MTL - ABO Cadets-Chapter 88 Military school student-089

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Chapter 089. Mech wreckage

- Rosen is still not dead, the mech is not a black dragon.

Listening to Berg said this, Drew can not believe. He and Rosen have known each other for so many years. Heilong is the s-class mech that his father Aston personally created. He has seen the mechs numerous times and even witnessed its birth process. He could not admit his mistake.

Even if there are only mech fragments in the cosmic wormhole, but the material, and the special golden eyelids, how could it not be a black dragon?

Drew frowned: "How do you know that the mech is not a black dragon?"

Berg was silent for a moment, looked up at Drew and said, "I can certainly be sure, because... the mech is the replica that I made according to the design drawings of Black Dragon."

Drew: "........."

The shock of Drew’s heart was no less than the moment when he knew that Berg was the undercurrent leader.

Berg continued to calmly say: "Are you wondering, why should I do that copy?"

Seeing Drew not talking, Berg smiled and said: "In order to help the rain leave the capital star, I took the intelligence of the black dragon replica from the mech association and created a similar to the black dragon body according to the original design drawings. Extremely high mech... and I help the rain, not only because he is a member of the undercurrent, but also for a reason... he can do a lot of things that I can't do, I appreciate him and admire him, I don't want to watch his fresh life being completely destroyed."

It seems to recall the past events of the past. The expression on Berg’s face seems to be somewhat lost. “Before I married you, I met with Ling Yu. I joined him in the undercurrent. It’s also about him. From small to big, my biggest dream is to be able to I personally make a s-class mech, but I am an omega. In many people's minds, the greatest value of omega is pure inheritance, and excellent fertility..."

Berg laughed at himself. "What is the dream? Who will have an omega dream? Even if it is you, Drew, you have never cared about it, what I want most."

Drew suddenly silenced.

Because he found that he was speechless.

After marrying Berg for so many years, I never thought that there were so many wonderful dreams and wishes in the heart of Berg when he was young. He wanted to be a mech-maker. He wanted to personally manufacture and drive a s-class mech... ...

However, because he is an omega, his talents are constantly buried, and his dreams have finally become a luxury...

At the age of eighteen, Drew saw Berg at the first sight of the palace and fell in love with the temperamental prince. After that, Drury was very popular with the Beck family's elders to accompany his Majesty, one short. In the month of the month, the grand wedding of the marriage between the royal family and the Bech family was held in the capital star.

On the wedding day, many relatives and friends came to visit. The special suspension car for the royal family was opened from the Imperial Palace. It was surrounded by the central city of the capital star for a whole week and finally stayed in front of the apartment of the Bech family.

Drew can never forget, on the wedding day, when he returned to the new house for the two with excitement and joy, the picture he saw - Berg sitting at the bed just showered, black The hair is still dripping constantly, staring down at the floor in front of him, and the expression on his face has a kind of sadness that cannot be said - as if he is not facing the bridal chamber night that the newlyweds are expecting, but a painful Penalties.

The pale face and the slightly red eyes of the newcomer sitting on the edge of the bed directly penetrated the heart of Drew as a sharp blade.

It was not until that moment that he knew that Berg was unwilling to marry him.

What is more sad than this? Happily sent away the guests back to the new house, but found that they tried their best to go home, not willing to marry him.

Although both of them quickly disguised their emotions, because it was the honeymoon period after marriage - that is, the estrus period of omega, Drew had to complete the mark on Berg, but in the three days marked, Drew I have always felt Berg's physical desire and psychological resistance... The silent resistance, like an invisible vine, is tightly wrapped around the apex, and Rhodes is almost incapable of breathing.

He finally owned Berg, but he never really understood Berg, and he didn't even walk into the man's heart.

It’s not chilling, it’s just deceiving yourself.

Up to now, Drew even felt that two people had been sleeping together for twenty years, and they were even more strange than the passers-by who passed by.

After a long time, Shangrui calmed his eyes. After a long time, Drew took his eyes off Berg's face and whispered: "The second leader of the undercurrent, secretly making a replica of the Black Dragon, helping the rainy escape from the capital. ... Berg, how many things are you holding me?"

Drew’s tone couldn’t be said to be exhausted, as if the strength of the whole body had been taken away.

After a moment of silence, Berg said softly: "You should be very clear about how embarrassing and dangerous the royal family has been in these years... When the brothers let me marry you, I really want to win over the Bech family, between me and you. Marriage was originally a political marriage... I had taken over the undercurrent before I got married with you. I helped the rain, and there was also Wang brother involved..."

"It turned out to be..." Drew clenched his fist. "Marry me, take over the undercurrent, help the rain... These are the arrangements of your brother... For twenty years, Berg, you have been using The identity of my general will give you cover. When I went to the mech association to see the black dragon's copying intelligence, or you said that you want to study the new mech, I will take you to see..."

Drew bowed his head and his face was slightly distorted by pain.

He loves this person so much, and the heart of this person has always been so calm and indifferent, and he has never had his place.

When Berg gave birth to Brian, he was weak. Drew was so painful that he had not slept for several days. Since then, he never wanted Berg to have a baby, even if he was very eager to have a daughter, or more. Son, but compared to Berg’s health, everything else can be ignored...

Berg's purely omega, but only gave birth to an only child, is unique in the entire empire.

He loves Berg, from the day he saw it at the beginning of the year, he couldn't help but fall in love with this unique prince. He even put Berg in the most important position in his heart, as a treasure in his life, he can't bear to let him The grid suffers a bit of bitterness...

However, what did Berg give him back?

It is a simple "political marriage."

This proud prince chose him and stayed with him for so many years, just for one reason - Drew Beh, the most capable person in the generation of the Bech family, most likely to become the long snake army The head of the army. As long as he became a general, he could help his majesty and help the royal family, so that Berg would follow the words of his brother to marry him...

Never before, Delu is suffering almost desperate.

It was as if he had put his heart in front of Berg, but he was thrown to the ground by Berg, and he stepped on the mud.

Drew took a deep breath and tightened his fists. He whispered: "I can ignore you as the second leader of the undercurrent. Pretend that you don't know that you are secretly making a black dragon replica with the mech association. You help the tomb escape. I can also think of it as not being heard..."

Having said that, the man who has always been calm, the voice is a little sobbing, " go, Berg...I can't continue to face you if nothing happens."

Berg groaned, "Do you want to... separate from me?"

Drew turned his head and didn't talk.

The generation of this barrier made him extremely uncomfortable.

"...Is it right?" Berg gently held Drew's hand. "Although the reason for marrying you was political marriage, in the first few years, I did not have any feelings for you, but Later... Later I fell in love with you, don't you know?"

Drew looked back in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Berg's ears were slightly red, and his face was extraordinarily serious. He picked up his feet and put them in Drew's ear. He bit his ear gently. "Isn't it said last time, so fast? Remember... I love you."

This action made Drew think back immediately.

Yes, the last time he discovered that Berg was the second leader of the undercurrent, Berg did say "I love you", still lying in bed and saying "just handle it", "disposal" Berg's days, Undoubtedly, it was a sweet time that Drew couldn't forget in this life. It was only when the situation was special. Drew thought that Berg was saying that it was a slow-moving plan. I didn't expect him to be serious...

Perceived the warmth of the lips on the ears, recalling the tenderness and obedience of Berg for a few days, Drew's back jerked stiffly and looked at Berg incredulously. "You, what did you just say?"

"...and repeat?" Berg couldn't help but smile. "I love you."

Drew’s head has a rib, and there’s nothing bad about it. Sometimes it’s a bit stupid. Among the generals in the military, Drew should be the most honest and honest, and he is especially at ease with him.

Berg smiled and said: "Have you thought too much? What I did was more than a decade ago. At that time, I did cover you as a general, and even used you... but later I really fell in love with you, and what I am doing now is not only for myself, but also for you, for our children."

Drew stunned, and his thoughts suddenly couldn’t keep up. What did Berg say for you and for the children?

Seeing Drew’s eyes are round, and Berg couldn’t help but think of the stupid son Brian, who completely inherited the personality of his father Drew... I don’t know what the second child would be... think of it, Berg's gaze clearly became gentle.

"Drew, in fact, my brother has always wanted to abolish the original omega-related rights protection law, and re-enact a real protection bill, so that all omega can fulfill their wishes, go to school of their favorite school, and even be free... ..." Berg smiled and looked at Drew. "Do you feel familiar?"

Drew touched his nose. "Is this not the proposal for the protection of omega-related rights that was vetoed by the military in the past?"

Berg nodded. "Yes, the manuscript of this proposal was drafted by me. Later, after the modification of Wang Xiong, under his instruction, several experts of the Imperial Academia Sinica were jointly presented."

Drew: "..............."

- What kind of omega did he marry?

- Undercurrent leader? The genius who secretly made mechs? Also drafted a proposal for the military generals to stun their chins?

Berg said seriously: "The military has always wanted to completely abolish the royal family to personally master the imperial regime. Wang Xiong has been very careful all these years. The rain is his hidden power. This time Rosen is in the army, it is definitely the army. Some traitors sold his news to the Federation."

In fact, since Udyr had contacted him alone after the military meeting, Drew has been skeptical about this - Rosen’s accident was too sudden, and the process of ambush also faintly felt that something was wrong. Ge Yi said that he further verified his heart's conjecture...

The military had traitors, and the news that Rosen led the army to Namistar was leaked.

Drew frowned and said, "I am also skeptical about this. However, if Rosen is alive, how can you be sure?"

Berg said: "Since you have found the replica of the Black Dragon, it also proves that the tomb rain is also present when the space turbulence occurs. I think that the probability of joining the wormhole by the two people of Ling Yu and Luo Sen is very high. So I will boldly guess that Rosen is not dead."

Berg grabbed Drew’s hand and worried, “I’m leaving the Cepheus. Besides, I want to tell you this. There is another reason... I’m afraid that if there is a mutiny, I will stay in the capital star, but instead become them. The hostages... I am afraid that you will be counted like Rosen, surrounded by the ambush of the Federal Legion... I am afraid they will get rid of you by the hands of the Federation like Rossen."

When Berg’s words came here, Drew’s pain in the bottom of his heart was finally dissipated. Looking at Berg’s face in front of him, his heart was in a hot stream. “You really are because I am worried. ......"

Berg nodded seriously. "I was going to sneak out of the capital star, and I was worried that you would have an accident. When you were at home, you sneaked down on Mike, and pretended to be like him. Snake mothership..."

Bergton paused and looked up at Drew and said seriously: "Drew, I married you and gave up all my dreams. Because it is you, I don't regret it... But I hope my children, I can live free and happy, so, for our children, can I ask you to stand with me?"

Berg put Drew's hand gently on his lower abdomen and said softly: "We will have a second child soon. If the child is an omega, according to the previous regulations, he must leave us at the age of eighteen. Marry to someone he may have never seen before... Can you bear to watch your child suffer from this treatment?"

Drew looked at Berg with horror, and the hand on his lower abdomen was stiff and didn't even move. "...Child? You mean..."

Berg slightly smiled and his eyes softened. "Our silly son, Brian, will soon have a brother or sister. Don't worry, my body has been nursed for so many years. This time I will safely put it safely. He was born."

Some time ago, the days when Berg asked him to punish him at random, because Berg was not in estrus, Drew thought he would not be pregnant, and did not give Berg a birth control pill.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, they actually had a second baby.

Drew was silent for a long time, and finally excitedly pulled Berg into his arms, tightly and tightly hugged.


At the same time, the Military Academy of San Romia.

When Nishizawa and Lin Yuan returned to the dormitory, they saw Brian biting his face, sitting down at the table and eating a five-star fruit. The expression was like a pug that was abandoned.

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "What's wrong, quarrel with Snow?"

Brian raised his eyebrows: "I have a good relationship with Snow. What do you mean by gloating?"

Lin Yuanchun’s black eyes turned slightly and looked innocently: “Do I have a schadenfreude?”

"... Forget it, you are a monster, I said but you." Brian sighed helplessly and turned back to Nishizawa: "Czech, I have not contacted my father for half a month, I don't know him. What are you doing, have you heard anything from your majesty?"

Nishizawa groaned, "Can't Wang Shuo be in contact?"

Brian nodded heavily.

Lin Yuan also wondered: "Is your father not in the capital star?"

Brian was downcast and said: "I don't know, no one at home, where to go, don't leave me a message..."

Lin Yuan felt the same feelings about Brian's anxiety, and thought quietly in his heart - I am also, my father is still missing, and it is said that the space station of Namistar is broken, there is no signal to connect to the communication device.

I don't know what the fathers are doing? Still safe?

The author has something to say: the perspective has finally turned back to the protagonists~

Yuan Yuan will definitely have an alpha brother, a character like Rosen, is the strong backing of the brother round / daddy rain, after the West Zee is bullying Lin Yuan, hey, the brother of the alpha brother greeted the past with a politeness~ ~

Bubu must have a younger brother/sister. Do you think God is good? Meng Meng's omega Xiaozheng is still the same as Brian's alpha loyal dog?

Ps: This article sets the life expectancy to be over 300 years old. Therefore, it is normal for your younger brother to be a teenager than himself!

Ps2: Today, I can't make up for the more tat. My dad's old classmates actually fell in love with the New Year. My relatives have more sincerity. When I have no relatives in the next day, I try my best to take time to double up. 2k novel reading network