MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 660 Basic operations to enhance the status of the rivers and lakes

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Withdrew his hand, "frozen" Bai Choufei and threw it into the trading cabinet.

The clothes on Bai Ye's body became the white brocade clothes this person wore, and the hair also turned white.

I took out the mirror and looked at it twice.

Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction.

Just now, he had learned about Bai Choufei's martial arts and his past.

This ambitious and ambitious young man has had one or two false identities, and he has also made a name for himself.

Too bad it didn't last long.

There are hardly any relatives and friends, and he is a martial artist, although he can be regarded as a good player in the arena.

But the future has not been very bright.

To this day, he's still a typical nobody.

Under the background of this ancient feudal dynasty, there is no need for Bai Ye to completely become Bai Choufei.

A little modification or two, it is good to have an eight-point image.

Even if you meet a rare old friend, you can hide the past.

This is called ugly people have all kinds of ugly methods.

But handsome people are all equally handsome!

"Jianghu martial arts."

Bai Ye raised his head, looked at the sky, and sighed.

Once in the sea, Bai Ye recalled that at the very beginning, he had also mixed with people in the arena.

Well, it was mixed with the court.

In the name of the national teacher, with the soldiers of the imperial court, he pushed the entire rivers and lakes.

It can be considered to have dealt with Jianghu.

Later, in Fengyun World, he didn't have anything to do with the imperial court, but unfortunately he went straight to the Small Animal Protection Association.

Now, once again come to the Jianghu martial arts under the background of the ancient feudal dynasty.

This time, Bai Ye intends to be a little more normal.

Take the simple route of the real Jianghu people.

"This, first learn martial arts, and then cut with a knife if you don't agree, cut all the enemies to tears, and then set foot on the top of the rivers and lakes, yes, this is very rivers and lakes."

Returning to normal posture, bowing his head slightly, Bai Ye touched his chin secretly.

How simple and unpretentious, it belongs to the idea of ​​​​a rookie in the arena.

Of course, if we look at the essence through phenomena, it is actually similar.

Jianghu, whoever has the bigger fist and who can hit, can speak loudly.

However, it should also be noted that the fist here does not only refer to martial arts, but also a combination of various aspects and various factors.

That's the real fist.

In this specious world, the force value is far more than the first "Martial Arts World" that Bai Ye experienced.

The force value is quite high.

But it is not out of the realm of human beings. No matter how strong a master is, he still needs to eat, and there are also physical limitations.

The number of people remains an important factor.

Moreover, the court is not a background board, and the forces of all parties are intertwined, which is quite complicated.

It is not an easy thing to make a name for yourself here, and it is not enough just to have martial arts.

Bai Choufei didn't realize this at the beginning, so he wasted a few years.

Then when I was going to get back together, I was overcast again.

Poisoning, hurting people with secret arrows, and besieging people, this person who can completely rely on his strength to make a name in the arena.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know who is going to deal with him.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, no one knows when they will offend others.

People from the rivers and lakes, but a special group who can fight for a bowl of wontons.

Why cut each other?

Just because I saw you one more time in the crowd.

On this point, Bai Ye was much clearer than Bai Choufei.

"Little white face, with empty hands, and proud of it for granted. Young man, who will you cut if you don't cut it?"

Bai Choufei was cut, and Bai Ye was not surprised at all.

As a national teacher and an old river and lake who once pushed the whole river and lake, Bai Ye certainly wouldn't make the mistake of Bai Choufei.

Don't give the appearance of looking bullied.

Be sure to show your extraordinaryness first.

Jianghu people, what is the basic operation that shows extraordinary?

Before becoming famous, he relied on a period of "iron" to show his status and extraordinaryness.

Even if it is an unknown soldier, he can make the surrounding soldiers respect him with a brilliant weapon.

Of course, other ideas will be born besides awe.

As for the famous masters, the magic weapon is their symbol and signboard, and more is the icing on the cake.

So, Bai Ye, who walked out of the dark alley, did two things with one mind.

While learning Bai Choufei's martial arts, he chose a suitable "iron" from the trading pavilion to show his status in the arena.

Bai Choufei does not have the kind of martial arts that cooperates with the sword.

Therefore, the "iron" to be selected does not need practical value.

As long as it is cool enough to make people feel that "this child is extraordinary" at first glance.

The weapon of choice is naturally the sword.

It's just that the genuine swords from the White Night Trading Pavilion have been taken out to create the Four Swords of Immortal Execution.

Even in a world where the value of force is not low, it is too bullying to take out the Four Swords of Zhuxian.

If it is too unusual, it is not conducive to completing the transaction with Bai Choufei.

Not even a fake sword, Bai Ye couldn't afford to lose that person.

There is also a Wangshu sword in the rest of the collection.

The whole body is crystal blue, and the attached fluorescent light is as clear as autumn water.

It's a very good looking sword.

However, a little more restrained.

It is not enough to meet the requirements of Baiye to be ostentatious and extraordinary.

"Is Lao Xiao here, is Lao Xiao here?"

Bai Ye contacted Xuan Xiao, "Xi and Jian lend me a while, I want to pretend."


Xuan Xiao's answer was straightforward.

If Bai Ye really needed it, Xuan Xiao would naturally not hesitate.

But to use his life force to pretend to be coercive, even if you are the pavilion owner, I would rather die than give in.


Bai Ye, who was rejected by Xuan Xiao, suddenly thought that he changed someone and didn't give Xuan Xiao a chance to "really fragrant", "Asu, Asu is not here, lend me your flaming sword."

Surter is not as strong as Xuan Xiao.

The flaming great sword called Twilight Sword was not his lifeblood either.

Changed to a suitable size, and gave it to Bai Ye without saying a word.

In this way, behind Bai Ye's back was a large sword that was almost one person tall, three palms wide, and red all over. When it looked suddenly, it would give birth to the illusion of flames burning on it.


Not to mention the people passing by.

Even the children playing in the mud on the side of the road cast a respectful look at Bai Ye.

It has taken the first step to improve the status of the rivers and lakes very perfectly.

"Giant sword, white hair, wait!"

Walking on the street, Bai Ye's heart is still thinking constantly.

Think, make him progress.

The thinker Bai Ye suddenly realized that he could become a Condor Hero just by breaking his hand.

"No, no, the style of painting can't go wrong."

Bai Ye secretly said in his heart.

This is a transaction, and Bai Ye has always been serious about transactions.

It must be Bai Chou Fei style, Bai Chou Fei temperament, and Bai Chou Fei road.

You can't go astray, at least not too far.

In daily use and against the enemy, martial arts should be the main focus, and others should be restrained.

Otherwise, with Bai Ye's temperament, when he hits someone, he will probably take out the Buddha and say 3,000 Gatlings to say hello first.

The actor Bai Ye restrained his unrestrained thinking, and his temperament began to change.

In the elegant and elegant atmosphere, there is a bit of contempt and arrogance, but also a cool masculinity that is sometimes hidden.

This is Bai Choufei.

As the master of the trading pavilion, the full control of the big man in his hand, he must also restrain himself.

The current Bai Choufei is just a fledgling arrogant rookie.

BOSS breath, it is not suitable now.

"Is that you, Xiaofei? Xiaofei!"

Bai Ye, who had entered the state perfectly, heard a sound.

With almost untraceable footsteps, a figure approached quickly and stopped in front of Bai Ye.

With joy on his face.

"Little Stone, why are you here?"

Bai Ye asked with a smile.

The person in front of him was Bai Choufei's rare, or even his only good friend, Wang Xiaoshi.

It is different from Bai Choufei, a grassroots with no background.

Wang Xiaoshi was born in a "rich and powerful family", and can be regarded as the "Second Generation of Wu".

But he is warm, kind, and very righteous.

It is a very standard character of a righteous chivalrous person in the rivers and lakes, and it is easy to get along with.

Even if he is as arrogant as Bai Choufei, he cannot refuse such a person to be his friend.

"Of course I'm going to the rivers and lakes. Let me tell you, I was a few days ago..."

Wang Xiaoshi put his waist on his back, with a hearty smile, and couldn't wait to tell his story of being a chivalrous person, with an expression like "it's driving me to hell".

There is no alienation that has not been seen in nearly half a year.

Bai Ye nodded, pointed at Wang Xiaoshi's back, and said, "I can be sure that when you acted as a chivalrous man, Xiao Shishi, you didn't do your best to eliminate evil."

Wang Xiaoshi was stunned for a moment, turned his head in surprise, and saw the pedestrians on the street, very skillfully starting to escape.

At the far end, a group of menacing Jianghu people, carrying swords.

Take the knife, take the knife.

He walked towards this side quickly - almost equivalent to the speed of an ordinary person running wildly. UU reading

Obviously they all have martial arts.

"Ha ha."

Wang Xiaoshi laughed awkwardly, "Looks like we're going to fight side by side again."

"I come."

Bai Ye chuckled lightly and passed Wang Xiaoshi.

Holding the great sword behind him, the scabbard turned into ashes and fell.

Swipe horizontally.

The air in front of them was distorted, and the terrifying heat wave rushed straight to the menacing group.

A charred sword mark appeared on the ground.

"Whoever crosses this line, die."

Hanging down the big sword at will, letting the blade touch the ground, Bai Ye spoke slowly.