MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 99 Virtual and Real Evolution Black Mist Form

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"I think, if you stay in a non-virtual state, you should be likely to be killed." Bai Ye ignored Luc's killing intent and said.

"In addition, blurring is your normal state. You will only appear in the 'solid' state when you want to touch other objects."

"Next, I want you to keep holding the apple and keep it in a physical state."

Bai Ye looked at Luc and showed a bright smile.

After a few minutes, Bai Ye looked at a small pile of sand-like material on the ground.

"It turned into sand after it was cut." Bai Ye grabbed a part of the "sand", put it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and said, "How do you feel?"

Ryuk, who was next to him, was eating an apple, and there were only four fingers left in his right hand.

Where did that one go, of course, needless to say.

"No feeling, no feeling at all!" Ryuk replied.

As a "grim reaper", he really didn't feel any pain, but seeing one of his fingers "break" by Bai Ye in an instant, part of his body turned into sand, the psychological chill was far more painful than the "body" pain It's going to be much more violent.

Moreover, Bai Ye's eyes looking at him have become more and more wrong.

From curiosity at the beginning, to greed now.

Just like the look in Lucy's eyes when he saw the apple.

Did the other party treat him as food?

For the first time in his life, Ryuk felt how dangerous the human world was. He quickly returned to the same, boring world of death gods. Unless Bai Ye died, he would never come again.

I don't need any notes or anything.

However, a person whose life span is a series of vague question marks, a person who can't even kill a note, would die so easily?

"Is the experiment almost over here?" Ryuk said.

"No, there is one last item." Bai Ye said, "and it is the most important."

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you die." Bai Ye laughed, "Keep this state, and after this experiment, we'll clear the two, and you are welcome to come back with revenge in various ways, hahaha—"

With the crazy laughter that frightened Lucy, Bai Ye reached out and grabbed Lucky's pair of wings.

A black breath gushed out from the palm of his hand, completely wrapping Ryuk's wings.

Half a minute later, Ryuk's pair of wings disappeared.

Ryuk looked at a loss, his wings just left him?

And Bai Ye, he did feel a special kind of 'flesh and blood' being swallowed and absorbed by him, but it will take time to verify what will happen.

The evolution after being swallowed by the black light virus is not achieved overnight.

Speaking of which, Bai Ye was a little surprised that he could really swallow Ruck's wings.

Originally it was just an attempt, but I didn't expect it to be successful.

"No, my wings are gone!"

Ryuk rubbed his hands around his back, shoulder blades, etc.

The pain really doesn't hurt, but those are his wings!

It's gone!

"Try to see if the wings can grow again." Bai Ye said.

"No, I can't feel the existence of wings." Luc looked at Bai Ye with a strange red light in his eyes.

"Oh, that's really a pity." Bai Ye said insincerely, "Our deal is over, if you want revenge, hurry up. I haven't fought against a special existence like you, so it's a practice. I have encountered existences similar to you, and I have some experience, so I know how to beat them with the least effort."

Looking at Bai Ye's excited look, Luc's original anger disappeared completely, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

Death kills people, as long as you write down your name, it's very simple.

Unfortunately, this item is useless to Bai Ye.

Then, how will Ruck deal with it and kill Bai Ye?

Is it possible to stab with a knife?

He is not a martial artist!

And once Ryuk did this, he would be committing a special crime in the Death God Realm - Death God can only kill people with a note.

Ryuk had no doubt that the other party would "devour" him whole.


After staring at Bai Ye for a while, Luc turned around and left, choosing to "run away in tears".

He really didn't dare to provoke Bai Ye again.

The human world is not interesting at all, he wants to return to the world of death.

In fact, Ryuuk thought too much. Before the change was confirmed, it was impossible for Bai Ye to devour Ryuuk.

Although Bai Ye's thinking mode is crazy, it doesn't mean that his aesthetics are also crazy.

He completely swallowed Lucy, what if he turned into his ugly appearance?

Bai Ye's aesthetics are absolutely normal, but he doesn't want to be like that.

A day later.

Bai Ye stood in the research room, looking at his right hand.

From the fingertips to the elbows, the black aura permeated, almost completely covering it.

After a while, Bai Ye's right arm has "gasified".

It looks like an illusory arm completely condensed by black mist.

There was a black aura escaping and surging beside him.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it towards the table in front of him, his palm easily passed through the table, and then stopped at the elbow.

"I didn't expect it to be blurred..." Bai Ye withdrew his hand, and his right arm returned to its original appearance.

After swallowing Ryuk's wings, Bai Ye did not evolve any "wings", but instead evolved the ability to "blind".

The completely atomized arm, the aura emitted by those black auras when swallowed in the white night is different.

Bai Ye devoured it, condensed it into clothes, and the black breath that appeared when the wound was healed. It seemed to be "breath", but it was actually an entity. If you touched it, you could touch it.

But now after "virtualization", it is impossible to touch.

"If you practice more, you should be able to completely blur your whole body." Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

Just like Alex's several special battle forms, Bai Ye's "blindness" can also be regarded as one of his special forms.

Still not inclined to fight.

"Hei, check my current state."

Bai Ye "called" out of Hei, intending to check his current state.

Soon, Hei responded:

white night

Race: human

Status: The third-level agent of the Rod of Power and Wealth

Wealth value: 7240

"Do you want to add an ability item? If so, please name the ability." After giving Bai Ye's basic state, Hei asked.

"Add it, it's called the black mist form." Bai Ye said, giving his virtual state a common name.

Soon, the item "ability" was added after the value of the money.


black mist form

"It's so sweet to even have a degree of completion." Bai Ye praised.

Naturally, Kuro would not give any response to this non-questioning situation.


"Mr. Bai, it's a success! Game sales have skyrocketed!"

With less than five minutes left until Bai Ye left this time, Kazuto Arita waved a report excitedly, and the game sales on the S platform increased significantly.

The games that were originally of average quality and almost no one cared about were also sold.

For many players, this day is a day they will never forget.

On that day, they opened the platform and found that the cute **** the original interface was actually replaced by a fat man with a weird smile, and most of the good feelings disappeared immediately.

Then, without waiting for them to complain to the customer service, they asked to replace the fat man and return to the original cute girl.

Then he found some green things floating near the fat man's head.

Those green things have the words 70%, 30%, 0% on them, and then there is a "-" in front of these numbers.


This means, discount!

"Although I don't necessarily know how to play this game, they are discounting."

"This game comes with a gift pack. I don't like it at all, but you can buy it for only five yuan!"

The fat man was there, smiling without saying a word, staring at the player in front of the screen with deep eyes, so the player's wallet gradually dried up.

"Very good. If you buy these companies next, I guess you will almost reach the pinnacle of your life." Bai Ye handed Arita Kazuto a document containing some information about game companies.

"EA, UE...seems to be very powerful." Arita Kazuto looked at the information in his hand.

"Meilijian and France's worst game Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Oh, good." Arita Kazuto nodded.

Watching Arita Kazuto leave, Bai Ye leaned on the back of the chair behind him, figuring out how much power and wealth it would bring him after the transaction was completed.

Now Bai Ye's wealth has reached more than 70,000 points.

Sedum Medicine and Yemeni Technology are still bringing him the power and wealth value. In addition, after the transaction with Frank, after this guy is done, Bai Ye is estimated to have a power and wealth value of 0,000 points.

This means that after these things come to an end.

Bai Ye's wealth value may reach the level of 90,000 points, which is only one step away from 99,999 points.

And this one step is far away, and it is not difficult for Bai Ye to cross it.

Don't forget, Bai Ye still holds nano-combat uniforms, these two "high-end commodities".

Once the transaction goes out, the equity value of 10,000 points can definitely be reached.

"I don't know what authority the manager will have..." Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

From a first-level agent to a third-level agent, it is nothing more than the expansion of the carry-on space, the extension of the time spent in other worlds, and the increase in the number of transactions.

Mainly these three things.

As for the forced transaction, whether it will cost money or not for someone to use it, it has nothing to do with the level.

It has something to do with Bai Ye's own "strength".

Bai Ye is looking forward to what changes will happen to his use of the Staff of Power and Wealth after reaching the fourth-level manager.

Manager, will there be other powers?

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