MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 591 "Black Light" Row

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Nero went to investigate Alex's trail on the spot, and naturally he could get more information.

Soon, Nero got some more accurate news.

Back at the headquarters of Nightfall Biomedicine, after a series of disinfection procedures, Nero walked into Room 1.

"Boss, I found the traces of the Moser brothers and sisters. They went abroad." Nero said, "It's smuggling, and the destination is the cold country."

"Is there a reason?" Bai Ye asked, "Is anyone following them, or provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked?"

He felt very strange.

You know, this is Alex's illusory world.

Everything that happens in relation to it should be what Alex expects in his heart.

Smuggling to another country doesn't seem like what Alex would expect.

"Could it be, orthopedics?" Bai Ye suddenly thought of a possibility.

Only, if it is orthopedics.

You should go to Germany. What are you going to do in a cold country?

I've never heard that Cold Country's orthopedics has been leading the industry for 10,000 years.

What is Alex doing out there?

Or by way of smuggling.

If it is not related to orthopaedics, why should you smuggle to the cold country?

Even if Alex is not a normal person, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a black light virus aggregate.

But even if it is a black light virus aggregate, it is impossible to expect such a thing in the heart.

Or, has the sister controlled to the level of "as long as you are a sister, you are happy with anything you do"?

Smuggling with my sister, tsk tsk tsk, is it exciting to think about it? !

Really quite perverted.

"No." Nero said, "Ordinary researchers, the original research institution has some cooperative relations with us... I suddenly resigned a year ago and ran away with my sister. There is no debt crisis, on the contrary, it is quite Rich. And I didn't offend any big people who can't be provoked."


Bai Ye laughed, "You go and check where he is staying over there. After checking, we will also go to Han Kingdom. Before going, bring your team here, and I will make some reinforcements for you. I The Hui Chaoren plan was successful."

"Strengthening?" Nero was a little surprised, "Boss, have you been studying this for a few days?"

"Of course, perfect results have been achieved, don't worry, I'm not treating you as guinea pigs." Bai Ye said.


Nero nodded.

As a bodyguard who has been with Bai Ye for five years, he knows that in some respects, Bai Ye is still very reliable.

Two days later, Nero brought his team of bodyguards to Room 1.

After the investigation, there was no trace of Alex leaving the Cold Country, and he should still be in the Cold Country.

"One per person, just inject it directly. If you have concerns, you don't need to inject the characteristics." Bai Ye directly gave ten people, including Nero, ten transparent medicines.

The raw material of this medicine is Bai Ye's blood.

As for the effect, to put it simply, it is to make people superhuman.

Not the Superman from the DC universe, of course.

Rather, it is beyond ordinary people in the conventional sense. Whether it is strength, speed, reaction, or resilience, it will be greatly improved.

Out of trust in Bai Ye and leading by example, Nero injected the medicine without saying a word.

Then I showed everyone the power of a punch to smash the steel plate.

As a result, the remaining nine people were also injected with the medicine.

However, their effect is slightly worse than that of Nero.

Like Bai Ye, Nero is barely a special person in this world.

"Let's go, go to the cold country." Bai Ye said.

As the boss of Nightfall Biomedicine, Bai Ye's status is no worse than that of a politician.

The procedures for a private jet are too cumbersome, and there are still a few days to wait. Bai Ye doesn't have that spare time, but there is still no problem in booking a first-class cabin.

What kind of plane encounters a beautiful woman, and the situation of slap XXX in the face never happened.

Even the stewardess smiled reluctantly when she saw Bai Ye's unsmiling black bodyguards wearing sunglasses all around.

Do you want such a big show?

"Boss, that Mercer, is it important?" Nero couldn't help asking.

He knew that the purpose of Bai Ye's personal visit to Han Guo this time was to find Alex Mercer and his sister.

"Well, it's very important." Bai Ye said, "We won't go back if we can't find him, so you have to work hard, if you can't find anyone, just stay in the cold country for the rest of your life."

"..." Nero was speechless for a while.

There was a bodyguard next to him and laughed.

The smile is very dirty, I don't know what I'm thinking.

Nero glanced at random and found that this guy was watching a video of a group of long-legged girls singing and dancing on the stage.

Uh, the specialty of the cold country - oh no, it's a specialty.

It's like a girl group like Neon's 48.

The number of people is much smaller, and the number of groups is much larger.

Wait, could it be that the boss, Bai Ye, is interested in the girls of the girl group and plans to invest in a wave?

Wouldn't it cause a depression in the Cold Country entertainment circle?

Recalling carefully, "I don't know who won the blood, but I definitely won't lose" in Bai Ye, Nero silently mourned for those people for a few seconds.

After getting off the plane, I headed straight to the capital of the Cold Kingdom, where I had arranged for a long time ago.

Bai Ye can stay in the villa and wait for news, and by the way, socialize with some people who come here.

Meet all kinds of girls.

Nero and the others are busy.

Start looking for Alex.

After working for several days, and with the help of local forces, I was surprised that no trace of Alex was found.

If it weren't for the confirmation that Alex really settled in this metropolis.

Nero had to suspect that he might have left the cold country.

"I can't find it. Boss, from the data, ordinary scientific researchers, even if they realize that someone is looking for him, can't have such a strong anti-investigation ability."

Nero said to Bai Ye.

Nero's "bodyguard profession" is more reflected in "special ability to fight" and "attracting attention".

But in the team, everyone has their own strengths, and it is really not difficult for them to find someone.

How did Alex, who is an ordinary person no matter how he looked at him, disappear under their "eyes"?

There must be some tricks in there!

Of course, Nero is not shirking responsibility, he is just stating the basics.

Now, everyone thinks that Moser must be unusual.

No wonder Bai Ye was looking for him.

"Look for it slowly." Bai Ye said casually, "Maybe things will turn around."

Nero nodded.

After Nero left, Bai Ye went to the bedroom on the top floor and took out a password box that he brought out.

Open it, and inside is a reagent that looks a little weird.

The blood-red liquid in the transparent test tube was constantly surging like a living thing.

Walking to the balcony, Bai Ye casually threw the test tube on the ground.

The seemingly solid glass test tube shattered, but the liquid inside evaporated cleanly in an instant.

As if it never existed.

Condescendingly, Bai Ye looked at the distant scenery.

Wherever Alex and his sister are hiding in the city.

Next, they will no longer have an easy life.

The reason is very simple, just throw something in Bai Ye.

The reagents inside, of course, did not disappear out of thin air, but really evaporated.

Instead, it spreads in the air.

It is enough to set off a "Resident Evil" in this city.

The biochemical crisis belonging to the black light virus!

At that time, no matter what happens to Alex, he can't be alone.

Dream breaker, but very strict.

It is impossible to adopt a soft-hearted policy just because Alex is his subordinate.

Feel the "strict fatherly love" from the boss!

This is something you must go through on your way up.

When Alex wakes up, he will thank White Night.

Without such a cheeky awareness of "I scold you for exploiting you all for your growth", it is impossible to embark on the road of capital bosses.

"Travel to Busan... Well, it should be called a trip to Seoul, or it can be extended to a trip to the cold country."

After whispering a word, Bai Ye turned around and went back to the bedroom.


"Boss, it's a mess outside."

two days.

In just two days, this bustling metropolis has gradually slipped towards disorder and chaos.

The place where they were in the white night was not affected for the time being.

But elsewhere, more and more people are "mutating".

The complete blockade of the entire city, although there is no official announcement, has already begun.

All traffic routes to other places were blocked.

Temporary checkpoints were set up.

Don't even think about leaving here until you're sure you're not infected.

As for what the infection is and how to determine it, it has not been clear up to now.

The people were so angry that they wanted to find an outlet.

It's a pity that the people carrying live ammunition at the checkpoint are not their own people, but soldiers of the US imperialism. The probability of drawing a gun at a disagreement is very, very high.

No one wants to be cannon fodder.

"Understood." Bai Ye said, "Don't worry, wait slowly, we will go back when we find Alex."

Nero nodded, not asking if the sudden disaster was related to White Night.

Even if it is related, I am afraid it will not care.

This Alex's world, Nero's setting, is White Night's loyal dog.

Even if Bai Ye made him commit suicide on the spot - well, this Nero won't do it.

"Outside, someone is looking for you." Nero continued.

Such a big thing happened—suspected, no, it was simply an enhanced version of the zombie crisis.

Bai Ye, an expert in related fields who has been leading the industry for 100 years, just happened to be at the site of the incident, and the senior management would definitely come over and hug their thighs immediately.

In fact, it was a bit beyond Bai Ye's expectations that it was so slow.

I can only sigh that this place is a small temple, and there are more than eight kings in Chiqian.

Anything can lead to a bunch of entanglements between the interests of various chaebols and forces.

"Let them come in, I hope they have the laboratory ready." Bai Ye said.

Soon, a group of people came into the living room with smiles on their faces, and before they sat down, they said, "Dr. Bai..."

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and interrupted them directly: "Prepare a suitable location, and you must cooperate with all of my actions next, and don't have any doubts. In this regard, I am the father-expert. The current situation, I don't have the time or effort to argue with you. If I can, I'll stay and conduct research, find out the cause as soon as possible and how to suppress and cure it, you can also spread the word and stabilize people's hearts."

"If I can't do it, I'll leave."

What else can these people do?

He could only laugh like his grandson, then patted his chest and said that he would perfectly fulfill any request of Bai Ye.

"Okay, leave a reliable contact person, you can run away." Bai Ye said, "By the way, leave me two police cars outside, I will use them soon."

Special large black police car.

It's the kind of car that special forces often use - the muzzle can stick out of the window directly, and the kind of car that can be suppressed by several rounds of fire.

In the current "zombie crisis", such a car with a certain degree of firepower is enough to safely pass through the city.

But this security won't last long.

Bai Ye estimates that in another hour or two, or even less time, more powerful black light monsters will appear.

such as hunters.

Although the "black light virus" was extracted from Bai Ye's blood.

But the path and process of mutation are completely out of Bai Ye's control.

As far as the intensity of mutation is concerned, it is getting faster and faster now.

This world has an extremely powerful catalytic effect on the black light virus.

Those monsters that are about to be born are not so much under the control of Bai Ye.

Rather, it is the reappearance, or even reinforcement, of the original in Alex's consciousness.

In other words, Bai Ye himself will also be attacked by those monsters.

"Dr. Bai, you can come with us, and we will **** you to the experiment site. It will be very safe there," someone said.

The place prepared for Bai Ye will definitely be the safest place in the whole city.

Bai can't die without losing.

If Bai did not lose because he was asked by them to leave research, and finally died here.

It is estimated that the bigwigs of the world will unite to tear these people to shreds.

Bai is dead, where are we going to continue?

"What's the hurry, I don't have any materials, what can I use for experimental research?" Bai Ye said, "Just give me the address, and when I get the experimental materials, I'll go to the laboratory."

"Material?" Someone's mouth began to twitch.

The so-called material should be to say that wandering outside, the speed and strength have begun to exceed the level of normal people, the "battle corpse" among the zombies.

Why are the zombies in the vast majority of film and television dramas shambling rookies?

When it comes to reality, it's a super macho man who walks like a fly?

"This, we will send someone to get it, Dr. Bai, you—"

"Don't forget what you promised. From now on, I have the final say. You just need to cooperate." Bai Ye said, "Your efficiency is too low. They didn't even have a gun with them."


Everyone was ashamed and could only keep nodding their heads.

"Let's go." Bai Ye stood up, followed by Nero and walked out of the room.

At various key positions in the villa, the bodyguard walked out and followed the pace of the two.

The meaning of chilling is like an iron-blooded army.

They directly requisitioned two special police cars, and they left in the white night.

The people who came had to huddle together in a car, holding back.

Someone whispered a few words: "Damn brat..."

"Shut up, the rest of our lives is in Bai Ye's hands!" Someone shouted In the current situation, Bai Ye is the only savior.

Unfortunately, they don't know that this savior is the culprit of the current situation.

"Don't worry, all we want is the corpse, it doesn't matter if it is complete or not." Sitting in the car, Bai Ye said to the bodyguards who were already armed around him.

The so-called experimental material is naturally going through the motions.

Just pretend.

Bai Ye's plan was to take out some "inhibitors" one day later and turn the city into an island completely.

The next time is to wait for Alex to appear.

The intensity of the black light virus mutation made Bai Ye believe that Alex was hiding here.

It's just that he doesn't want to wake up yet.