MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 578 Dream Breaker!

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black void.

Bai Ye stepped into this world, and what he saw was such a scene.

In the black void, there is no real emptiness.

There is a planet, but it is not this planet that really attracts Bai Ye's attention.

But on this planet, a big tree.

Huge white trees with vine roots almost completely covered the planet.

It seems to grow on the entire planet as nourishment.

The big banyan tree, a big white banyan tree several times bigger than the planet itself!

According to Xuan Xiao's last description, the vines chasing him seem to be the branches of the big banyan in front of him?

In this way, Bai Ye was not pulled into the illusory world.

What he saw was the real appearance of the world?

Or, this is actually an illusory world, what Bai Ye thought deep in his heart, what does this world really look like?

"It's not an illusion, it should be what the world really looks like."

Bai Ye immediately made a judgment. If it was the illusory world in his heart, it must be a world full of happy transactions.

How could it be such a broken place?

In addition, the white tree in front of him looked somewhat familiar to Bai Ye.


Clap his hands suddenly, Bai Ye remembered why the scene looked familiar, "The huge white tree that wraps the world, the illusory beautiful world, isn't this the ultimate dream of Madara Uchiha in Hokage, Infinite Moon Reading?"

Madara Uchiha, a ninja living in a world of earth-shattering destructive ninjas.

He is a man with very rich experience: including but not limited to the death of his younger brother, the death of the whole family, the death of the friend after falling in love with the friend, and the death of the whole family (there are only a few people left).

After many deaths, Madara Uchiha realized clearly.

Studying medicine - bah, power generation can't save "Naruto".

So, he planned to start the "Unlimited Monthly Reading" plan to pull people all over the world into the illusion.

Form a beautiful fantasy world.

Of course, the big banyan tree in front of you still has the world. Just looking at the appearance, it is much more powerful than the magic of the Naruto world that Bai Ye knows.

The genuine Infinite Moon Reading of Naruto World has to blossom, ascend to the moon, and use the moon to perform "Infinite Moon Reading".

In this world, even a powerhouse like Xuan Xiao was instantly attacked after entering.

Not a level thing at all.

Even if it may be the same source, but now, it is definitely not a simple "unlimited monthly reading".

Bai Ye is very sure of this.


Bai Ye stretched out his hand, grasped it in the void, and the rod of power and wealth appeared in his hand.

In his palm, it trembled, like a high-speed machine.

If the Staff of Power and Wealth was a human being, it should be clenched with both fists, trembling all over, conveying an extremely complicated emotion to the big banyan tree in front of him.

How complicated is it?

It's as if you suddenly met an ex-girlfriend who was unforgettable and loved, but broke up with an indecent ex-girlfriend on the street.

Can't tell if this is love or hate.

Do you want to hug her back in the past, or do you want to pierce her chest with a sharp knife?

Or, turn a blind eye? Smile at each other?

pass by.

This level of sophistication.

"A fragment?"

Bai Ye looked at the big banyan tree in front of him and narrowed his eyes, "It's a very weak feeling, but it used to be a fragment..."

It is very likely that it is the same as Journey to the West.

The shards of the scepter that were broken at the beginning were almost independent, forming a brand new individual, "power".

When Bai Ye held the rod of power and wealth, the big banyan tree also responded, and the white branches burst out of the sky and swept towards him.

Without resistance, Bai Ye withdrew the rod of power and wealth and let the thick branches wrap around his body.

Next, the "world" in front of me becomes different.

Bai Ye also entered the illusory world.

However, unlike the illusory world that Xuan Xiao experienced, what Bai Ye entered was not his inner world.

Rather, it is the illusory world of those who are wrapped by the big banyan tree.

One of many wonderful false worlds.

Bai Ye came here, not to destroy the big banyan tree, to see if the former fragments could be taken out and reintegrated into the rod of power and wealth.

He also has to rescue Alex.

Therefore, Bai Ye chose a relatively dangerous method.

He took the initiative to integrate into the big banyan tree and into the beautiful fantasy world.

However, Bai Ye used the "power of power and wealth" to maintain his original intention, so he would not build his own illusory world.

Instead, he entered the illusory world of others as an outsider.

Through the illusory worlds, find Alex, liberate him, and finally find the core of the big banyan tree.

Get shards.

If you forcibly fight the big banyan tree outside, of course it is not impossible.

Bai Ye's big move is still there, and the big banyan tree is not afraid at all.

But in this way, Alex is very likely to die in the aftermath of the battle.

Even in this world, Bai Ye could only feel a very weak connection between them.

It can be determined that Alex is in the big banyan tree, but where it is, I can't perceive it.

To be precise, there is no specific location at all.

What Bai Ye saw was actually made up of the illusory world of countless people.

Inside, there are countless illusory worlds, where is the orientation?

There is no situation where this leaf or that branch is actually where Alex is.

The only way to find someone is to get into it.

"There are indeed traces of the enemy of civilization, unable to communicate, without consciousness, but maintaining the instinct of expansion and destruction." Bai Ye secretly said in his heart, "This is the product of the combination of the rod of power and wealth and the enemy of civilization? No wonder it is as strong as Xuan. Xiao also almost got drunk. Now that he enters the interior, he can't even open the gate of time and space, and he can no longer use the props from the trading pavilion."

After the establishment of the trading pavilion, the local tyrant player Bai Ye, for the first time, faced a situation where there were no items to use.

For the next period of time, he can only really rely on himself.

"very good."

Bai Ye laughed, "It is only this level of 'fragment' that is needed to supplement and complement the staff of power and wealth, and even make it possible to go further."

The world of the big banyan tree is more dangerous.

It also proves that its core is stronger.

"Then, let's start by destroying this beautiful dream world. Destroy the past one by one. Even if you are unlucky, and finally shatter all the illusory worlds, you can still find Alex and the core."

"I, Bai Ye, the Dream Breaker."

"Those of you who are addicted to beautiful dreams, come and fully feel the fear of the real world."

"But what to do?"

In the high-spirited white night, he made a big wish to "wake up the dreamer".

Then fell into contemplation.

To break the illusory world, the process is not really the same as destroying the world. UU reading www.

The key lies in the core of the illusory world - the dreamer.

Find the dreamer, "wake up" him/her/it, and this illusory world will shatter.

And destroying the entire world can only be regarded as a back-up method.

It is equivalent to finding no one, so simply come to a big move to wash the ground.

If it affects people, it will be successful.

If it doesn't affect it, it will be repeated several times.

Now you can't "do whatever you want with money", the big move is actually a very tiring thing.

Try to stay in good shape during the night.

After all, this is someone else's base camp, and you have to follow the local customs.

First follow the Basic Law, and finally, if the Basic Law fails, then use the ultimate move to wash the ground.