MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 943

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Because you have to set aside time for Chenghe to sketch, the trips of the three people are not fast, even for those who are walking around, even very slow, one day down Jianghan City's three major attractions also visited two.

In the evening, three people did not go to Jiqing Street, but instead found a famous traditional old shop in the area, specializing in the famous Wuchang fish. Of course, pork ribs and osmanthus rice wine are also must-have specialties.

Out of the restaurant, the three people went to the riverside for a lap. The results proved that the winter in the south of the Yangtze River was also cold, especially the moisture that the river wind wrapped around the water surface was blowing, it was really cold and invading, not much later, Three people fled the river and took a taxi back to the hotel.

After rushing for a hot bath, I felt warm and came. Xiaoqiu wrapped in a bathrobe and got into the bed. He was holding a book introducing the Three Gorges tourism.

Take a boat trip to the Three Gorges, and finally the mountain city of the land of Bashu, naturally it is necessary to visit, of course, will not miss the opportunity of the ordinary authentic mountain city hot pot.

As for the practical activities, Xiaoqiu and Jindi discussed, in view of the special nature of the winter vacation, the middle to go home for the New Year, so that there is not much time left for them, so the practice of traveling medicine becomes the investigation and understanding of local medical characteristics. .

With this day's excursion, Xiaoqiu and Jindi discussed and on the second day of the tour, they split into two groups and arrived at the last scenic spot of Guqintai. Liucheng River is here to sketch, and the two of them go to Donghu Park to enjoy the plum.

As a result, when it arrived at Guqintai, Chenghe suddenly changed his mind, canceled the sketch, and went along with him to enjoy the plum. He said that he has not seen a large piece of Meiyuan...

For the feeling of Chenghe, Xiaoqiu knows better. There is no garden in his hometown. Meilin’s grand scene of Xiangxuehai is only seen in the book. After she arrived in Beijing, she first saw plum in the park, but The winter in the capital is too cold, the plum trees grow far without the luxuriance of this side, and the scene of the plum blossoms blooming in the snowy sea has never been seen.

The plum blossoms in Donghu really didn't disappoint them. The large pieces of wax plum, red plum, and beauty plum were in full bloom, and the yellow, pink, and blush... looks like Yunxia and snow, but it is more snowy than Yunxia. A layer of fragrant scent, three people strolling in the Merlin, seeing the plum blossoms on the branches, the breath is filled with thick plum blossoms... It really makes people feel like washing their lungs, the whole person is fresh and beautiful.

In the two days of Jianghan, I lived happily and fulfilled. The next day, the three people finally got on the river and started their journey on the Yangtze River.

Just on the boat, three people excitedly stood at the bow of the boat and felt the wet water vapor on their faces. They were all excited.

After standing for an hour, the three people finally lost under the cold wind. Moreover, the mountain here is still relatively flat. The boat is in the middle of the river. The scenery is rather monotonous. After seeing it for a while, it feels boring.

Three people came back to the cabin, Xiaoqiu took out the milk powder and black tea, Jindi took the initiative and Chenghe stone scissors cloth to determine who is going to hit the hot water...

But I don't want to, even the three, is actually a defeat.

Xiaoqiu couldn't see her crying face, took the cup and went out with her.

I was waiting in line for hot water. I listened to the doctor on the radio and said that a child had a high fever.

Xiaoqiu and Jindi looked at each other and turned the cup into the hands of Chenghe. They looked for it according to the cabin number mentioned in the broadcast. When I saw it there, there was already a male doctor in his thirties, but only male. The doctor is very embarrassed, there is no medicine, and he can only do simple physical cooling.

I was sick of a five- or six-year-old boy. The grandfather and grandmother who took him was the grandson who looked at the red face and burned.

Xiaoqiu and Jindi separated into the doorway and the passengers walked in. Xiaoqiu nodded to a cruise crew at the scene: "I am a Chinese doctor, let me have a look."

The people present, including the grandparents of the children, have some doubts about Xiaoqiu, mainly because Xiaoqiu’s age looks too small, just like a middle school student, it is hard to believe that she will practice medicine.

The flight attendant and the grandparents of the children whispered a bit, and finally decided to let Xiaoqiu try... There is no other way, and I can’t watch the children burn like this. I can only let Xiaoqiu try it. It’s all One in ten thousand is lucky.

Xiaoqiu didn't care about the suspicion of the crowd. He calmly checked the child and then looked up. He said to his grandfather's grandmother: "I have a fever-reducing medicine in my baggage. However, the medicine can only be temporarily burned down. I still need to give my child a needle..."

In fact, acupuncture combined with bloodletting treatment can eliminate the evils more quickly and avoid repeated episodes of high fever. At the moment, Xiaoqiu, who was not trusted by others, is afraid to mention bloodletting treatment... After all, it is bloody, It is more repulsive, especially if you don't understand the operation according to this, it is terrible to listen.

This time, the child’s grandfather quickly agreed to Xiaoqi’s suggestion. Jindi ran back and took Xiaoqi’s medical kit.

When Xiaoqiu opened the medicine cabinet, the child's grandfather and onlookers saw the medical equipment and a pile of bottles and cans in the box, and they had two more trusts in the identity of Dr. Xiaoqiu.

Xiaoqiu is free from outside interference, let the child grandmother put the child on the bunk, and untie the child's clothes. Xiaoqiu wipes the silver needle with the alcohol cotton ball, and then the action is extremely skillful to start the needle on the child. .

After a dozen or so silver needles went down, the child’s small convulsions and convulsions eased. At this time, Jindi also turned the antipyretic drug over, Xiaoqiu pinched the child’s jaw and opened his tight mouth. Then, He raised his head in one hand and gave the child a medicine in one hand.

After feeding the medicine, Xiaoqiu returned and shocked the silver needle. After a few minutes, the needle was taken.

At this time, the child has been completely quiet, but the body temperature has not yet retreated.

Xiaoqiu raised his eyes and discussed with his grandfather's grandmother, and he needed bloodletting treatment.

When the grandmother heard it, she was distressed and wanted to stop. She was blocked by her grandfather and let Xiaoqiu let go.

With the support of the grandfather, Xiaoqiu was more confident to start at the fingertips of the child's finger and behind the earlobe. The blood was released by acupuncture, and the blood beads were especially thick, and the color was dark red and purple. Xiaoqiu squeezed out a drop of blood, until the blood became lighter and became bright red, which was stopped.

When she gave her child a blood-staining treatment, she had already covered the child with a quilt. It was also magical. Just as she gave the child a blood stab, the child’s temperature dropped a little, but there was no sweat, but only A thin layer of sweat was on the forehead.

The child's small face also faded red, and the sleep became more stable and peaceful.