MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 91 Learn to open an aircraft

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Shu Shu always knows that his talent is very poor, but he really did not think that his talent can be so bad.

Only eating a little water with a spiritual power, he turned into a small hamster because he could not absorb the spiritual power inside.

It’s so shameful that it’s okay for Edgar to eat so much... Shu Shu’s cheeks have to bulge.

The spirit of chaos in the body has finally calmed down, and most of them are absorbed by the children in the stomach... Shu Shu still maintains the appearance of a small hamster, lying on the ground and hanging to the ground.

“Where is it uncomfortable?” Edgar asked worriedly.

There is no uncomfortable place, just don't want to move... Shu Shu looked at Edgar with a gloomy look. Edgar is a very talented beast, but he is a very talented hamster, the gap is really big, so he wants to bite Edgar again.

However, his teeth can't bite Edgar at all... good luck!

Edgar saw that the little hamster was rubbing his teeth with his eyes, but there was no painful expression. He knew that Shushu should have no serious problems. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Shu Shu, I am grilling fish for you?"

The little hamster heard the words and sat up, and nodded. The body is so painful that it is so painful. After the pain, he is really hungry...

Although Edgar is now a beast, the situation is much better than when he first met Shu Shu. After all, he has claws. Clean the fish with a short claw and Edgar put it directly on the solar grill.

The grill is not only solar, but also detects the condition of the food to adjust the temperature. There is no need to worry that the fish will be baked. Therefore, Edgar did not have any trouble when roasting the fish, and even soon baked a fish. Then put it on the plate and put it in front of the little hamster.

Shu Shu, who became a hamster, was much smaller than Edgar, and smelled the scent of the grilled fish. Shu Shu couldn’t wait to climb the plate, intoxicated to smell the scent in the air, etc. After the grilled fish was cold, he even drilled directly into the fish belly and then ate the meat on the fish belly.

Edgar left two fish for Shu Shu, then put another two fish into the food shredder to make a paste, and finally gave the snake that was still in the box.

The two fish that the snake eats don't put too much seasoning. I really want to say that the taste can only be described as ignorant and boring, but the snake is not too disgusted, and the food is very satisfying.

Shu Shu is also very satisfied with eating. At the same time, because of his behavior in the fish belly, he is now full of the taste of grilled fish, which looks like a velvety plush ball.

This is too slow to eat... Shu Shu hasn’t squatted for a long time in a fish. He finally changed his teeth back to the human form, then put on his clothes and sat down at the table, and screamed.

“Is it enough?” Edgar asked.

"Enough." Shu Shudao, after wiping his mouth, he looked at the remaining water grass. "I have strength when I eat it. I still want to eat it..." Although I have just eaten more water and grass, I am mad at him. I felt very uncomfortable, but now I feel comfortable, so I can't help but want to eat a little more water.

Of course, the reason why he wants to do this is to give the child in his stomach a little more spiritual power - after eating the aquatic grass, his child is a big circle with the naked eye!

"Wait to eat again, eat less when you eat." Edgar said, Shu Shu's appearance just really scared him, he did not want to see Shu Shu this look.

Shu Shu nodded and agreed with regret. Edgar took a look at the grill next to him and suddenly said: "When I wait, I will let those who follow me go back."

"Ah? Why?" Shu Shu is a bit puzzled. He thinks it is quite handsome to go out with a large group of people...

"Your secret can't let others know, we only have one robot." Edgar said, Shu Shu's body has a lot of secrets, some people know it doesn't matter, and some... temporarily hide it as well. .

Moreover, he wants to go through the two worlds with Shu Shu, and does not want a group of people to follow.

It is impossible for Edgar to think about the world of two people, because Shu Shu must leave the snakes and feel that they cannot irresponsibly throw the snakes to others.

Edgar agreed.

Anyway, he is now a snake, can't do anything, Shu Shu wants to bring a snake with him.

In the oasis, the soldiers parted ways, Shu Shu and Edgar climbed the best ones left by those people.

The aircraft can be driven automatically, but the automatic driving requires the driver to connect to the network to select the route. On the Beast Planet, there is no network, and automatic driving is naturally useless.

"Shu Shu, you can learn how to open the aircraft." Edgar said to Shu Shudao.

"This is not good, I have not opened this thing yet." Shu Shu quickly refused, he did not even ride the bicycle, how can you directly open such a high-end aircraft?

"In fact, flying the plane is very simple..." Edgar explained to Shu Shu.

Technology can liberate mankind. Many things are naturally more and more simple, and transportation is the same. This orc empire's aircraft is much better than human cars. It has many functions, such as obstacles in front. It will automatically go out, and for example, no matter how you toss, he can keep the body from shaking.

After Shu Shu heard about these two functions, he immediately felt relieved. He did not hesitate to press the switch to start the aircraft, and then he held the steering wheel and flew up.

In order to avoid being stared by the overlord in the air, Shu Shu opened the plane one or two meters away from the ground. He had some difficulty in steering the wheel, so that several times the aircraft would hit the trees and stones, but these don’t worry, because Every time you hit a millennium, the aircraft can flash off by yourself.

Really... it’s so fun!

Shu Shu has a feeling of playing games himself. He slowed down the speed of the aircraft and let the desert fly.

This oasis is not far from where Shu Shu and others live. Recently, Shu Shu is very lively. In this oasis, there are inevitably beasts coming to rest.

At this moment, a group of beasts came to the oasis. They looked at the oasis and finally sat in the desert to eat the prey caught. These beasts were the one that went to the mountain to inform The group of people.

The beasts in this team are filled with fierce anger, and the leading snakes and beasts are filled with murderousness, and they start to communicate while eating.

They have been together for a long time, and there is a set of communication methods that belong to them. The low voice and the text have enabled them to chat relatively quickly.

"Alders, Prince Crown Prince, they are really in that oasis? What are we going to do next?" A cat beast looks at their leader.

The giant snake animal patted the ground with its tail: "We have to find a way to save ourselves."

These beasts are guilty of crimes. Some of them are directly criminals. They will become beasts when they are destroyed during the crime or when they are arrested. Some of them are dissatisfied after becoming a beast. Revenge will commit crimes. Such beasts should be arrested, but given that the orc empire did not have prisons for the beasts, the upper echelons of the empire sent them to the planet of the beast.

Before Renault did not come to the planet of the Lesser Beast, it was such a criminal who dominated the planet of the beast, but after Renault came, these people were defeated and could only hide, and later When the criminals arrive, they will be driven away by Renault.

They are such a beast, Shu Shu is obviously impossible to save them... even if Shu Shu is willing to save them, so many people are waiting for Shu Shu, maybe it will take another hundred years to turn them, so they only Can manage to save themselves.

"What?" someone asked.

"As long as we can get the Shu Shu up, but also afraid that no one will save us?" Aldous wrote on the ground, the snake's narrow erect flashed cold light.

They have come all the way, have already inquired a lot of people about the crown prince and the prince, and know a lot of things about Edgar and Shu Shu.

The crown prince used to be strong, but now it is just a beast. There are children in the belly of the prince. It is not difficult to catch them. After catching them, they may become orcs!

Even if they can't become an orc... Since they can't recover, it's best for others not to recover!

They are playing with such an idea, and these days they have been investigating the whereabouts of Edgar and Shu Shu.

These people are negotiating, a goshawk beast suddenly flew from a distance, and then fell in front of Aldous: "I followed the crown prince and the prince, and the crown prince and the prince left in that Oasis!"

Is there such a good thing? The eyes of these beasts lit up, and at this moment they saw an aircraft gliding across the sky and heading away.

"That is the aircraft of His Royal Highness." The goshawk beast was awkward and wrote a line on the ground.

They took a lot of effort to keep up, and they just happened to meet the Prince Edward's singular order. As a result, they didn't start, and people ran away?

This is too embarrassing!

These people were in a bad mood. At this moment, they saw that the distant aircraft was flying back.

"We chase." Alders licked his tail and signaled everyone to catch up. But what about the aircraft? They ran through their feet and did not catch up with the aircraft.

The aircraft flew in the air, and it was still coming and going in the air. I couldn’t see where it wanted to go. Sometimes they had a hard time chasing it. When I looked back, the plane went straight back. It just let They can't wait to spit out a blood.

After chasing it, Aldous wanted to give up, and at this moment, the aircraft suddenly stopped in front of them.

Shu Shu had long discovered that the beast was following himself, and he was very helpless. Some people don't know how to deal with those who worship themselves and want to please themselves. They simply don't care. They think they will give up after a while, but they don't want these people to be unexpectedly tough. They have been chasing him. put.

This way, the body of these beasts will have problems... Shu Shu is thinking about going down to talk to them and let them give up the idea of ​​running with the aircraft.

After the aircraft stopped, Shu Shu shouted at those people: "Hey, don't run with me!"

Aldous took the man and slowly approached the aircraft. He knows that the Crown Prince and Prince Edward must not know them, so they can be dressed as ordinary beasts...

"I am going to leave here. Go to the oasis and stay with me. Don't follow me." Shu Shu said again, his eyes try not to see Aldous, after all, he is afraid of snakes.

As a result, a wolf-shaped beast beside Aldous jumped up and flew straight toward Shu Shu.

"Ah!" Shu Shu screamed, and at the same time, Edgar pulled out the snake tail and directly shot the giant wolf.

Aldous had already launched an attack at this time, and even spewed out the venom directly. However, his venom had not fallen on Shu Shu, and he was blocked. He did not know what was blocking the venom.

A group of beasts all came to the aircraft, and wanted to do something big, Edgar looked at them, his eyes showing disdain and excitement.

He dared to bring Shu Shu out alone, which shows that he has the ability to protect himself. Just a few beasts, dare to be against him and Shu Shu?