MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 649 Western Queen!

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Infinite power surged out.

It works on Nezha.

Nezha's face was a little strange, then he calmed down and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

The dense fog rose little by little, forming a complete picture.

In the picture, it was Nezha who fell into a deep sleep, exactly the same as Nezha lying on the ground.

The same rope was tied to him.

However, within a few seconds, Nezha opened his eyes, and the time in the picture began to recede continuously.

"Are you going back in time?"

Yang Jian asked.

"Yes." Bai Ye nodded.

However, in the backtracking picture, there is no white night.

Therefore, some of Nezha's behaviors look a little weird.

After backtracking for a while, the picture turned and suddenly became the first person.

"It's a little easier this way, and I'll change it back later." Bai Ye said.

With Nezha's ability, seeing six ways and hearing all directions is the basic operation.

Taking it as the main body, it is possible to rewind the time and reproduce the virtual scene.

Even Nezha "watched" it but didn't notice it.

As long as there is a certain amount, even the smallest subconscious residue can be reproduced.

Of course, it will be more tiring at night.

In the period since Nezha came to Yang Jian's temple to the present, there is no need to be so "fine".

There was nothing noteworthy during this time, and Bai Ye accelerated without hesitation.

The screen cover changed wildly.

After a few breaths, we arrived at the scene where Nezha fell in front of the temple.

Then, the screen stopped abruptly, and then changed to the third person.

Like a movie with the utmost precision, Yang Jian has come to Bai Ye's side and asked, "Can you strengthen it a little more?"


Bai Ye said, flicking his fingers slightly.

The original "screen" suddenly expanded and turned into a perfect illusion.

Covered Bai Ye and Yang Jian.

However, the time in the illusion is going backwards, so the movements of the people inside look a bit ghostly and weird.

Nezha turned into a streamer and flew to heaven again.

There is no need for Yang Jian to keep up, the surrounding scene is centered on Nezha and changes.

Thick clouds, invisible barriers.

Nantianmen was reflected in Bai Ye's eyes.

It's almost the same as what you've seen in Journey to the West, and it's just as deserted.

There are no guards of heavenly soldiers.

Nezha lifted Jin Zha's head and "entered" backwards to Nantianmen.

All the way leisurely walk with a smile.

"Is no one guarding?" Bai Ye asked.

"...Usually, someone should be guarding." Yang Jian said.

There are 100,000 soldiers and generals in Heaven.

And they are all people on the Conferred God List. A little true spirit is on the list. While immortal, even if they are mortally injured.

will also be resurrected.

There is no possibility of a manpower shortage.

Nantianmen, how could there be no one guarding it?

"How long has it been since you returned to Heaven?" Bai Ye asked.

"Hundreds of years." Yang Jian said.

Not every immortal lives in the sky, like the Baihua Fairy and the Three Holy Mothers, most of the time, they live in the mortal world.

Occasionally return to heaven to "debrief".

Or take part in an event like the Peach Conference.

And Yang Jian has no interest in this kind of gathering, and the peach, which is considered precious to ordinary gods, is not attractive to him.

The appearance of three virgins can barely represent Yang Jian.

Therefore, Yang Jian has not "visited the heavenly court" for a long time.

And the gods in the sky can also come down to earth without too many restrictions.

Of course, you can't make big things, or you will violate the rules.

Like the Weaver Girl, after she descended to earth, she made big things and violated the punishment after the heavenly rule.

"So that's the case, let me 'ask' Nezha."

Said the night.

After a while, he said: "Nezha said that as early as more than a hundred years ago, the heavenly court was not like before. There were people guarding everywhere, and the heavenly soldiers patrolled in teams."

"The Heavenly Emperor grants amnesty, those heavenly soldiers and generals, as long as they patrol and protect themselves every few days."

After the Conferred God War, Heavenly Court stood for countless years.

There is no opponent for a long time, and he truly dominates the world.

There are at most two or three demons in the mortal world, and they do not pose a threat at all.

It must be said that there are hidden dangers, or internal.

For example, the Queen Mother of the West and Taishang Laojun, who can "entitle the land to the frontier", and Yang Jian, who is outside and has a bad relationship with the Emperor of Heaven.

In this case, the patrol of the heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court is simply dispensable.

It is not surprising that the Heavenly Emperor "amnesty".

Nezha continued to walk backwards and returned to his residence.

The head in his hand was also released and placed on the fallen body of Jin Zha in the courtyard.

"I have a question. Jin Zha is also on the Conferred God List. Could it be that he just died like this?" Bai Ye asked.

In the heavenly court, almost all the immortals have entered the list of conferred gods.

A little true spirit left in the Conferred God Ranking is a kind of restraint and a kind of "reward".

Even if Jin Zha is killed by Nezha, he should be resurrected.

"Being on the Conferred God Ranking, Heaven and Earth have the same life, immortality and immortality are only relative terms." Yang Jian said, "I can really kill the people on the list, and Nezha can also."

"Speaking of which, you are all on the list."

Bai Ye continued to ask, "Isn't it determined by one word? Nezha violated the rules of heaven, so why not use the Fengshen Bang or something? Why did you send Li Jing here?"

Yang Jian opened his mouth while watching, and told Bai Ye about the Conferred God List.

Doing two things with one heart, for the two of them, they are both idle.

Fengshenbang's restraint on immortals is not as big as Bai Ye imagined - it can decide life and death in one word.

For the lowest level, weak immortals, such as those at the level of 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers, can do it.

But higher up, even the Three Virgins, it is impossible to do so.

After all, they are immortals, and they practiced untold hardships (after being conferred gods, monks also flew to the sky, and immortals and Taoisms were spread in the mortal world), and they did not come up to control their lives in the hands of others.

The Conferred God List can limit the mana of the vast majority of immortals, allowing them to be captured easily.

And for a strong man among the old gods like Nezha, it is impossible to use the Conferred God List to treat him like this from a distance.

To use the whip to be effective.

Fengshenbang and whipping are a complete set of "magic weapons".

The magic whip is a powerful weapon against the "immortals in the list".

Although the Heavenly Emperor is the Supreme Being and nominally controls the Conferred God List, the Conferred God List and the whipping of the gods are not owned by him personally.

It's a public tool.

It is placed in the heaven and cannot be used at will.

It's impossible to be the same as Bai Ye, who wants to use whatever weapon and equipment he wants to use.

Especially when dealing with Nezha, he can be regarded as a high-level big man.

I will definitely invite the Queen Mother of the West and the Supreme Being to convene important personnel in the heavenly court to discuss one or two things.

Before that, it was normal to send Li Jing to arrest people first.

You know, his Linglong Pagoda is more effective against Nezha than a divine whip.

And now at this time, it is estimated that Tiandi and the others are still "meeting".

In the incomparably long years, the rhythm of the gods has also become "very slow" as time goes by.

It is also Yang Jian and other martial arts factions who maintain the "resolute and resolute action" of being indecisive and reckless.

The battle between the Wudou faction Nezha and the pseudo-wudou faction Jin Zha took a very short time.

Jin Zha never thought that his younger brother would attack him.

After resisting a little, he was shot through the throat by Nezha—of course, this was a normal situation that happened at that time.

What they saw in the white night was still the scene of retreating.

"The true spirit is gone," Yang Jian said.

It is certain that Jin Zha is indeed dead.

Time keeps going back.

Before killing Jin Zha, Nezha walked around the courtyard uneasy.

Double the grass every now and then.

The environment of Tianting is still very elegant and very suitable for living.

It's a pity that there are no real things like those little bugs that Nezha wants.

The irritability brought about by boredom has begun to emerge.

After encountering Jin Zha, it just broke out and appeared.

Continuing to retreat for several days, Nezha's performance became more and more calm.

Yang Jian's face was slightly solemn, which proved that the time for Nezha to "return to the heart of a child" was actually very close at hand.

Unfortunately, Yang Jian was disappointed.

Because Nezha was silent, he returned to a relatively stable and mature state, with only some rebelliousness left.

It was as if his change was just a natural change.


Yang Jian opened his mouth, he knew that it would be worthless to go back.

The two determined an approximate range, and the surrounding scenes were constantly changing at a frantic speed.

Every moment of every situation is imprinted in their hearts.

The time range of Nezha's "mutation" was also narrowed by the two of them.

Finally, the picture stops.

In the room, Nezha sat cross-legged on the futon, resting and practicing.

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and rotated it, a space in front of Nezha's forehead.

Constantly changing.

Gradually, a palm faded to the limit appeared, a finger stretched out, and lightly tapped on Nezha's forehead.

"found it!"

Said the night.

"Western Queen!"

Yang Jian said in a deep voice.

This beautiful and unparalleled hand belongs to the lord of the Yaochi - the Queen Mother of the West!