MTL - A Rural Life in the 70s-Chapter 55

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Wang Limin is sitting at the door of the back room, talking to his wife while washing the diapers. He heard Xiaoqiu shouting and quickly got up and walked away. Come and wipe.

"Oh, it’s really Zheng Shu and Big Brother Wu... Come on, please come in... Hey, don’t shake hands with you!” While welcoming people in surprise, while happily coming over and shaking hands, you can reach out I remembered that I was washing the diapers, my hands were not clean, and I quickly shrunk my hands back.

Everyone laughed and entered the door. Xiaoqiu followed the big man, squatting and taking the basket. While turning back, he saw that there were several children around the door, all around the jeep and pointing.

Wu Ge and Qin Hao also looked at the children at the door, watching the children with loose sleeves and black cotton smudges, or dragging the rhinoceros snot. One by one, the hair was unkempt, the cheeks were red and rough, and the outstretched hands were topped. Black and dirty...

Xiaoqiu followed the Qin and Wu Ge, and naturally saw Wu Ge’s gaze. However, she was somewhat surprised that Wu Ge and Qin Lan looked at the dirty children’s eyes without any disgust. And dislike, but with some worries that are inconsistent with their age, and... contemplation? !

Is this their origin, so that they have different starting points for seeing the problem? Can also overcome the phenomenon and pursue the social attributes and origin of things?

"Hey, you are a stinky girl, what do you want to stay?" Wu Ge raised his hand and knocked Xiaoqiu a note, successfully took Xiaoqiu back to reality from his thoughts!

She glanced at Wu Ge and turned into the house. Hey, obviously a childish ghost, a bear child, she really thinks more!

Wu Ge looked inexplicably and glared at Xiaoqiu’s door and touched his nose. “Where did I get stinky?”

Qin Yan glanced at him and shook his head into the house: you screamed and screamed at the people, and also knocked on the brains of others... and said that it was not provoked...

Wu Ge looked at one or two, completely ignoring him, too much!

"Wu Ge, what are you grinding at the door? Don't you come in to see people?" The voice of his father Wu Gang's majesty came out of the door. Wu Ge's back was tight and he quickly lifted his foot and stepped into the door.

There was a pair of chairs in the hall, and Xiaoqiu moved a few foot beds and Mazazi came out and let everyone sit. She poured water again and took the homemade peanut sesame sugar to entertain. Then he took the initiative to enter the house, reported with Song Xiulian, and helped Song Xiulian to clean up and took the diapers that had been replaced by the winter and winter pots to the outside!

Slightly sitting for a while, Zheng Qiushi and Li Xi got up and entered the house, and asked Song Xiulian and the child to check the body. Wu Haigang followed Wang Limin to see the set of rabbit rope buckles. Even Wu Ge and Qin Yu both listened to the hunting, and they followed suit. went.

A few of them went to the door, and they met Wei Aimei and Cheng Haicheng Jiang Chenghe, who had heard the news. Wang Limin introduced it to the two sides, and gave Wei Aimei: "Da, I took Wu and my two boys to see Set the rope of the rabbit, you are tired to help me say hello..."

Wei Aimei did not hesitate to fill the mouth: "You can rest assured, there is me at home!"

Chenghe then interjected: "Two uncles, just as I and my second brother got off the net early in the morning, we will go up later, and we can add a dish at noon!"

"Oh, listening to this kid's words is very sure. If you haven't seen it yet, can you guarantee that there must be fish?" Wu Haigang looked at the three boys of the Wang family, all of them strong, strong, simple but not lacking in cleverness and self-confidence, naturally I was so sentimental, so I took the initiative to talk.

"Hey..." Cheng Haicheng did not say that Chenghe seemed to be a big and big leaf, but it was not a child with no eyes. He listened to the question of Wu Haigang and did not justify it. He only laughed and said nothing.

This performance of Xiao Ge’s performance makes Wu Harbour more enjoyable. Although the children of Wang Family have different personalities, they are very interesting!

Liu Zhengshi and Li Xi stayed in the room to give Song Xiulian a visit. When Xiaoqiu turned out, he quickly picked up the ingredients and prepared to make lunch. - Look at this, Wu Haigang and Zheng Qiu Shi have to stay to eat, so many people eat, less is not enough, she has to start early.

Years ago, the meat dumplings and meatballs given by Da Bo Niang were a little bit. The old hare sets were also hung on the shack beams, and the salted fish and dried shrimps given by Wang’s grandmother...

With a finger on it, Xiaoqiu is ready to take some winter vegetables and produce it. She just opened the lid, and Dabo Niang Wei Hongmei came in. When she saw Xiaoqiu going down to the cellar, she greeted: "Autumn, are you going to the ground? You said, take the donkey, Dabo Niang goes down to you!"

Xiaoqiu looked back and saw Wei Hongmei holding a small bowl in his hand. He was vaguely watching the Chinese New Year's fried goods. It should be brought over to their home.

Da Bo Da Bo Niang is real, Xiao Qiu did not say anything polite, just smiled and said: "Da Mu Niang rest assured, I often go on it ... Oh, yes, Dabo Niang wants melon and pumpkin, my mother still exists A few, the weather is getting warmer, and if you don’t eat it, you can’t stop it.”

If it was years ago, Wei Hongmei would not want it. After all, it is not easy to store a dish in winter. But now, after the end of the year, as Xiaoqiu said, the weather is getting warmer, the stored vegetables in the winter are easy to be corrupted, and in February, up to two months, the fields will be able to see wild vegetables one after another. In March, the land The winter spinach, coriander, leeks, and onions will grow out, and the eyes will not be short of food. Therefore, Wei Hongmei promised to be refreshed: "If there is more, give the aunt a come... Tell me, or your mother will save, I can't keep it, I didn't have it until the end of the year."

"You don't say, let's have a family to eat, and let you stay in the New Year!" Wang Lijun, who came over, just picked up the words.

- Honest people speak the most awkward! Xiaoqiu smiled and quickly went underground. The old couple's noisy love is nothing, but she is stunned in front of her.

Sure enough, I didn’t wait for Xiaoqiu’s ladder to hear the protest of Dabo’s mother: “You know one person!”

Xiaoqiu took two melons, two pumpkins, and a basket of potatoes and gave them half of the big breasts. Also discussed with Wei Hongmei, two of them ignited to cook. Wei Hongmei's self-lined rabbit meat was still a good hand, and he took Wang Limin's good rabbit meat back home.

Wang Lijun glanced at it, saw that he couldn’t help, and went home to help his wife burn the fire.

When Li Xi and Zheng Qiushi showed Song Xiulian and Xiaodong, Xiaoqiu had prepared the ingredients and gave birth to a fire.

Xiaoqiu is only nine years old, and his head is about one meter three. He still needs to step on a foot bed to hold the pot to get to the pot...

Li Xi saw this scene, it was really sad, and quickly said: "Xiaoqiu is careful!"