MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 611 Who are you and who is he?

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Bai Ye took a step back, his eyes full of curiosity.

In the end, what will happen?

There is no doubt that none of the Infinity Stones on Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet are real.

All Infinity Stones are fake!

All the fake ones are copycats copied by Bai Ye with the greedy lamp ring.

In the transaction with Thanos, Bai Ye never mentioned the words of Infinity Stones, but replaced them with words such as "gem" and "gem in my hand".

Where did Thanos think that there are still things in the universe that can be copied and counterfeit Infinity Stones?

There was no doubt at all that Bai Ye would pit him.

Because this is something that can't be pitted.

Snap your fingers.

A majestic force emanated from the Infinity Gloves.

Even if it is a copycat, it is a copycat made through the greedy lamp ring.

The entire DC universe is also unique.

When Bai Ye copied the Infinity Stones, he was not too stingy—the main reason was that he was too stingy, and Thanos could see the clues.

Shanzhai gems and infinite gloves are enough to be called "high-end products".

Compared with the Thunder God's Storm Axe, it is definitely better.

"and many more!"

Bai Ye suddenly thought of a possibility.

Because it is actually a gem produced by DC, will you snap your fingers?

The Marvel world is fine, but half of the people in the DC world died?

If that's the case, I'm really sorry for the people of DC.

The powerful force spreads out.

A faint wave of ripples burst out from Thanos' hands, rushing in all directions.

At the same time, the six Infinity Gems on the Infinity Gloves shattered together, turning into splendid stars.

Like dust, it fell on the ground.

Bai Ye and Thanos froze for a moment at the same time.

Don't understand why this happens.

Thanos suddenly looked at Bai Ye, could it be that this businessman did something wrong?

However, the stunned look on Bai Ye's face was real.

Thanos was also puzzled, didn't he do something?

So why is the Infinity Stone completely broken?


"damn it!"

At this moment, a burst of screeching came from the other side.

I saw that the five obsidian generals looked at each other with expressions of shock that could not be concealed on their faces.

"What's the noise?"

The unexpected situation made Thanos in a bad mood, and scolded him sharply.


Obsidian Wu will open his mouth with all kinds of tongues, like a thousand ducks screaming in his ears.

After a few minutes, Thanos and Bai Ye, who figured out what was going on, looked at each other.

"Why?" Thanos asked.

"How do I know." Bai Ye is more innocent than Thanos.

The five obsidian generals in front of him seem to be the five obsidian generals, but in fact, he is not him, and she is not her.

A group of people who inexplicably exchanged "souls".

Supergiant and Proxima Dark are swapped.

The Deathblade, Ebony Throat, and Black Dwarf were swapped.

Inside the body of the ebony throat is the death blade.

Inside the black dwarf is an ebony throat.

The body of the dead blade is a black dwarf.

Bai Ye wondered, could it be that when he copied the Soul Gem, he increased the intensity of the soul exchange caused by it?

Now that the Obsidian Generals have swapped—

Bai Ye nodded slightly to Thanos, motioning for him to solve the trouble here.

Went to the Earth Alliance.

Sure enough, they were not exempt.

A group of people quarreled, and they didn't know who had exchanged with whom.

"Calm down!"

Bai Ye shouted loudly, suppressing the mixed voices of the crowd, "What happened?"

"Body swapped."

Captain America walked over and said.

"Oh, so who are you now?" Bai Ye asked.

"It's me, director, it's me, Peter Parker." The Captain America version of Spider-Man said enthusiastically, and reached out to touch the developed chest muscles.

With an expression of admiration.

This is the idol's chest muscle!

"Then is Steve in your body?" Bai Ye asked.

Judging from the situation of Obsidian five generals, it seems that it is not an exchange, but a "random exchange".

The obsidian five generals were fine, they killed five people.

There is a group of people here, it is simply a large group exchange scene, it is really a mess.

"seems not."

Spider-Man excitedly ran to the body and asked, "Who are you?"

There were too many people, and when Bai Ye came, a group of people didn't know who was who.

"Tony Stark," said "Peter Parker."

"Mr. Stark?" Peter Parker was surprised.

"That tone, Peter?" Stark looked at Captain America, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"I do not!"

On the other side, the sad and angry voice of "Tony Stark" came.

"What's your dissatisfaction?" Stark asked dissatisfied.

"This weak mortal body." Obviously, the person in Stark's body now is Thor.

As for Thor, he was holding the storm axe in a daze, and from time to time he reached out and touched his beard.

The only real man in the Avengers, Black Widow finally has a body that matches her character.

Congrats, congratulations.

My body was occupied by the "good Captain America, the good son of the people, and the good President of the White House" who was so embarrassed and completely unable to take care of himself, who was about to roll on the spot.

Even the Hulk and Banner exchanged next to him, and Banner, who was lucky enough to escape, shrank awkwardly.

Don't forget, Banner and Black Widow are in a relationship!

"Director Bai, the situation is not very good."

Wolverine Logan came over, his eyes were wise and vicissitudes of life.

Well, this one is now Professor X.

There are two Magneto next to it.

One is to "settled" the body of a Mystique, and quickly mastered the essentials, becoming Magneto's Magneto.

The other is a witch.

The two exchanged.

"Well, it's not so good—poof, hahahaha!"

After holding back for two seconds, Bai Ye broke the gong, and laughed loudly.

The situation in front of me is really interesting.

"Is it time to laugh? What can you do?" Stark came over and asked with a handsome face.


Bai Ye pondered for a while, walked to the real Black Widow, the fake Thor, and asked, "Do you need help?"

The eyes of everyone around him lit up.

Is there a good way for the night?

Black Widow also looked at Bai Ye and nodded expectantly.

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and took out a set of women's clothes: "Come on, put on this women's clothes, be yourself, and become a cute girl."


Black Widow hadn't reacted yet.

The Thor next to him was angry.

The dignified **** of Asgard, how could someone use his body to wear women's clothes?

This is absolutely unbearable!

So, Thor swooped over—

Bai Ye stretched out his hand to hold his head, but he couldn't hit Bai Ye with his hands.

Stark's short legs and short hands...

"stop it!"

Tony Stark wailed, what a shame!

To actually use his body to do such a shameful act!

He is a billionaire man, a playboy, a big philanthropist, a man in the upper class, and a man who has grown by 18CM.

How can you do such a shameful thing?

Fortunately, he's Spider-Man now, so it's easy to pull Thor aside.


This kind of feeling of bullying people by body is really happy!

Thor the "ordinary man" was very sad, and fought with Spider-Man Tony Stark in a semi-incapacitated nano-armor.

Black Widow looked at the women's clothes in Bai Ye's hands, and simply went to study the axe.

What women's clothing is not as fun as an axe.

At this moment, a gust of fragrant wind hit his face, and the Scarlet Witch rushed into Bai Ye's arms and looked at him ingratiatingly.

"Who is this?"

Bai Ye hugged the Scarlet Witch and looked at Kuaiyin next to him, wondering who this Kuaiyin was.

"I don't know, she stayed for a while, and then ran over." "Quicksilver" said, "Oh, I'm Hawkeye."

He pointed at Hawkeye and said, "He's Quicksilver."

Bai Ye beckoned and asked Kuaiyin to come over and ask, "What's wrong with your sister? It doesn't feel like you have swapped bodies?"

Quicksilver shook his head, he didn't know what happened to the Scarlet Witch.

How to pounce on Director Bai's arms, like a pet dog.

Although they all felt that Director Bai was very powerful and admired.

But that was once!

Later, everyone felt that the image of "dead profiteer" was more suitable for Bai Ye.

Even if he still worships, he won't make the current florid-crazy behavior.

Could it be that everyone else switched bodies, and only his sister had her brain broken?

"and many more!"

Bai Ye suddenly thought of something, looked down at the Scarlet Witch, took a step back and said, "Sit down."

The Scarlet Witch smiled and sat down obediently.

Or rather, squat.

"No, sister!" Kuaiyin shouted desperately.

Fortunately, most of the people present were good people, and they deliberately turned their heads away from watching this scene.

Give Kuaiyin sister and brother some face.

Interested in Spider-Man, his eyes were also covered by the fake Black Widow.

Bai Ye crouched down in front of the Scarlet Witch, stretched out a hand and said, "Hand."

Scarlet Witch put her hand on it at once.

"It's confirmed." Bai Ye turned his head and said to Kuaiyin, "...This is Satsuma, I didn't expect it to be tricked too."

Satsuma is the product of many coincidences.

Even in the white night, when the transfer is performed, there is no certainty that it will be a perfect transfer.

The Satsuma Vision who lost the fake Mind Gem has lost his previous wisdom and has become better than ordinary pet dogs.

Fortunately, it is not a real Samoyed, otherwise, you can directly join the ranks of the three idiots on the sled.

"So, your sister should be in Satsuma's body." Bai Ye said.

Satsuma, still at the Wakanda Technology Center, it is estimated that the real Scarlet Witch is over there with a dazed face.

Quicksilver instinctively ran over to see it, but the overdue speed did not increase.

Instead, he almost fell.

He sighed helplessly.

who are you?

Who is he?

This is the basic situation now.

Well, Bai Ye was once again the only winner.