MTL - A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return-Chapter 1366 Invitation

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Jiang Yu was shocked at all, she was pregnant?

Looking at her incredulously, he asked: "Really? Hey, what time?"

She shook her head indiscriminately and wanted to drink.

Jiang Yu grabbed her hand: "You can't drink! You still have pregnancy! Hey, what is the child, is it really you still talking about drunk?!" The girl who likes is pregnant with someone else's child. Call him another heartache and anger.

But she still just smirked and slumbered in his arms.

Jiang Yu guards her, her heart is in a mess, and her brain is full of her "pregnancy". I don't know what to do. Does Wei Lingnan know this? If you don't know, tell him, will he marry Gu Jinxiu? I still love him, do you want to tell Wei Lingnan about this, let them be happy... or, conceal this secret, stay with her, take care of her, and succumb to her when she is most vulnerable and most in need of help. In, maybe, can be with her...

He wanted to get into God until he heard the noise outside.

"Roll, I don't welcome you here!" is the angry scream of Jin Linger, "I won't see you!"

Jiang Yu quickly got up and went out to see, seeing Jin Linger wearing a home clothes standing in front of the door, standing outside the door with a woman with heavy makeup, a look of pride, a hand wearing a jade bracelet is on the door, not letting the golden bell The child closes.

Jiang Yu walked over and asked: "Siled, what happened?"

When Jin Linger saw him coming out, he was even more angry: "Ginger Brother, you are going to drive this woman away, don't let you see it!"

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang Yu Jiang," the woman outside the door smiled coldly. "Fortunately."

Jiang Yu asked quietly: "Are you?"

"Hey," the woman reported her name and shook a thing in her hand. "I am a friend of Gu Jinxiu. I am sending her an invitation to Xia Wei today. Tomorrow is a wedding of Jinxiu. Please also Miss Xia. Appreciate the light."

Jiang Yu understands that people are clearly in the air.

Xia Wei likes a man to marry another woman, and ask her to go to the wedding? Which woman has received this.

It is no wonder that Jin Linger is so angry.

Jiang Yu took the invitation from her hand: "I have accepted it for you, Miss Yan, hard work, please come back."

"Ginger Brother! How can you accept this!" Jin Linger screamed again, looking at Jiang Yu incredulously.

Jiang Yu said to her: "Slightly, I have already slept."

Jin Linger realized that her voice was too big and she didn't talk.

It’s awkward, looking at him thoughtfully – Xia Wei has slept? Then Jiang Yu is here, what are they going to do, are they sleeping together? But here is clearly the home of Jin Linger, even if they want to live together, they should choose another place.

Jiang Yu can treat her bad thoughts again and again, and politely and again: "Miss Yan, you should go."

I was very disappointed. She took the initiative to ask Gu Jinxiu to take over this task. She wanted to see Xia Yu’s ugly. If she could see Xia Wei’s heart-wrenching look, she would return the fare. But it is a pity that people Xia Yan did not come out to play. "The invitation is for Xia Wei. I can't see her when I don't see her. What about her? Isn't it going to be a broken love, hiding in the room and crying?" He said half-jokingly and half-spirited.

Jiang Yu no longer talked nonsense with her and reached for the door.

The huge closing sound echoed in the corridor, and it was too late to hit the nose.

"Hey!" She was shocked and angry, and shouted, but the corridor was empty, and there was only one iron door in front of her.

She was unwilling to squat and turned and left.

In the door, Jin Linger gave Jiang Yu a thumbs up: "Ginger Brother, you really have it, you should deal with this kind of person!"

Jiang Yu’s look was dull, and the invitation in the hand was handed to Jin Linger: “burned.”

"Ah? Oh!" Jin Linger quickly took over the invitation. "Yeah, I said, why are you waiting for Jiang Da Ge, this kind of thing must not be seen! I will take it to the kitchen and burn it!" ”

Jiang Yu said: "If I don't pick up, she will not let go, so what should I do if I am so angry? It is better to pick it up and deal with it."

Jin Linger said: "It’s still a big brother who wants to be thoughtful."

Jiang Yu said: "I will go see it." After that, he turned and entered the room.

In the room, Xia Wei is still asleep, his eyes are pale, and it looks distressing. Jiang Yu reached out and touched her cheek with some hesitation, and took it back. He whispered: "Relax, I will protect you."

Xia Wei sleeps very late, wakes up when the sun is full, Jiang Yufu is beating at her bed.

After a hangover, the headache is splitting.

When she moved, Jiang Yu woke up and looked up at her: "How are you feeling?"

She looked at him and said, "When did you come over, have you been guarding me? I am sorry, I was drunk last night, I don't know anything."

"It’s late to make a notice, and come over to see you," Jiang Yu gave her a soft smile. "I didn't keep it for a long time." I wanted to ask her about the true and false pregnancy, but then swallowed back. It is a big taboo to talk about it, even if he likes her again, I understand that she has not earned a place in her heart.

Xia Wei knows what he said is not true.

If you just take a look at it and don't keep it for a long time, he can't have such deep dark circles.

She looked at him with regret: "Thank you."

"What kind of politeness." He got up very consciously, and the gentleman left her bed. "You wash and change clothes first. I will go and see how the breakfast is prepared for the golden bell." Today is Wei Ling Nan Gu Jinxiu. The wedding, not only Jiang Yu is not assured, Jin Linger is not at ease, pushed down all the itinerary, only stayed at Xia Wei.

Xia Wei saw him go out and took the door, so he got up and washed, and changed the clean clothes.

No one in the living room, Jiang Yu and Jin Linger gathered in the kitchen to prepare breakfast, Xia Wei also walked over.

"Hey, are you here?" Jin Linger wraps around the apron and turns her head and smiles at her. "You go to sit down, I will omelet. Ginger Brother, you are going to accompany you, I will know you at a glance." Usually not cooking, so unfamiliar."

Jiang Yu smiled apologetically: "I really did less."

Xia Wei said: "Nothing, Jiang Da Ge, you go to sit, I will help, my cooking is good." While saying, while picking up the eggs on the chopping board, I threw the eggshell into the trash. Suddenly, her eyes stopped -

I saw a small piece of burnt paper in the trash can, with a vaguely written "Embroidery Lady Wedding."

Embroidered ladies wedding? !

Xia Wei only understood for a moment, there may be a lot of newcomers to marry today, but it has something to do with Jin Linger. There is also a woman with an embroidered name in the name, only Gu Jinxiu!