MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 61

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"No, no, no... really no!" Close, a less obvious smell of soap passed over and gave Xiaoqiu A smile. However, looking at the old face can not hang up, Xiaoqiu also quickly bite his lip, hold back the smile, take a small **** to remedy: "Today, you are really special, look young How old!"

"You yell, I am not old!" Thousands of wears a slap in the face, and sure enough, when this is said, Wang Limin turned into a sigh, and he was complacent and self-satisfied, with a small autumn out, riding from Wang Liqun’s home. The borrowed bicycle, the two of them rushed to the county town.

In the morning, Wang Limin received three hares and two pheasants. Since he was going to enter the county seat, he directly installed a sack on the back frame and took it to the county seat. He thought that he would try to try the purchase price of the county's acquisition station.

Into the county, Wang Limin went straight to the county to buy the company, selling rabbits and pheasants. I did not expect the purchase price to be really different. Each kilogram was five cents more expensive than the town. The three hares and two pheasants sold more than one piece of money. The happy Wang Limin said that there was no white run.

From the acquisition station, the first company is the cotton textile factory. There are more than 500 textile workers in the county cotton spinning factory, and there are also six or seven hundred people in logistics. According to the number of people, it is the largest enterprise in the county. However, the textile factory is a county-owned enterprise, the wages are two or three lower than the shipyards directly under the province, and the logistical treatment is also low. The textile women workers are also frugal. Most people bring their own meals, so most of the canteens usually burn. Hot water, hot steamed buns, at most, do two big pot dishes that don't see the oil star.

Despite understanding the situation of the cotton mill, walking to the front of the cotton mill, Xiaoqiu is still asking the old man to ask, ask the price of the market, and have a good number in my heart. Selling and not selling the chicken does not say, at least let the old man go in to grind the skin, familiar with the path of familiar contact with the factory, the province got their real purpose in the shipyard.

However, Wang Limin was much stronger than Xiaoqiu’s imagination. He decided to go in and ask if he didn’t hesitate, then pushed the car and led Xiaoqiu into the cotton mill.

The communication room was registered in the door. According to the direction of the communication room, the two directly found the canteen, and found the general affairs office of the administrative office from the canteen. Only then did they find the chief of the department responsible for the canteen procurement.

The chief of the cotton textile factory is Deng, Deng Dapeng. It is a middle-aged man of thirty-seven years old. He wears a dark gray 咔叽 Zhongshan costume, and his red face is slightly fat.

In the cold weather, when Xiaoqiu and Wang Limin knocked on the door, the secretary was holding two hoes to roast the steamed buns on the coal stove in the office. When he came in, he personally took a child and couldn’t help but ask: "You look for it." Who?"

Wang Limin swallowed his subconsciously and rubbed his hand on his trousers. Then he smiled and walked up: "You are Deng Shiwei? I am from Sanhe Village, Taiping Town, my name is..."

Xiaoqiu stood in the doorway and didn't go in. He looked at the conversation and was a bit sloppy, and he was a little embarrassed. He finally sighed with a sigh of relief. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and this is the beginning of the old man! Going door-to-door sales promotion, as long as you can go to the door, you can open your mouth, things have become half!

Deng Dapeng is not very enthusiastic, but it is also polite. After listening to Wang Limin and Baba for a long time, I finally understood the purpose of this father and daughter. So I said the situation of my factory. Although the factory said that the conditions are generally treated, there are also thousands of people who can digest each week. Thirty pounds of pork and eggs. Just, don't chicken, the things are fine, few textile women workers are willing to eat, the factory is also buying some on the holidays, to improve the big guys. If he can get meat and eggs, he can really save a lot of things...

I heard that I don’t want chickens. Wang Limin was somewhat disappointed, and he did not refuse the secretary. He only said that he would return to the village to report the situation and then reply, and he was resigned.

Seeing that Wang Limin came out of the textile factory, there was some sorrow. Xiaoqiu did not regret the old man’s entry. Although he did not contact the business, he also let Wang Limin meet people, and he was familiar with the basic ways of marketing agricultural and sideline products. . Moreover, Xiaoqiu believes that the old man of his own year will not be so easily defeated!

Sitting on the back seat of the old bicycle, Xiaoqiu said with a sigh of relief: "Hey, the uncle said just now, want eggs and pork. If you can collect some eggs, you don't have to earn more." You can earn one point. Ten eggs are a hair, and one hundred eggs is a piece..."

Listening to the prostitute's small abacus, Wang Limin couldn't help but cry: "I don't want to sell it. It's really a little hen that didn't open up at this time. I can't afford the eggs! You are a small fan, you can do it again. The hen of the hen!"

At this time, because of limited feeding conditions, cold weather in winter, limited feed, most hens will stop laying eggs, and the next year, when the spring is warm, they will re-open the eggs.

Listening to the interestingness of Wang Limin, Xiaoqiu was a little bit special to laugh at the venue, giggling, dispelling the sorrow and nervousness of Wang Limin’s heart, and re-emerged: for the sake of the child, for the children, how to get ideas Earn money, cotton mills can not, there are shipyards, as well as aquaculture factory, then some factories, he does not believe, can not become a family!

When the two of them came to the shipyard, looked at the tall blue-gray stone gate of the shipyard, and when the door greeted a high quotation wall, the disappointment of Wang Limin’s face was gone, leaving only full of admiration and envy. ! ——How proud it is to be able to go to work in such a factory!

The two men stood for a short while, and there was a man in his forties who was slightly awkward at the foot and came out and asked: "Comrade, are you looking for someone or doing something?"

From this person, Xiaoqiu saw it, but did not say anything. She only pulled Wang Limin and screamed softly: "Hey, that person asks you!"

With the experience of the cotton textile factory, Wang Limin lost a little respect to the people in the factory, woke up to God, and soon raised a smile, pulling his legs and facing the man who was slightly stunned. Going over: "Comrade, I am from Sanhe Village, Taiping Town, our county. Come to the company... contact, see if you want chickens and eggs in the factory cafeteria..."

"Oh, send chicken! There is chicken to eat!" When I was older, I heard Wang Limin’s words and smiled. I turned to the young man next to me. "Xiaocheng, call the secretary, hurry!"

I heard that the village came to contact the chicken to send the eggs, the two security personnel suddenly enthusiasm, pulling Wang Limin's hand will not spread ... Well, this, Wang Limin's four or five points emboldened, all of a sudden Get up and go straight to the 10%.

"Hey, hey, this comrade, isn’t the clerk of the labor ran here, let the little comrade take me in the past?” Wang Limin quickly stopped the person and smiled and made his own suggestion.

‘Opening the file’, the rural dialect of North China means that the hen has begun to lay eggs.