MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 77 True Heaven Group

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Don't look at the arrogance of the current Black Watch, which has blocked the entire Manhadun Island, sent planes, sent Tan~K to fight with those infected with the black light virus.

But as Bai Ye said, this is not a Hope Town, but a Manha Shield.

Blockade of the island is a last resort. It is definitely a difficult way to ride a tiger. If you don’t block it, the virus will leak out. Black Watch is fighting the black light virus with all its life.

The American high-level officials behind the Black Watch are now expected to have the heart to hang themselves.

With such a big thing happening in Manhattan, many "important officials" are trapped in it, and every moment, the global economy is going backwards.

Even the most powerful country in the world cannot withstand such pressure.

Black Watch thinks that they can use the Marine Corps as a piece of paper to wipe their ass~, and now they have made a decision in Manhadun, and the Black Watch who keeps the island of Manhadun in a state of entry and exit are not those high-ranking bigwigs. What about the pot man?

When things calm down completely, Black Watch will most likely disappear completely.

Of course, the operation of Black Watch to save people is definitely going on.

However, the efficiency is definitely not much higher.

On the one hand, the first task of Black Watch is to eliminate the black light virus and all infected people. In such a dangerous environment, the soldiers of Black Watch cannot be expected to maintain a normal heart and try their best to save people.

In such an environment of **** killings and death at any time, it is possible to maintain a relatively calm, not crazy or crazy, which is already the reason why Black Watch and some members of the Marine Corps have a very good psychological quality.

There is another point, the difficulty of simply killing those dangerous infected bodies is much easier than saving people.

To kill infected bodies, Black Watch can swept away with heavy machine guns, bombard with RPGs, gunship missiles, tank bombardments, how powerful it is.

But to save people, you can't bombard with these weapons, right?

"That's it."

Bai Ye found a bus parked on the side of the road, the door was still open, there was no one inside, and the keys were still inserted.

"Alex, can you drive?" Bai Ye asked.

"Yes, I'll drive?" Alex asked.

"No, I'm driving, you teach me, I learn very quickly." Bai Ye said, "You are responsible for clearing the road ahead, and if you encounter any black guards, you will directly kill the infected body. Do you have any? what is the problem?"

Alex nodded and started explaining the driving routine for Bai Ye.

After that, he got out of the car again, drove in front, and overturned one car after another—now the streets of Manhadun are full of parked cars.

As for Bai Ye, driving the bus was crooked at first, but then it began to stabilize, and within half an hour, he became an old driver of Qiu Mingshan.

The two specially picked important places in the Manhattan area, where the possibility of finding various key personnel was higher.

As for the dangers that will be encountered, Alex, who opened the way in front, said—if I hit this punch, you will definitely die.

The time soon came to noon, and the rescue bus in Baiye was already full of people. It was not Baiye who drove, but a white man.

He is a hapless lieutenant general who is on vacation.

Bai Ye was sitting with a black-haired and yellow-skinned man, holding a DV that he didn't know where to shoot.

The person beside Bai Ye is a key member of Huaxia in Manhadun. There are several key members of various countries with similar status to him in the car, and the others are business and financial tycoons, worth tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

In addition, there are a few bodyguards and a small number of people who are relatively less powerful.

The outside of the bus is covered with flags of various countries to show the extraordinary status of this car.

Of course, it has no effect on the infected body. It is used to warn the black watch group not to shoot indiscriminately, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

"Don't worry, everyone, you should have noticed that we are encountering fewer and fewer infected bodies, which proves that we are getting closer and closer to the safe area. It is estimated that we will soon be able to reach the military base of Black Watch." Bai Ye fiddled with it. While filming the crowd on DV, he said, "Come on, smile at the camera."

"Okay, Mr. Bai, don't play with your camera. We think it's more important to go to the military base as soon as possible and reach a consensus with that black watch." Someone said.

The lieutenant general who drove the car scolded very rudely: "Are those **** going to destroy the whole city? Who is their supreme commander!"

"What happened to Peter, I can't remember clearly." Bai Ye said with a smile, "I used to be a lieutenant, but now, it should be a general. I don't know if it is an admiral or a lieutenant general, but the Black Watch is a secret army, so he can completely ignore it. obey you."

"I will 'convince' him well," the lieutenant general said.

"No, no, remember what we said." Bai Ye said, "I will come forward and all you have to do is to spare no effort to support me, so that I can better deal with Black Watch, reach a consensus, and save the poor Manhattan."

"Also, you'd better keep your temper a little bit. At such a moment, Black Watch will not pay attention to your identities. If you offend them and kill you as infected people, you will have nowhere to reason." Bai Ye continued.

He remembered that at the end of the story, Black Watch also used a nuclear bomb to destroy the entire Manha Shield to prevent the virus from leaking out. It was a mess.

These people are eager to do everything.

"Wait, Mr. Bai, the reason why you videotaped..." Someone immediately guessed something, after all, everyone present was the elite of the elite.

"Yes, just to prevent death without proof." Bai Ye said.

The people who didn't wait for the bus sent a deep greeting to the Black Watch. The sound of a propeller came, and at the same time, several tanks appeared on the street ahead, blocking Alex and the bus's path.

Alex stopped, and the bus behind him stopped immediately.

A group of people went straight down, all of them with extraordinary bearing, and at first glance they knew that they were a first-class "Heavenly Group".

Bai Ye walked to Alex's side and said, "Call your supreme commander out, I have some big business to do with him."

The role of the "VIPs" behind him was also reflected. If it weren't for them, Alex and Bai Ye would have greeted them directly.

Unless Bai Ye "traded" all the way, from the minion all the way to the upper level of Black Watch.

And before the transaction, there is still a tough battle.

And now, the black watchmen in the military vehicle are not crazy, even if they see Alex, the target to be killed, they don't dare to shoot indiscriminately, and quickly notify the upper management.

Soon, the base commander who was not far away arrived.

"You..." The commander looked at Bai Ye and others, and the existence of Alex, and took a slight breath.

"I want to meet the supreme commander of your Black Watch, what about Peter?" Bai Ye interrupted the base commander.

"You were that Nate Bai from that day!" The base commander remembered the TV show two days ago, it was this person who completely detonated the matter in front of everyone, and now the world's eyes are on Manha Shield.

"Yes, it's me, stop talking nonsense, take us to the base first, and then let Peter come to see me, if he doesn't want to make everything worse." Bai Ye said.

The base commander felt cold sweat on his forehead.

Aside from the dangerous Alex, these big men alone can make him feel enormous pressure.

Alex, a dangerous virus prototype, knows **** people. These big men also kill people, but in different ways.

"Did you hear what Mr. Bai said? Soldier."

The lieutenant general behind him stepped forward and said after showing his identity.

"Yes, sir!" Alexander's commander replied instinctively.

"Mr. Bai is now fully representing us, and now he is your commander." The lieutenant general said with a serious look.

Others also agreed.

Everyone was rescued by Bai Ye, so they were quite trustworthy.

In addition, in such a chaotic environment, only this Mr. Bai and his bodyguard named Alex can ensure their safety. If you don't follow Mr. Bai closely, do you still want to hug the big leg of the black watch?

After Bai Yexuan leaked the truth, they had the intention of completely killing the culprit of Black I believe that Black Watch is not that stupid, maybe they will all be "infected" in the end ".

Of course, the "truth" related to Alex is all written by Bai Ye Chunqiu.

After a while, Bai Ye, Alex and the VIP Tiantuan all came to the conference room of the base.

Alex walked to the corner and kicked on it, destroying the virus detection device that kept ringing.

In order to prevent Alex from disguised intrusion, the base is full of virus detection devices, and there are various alarm sounds along the way.

The base commander's face is now as ugly as he has been dead for ten years. During the journey just now, he stopped roaring all the time, and now he doesn't even have the strength to speak.

"Okay, since Peter hasn't come yet, do something else first and get in touch with the outside world." Bai Ye said.

Manhadun's communication is naturally interrupted now, and only the Black Watch Base can communicate with the outside world.

Ten minutes later, Bai Ye broadcast the filmed video to the representatives of the representatives of the video conference from various countries. The American representative who broadcasted the video turned green and wished to resign on the spot to indicate that he was quitting.

Nima can't do this job!

"The basic situation is like this." Bai Ye said, "Until the virus is completely eliminated, I am afraid that everyone can't leave the Manha Shield - to avoid the further spread of the virus. The good news now is that the virus cannot be transmitted through water for the time being, but time Over time, this moat will probably disappear."

"I don't know if you have any slightly more targeted measures. Are you going to let the virus you created ravage the world after the virus ravages the Manhattan?"

The last half of the sentence, Bai Ye said to the American representative with a green face.