, please try not to use the currency increase for the first order. The currency increase does not count as a subscription, otherwise the data will be too ugly and you will really vomit blood.

If there is an increase in coins for true fans, please subscribe on the website. The increase in coins can only be used on the client side.

One more thing, please rest assured, eunuchs are not eunuchs, and they will never be eunuchs in this life.

I can't do business, and I don't have any capital, so I can only make a living by writing books.

The little friends are all big men in women's clothing, they speak nicely, they also subscribe for rewards, and they like to write books very much.