MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 29 The power of the physics department mouth cannon

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Since Bai Ye insisted, the Penguin and Baine naturally wouldn't force them to come over.

As Bai Ye said, when they came, it would only turn into a huge battle, and it would not be very good to repeat what happened that night in the lunatic asylum.

The madhouse hasn't been rebuilt yet.

Moreover, if Batman appears, maybe everyone will be blamed by him. You can't say that you are an enthusiastic Gotham citizen, and you can't stand the black mask's actions to show your courage.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Ye thought about it, moved the chair to the corner of the room, sat on it, and played mobile games while waiting for the arrival of Black Mask and others.

Black Mask and the others are naturally efficient and fast. About ten minutes later, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Then the door, which was fairly solid, was slammed twice.

It was found that there was no way to break it open. Several shots rang out, the door was pushed open suddenly, and it hit the wall with a "bang" sound.

A man wearing a white saucy bag suit, with a strange black skull mask that completely covered his face, only showing two eyes, strode in.

Needless to say, this is the black mask, the mastermind of tonight's robbery.

Obviously this is not a person who knows how to keep a low profile - well, criminals in Gotham City rarely know how to keep a low profile.

Of course, the black mask is just a white suit, which is far worse than the clown's arrogant **** Zi.

Black Mask held a pistol in his hand, and saw Bai Ye in the corner at a glance, the muzzle was raised and aimed at him.

The younger brothers behind him also raised their guns and aimed them at Bai Ye.

As long as the trigger is pulled, the white night can be beaten with holes.

"Captain, don't shoot! Your own!"

Almost as soon as Black Mask raised the gun, Bai Ye shouted loudly, immediately dropped the phone in his hand, and raised his hands.

His level of cooperation is enough to make him one of Gotham City's top 100 hostages of the year.

The younger brother behind the black mask was stunned for a moment, and almost put down the gun.

"Are you Nate Bai?" The black mask's voice came out through the wooden mask, looking a little dull, he stared at Bai Ye and asked.

"That's right, Captain, it's me." Bai Ye nodded with a smile, although he kept his hostage appearance with his hands raised.

But looking at the smile on his face, he didn't feel any fear at all. Instead, he felt like watching a monkey show.

This feeling made the younger brother behind the black mask feel insulted.

They are dangerous gang members, and most people in Gotham City are afraid of them. Why do you, the owner of a small factory, act like you are not afraid at all?

Is it possible that you really think that you are a member of the upper class after making some money?

And even in the upper class, they are the gangsters who rob people like you.

Why are you not afraid?

"Hand over how to make Titan 1." Black Mask walked in front of Bai Ye, bent down, stared at Bai Ye, and aimed the muzzle at his chin.

The complex patterns carved on the mask seemed to move at the same time as the black mask spoke, as if to form a black vortex.

Bai Ye blinked and felt that the head of the black mask in front of him had turned into a black hole, as if he was going to **** himself into it.

But before the real feeling of confusion and dizziness struck, Bai Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and the feeling of being lost immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Are you a deal?" Bai Ye looked at the black mask and asked.

"Yes, you can understand that." Black Mask said.

"Then what's in it for me?" Bai Ye asked.

Black Mask sneered: "Your benefit is your life."

The implication is that if Bai Ye hands over the production method, he can live, otherwise it will be a dead end.

It is in line with the usual cruel style of Black Mask.

"That's not good, your business is too profitable, and it's easy to kill people." Bai Ye smiled at a hundred paces and fifty paces, "Let's change the condition, you give me your mask, and I will give you the perfect Titan. The recipe for the potion."

"Oh, it looks like you're not afraid of death?" Black Mask's voice was low and full of cruelty, "But you know what? There are many things in the world that are more terrifying than death."

Black Mask is a torture master who is very good at inflicting both physical and psychological torture.

Falling into his hands, death is a kind of relief.

"Don't you think about such a good deal?" Bai Ye looked at the black mask with a sincere expression.

Black Mask was silent for a while, and couldn't help but seriously think about Bai Ye's words.

His mask is not an ordinary mask. Although his "born" is ordinary - carved from the top of his parents' coffins, this mask can give the black mask the powerful spiritual energy to control the minds of others.

Bai Ye was a little dazed just now, which is the credit of this mask.

Unfortunately, as a person who has been tortured by the rod of power and wealth for more than ten years, Bai Ye's spirit and willpower are not guaranteed. Concentrating on it, the mask's control will be useless.

But if it doesn't have much effect on Bai Ye, it doesn't mean it doesn't have much effect on others.

Combined with the torture method of the black mask, the effect that can be exerted is no worse than the scarecrow's fear gas.

The reason why Black Mask and his subordinates can become the most feared gangster organization in Gotham City, its power and reputation is still higher than that of the Penguin, this mask is indispensable.

How to make a mask for a potion?

After thinking for a while, Black Mask chose to refuse: "No, I refuse! Well, now it's your turn, you want to be tortured before—"

Before he finished speaking, the black mask's eyes began to scatter.

A sudden bullet pierced his neck.

"Tsk, I just want to make a good deal. Why do I have to fight to death? Can't everyone make money with anger?"

Bai Ye, who killed Black Mask, stretched out his hand and grabbed Black Mask's body that was about to fall, and pulled him towards him.

When Black Mask's subordinates were in shock and hadn't figured out what happened, Bai Ye swept his head from left to right, and a series of bullets poured out from his mouth.

How could the subordinates of the black mask think that someone would spray bullets from other people's mouths, and they didn't have any precautions at all.

They didn't even have the chance to pull the trigger, they all lay in a pool of blood—oh, there are still some, one of them pulled the trigger before dying, and the gunshot rang out, but the target was lost, and the bullet flew directly to the ceiling.

This group of people didn't understand until they died, how did these bullets come from.

Bai Ye stretched out his other hand, tore off the mask of the black mask, put it next to his mouth and swallowed it, pushing the human shield off his body, and the blood quickly stained the angry white suit of the black mask.

Looking down at his body and confirming that there was no blood on his body, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction and looked at the black-masked corpse and said, "It was originally a matter that could be settled by a transaction, so I have to refuse, you see, something happened. ?"

The already dead Black Mask was unable to answer Bai Ye's words, his eyes widened.

On the other hand, the subordinate he brought with him made a little noise when he was about to die, as if he was a little restless.

Bending down, he picked up the black pistol with the black mask, studied it a little, Bai Ye made a gesture of swallowing the gun and pulled it up without hesitation.

Soon, all the bullets were fired, and Bai Ye threw the pistol aside. At this moment, there was a "crash", and the sound of a broken window came from behind.

A small ball was thrown into the room, and the room was filled with smoke in an instant.

"Cough cough!"

Bai Ye coughed twice, then stepped back to the wall and shouted, "Captain, don't shoot! Your own!"

No one responded to Bai Ye's words, there was just a tall shadow standing silently in the smoke.

"What happened here?" After a while, Batman's voice came, and then a gust of wind blew through, blowing the smoke in the room slightly.

It's not the Gotham police who came, but Batman, the dark knight.

In fact, he had sneaked into the factory a long time ago, arranged the black mask to be solved by his men all over the factory, rescued the hostages, and at the same time forced him to find out the whereabouts and whereabouts of the black mask.

When he came to the vicinity of Bai Ye's room, he heard gunshots.

Not bothering to observe the enemy's situation first, Batman threw a smoke bomb and broke through the window.

Unexpectedly, what I saw in the "Detective Mode" was a group of corpses lying on the A man over the wall raised his hands to indicate his own, his voice was stable, and his heartbeat was normal.

Completely different from the shivering hostages rescued by Batman elsewhere in the factory.

So, using the cloak to blow the smoke away, Batman asked.

"Batman?" Bai Ye saw who was coming and said with a smile, "It's great, I thought you weren't coming tonight."

"What happened here?" Batman asked again as he walked to Bai Ye.

"Can't you see that?" Bai Ye puffed up his chest proudly, "I have taken care of this group of dangerous robbers."

"GCPD (Gotham Police / Gotham Police)!" Before Batman could respond, there were footsteps and shouts, and Chief Gordon rushed into the room with a group of Gotham police.

At this moment, the smoke has been blown away a lot, and it doesn't affect the line of sight anymore. Gordon looked at the black mask and the corpse of his men, and asked a question similar to Batman: "What happened here?"

Bai Ye's smug voice sounded: "Obviously, you are late, these robbers have been dealt with by me."

"Mr. Bai?" Gordon obviously also knew about Bai Ye, the owner of a new pharmaceutical company in Gotham City, but he couldn't have known Batman in such detail. His understanding of Bai Ye was no different from that of most people in the outside world.

A research-oriented businessman who started with technology.

Such a person actually has the ability to solve the black mask group of people alone?

Or to say, it was Batman who arrived in time to do it, but Black Mask and the others were all gunshot wounds and died. This is not Batman's style.