MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 618 Surprise your aunt

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The scene was quieter than before.

The muzzle was raised, but no one pulled the trigger.

The person in front of me is the clown, yes!

Not the righteous "Mayor Clown" from before, but the clown that everyone is familiar with and the most well-known.

"Gotham" cover character, the best spokesperson for Arkham Asylum.

Only this kind of mental illness will meet and say "eat me big RPG!"

Also, where did this RPG come from?

After the resurrection, the clown always has a surprising new operation.

The flames rose on the roof, and some vague figures could be vaguely seen.

"It hurts, it hurts, hahahaha-"

The laughter of the Laughing Bat came from the flames that were gradually extinguishing.

He did not die under this PRG, but his clothes were partially burned.

Showing hideous burn marks.

It looks more like an evil spirit crawling out of **** than normal.

In particular, a thick chain appeared in the hands of the Laughing Bat at some point.

There is only one ring at the end of the chain, which is linked to three other chains.

And at the end of the three chains is the neck of the three people.

All three were wearing Robin uniforms.

With a blindfold on his face, the exposed skin was pale, like a corpse.

They are either half-squatting or lying on the ground.

The mouth cracked open, revealing abnormally sharp teeth, and made strange laughter and low growls.

It's like a deformed pet kept in captivity by the Laughing Bat.

"Nightwing, Jason, and Damian?" Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

Judging the figures of these three Robins.

These three Robins should be the "pets" brought by the Laughing Bat from his own world.

Judging from the body shape and the vaguely distinguishable appearance, it should be the first generation of Robins and the second generation of Robins.

And Bruce and Thalia's child, Batman's parent, Damian.

The Laughing Bat laughed, and the wounds on his body began to heal quickly.

Apparently it has pretty decent resilience.

Bai Ye nodded with the look of an elder admiring the younger generation, slightly looking forward to it, and then took out an RPG and blasted it out.

But this time, the Laughing Bat loosened the chains in his hands.

A Robin leaped like a beast, blocking the missile.

A splendid flame of fire exploded in mid-air and fell to the ground, not knowing whether to live or die.

"I have three shields!"

The Laughing Bat shouted to Bai Ye, looking very proud.

"Trash! You are two different people!"

Bai Ye said with contempt, "I have five RPGs!"

How can you be so cowardly at this time?

Besides, Bai Ye really has five RPGs.

Moreover, it is five RPGs at one time.

The location of the Laughing Bat was once again shrouded in flames.

The roar of the explosion shook many people's ears.

The huge screen slammed down, the buildings shook, and a large amount of gravel fell.

The other "judges" had no intention of helping.

On the contrary, it is a look and gesture of watching the excitement.

Laughing Bat's plan to rebuild Gotham is quite successful.

The selected "new members of the fan group", at least not his subordinates.

With his own ideas, he is happy to see the madman, the Laughing Bat, slumped.




The contestants in the big iron cage also began to shout frantically.


The Joker of Gotham City is back!

You can't expect a group of lunatics willing to become crocodile killers to have any normal thinking and loyal loyalty.

Whoever is evil enough and strong enough is the object worthy of their support.

At some point, the criminals of Gotham City will even embrace Batman—provided that Batman is willing to use them for errands, rather than breaking their bones when they meet.

Now the clown who can send five PRGs at one time is the object of everyone's support.

Don't forget, the Joker is the "old man" of Gotham City.

Compared with the maniacal bat, it has a better mass base.

Even those who carry guns, there are many direct defections.

At this moment, a burning figure suddenly appeared in the flames.

Smashed **** the Batmobile.

One end of the Batmobile was smashed up, and Bai Ye's body flew out.

It also fell into the fire that has not been completely extinguished.

A "Robin" lay on the Batmobile, let out a roar like crazy laughter, and started to work on the Batmobile under him.

He raised his arm and dropped it again, his fingers pierced into the shell of the Batmobile and yanked it sharply.

It was abruptly torn off a large piece.

This is a Batmobile that can block tank shelling. It was dismantled by "Robin" with his bare hands?

In the light of the fire, Bai Ye felt that he should drive a "Gundam".

Let's see if this thing can dismantle Gundam with bare hands.

Tim was revealed in the disassembled Batmobile.

A series of gunshots rang out.

Without hesitation, Tim poured the bullet completely onto Robin in front of him.

Perhaps because the injury was too severe, the Robin also collapsed after the gunfire stopped.

The surrounding criminals still did not intend to shoot.

Let Tim take out the grappling hook, turn his body into a big bird, and fly to where the Laughing Bat and Bai Ye are.

After landing, Tim saw that on the roof, which had collapsed in half, the "Joker" and the Laughing Bat were "confronting".

On the face of the clown who was pretending to be Bai Ye, there was a crazy smile.

The same goes for the Laughing Bat.

But compared to the "Joker" intact.

The Laughing Bat is really miserable, except for the head, there is hardly any good meat on his body.

It's as simple as putting people on the iron pole and grilling.

It was roasted until it was charred inside and tender outside before taking it out.

There was blood flowing out of his body constantly, and black flesh and blood fell from his body.

Recovering hard.

Even so, the Laughing Bat still gave out a deep laugh, as if the injured person was not him at all.

Or maybe the pain made him even happier.


With an obvious yawn, the smile on Bai Ye's face gradually disappeared, and his face was dull, "It's really boring, I thought I found some fun."

"Boring?" The Laughing Bat's smile finally subsided.

However, the teeth and gums are still exposed.

Apparently, he was like this whether he was smiling or not.

"Of course it's boring."

Bai Ye looked unlovable, "As the combination of me and Bruce, the heir, I originally thought you would have Bruce's physique, wisdom, and my madness and dashing."

"It will be the most perfect product in the world."

"The result? Not to mention your bad taste in clothing."

"What did I see?"

"I saw a mentally handicapped giggling. After being slapped, he put the other side of his face up and said loudly - 'Haha, it doesn't hurt at all, you have the ability to do it again.'"

"I've never heard such a strange request."

"Perhaps you think it's very interesting to be grilled like a barbecue without dying, to recover, and to laugh at the other party's ineffectiveness?"

"Learn to keep pace with the times, you scumbag."

"Laughing at each other while being beaten by Batman, I stopped playing this set three years ago, the audience is tired of it!"

Bai Ye hates iron not turning into steel.

Why are you so good, you are so good, I have no pleasure at all!

More importantly, you are so good.

The expectations just now disappeared.

Sure enough, except for a set of Hellbat armor, this Laughing Bat is worthless.

The Laughing Bat stared at Bai Ye and laughed again: "So, will this be more interesting?"

Suddenly, Tim on Bai Ye's side swelled up and transformed into a pale humanoid monster.

A portion of the bone burst out of the body, forming sharp bone spurs.

That appearance is somewhat similar to Superman's old opponent, Doomsday.


The Laughing Bat raised his hands high and said.

Then, Tim's humanoid monster smashed onto him.

This time, the smile on his face really disappeared.

Bai Ye took a appeared in front of the monster-like Tim, stretched out his hand and grabbed him, throwing him into the trading cabinet.

Then he raised his foot and stepped on the face of the Laughing Bat.

Stepped on the long nails on the face of the Laughing Bat.

"I surprise your second aunt!"

Bai Ye scolded while stepping on it, "Putting a strange thing next to me is a surprise? It's scaring you, do you understand? Who are you scaring you when you look so ugly!"

Three consecutive steps on quality.

The head of the Laughing Bat sank into the "ground", and Bai Ye squatted down to the Laughing Bat and said, "It's useless if you don't fix it, let's make a deal."

He took out a five coin and said, "Come on, I will use this fifty cents to trade Hellbat armor, you can't refuse."

An absolute (P) to (Y) deal that is impossible to refuse.

Re-emerging in the arena again.