MTL - A President’s Out-of-Body Experience-Chapter 61

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This meal is finally safe to enjoy.

Gu Xiaoshan remembered that Gu had criticized him and said that the tough son had a rich history of love. This made people have no confidence. But in fact, Gu Xiaoshan's own **** is not clean, the same is a lot of debt. Together, the two people are "positive and negative."

In fact, Gu Xiaoshan said that he had contacted so many girlfriends in the toughness, saying that he did not care and was false, but since he decided to associate, he did not feel too much care. After all, the days are still going forward.

Then he thought healthily, he and the toughness are to some extent the "first love" of each other! What the predecessor did not exist. The toughest does not remember how many predecessors he has, so he does not remember it.

The toughness seems to have left the entanglement. After eating the porridge for a few days, it was very happy and happy.

Gu Xiaoshan ate almost, and the toughness was still stuffing the food into his mouth. Gu Xiaoshan had to remind him: "You also eat too much."

The tough guy said with dissatisfaction: "I just had to associate with you, you are not willing to give me a full meal?"

Gu Xiaoshan had to admit the mistake of this big hat. "No, no, I don't have it. How can it? I am not afraid of eating bad stomach?"

The toughness will continue to eat meat from the ground. Gu Xiaoshan stood up and went out to smoke.

There is a pavilion built on the outside of the restaurant. It is very comfortable in the summer evening. Gu Xiaoshan sat there smoking. When he just smoked, he heard someone calling him: "Isn't Gu?"

When Gu Xiaoshan listened to this sound, he didn't have to look back, he knew who it was—that is, Mr. Gu, who joked with He Jun, saying that “Yu Yu Ren is the most beloved man of Gu Xiaoshan”. When Gu Xiaoshan remembered this matter, he secretly said that the grass was really said by the thief.

Lao Gu smiled and said: "I just saw you and your favorite to enter the door, I want to say hello to you, I saw you both turned into the box. I have a customer just around, I did not go to you. I didn't expect to see it here." After that, Lao Gu also took out a cigarette from his pocket and ignited himself.

Gu Xiaoshan smiled and laughed. It used to be nothing. Today, I heard that Old Valley had no skin and called the toughness as "you are the most loved", and my heart was particularly uninteresting. He took a cigarette and calmed his mind. He said, "Well, welcome the valley to come here and spend a lot!"

"Hey, if you want to go to your box together, say hello to your favorite," said Old Valley.

Gu Xiaoshan also smiled: "That must be exhausted."

Lao Gu asked: "Is it really not smoking?"

Gu Xiaoshan nodded: "No smoking."

"That's pretty healthy." Laogu sighed and judged. "I heard that you are dating Wang Shuyi."

"Where is it?" Gu Xiaoshan smiled and smiled in the smoke. "This is a thing that has no shadow. Do you believe it?"

"Oh, that is not a success." Old Valley laughed.

When the two men had finished smoking, they went to the box together.

At that time, the toughness was almost eaten, and the dish was withdrawn, and the fruit plate was replaced. The tough son originally came to see Gu Xiaoshan coming in, raised a smile and was about to say something. When he saw the old valley behind him, he was a little embarrassed. He smiled and said, "What about the valley?"

Laogu laughed: "Is it bothering you?"

When I heard the toughness, I was very embarrassed to say to Gu Xiaoshan: "Ah? You told us so soon, are we dating?"

Gu Xiaoshan did not know what to say, this is obviously the old valley is joking. However, Gu Xiaoshan did not explain anything. He said in the words of the tough: "Yes, Lao Gu is not an outsider."

Laogu listened to this, but still thought it was a joke, and he smiled and said: "Aha, congratulations, early birth."

Old Valley sat down and talked to them two times. The tough guy listened and listened, and returned to the taste, knowing that Lao Gu was only joking. This made the toughness particularly unwilling, and then said aloud: "You don't have a back-to-back relationship with Gu Xiaoshan. He is now my boyfriend."

Old Valley was not the same thing, but the sound of the tough voice trembled because of the tension, and the face was red and fluttered like a cooked shrimp - Lao Gucai’s heart was lying in his heart and turned to look at Gu Xiaoshan. However, Gu Xiaoshan was like a okay person, sitting on his feet, only after receiving the eyes of the old valley, he secretly gestured to put his hand on the shoulder of the tough, and smashed two.

This is really called Old Valley shocked.

After half a minute, Lao Gu digested the reality without any burden. He only said, "You can! What am I saying? Am I right?"

"What did you say?" asked the toughness.

Lao Gu said: "When everyone said that you were GAY, I told people that it was impossible!"

When the toughness is heard, it is quite uncomfortable: "Then what you said is wrong!"

"You listen to me," Old Valley is trying to pick up a cigarette, but captures the eyes that Gu Xiaoshan is blocking. He puts the cigarette in his hand and says, "I said, or it’s a fake GAY. Yu Yu is really GAY, the first one should be better with Gu Xiaoshan!"

The toughness is quite strange: "How can you know this?"

Lao Gu smiled and said, "You two are so tired... Hey, I don't say anything, anyway, I gambled! You are quick to open, I ask people to ask for money."

Gu Xiaoshan smiled and said: "Do you still bet on this?"

"I open the casino," Lao Gu laughed. "What can't be gambling?"

The totem listened to the words "you havetened to open up" and was especially convinced. From today's Xu Wei's as usual, to the old valley's disapproval, he always felt that his and Gu Xiaoshan's relationship with a couple did not seem to attract everyone's attention!

Is it really necessary to announce it with a loud drum?

The toughness was a little bit sloppy. He only said, "What is not open to the public? We have no need to go underground. You see, isn’t it a big swing to date for dinner?"

"Who are you eating, who can know that it is a date?" Old Valley pinched the cigarette in his hand. "You two are going to honeymoon. If you don't say it, no one doubts!"

The toughness is dull, thinking about it, it is such a rationale.

Old Valley took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said, "I am here today, I will be a witness. You take a close photo to send SNS, announce the world!"

The toughness is a bit uncomfortable, but Laogu has already turned on the camera and played with the phone. Although Gu Xiaoshan did not speak a word, he naturally placed his hand on the shoulder of the tough, pulling the distance between the two very close. The toughness can even smell the cologne taste of Gu Xiaoshan's ear.

Lao Gu is not satisfied: "You have a picture of this level, there are not a thousand and one hundred? This is not as good as the photo of you holding in the snow last Valentine's Day!"

The toughness has been shy since the beginning of the "open love", and now it is shy to the apex. When he is shy to the apex, he is shouting and screaming. Therefore, he is also angry and shouted. "Then, what are you talking about? Do you shoot it for you?"

Gu Xiaoshan laughed out and was about to comfort the toughness. Lao Gu also took the soft first, smiled and said: "What words, how dare I, scorpion?"

This "scorpion" said it, playing the toughness and defeating the army, and red-faced support.

Gu Xiaoshan said with a smile: "If you don't face it, you old guy, and the uncle who is the same age, also shouted!" "Sister"!

"Hey, younger brother!" Lao Gu smiled. "Let's take a look at the old man!"

The toughness immediately became rigid, but the face had a soft temperature - he only reacted after half a minute to Gu Xiaoshan's kiss, but at that time, the kiss was over. Laogu said with satisfaction: "This scale is too small, but it can be. The younger brother is a person with a head and face, always want to be dignified, isn't it?"

Gu Xiaoshan walked over to look at the mobile phone screen of Laogu, and saw the new photo taken as expected. Just after showing a satisfactory smile, she saw that Laogu was ready to send out, and stopped saying: "What do you do? Photo on my mobile phone, I And the SNS is good for SNS. You still send, who are you?"

"Okay, OK." Old Valley sent Gu Xiaoshan an original picture and said, "Are you really serious about falling in love?"

"Can this still be fake?" Gu Xiaoshan said, "Do you have customers to accompany you?"

Lao Gu smiled: "Hey, I still feel that I am in the way."

After laughing and screaming, Old Valley left.

The tough probe looks at Gu Xiaoshan's mobile phone screen, and then sees a portrait of the portrait mode, the background is blurred by the smart, highlighting the main character in the center of the picture - the tough eyes are round and round, with a bit of surprise The shoulder is surrounded by Gu Xiaoshan's arm. But Gu Xiaoshan didn't face the camera like him, but his face was on his face, and his lips fell on the red cheeks of his toes.

This is not an overly intimate photo, but it has a unique atmosphere of love.

Gu Xiaoshan is quite satisfied. Instead, the toughness shook his head and said, "This way, I look very tired."

Gu Xiaoshan smiled: "No, I think it looks good."

The toughness of a scorpion, found that this seems to be the first time in life to hear Gu Xiaoshan praise him good-looking, he used to say that he is natural handsome, Gu Xiaoshan stunned him. Today is the opposite. He said that he was in a state of disappointment. Gu Xiaoshan said that he was good.

Is this the treatment of her husband?

The mood of the toughness was relaxed again. I looked carefully and said, "Well, it’s also good. It’s good to watch for a long time. It’s impossible to make mistakes in this face.”

Gu Xiaoshan smiled, and he was worried that the toughness was damaged. It is unnecessary to think now. The toughness is particularly narcissistic in terms of appearance, and he always said that he has nothing but money and handsomeness.

Read Kill the Sun