MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 47 Experience 1?

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Early the next morning, Bai Ye retrieved a small wooden box from the bank, which was full of gold, as well as some small pieces of silver and a few silver notes or two.

Hiring a carriage, Bai Ye set off towards the imperial city.

Of course, there is a lot of ammunition in the carry-on space. Of course, the richest or most powerful person in Da Zhou can eat it. No matter how internal and external troubles the Da Zhou Dynasty is now, the Dynasty of Nuo Da will not fall in a short time.

It will still be the most powerful force in this land.

Bai Ye's transaction target this time is the one sitting on the dragon chair - Xu Di.

This emperor has been on the throne for three years. He is nearly thirty years old this year. He is an absolute young man. According to common sense, it should be the occasion of his grand plans.

It's a pity that this emperor is not a wise monarch. He is very happy and extravagant and greedy, and is very obsessed with things to enjoy.

Nowadays, the Great Zhou Dynasty has internal and external troubles, and people in the rivers and lakes have come forward one after another, and their reputations have risen.

The emperor must bear at least 80% of the blame.

If it weren't for a faint-hearted monarch who could not succeed but could fail, the Sacred Torch Sect in the Southwest would not have had such an easy time. Even if there is an uprising, as long as the emperor's reputation is a little better, the slogan he uses will not be to kill the dazed lord, but will become the side of the Qing monarch.

However, no matter how ignorant this Xu Di is, he is still the leader of the Nine-Five in this land.

The carriage entered the imperial city, and Bai Ye wandered around in this big city, waiting for the night to come while inquiring about all kinds of gossip.

A day passed in a flash, and the night was dark. Bai Ye took off his blue and white robes and stuffed them into his personal space. A black battle suit was completely integrated into the black.

It was late at night in the imperial city, and naturally there was a curfew. Only the guards and some patrolling guards walked in the darkness with swaying lanterns.

Bai Ye blended into the darkness perfectly, avoiding the loose patrol team, and came to the foot of the outer wall of the palace.

The outermost wall of the palace is more than 20 meters high, and a few meters outside the city wall is the moat. There are no trees or buildings nearby, and there is no place for a foothold on the bare city wall.

Even the most talented person can't cross this chasm.

However, Bai Ye had Batman's grappling hook, so the situation was completely different. The grappling hook flew out and was fixed at the top of the city wall.

After pressing the retracted button, a powerful force pulled Bai Ye's whole body up and landed on the wall that was not wide.

On the top of the wall near the palace gate in the distance, there were several sleepy guards of the Imperial Forest Army, but they did not find Bai Ye sneaking in here.

After crossing the outer wall, the next wall inside the palace is more than three meters high, which is completely easy for Bai Ye to cross.

After a while, he went deep into the confines of the harem.

He took off his helmet, put on a black mask, and hid in the dark in Baiye, waiting for the arrival of characters such as palace maids or eunuchs.

Soon there were footsteps, and Bai Ye saw a man dressed as a palace maid with a lantern coming towards him.

When passing by, I didn't find Bai Ye hiding in the shadows at all.

Bai Ye's hand stretched out from the darkness and covered the palace maid's mouth from behind. The other hand grabbed her waist, pulled her back, and pressed it against the wall.

The lantern fell to the ground, and the candle inside jumped twice and then went out.

"Don't talk, look at me." Bai Ye's voice through the mask carried a kind of demagogic magic.

The maid's frightened eyes began to be lost.

Under such circumstances, it was not difficult to control a frightened little palace maid through a mask to tell which concubine the emperor was sleeping with tonight.

The little palace maid led the way, bypassing some patrolling imperial guards, and arrived outside the palace in Bai Ye.

Outside, there were only two sleepy imperial guards guarding the gate, and there might be experts hiding in the dark.

He let go of the little palace maid and controlled her to forget what happened just now. Bai Ye walked around the palace, put on his helmet, turned on the night vision device again, and searched for it, but he didn't see any hidden masters.

"It's really an omission." Bai Ye secretly said in his heart, put on the blue and white robe again, took off the helmet, and threw it into the portable space, and slowly walked out of the darkness.

There are naturally many candles lit near the gate, which is full of light.

The two drowsy imperial guards suddenly woke up and looked at the Taoist priest who suddenly appeared in front of them?

Before he had time to call for help or fight, Bai Ye took a step and rushed in front of the two guardsmen.

The two who were not wearing heavy helmets were knocked unconscious.

After arranging his clothes a little, Bai Ye pushed the door open and walked into the palace with a calm expression on his face.

A palace maid in the outer room was awakened by surprise, and was knocked unconscious by a punch from Bai Ye, who had no heart to sympathize with her.

After lighting the candle, Bai Ye walked into the inner room.

On Nuoda's bed, a man and three women were sleeping. Needless to say, that man was the current emperor Xu Di.

It is the same name as Emperor Yongle, but it is the difference between heaven and earth, and it is extremely useless.

However, Bai Ye likes such people, and it is relatively simple and easy to trade.

"Who! Protect—"

Bai Ye didn't deliberately restrain his movements, and woke up the emperor who had not slept for a long time. Before he could say "escort", Bai Ye grabbed his neck and lifted it up.

"Your Majesty, don't panic."

Bai Ye said with a smile to Xu Di, who had a terrified face, "Pin Dao Bai Ye, from overseas Penglai Immortal Island, is the Supreme Elder of the Military Fire God Sect. Today-tonight, I came here to have a relationship with Your Majesty. A long deal to help His Majesty restore the power of the royal family, during this period, it is best for His Majesty to listen to the advice of the poor, I wonder what Your Majesty thinks?"

"If you agree, please blink your eyes a few times, if you don't agree..."

Before Bai Ye finished his words, he saw this Xu Di blinking frantically.

Just kidding, the hands around his neck are like iron tongs, Xu Di felt that he was about to suffocate, and he was afraid that he would die in the next breath. How could he not agree to this deal?

"Your Majesty is really knowledgeable." Bai Ye smiled and let go of his hand, "The two imperial guards outside were knocked unconscious by Pindao, why don't your Majesty solve it first, and come back and let us conspire together?"

Xu Di, whose face changed from flushing to pale, glanced at Bai Ye, nodded, and stumbled out.

Bai Ye stood on the spot, the transaction was established, and he gained 100 points of wealth.

However, this is just the beginning. After the transaction is completely completed, Bai Ye will gain another right of wealth.

Even Bai Ye himself is looking forward to how much power and wealth there will be at that time.

After all, this is a huge deal.


The sky was bright, and Xu Di, who had not had an early court for half a month, made many ministers extremely dissatisfied, but today was an unprecedented "early court".

And beside Xu Di, there was a thick black chair next to the dragon chair. On it sat a Taoist priest with a blue and white robe, white hair, and a very immortal spirit.

"Your Majesty, who is this person?" Needless to say, a minister immediately wanted to know Bai Ye's identity.

Xu Di glanced at Bai Ye and said, "This is Daoist Bai Ye, from the overseas immortal island of Penglai. He is the supreme elder of the military fire **** sect, and he is superb in immortal family magic. He came here from the overseas immortal island because of the meaning of heaven. , to help me revitalize the heavenly family. From today, Daoist Bai Ye is the Great Zhou National Teacher, and seeing him is like seeing me."

All the civil and military officials in the hall widened their eyes.

National teacher, Dawu has not had a national teacher for more than ten years.

Fifty years ago, the Xu family had a monarch who was even more stupid than Xu Di.

If it weren't for the fact that Da Zhou had just experienced the rejuvenation of the previous generations of emperors at that time, his national strength was strong and could withstand consumption, I am afraid that the situation of Da Zhou today would have appeared at that time.

Later, the demon master Huan Jun died because of taking the medicinal pills, which also caused the once prosperous Da Zhou to show signs of decline.

Now that Da Zhou is not as good as before, when there are internal and external troubles, when today Zi has come up with another national teacher, does it mean that Da Zhou did not die quickly enough?

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

As soon as Xu Di finished speaking, at least half of the officials stood up, as if they wanted to give death advice.

Xu Di slammed his eyes and became furious: "You can't rebel if you want to!"

After all, he is an emperor who has been in power for many years. Although UUkanshu is a faint-hearted emperor, he still has the majesty of an emperor.

As soon as a big killer like rebellion came out, no matter what those people thought in their hearts, they would kneel down to express that they had absolutely no intention of doing so.

After the commotion, the hall became quiet.

"It seems that you have misunderstood Pindao, and you don't believe that Pindao is here to revive the prestige of the heavenly family." Bai Ye stood up and said.

"Demon Dao!"

"With me here today, I will definitely not let you make troubles." Several ministers raised their heads and scolded, but kept their kneeling positions, and then looked up at Bai Ye, with their heads raised as much as possible, looking extremely strange and funny.

So Bai Ye laughed unkindly.

"A thief!"

"Demon Dao!"

"Old things repeat themselves, is it going to kill me the big week?"

There was an incessant sound of scolding and mourning, and when Xu Di on the dragon chair changed his face, he felt a little panic in his heart.


Right here, a gunshot came, echoing in the special structure of the main hall, like the great bell of Luliang, the loud noise shook people's faces with pain.

"It seems that Pindao has to use some immortal methods to 'convince' you all." Bai Ye, who fired a shot diagonally into the sky, slammed down a lot of tiles, said with a smile, and at the same time he took out a long-prepared one from behind. Good grenade.

Pulling open the buckle, Bai Ye threw the grenade out, and there was another loud noise outside the hall.

After a while, the palace maids and eunuchs screamed like the sky was falling.

"Fire unicorn, thunder in the palm of your hand." Bai Ye's voice reached the stunned Baiguan's ears, "Who doesn't believe in the power of the fairy family's instruments, and wants to experience it for himself, the poor way is perfect for him."