MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 23 new deal

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Baine was taken aback by Bai Ye's actions, and he didn't react for a while.

Not to mention the reporters and videographers on the helicopter. The videographer didn't even hold the camera, and accidentally let it fall to the reef on the shore, smashed to pieces, and suddenly screamed.

"I'll take care of those reporters first, otherwise I won't take them away." Baine also jumped down and said to Bai Ye.

"Don't, it's enough to collect 'material' and information, don't make any extras." Bai Ye lowered his head slightly, posing as a scarecrow, took the tools in Bane's hand, and fiddled with the unconscious Batman. He had no plans to take Batman and the Joker away.

"Why, they are perfect experimental subjects." Baine said.

"Because I don't want to have extra troubles." Bai Ye repeated, and while he was talking, he quickly settled on Batman's side, and then walked towards the Joker.

Bain followed Bai Ye like a follower, probably because the "sequelae" of the explosion just now hadn't completely passed, and he didn't keep up with Bai Ye's thoughts: "What do you mean?"

"There is not only Batman but a superhero in this world, it will be very troublesome at that time." Bai Ye said.

Bain was suddenly dumbfounded.

At the beginning, he broke Batman's spine, but he didn't know where a madman ran out to temporarily take Batman's place, and then beat him to half death, if it wasn't for Robin to stop him, it meant that Batman didn't kill people.

Now Baine has no chance to stand here and speak to Bai Ye.

Of course, what Bai Ye is worried about is not about Batman's replacement at all.

Rather, if Batman is taken away, will it lead to the serious question of Batman's good friend Superman?

God knows if the Justice League has been formed at this time, and whether Superman and Batman have become good friends.

If so, how could Superman not appear if Batman disappeared?

Superman is fine. If there are other more violent and messy people, then things will be troublesome.

After all, it is impossible for Bai Ye to stay in Gotham City all the time and trade with him when he encounters someone.

"The clown can always take it away." Baine said, the clown has no friends, and it is estimated that Harley Quinn will frantically search for him.

"But with Batman, there must be a stable environment for research." Bai Ye said, "At that time, there will be a shortage of materials. The big deal is that I can help you a little bit. It's a big deal. Wouldn't it be fun to keep them in Gotham City?"

"The last sentence is what you really said, right?" Baine couldn't help saying.

"How could it be? Everything is for the purpose of researching better titan potions and making Gotham City more fun." Bai Ye said, "Where's your plane?"


Baine looked up and looked at the already dimly lit sky. A black eagle came swiftly from the sky.

The TV station's helicopter had apparently spotted the approaching Black Hawk long ago. It had already disappeared while Bai Ye was talking to Bain. It came and went quickly.

"Wait, did you just answer my question in a very subtle and casual tone?" The helicopter came to the top of the two of them, the two ladders were lowered, and Bain collected the "sample material", what did he think of? said suddenly.

"You're thinking too much." Bai Ye stepped on the ladder and swayed a bit. He was a little uncomfortable, so he wrapped his right hand around it to prevent himself from falling off.

The helicopter began to rise, and it was about to pull Bai Ye and Baine away.


"Gotham police, put down your weapons or we'll shoot!"

Like many movies and TV dramas, the police always appear last.

Gordon, who had been rescued, finally arrived with a number of police officers. He looked at Batman lying unconscious on the ground, and immediately walked over. After confirming that he was only comatose, he aimed his gun at the rising Bea. En and White Night.

With one hand Bai Ye freed up, he took out a bottle of "Fear Venom" tied to his body, pressed it, and threw it out.

The fearful venom landed on the ground without being smashed. After tumbling a few times, it vaporized inside, and then quickly released a lot of yellow aura.

"Scarecrow! It's the scarecrow's fear gas, don't get close, put down the gun! Throw it away immediately if you hallucinate!"

Gordon exclaimed.

The wind from the helicopter's propellers blows these gases away as well as towards them.

If you inhaled it, it would be bad if you had hallucinations and shot indiscriminately.

Everyone could only cover their mouths and noses and back away. When the gas dissipated, the helicopter had already left.

"Attention to all units, attention to all units, Batman has recaptured Arkham. Issue a pursuit order, Bane, Scarecrow, repeat, Bane and Scarecrow leave in a modified helicopter." Gotham kept repeating into the walkie-talkie .

Of course, the Scarecrow didn't know that he was carrying a cauldron for Bai Ye. He was still in a coma at this moment, and next to him was the crocodile killer who was also in a coma.

Back in the lab, Baine was excited to count the harvest tonight, and he couldn't wait to start the research on Titan Potion.

In the white night, a basin of cold water woke the scarecrow.

"Mine!" The Scarecrow was furious when he saw Bai Ye "Dove Zhan Magpie's Nest" in front of him wearing his "equipment", "You thief!"

"Calm down, Klein." Bai Ye said indifferently.

The Scarecrow's real name is Jonathan Klein.

"Give it back to me! Mine!" The Scarecrow continued to roar, causing Baine next to him to raise his head and glance at him.

"Okay, I'll give it back to you."

Bai Ye took off the equipment on his body, and then took out the injection.

"Take it away from me!"

Seeing that Bai Ye was about to inject fear venom into himself, the scarecrow's voice immediately became sharp, and his body began to struggle desperately.

It's just that at this time, he was tied to the "mobile hospital bed" that was erected. He couldn't move. He could only watch Bai Ye return the fear venom that belonged to him on him in this way.

"Do not!"

"Get out of here!"

Bai Ye took a step back, watching the scarecrow's face slowly showing a look of horror, struggling to leave even more than before, his head kept turning left and right, as if he was avoiding something.

"What did you say he was afraid of?" Baine also came over and asked.

"Batman, the monster version of Batman." Bai Ye said.

"Oh, many people in Gotham City are afraid of him," Bane said.

"What about you?" Bai Ye asked.

"Me?" Bane fell silent, and he didn't seem to be quite sure in his heart whether he was afraid of Batman, maybe it was all kinds of complicated emotions. If it is said that there is no fear in it, it is not entirely true.

No one can be sure what the real fear in their hearts is. Even the scarecrow's fear gas may not really reflect the deepest fear in people's hearts.

After thinking about it, he wasn't quite sure, so Bane continued to study the Titan Potion.

Bai Ye did not inject much into the scarecrow. After about five minutes, the scarecrow stopped struggling. After about ten minutes, the scarecrow began to regain his senses.

Then, it's time for a pleasant transaction again.

"Klein, let's make a deal?" Bai Ye looked at Klein and said with a smile. In the scarecrow's eyes, that smile was no less than a devil's smile.

In the hallucination just now, in addition to the monster Batman, there seemed to be a looming face of the person in front of him.

"What do you want?" asked the scarecrow.

"Teach me the formula and manufacturing process of fear gas, completely, completely, and without reservation." Bai Ye said, "After I learn to make it, I will let you go."

"it is good."

A trace of struggle flashed in his eyes, and the Scarecrow agreed, but simply.

"Yes, yes." Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction.

Now he has a total of 1800 points of wealth.

Originally, Bai Ye had a wealth of 1662 points. After Bain made some progress in his research on the Titan Pharmacy, Bai Ye got a part of his wealth. In addition to his current transaction with the Scarecrow, the wealth reached 1,800.

Moreover, the transaction with the Scarecrow is not over, and when the Scarecrow hands over his technology bit by bit, Bai Ye will still get a part of the power and wealth.

"Okay, that's it, I'll go to bed first." Bai Ye yawned and walked away.

The entire floor of the building has been wrapped up, in addition to the laboratory, of course there is also a lounge.

"Aren't you going to let me down?" the scarecrow shouted towards Bai Ye's back.

"I have something to ask Bai Ye stretched out his hand and waved it twice casually.

"I..." The Scarecrow looked at Baine.

"Shut up, I'm busy right now." Baine interrupted the scarecrow.

"I can help you." The scarecrow seemed to think of something and said immediately.

Although one is the Titan medicine and the other is the fear medicine, the directions are different, but they are all about human medicine research, and there must be some things in common.


Baine snorted coldly, "You want to steal my technology? Don't be delusional, this is something that belongs to me and that kid, get away!"

"What is that person's identity?" The Scarecrow's eyes widened slightly, and he secretly asked in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the arrogant Bane would be willing to share the Titan Potion with that kid. What is the origin of that person?

"That's right." While thinking about Bai Ye's identity, Bai Ye turned back over there and put a mineral water bottle full of green liquid on the console.

"New spring water?" Baine's eyes lit up, he took the spring water from Lazarus Pool and smiled happily.

With so many good things, if there is no way to develop a better Titan potion, he would just buy a piece of tofu and kill him.

He also gave Baine the Pool of Lazarus, and only two springs of the Pool of Lazarus were left in the night.

However, life-saving or something is already enough, and there is no need to increase it for the time being.

After a sleep, after waking up, Bai Ye began to extract the scarecrow's "dread gas" technology for the rest of the time. When it was time to return to the main world, he made an excuse to go to the toilet and disappeared.

Baine is used to the elusiveness of the white night.

The Scarecrow was amazed, and the fear of Bai Ye deepened in his heart.