MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 595 White Night's World (2)

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In the corner of the room, there is also a squat toilet.

Very clean, basically no odor comes out.

I don't know if it's been cleaned up for a long time. After all, the room still smells of disinfectant.

Looking down at himself, he was wearing a hospital gown that didn't fit well.

The temperature in the room is not low, even if there is only an empty, thin hospital gown, Bai Ye still does not feel cold.

But... the point is not on the hospital gown.

"Too thin, this body."

Bai Ye moved his hands and feet.

Rolling up the sleeves, the arms exposed to the eyes can even be described as slender, and the skin has a strange whiteness that has not been exposed to the sun for a long time.

You know, as early as the first DC world, White Night used the perfect Titan Elixir.

Become a macho in a second.

Standard clothing and lean body type, with perfectly well-proportioned muscles.

But now, Bai Ye stretched out his hand, without having to press it deliberately, he could feel the obvious ribs on his body.

Taking off his clothes, Bai Ye looked at his body.

This body is quite thin.

Touching his chin, the hard stubble was a little piercing.

It shows that this thin body should belong to an adult, at least a man who is close to adulthood, not a teenager who has just begun to develop.

He stretched out his hand, and his long, fair fingers were beautiful.

There is no true fire of samadhi.

There is no samadhi.

Can't display the universe in the sleeve, the blood shadow magic, the swordsmanship, and can't be demonized.

Bai Ye's abilities have all been lost.

As if it never existed.

Not only that, but the Rod of Power and Wealth did not respond to his call, and did not appear with Bai Ye's intentions.

All power has disappeared and left him.

Bai Ye slammed the door with a punch, and then swung his hand—it really hurt.

Just when Bai Ye was thinking about what kind of world it was.

A burst of footsteps that were not particularly clear came and stopped outside the door.

In the white night, you can see that the light under the crack of the door has shadows appearing and staying.

The small window of the iron door was opened, revealing a pair of serious-looking eyes: "9527, come out."


Bai Ye didn't speak, just looked at the people outside the door.

I thought he looked familiar.

The person outside the door frowned and said: "Hey, be honest with me, I brought a stick this time, you dare to be the same as last time, shouting Qiankun in your sleeve to rush over, I won't be polite to you again. already."


Bai Ye looked at the person outside the door with an idiot look, "Are you mentally ill? Do I look like such a childish person?"

"have to."

The man outside the door laughed, but it was an obvious mockery, "Okay, okay, okay, I'm mentally ill, you're not, come out with me. A normal person."

Saying that, he opened the door from outside.

This iron door, the door lock inside the room, was specially covered and sealed with an iron box, which could only be opened from the outside.

Walking out the door, Bai Ye saw another man besides the man who had just spoken to him.

Both were wearing clothes similar to carers.

One was younger, and the one who spoke to Bai Ye was a middle-aged man.

He looks quite handsome, and he has the feeling of a middle-aged handsome uncle.

It's a pity that the cheap clothes and the Mediterranean Sea above his head destroyed the original temperament.

Suddenly, a middle-aged handsome uncle became a master.

"Isn't this uncle, have you gone bankrupt and changed jobs?"

Recognizing the familiar Mediterranean Sea, Bai Ye stretched out his hand with a smile on his face, and was about to pat the middle-aged man on the shoulder.

Isn't this guy Bai Ye's uncle, Bai Jincheng?

"Crazy again! I've said it eight hundred times, I'm not your uncle, nor is my name Bai Jincheng! Damn it! Now I know, when I beat someone, I didn't know I was 'Bai Jincheng'."

The middle-aged man jumped sharply and put on a vigilant posture, "I warn you, be honest with me, the stick in my hand is not for playing."

To be honest, he really wanted to be treated like any other patient.

Put a straitjacket on this 9527.

However, the doctor in charge of this patient did not allow him. He was a small nurse and had no way of doing it.

"Okay, okay." Bai Ye compromised very decisively.

The young man next to him was snickering.

"Laugh at the fart!"

The middle-aged man gave the young man a stern look and said, "Zhang Jun, you just came here, so you don't know how dangerous this 9527 is. A few years ago, this kid held a chopstick and shouted about the swordsmanship, and almost used his chopsticks to put the A patient was stabbed to death."

As soon as Zhang Jun heard this, his gaze towards Bai Ye was wrong.

You know, mentally ill murder is not against the law.

"You know you're afraid?" The bald middle-aged man was very satisfied with Zhang Jun's expression. "If you know you're afraid, don't take it seriously. Take him to see Dr. Song."

The two of them, one left and one right, grabbed Bai Ye's arm tightly.

Almost in the way of "lifting", he left Bai Ye with him.

Through the words of a suspected middle-aged man in Bai Jincheng and a man suspected of Zhang Jun (the senior executive of the main world night group), there are also scenes that he saw along the way.

Bai Ye basically determined his current situation.

First of all, he is a psycho, number 9527.

Is the number one important patient in this psychiatric hospital and research institution.

It's not autism, but a very serious delusional disorder, and various other diseases.

All in all, it's pretty serious.

Murder is not illegal.

The middle-aged man mentioned Dr. Song, who should be Bai Ye's attending doctor.

Responsible for treating Bai Ye, or researching Bai Ye, an important "psychiatric material".

Provide material for the crazy "extraordinary biological researcher" in Agnes, and occasionally make a cameo appearance in the "Mad Scientist" White Night.

On this day, I became the subject of research.

It feels amazing.

"Bai Jincheng" and "Zhang Jun" came to a room with a very cooperative Bai Ye.

Compared to the room where Bai Ye was at the beginning of the night.

The room is spacious, bright, and smells good.

The layout of the objects is very reasonable.

It's easy to make people feel happy.

Of course, the most pleasant thing was the beautiful Dr. Song in the room.

She looks the same as Song Yin in Bai Ye's memory, and on the work card in the corner of the table, it shows that her name is also Song Yin.

However, she is more mature than Song Yin. She looks in her thirties, and her whole person exudes a kind of charm called intellectual.

"Dr. Song, we're just outside, we're here, just say anything." The middle-aged man smiled at "Song Yin".

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

The smile on Song Yin's face made people feel like a spring breeze.

"Bai Jincheng" and "Zhang Jun", who were both lighter by two kilograms, walked out happily, but did not leave afterward.

As they said, just wait outside and come in when needed, and they are also responsible for sending Bai Ye back.

"Sit down, how are you feeling recently?" Song Yin and Bai Ye sat down facing each other, she asked with a smile.

Daily treatment started.

The case in front of me is rarely seen in a hundred years.

Definitely a milestone victory if he can recover.

"I don't feel very well, Doctor Wang." Bai Ye said.

"...If you don't change this habit, you will never feel good." Song Yin said, "I have to repeat it every time. My surname is Song."

"No problem, Dr. Li, I remember it." Bai Ye said with a smile.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're saying that on purpose." Song Yin shook her head and said.

"...Of course not, I'm mentally ill, aren't I?" Bai Ye smiled brightly.

But it made Song Yin a little bit more serious.

She was keenly aware that the situation in front of Bai Ye was not right. It seemed that there were signs of illness again?

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Song Yin said.

As usual, she started to ask some simple questions to Bai Ye, and learned about Bai Ye's mental state through the questions.

"Doctor Xu." Without asking a few questions, Bai Ye raised his hand and interrupted Song Yin with a serious face, "I don't think this is acceptable."

"Huh?" Song Yin looked at Bai Ye.

"I feel that my current state is unprecedentedly perfect." Bai Ye said, "I have great confidence that I have achieved excellent results in this conversation. I don't think we should have such a one-sided question. "

"Oh?" Song Yin looked at Bai Ye with interest.

"I think it's up to me to ask questions, so that I can truly and fully understand the current situation, which will help me recognize the reality and return to normal." Bai Ye said, "What do you think?"

"I think it's ok." Song Yin said, "What do you want to ask?"

"Name, what is my name?" Bai Ye said. "And my identity, basic situation, and why I am here, and where is this place?"

"Your name is Bai Ye." Song Yin said, "I am the pavilion master of the trading pavilion."

"What?" Bai Ye was a little stunned.

Nima suddenly popped up a trading pavilion master, is this going to do something?

Song Yin looked at Bai Ye's reaction and said, "Very good, your reaction proves what you just said. You shouldn't be lying to me. At least you realize that the trade pavilion master is your imaginary identity."

"...What about my real identity?" Bai Ye asked.

"Bai Ye, male, 28 years old this year." Song Yin's face was serious and serious, introducing the basic situation of Bai Ye.

It is somewhat similar to the experience in Bai Ye's memory.

When I was young, I had severe autism, and in the process of seeking medical treatment, I was involved in a car accident.

Both parents died.

But not rich parents, nor an uncle who can take over the family's property and carry it to give Bai Ye a good growth environment.

As a result, the situation in Bai Ye continued to deteriorate.

It eventually developed into a full-blown psychosis, with severe delusions, multiple schizophrenia, and occasional violent tendencies.

In the early days of Song Yin's treatment, Bai Ye always claimed to have a special scepter.

Can trade with anyone, as well as pure friends.

Tell Song Yin the story of starting from nothing, constantly trading, establishing a trading pavilion and becoming the owner of the trading pavilion.

"Oh, so it is." After listening to Song Yin's description of herself, Bai Ye nodded, "It sounds a bit like X-horror Paradise."

"What are you talking about?" Song Yin asked.

"It's nothing." Bai Ye smiled brightly, "I already understand the basic situation. So, Doctor Qin, do you want to trade?"