MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 621 I didn't do anything, you fell down

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While speaking, Merciless Iron Fist seemed to wake up from the coma and flicked his fingers twice.

He was smashed by Lu Bu with a punch, and another big hole appeared under him.

But this way, Lu Bu really didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

"Pavilion Master, can you give me this knife?"

Lu Bu said with the big sword in his hand, this was not his weapon, but he took it from the iron fist of mercy.

"After returning to the trading pavilion, I would like to ask the masters to forge it into Fangtian Huaji," Lu Bu said.

"Well, good." Bai Ye nodded, "What material to use, you can use it yourself."

Lu Bu nodded and was sent back to the trading pavilion by Bai Ye.

As for the iron fist without mercy, Bai Ye looked at this tall armored warrior.

Unlike the bat who was slightly thin and laughing wildly, he was tall and tall with no mercy and iron fist. Compared with Lu Bu, he was in no way inferior.

Wearing a fully wrapped dark armor, it is not the style of futuristic technology.

It is a medieval cold weapon style, which is not close-fitting and slightly inflated.

Looks formidable.

There is still someone's blood stained on it - of course, this armor is also tattered now.

It's not much different from Lu Bu's armor.

Still intact, is the helmet on his head.

It has a bat wing-like extension, and the position of the eyes glows red, as if inlaid with two rubies.

It is naturally bleak now.

The thrill of a time when there is no more fighting.

According to the information, this helmet is the source of the unmerciful iron fist's super power, and Bai Ye can make a fortune just by taking the helmet away.

But things are not so simple.

Judging from the appearance of the helmet, the helmet is obviously not just the helmet created by Ares, the **** of war.

The power in it is also integrated with Batman.

If you want to get the power of an iron fist without mercy, you still need to trade with him.

Then, next, it's time to show the real technology.

Bai Ye moved his fingers and transformed himself into a superman.

Wonder Woman Diana can't persuade this merciless iron fist to turn back and become a good friend Superman.

Grabbing the "corner" of the helmet with one hand, Bai Ye forcibly took off the helmet.

Showing a "Bruce face" with white hair and a white beard.

Incomparable vicissitudes, but not old.

Similar to the melee wizard Gandalf, under the seemingly vicissitudes of the face, there is infinite muscle power.

Pick up a sword and you can fight Balrog's Berserker.

After weighing the helmet in his hand, he didn't feel any special power, Bai Ye threw it aside at will, and said, "Bruce, wake up."

"Wake up, Bruce."

The back glowed with light, full of the aura of a magician, not superhuman at all.

Of course not in real Superman.

Bai Ye intends to create an "unreal inner world with no mercy and iron fist", and use the identity of his good friend Clark to make the prodigal son with no mercy and iron fist come back.

Hand over his power and take the first step towards redemption.

Under the call of Bai Ye, the merciless iron fist suddenly opened his eyes, and the tyrannical red light burst out directly.

It seems that what people see is not a pair of eyes, but a terrifying sea of ​​corpses and blood.

Bai Ye, who pretended to be Superman, was not affected at all, and said, "Bruce, do you know what's wrong?"

The sound is loud, like the sound of heaven.

The red light in the eyes of Wu Mercy's iron fist subsided a little. Under the serious injury, he couldn't get up, but he still tried his best to look up at Bai Ye.

"Where's Lu Bu?"

Suddenly, Merciless Iron Fist said.

"Your battle is over, look straight into your heart, Bruce." Bai Ye was unaffected and continued to fight.

"I lost."

Merciless Iron Fist is very calm, and there is a golden iron horse in his voice, "What do you want?"


Bai Ye was stunned inwardly.

"As the winning side, you have the right to make demands on the loser." Merciless continued with an iron fist, "So, don't play tricks."

"...I really didn't know you were so enlightened!"

Bai Ye complained in his heart.

Black Batman naturally has different personalities.

Merciless Iron Fist, is a ruthless, cruel and violent warrior.

He pays attention to strength, pursues strength, and after being defeated by a more powerful force, he chooses to admit defeat very simply.

This is the basic quality of a warrior.

"I want to trade the power in you." Bai Ye said, "So you can accept it?"

"The loser is not qualified to put forward any conditions." Said without mercy.

"...Is it that simple?"

Bai Ye was a little angry, how about showing the real technology?

Before I could do anything, you fell!

As soon as his eyes rolled, Bai Ye suddenly thought that since he could make any condition.

It's better to let Merciless Iron Fist join the BOSS team, this is a combat power equivalent to that of the **** and demon Lu Bu.

And the brain is also very good, fully qualified to join the BOSS team.

It's not like the rookie chicken of the Laughing Bat.

"How about you follow me?" Bai Ye asked.

Wu Mercy frowned, shook his head and said, "No."

"Didn't you say that you are not qualified to make any conditions?" Bai Ye raised his eyebrows. Is this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes just to amuse him?

"But I can choose to die," said Merciless Iron Fist.

There is a sadness in the tone of the hero's end.

"It's all a bunch of lunatics."

Bai Ye cursed lowly.

Blackened Batman was originally a group of mentally abnormal groups.

All of them are dead housekeepers, dead girlfriends, dead sons, dead friends, dead companions, plus a unified set of dead parents.

In addition to not dying, even the earth will be "killed" by them.

The tendency to destroy and self-destruct is particularly serious.

To let others die, or to die by themselves, is a normal operation for them.

Having failed with an iron fist without mercy, he made the choice of death.

No one can be shaken.

"Okay, you trade the 'Power of the God of War' to me, and I will give you death." Bai Ye no longer dressed up and returned to his original appearance.

"Okay." Wumer agreed with an iron fist, letting Bai Ye press his right hand on his head.

The power gathers, leaves from the body, and is directly put into the trading pavilion.

With a flicker of incomparably faint purple light, the body of Merciless Iron Fist turned into a pile of ashes, fluttering in the wind.

Bai Ye retracted his hands, stood behind his back, and looked up at the sky.

The icy cold wind blew his robes, and he was very expert.

"Invincible, how lonely it is. Before I could do anything, my opponent fell."

Bai Ye boasted a lot, completely ignoring the fact that it was Lu Bu who defeated the Merciless Iron Fist, and he just took advantage of it.

Of course, in the final analysis, the final credit is still on Bai Ye.

Subordinates have made achievements, and the boss will share a credit, which is the basic operation.

Just like the agent trading, Bai Ye can also get the right and wealth value.

This is the basic law of nature.

After adjusting the master's lonely mentality, Bai Ye took off again.

The Dark Knights, Laughing Bat, Merciless Iron Fist are dead.

There are still five people left: The Dawning Lantern, the Ravager, the Drowned Wraith, the Killing Machine, and the Red Death.

Compared to the Laughing Bat and the Merciless Iron, these five people are more difficult to deal with.

The Dawn Lantern is Batman with a green light ring, and the universe outside the earth is also his battlefield.

The Ravager is Batman who injected himself with the Doomsday virus, and is at the level of Superman.

The home of the drowned soul is the sea.

A killing machine can completely become an "existence" without a specific form, such as Skynet.

Red Death, "devoured" The Flash, a schizophrenic runner.

Compared to them, the Laughing Bats, who are very weak in their own right, and the merciless and iron-fisted warriors in front of them seem to be much easier to deal with.

Bai Ye felt that they should be able to show their true skills.

No, you fell down before I dealt with it.