MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 608 New BOSS Thanos is here!

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"First of all, your hairstyle is not good." Bai Ye circled Thanos and said very confidently.


Thanos touched his bald head, where did he get his hair?

Bai Ye took out a new video installation and began to choose hairstyles.

He is not the kind of teacher Tony Muraguchi and styling director who patted his chest and said, "I will cut you like a star", and then cut people like a comedian.

Bai Ye will give customers the right to choose independently.

"What do you think of Sephiroth's hairstyle?" Bai Ye said, pointing at the handsome Sephiroth.

"not good."

Thanos shook his head.

"What about the spot?"

"This hairstyle feels like a primitive man and a wild monkey." Thanos gave a judgment.

Indeed, Madara's hair looks a bit like Super Saiyan III.

Without a certain domineering and forceful style, it cannot be supported at all.

"Blue dye, a strand of hair hangs down, and the back of the head is incomparably large, domineering and high." Bai Ye said.

"Okay." Thanos nodded.

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and took out, of course not a wig.

Instead, he took out a ring, the one he used to pretend to be a clown.

However, it is a step closer in appearance, which belongs to the perfect cross-dressing.

And on the spiritual side, there is no reinforcement whatsoever.

Special ring.

Bai Ye threw the ring to Thanos.

Thanos looked at the huge ring in his hand, put it on, and tried it.

A blue-dyed high-style hairstyle appeared on the top of his head.

It's just that, no matter how handsome the hairstyle is, what's the use without a face?

A purple potato hood, the sense of disobedience is extremely serious.

Thanos himself felt the same, and he shook his head: "No, it's okay to look at it, but it won't look good if you wear it."

You see, this Titan has no self-knowledge at all.

It's like watching a model's seller's show on the Internet, and I was so excited that I bought clothes.

As a result, I took it home and wore it, and the seller showed it impressively.

Ah, it's the clothes that don't work.

"...It's not the face, uncle." Bai Ye spat out.

"The face is normal." Thanos said, his face serious and serious.

Well, Thanos didn't lie.

He is majestic and domineering, and he is the kind of mature uncle who can make little girls scream.

How can the face not work?

"Old Sa, don't you realize that Titan's aesthetics are not the mainstream aesthetics of the universe?"

Bai Ye said, "The mainstream aesthetics of this universe is still the aesthetics of human beings. Then you can stop talking, leave everything to me, and trust Mr. Tony."

"Who is Tony?" Thanos asked.

"It's me, it's just a nickname, don't always pay attention to such details."

Said the night.

The image of Thanos in front of him began to change little by little.

"Well, the clothes are not good, the tights are outdated... Heroes can wear them, but high-level bosses still wear tights?"

"Replace it for me."

"All-purple skin is not good either, zero bad reviews, negative points get out, and you have to change it too."

"The cloak is too outdated. It was fashionable N years ago. The next wave of reincarnation has not yet come, so there must be no cloak."

Bai Ye whispered while helping Thanos change his appearance.

A few minutes passed.

A tall but not cumbersome, but rather slender, typically thin, undressed and fleshy man appeared in front of Bai Ye.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome face.

There are also purple lines on the face, adding a bit of strangeness.

The hairstyle is Aizen's hairstyle, and the clothes are the slim robes of Aizen's incarnation of the BOSS.

Elegant and unrestrained at the same time, but also very neat.

But not white, but purple, eye-catching and extremely gorgeous!

"Why purple?" Thanos asked.

"You are already purple, don't you like purple?"

Bai Ye said, "Remember, purple is not a color that ordinary people can control. Gay purple can only be supported by real men who are extremely domineering."

"Your temperament is very suitable for Gay Zi."

"If you don't want to, I'll arrange for you to be a slender, handsome, gay, and purple kendo boy."

"A bald-headed, muscular guy, or something, will sooner or later take the path of the evil god."


Thanos didn't understand, and was too lazy to speak, leaving Bai Ye to toss.

"You don't take the path of a slender, handsome, gay, purple kendo boy." Bai Ye said, "But you must not take the evil way. The current situation is more in line with mainstream aesthetics."

"Also, you brought me your golden gloves."

"I also want to change the way of fighting. Going up and fighting with fists is not compelling at all."

"Either empty-handed and long-distance magnification, or take a sword that pulls the wind, or a handsome and domineering weapon."

"Fist gloves are definitely not good, they are all things that are only played with third-rate dragon gloves."

Thanos simply took off the Infinity Gloves and threw them into Bai Ye's hands: "I'll leave it to you for safekeeping first."

Anyway, everyone is in a transaction relationship, so don't panic at all.

Bai Ye put away the Infinity Gloves and the gems on them: "Are you going to use your bare hands or weapons?"

"Will the hammer work?" Thanos asked.

"What do you say?"

Said the night.

"Then use a big gun!" Thanos said.

Bai Ye thought about it, now Thanos' shape, with a gorgeous big gun, is not bad.

It's just that the world's spearmen are lucky to have ten fights, and Zilong alone has nine fights.

What's wrong with using a gun?

After thinking about it, the kind-hearted Bai Ye took out a Fangtian halberd: "This is it."

For Fang Tianhuaji, Thanos is still very satisfied.

With two random waves, the entire spaceship vibrated.

"Next, the last item, BGM, when a BOSS appears, he must bring BGM, and in his BGM, no one can beat him."

Bai Ye said, "I recommend this song "Thedan" to you. Remember, before appearing on the stage, the sky should be covered with clouds, highlighting an imposing one."

"Either slowly descend from the sky, completely suppress the audience with one person, and make everyone quiet down."

"Or, just listen to the BGM and see no one, and then, suddenly, everyone finds that the strongest person present has been pinched by you and thrown away like trash."

"I recommend Dead Blade, this rookie."

"He's mine," Thanos said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Bai Ye said, "because it's so ugly. You know, many things need to be contrasted to stand out. Then Hulk."

"Why not Thor?" Thanos asked.

Thor, in the current "Earth Alliance", has the strongest combat power.

Defeating him can have the effect of shocking the audience.

"Have a comparison!"

Bai Ye said, "Thunder God has grown up like this, can you be compared with you, don't you have a B number in your heart?"

"Also, don't fight with people for half a day, you can't tell the difference between the winner and the loser, this is the most shameful thing. It is called invincible, and you can fight anyone for a long time, just for fun. Once injured, it really is I went to Saka Star, just go and play with Gao Tianzun."

"You're not taking the funny route. This is a taboo, and you must not commit it!"

"Once you make a move, you will completely crush the opponent with a thunderous, irresistible force."

"By the way, don't kill people."

Thanos frowned: "Why?"

He doesn't care about killing or not, but why does Bai Ye emphasize this?

"They're all Lao Tzu's customers or potential customers, where will you make money if you kill me?" Bai Ye took the real answer to heart.

A set of superficial answers was given to Thanos: "Murdering is just a means, not an end, and what is your ultimate goal? In order to maintain the sustainable development of the universe, it is necessary to become a leader. Don't forget that we are doing so much now. For what, simply killing is meaningless."

"You have to subdue them, that's the purpose."

"Huh—I'm exhausted."

Bai Ye took out a large glass of water and drank it, "Is there any problem? If not, get ready to play."

Thanos nodded.

In the originally bright sky, darkness began to shroud.

Don't think that Thanos will only fight hand to hand, regardless of the Infinity Gauntlet.

He himself can release energy.

That is to say, it is completely possible to emit energy and respond to waves with people.

If according to the setting of the comics, Thanos' "energy emission" belongs to the highest seventh level.

It can release a variety of energy forms in a near-infinite range.

Bai Ye is not very clear, whether this is the result of the Infinity Stones and Infinity Gloves.

But there is no doubt that it will affect the celestial phenomenon.

It is not difficult for Thanos to let the dark clouds overwhelm the city and cover the city with darkness.

The spaceship the two of them were riding in suddenly disintegrated, and Thanos disappeared without a trace.

There was only one installation left, and the "Thedan" provided by Bai Ye began to play, and the magnificent voice gradually spread throughout the audience.

"By the way, don't forget to read the poem!" Bai Ye shouted.

He knew that Thanos could hear.

"what happened?"

"it's dark!"

"...feeling something is coming!"

The people who were fighting on the field also gradually stopped their "actions".

Black sky, terrible coercion.

Even the rampant Hulk and the eco-friendly Wolverine slowed down, focusing most of their attention on the sky.

what's going on?

What's up with this vision and the music that came out of nowhere?

"Could it be Thanos?" On the side of the Earth Alliance, a bad answer came to mind.

"No, it should be Bai Ye!"

Iron Man Tony Stark said, "This kind of whimsy, 'this forced me to pretend' style, must be White Night!"

When Thor came back, everyone still knew Bai Ye's "feat" to stop Thanos alone.

If Thanos comes, what about White Night?

The biggest trump card that was promised won't be torn up in advance, right?

Therefore, deep down, everyone was obviously more willing to believe that it was Bai Ye.

After all, this style must have been lost in Bai Ye!

"Killing life to protect life, killing business is not killing people..."

Just when everyone was suspicious and guessing, a grand and domineering voice came out I, destroy the world, and create the world again. "

The sound goes from far to near, and the first word is still on the horizon.

When the last word was said, it seemed like a thunderbolt sounded in everyone's ears.

It shocked everyone into a trance.

When he came back to his senses, he found that there was already one more person on the field.

This man was floating in midair, his purple robe rattling in the wind.

Holding a domineering halberd in one hand.

With the other hand, he grabbed the "Hulk" who was constantly struggling and gradually shrinking!

Not the Hulk.

It's the hapless Wolverine Logan.

Thanos caught the wrong person...