MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 603 happy hour begins

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Ebony-throated "give me death" is not a simple vent.

The sound like a magic sound was transmitted to everyone's ears.

All faces changed.

Apart from the fact that the old **** was still there in Bai Ye, but raised his eyebrows slightly, even Nero's eyes were no longer normal.

There was a demonic red light in his eyes.

Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Falcon and others who were flying in the air all fell to the ground.

The new nanosuit on Iron Man is constantly changing form.

Friday's voice came: "Sir, please restrain yourself, or I will take over the control of the armor."

"I...restrained." Tony Stark said with difficulty.

The moment he heard the ebony throat demonic sound, he had an uncontrollable urge to kill himself.

Now he is struggling with the "Magic Sound".

Hawkeye, who was pulling the bow in the dark, had already put down the bow and arrow.

He held the arrow in one hand and pressed it against his neck, while the other held his hand tightly.

It looks like a schizophrenic.

Captain America kept beating his shield, making a "dangdangdang" sound.

Others are no better.

Several have already started to self-mutilate. On the one hand, they are affected by the magic sound of the ebony throat. On the other hand, they want to hit the spirit through pain to regain control of the body.

Doctor Strange is the most normal looking one.

It can only be seen that the red cloak behind him is constantly shaking.

His hands were shaking slightly, and he was obviously fighting against the magic sound.

This is still a "group attack" from Ebony Throat.

If he hit the spirit and cast it on a person.

I am afraid that the mental strength of Doctor Strange will also be seriously affected, and even be manipulated by the other party.

"Nice mental strength."

The ebony throat opened his mouth and said, his voice indifferent.

This is not sarcasm.

It is really praising the spirit of this group of people on earth for being very tenacious.

None of these people really died under his language.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that the ebony throat is killing people as soon as it opens its mouth.

For death, most people will instinctively have a strong resistance.

Replace it with words such as "the weak retreat" and "you get out of here".

At least two-thirds of the people on the field will obediently do as Ebony Throat says.

rather than in the current stage of confrontation.

For Ebony Throat, the current situation is actually enough.

He raised his hand.

The ground beneath his feet cracked continuously, and the gravel floated up, condensing into sharp stone thorns in mid-air.

To pierce all the people present.

It's enough to leave a Doctor Strange behind and figure out the whereabouts of the two gems.

At this moment, Spider-Man shouted, and a lot of words popped out of his mouth that no one could hear clearly, and rushed towards the ebony throat.

Ebony throat stretched out his hand and moved slightly.

Those stone thorns immediately stabbed Spider-Man.

Twisting in mid-air, Spider-Man avoided the stone thorn while reaching out and spraying spider silk.

A mass of white spider silk immediately stuck on Ebony Throat's face.

Ebony Throat is not a physically strong close combat school.

He smeared his face with the spider silk, and immediately stepped back and staggered a few steps.

Spider-Man adjusted his posture in mid-air and kicked his feet towards the ebony throat.

Ebony throat covered his face with one hand, tore the spider silk on his face, and raised his other hand sharply.

The street lights next to it flew up and shot straight at Spider-Man.

Forcing Peter to move again to protect himself and land on the ground.

Pulling off the sticky spider silk on his face, the ebony throat looked at the "earthman cub in tights", wondering how he resisted his language?

However, since the language does not work.

Ebony throat raised his hand, and a large number of objects around him became his weapons.

Like falling rain, it falls on everyone, sweeping them all away.

Nero's body transformed into a demon phantom.

Block over Bai Ye's head to prevent him from being hit by the next indiscriminate attack.

And Doctor Strange suddenly stretched out his hand and cast a spell.

A streak of orange-red light appeared from his hands, instantly binding the hands of Ebony-throated.

Spider-Man jumped up and did what he didn't do just now.

Feet kicked in Ebony Throat's face.

Being attacked, Ebony Maw naturally can no longer sustain the attack.

Weapons in mid-air turned into a pile of junk.

Injured a lot of people, but not enough to kill.

Ebony throat was smeared by Spider-Man, and the power of language was naturally weakened.

Doctor Strange was also the quickest to break free and recover.

Only now has this scene.


A large amount of blood of strange color flowed out of the nose and mouth, and the ebony throat roared violently while flying out.

Full power.

Including Dr. Qiyu, they twisted their bodies involuntarily, trying to stay away from this alien enemy.

This blocked space shattered on its own.

The ebony throat pulled up high and flew into the sky in an instant.

Without leaving the cruel words of "I'll be back", he glanced at everyone with cold eyes and walked away.

The magic sound gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other with a wry smile.

Originally thought that a group of people beat one up, it was a sure thing.

Unexpectedly, he was beaten by the opponent.

Although the final result was that the other party escaped, the winner of this ambush was obviously not the "Earth Alliance" side.

You know, Ebony Maw is not someone who is good at dealing with this kind of ambush.

The ability of ebony throat is roughly divided into two types:

One is the language that he can manipulate people's hearts and actions.

The second is the ability similar to telekinetic control that has just been demonstrated.

But what Ebony Throat is really good at is not fighting.

It is his intelligence coupled with his highly skilled manipulative abilities, known as "a black tongue that spreads lies and evil wherever he goes".

Hence the name Black Tongue Advisor.

In the face of a non-military enemy, he still ambushes the opponent, but after being suppressed by the opponent, he runs away.

No one can call it a victory.

"Let's go back first." Iron Man said.

Doctor Strange opened the passage, everyone left, and returned to another Avengers base.

People who are treated are scheduled to go to treatment.

In this battle, except for Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, everyone else is playing soy sauce.

Battlefield model.

"How did you do it, I mean resist his language?"

Doctor Strange looked at Spider-Man and asked.

The performance of Spider-Man just now was really amazing.

He recovered faster than him.

"Uh... as long as you keep talking to yourself and don't listen to his constant voice."

Peter Parker scratched the back of his head and said, "Besides, I usually exercise."

Exercise or something, needless to say, of course, the symbiote that Bai Ye threw to Spider-Man.

As for constantly talking to yourself.

This is Spider-Man's talent, and everyone said that he couldn't learn it, he couldn't learn it.

There is only one symbiote, and even if it is split into a pile, it is impossible to crawl and train enough to compete with the language ability of ebony throat.

After all, it is someone else's housekeeping skills.

After a little training, you can become immune, and it's too shameless.

"Are the five obsidian generals so strong?" Tony asked.

"of course not."

Bai Ye said, "In terms of combat power, Ebony Muzzle should be the weakest one."

Huge pressure, like a mountain, is pressing on everyone's heart.

It's just an ebony throat, and it's still like this when he has no intention of calculating.

plus others...

No wonder Bai Ye took things so seriously.

Could it be that we can only go bankrupt and let the sturdy men under Bai Ye go out?


Bai Ye clapped his hands and said, "Don't you all need to be so pessimistic? You were just caught off guard by the opponent's ability for a while. Now that we know the opponent's ability, we can completely counter his ability."

"How to target?"

Tony asked instinctively, and then his body shook.

Nima, this subtle feeling, next, should be—

"At this time, I will use the same helmet of Magneto, which was produced by my Trading Pavilion, a silent artifact, professional shielding spirit, and mind-like blind comparison - the hat of the scene man!"

That's right, next is White Night's sales time.

He took out Magneto's used helmet and showed it to everyone.

"As you can see, this is the helmet that Lao Wan has been wearing in the scene. After wearing him, Professor X can no longer compare with him."

"An artifact that can isolate various 'sounds'."

"Ebony throat's language ability, to put it bluntly, also directly affects the spirit and soul."

"After wearing the helmet, it is estimated that at least 80% of the opponent's mouth cannon power can be weakened, and the remaining 20%, I believe, with the strength of your mind, at most you just feel uncomfortable."

"The hat of the scene, the mouth guard, and the loss of control, you deserve it!"



Everyone looked at Bai Ye and had 10,000 words of "MMP" to say in their hearts.

"So, do you want to buy it?" Bai Ye said, "It's not too much to have an ebony throat and a helmet for each person."

"Magneto, can you make it?" Tony asked.

"He will not."

Bai Ye showed his white teeth and smiled very brightly.

"Tony, don't panic, you mustn't be allowed to pay this time."

Bai Ye continued, "You think about it, now everyone is trying to save the earth. There are so many rich people in the world, right? The rich people all over the world unite and buy some equipment to fight against foreign enemies. Is there any problem?"

"I understand."

Captain America, who was the president, said, "I will prepare the necessary 'combat funds'. What good equipment do you have, don't hide it."

"Good talk!"

Just waiting for this sentence.

Bai Ye waved his hand, and a humanoid armor appeared behind him.

"The advanced fully-wrapped fully automatic battle armor is developed based on the steel battle suit. Although it is not as good as Tony's current advanced nano battle, it also has the level of the classic Mark VI. According to the needs of users, it can be used in The transformation will be completed within 2 hours. It will become a personal version such as Iron Suit for Hawkeye, Iron Suit for Black Widow, and Captain America.”

"You can choose whether to come with 'combat intelligence'."

"The price of the normal version is 7,000 points, and the medium version with combat intelligence is 8,500 points."

"The 10,000-point asset value of the advanced personal customized version is the base price, and an additional fee will be charged according to the need for transformation."

"In terms of weapons, it is a simple and easy-to-use cold weapon, the Hammer of Jinjiang."

Bai Ye took out the shanzhai Thor's hammer and the shanzhai shield again, "See who is unhappy and hit it with a hammer, and it will also have a thunder and lightning effect."

"Defensive weapons, shocking shields, can resist the hammer of Jinjiang, the pattern on it can be customized to your liking, sad non-mainstream text, social man Peppa, you can choose. Buy 20 shields at one time, It can be customized for free.”

The happy hour of the night has begun.