MTL - A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me-Chapter 3 003

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Everyone... including ghosts are in silence.

What shocked Ren Hui was that the hand that was taken care of by the count did not continue to move. It seems that he was really comforted by the carelessness? Can ghosts be comforted by humans? She is spirited and has doubts about the world.

After taking the hand, Gu Wuji naturally took the microphone from her hand and interviewed the ghost: "This gentleman, I am a reporter who reports lyrics. This mission is to find out the villa." The truth of the case. Can you provide clues? I will burn the paper to you when I go back."

Ren Hui: "??" It’s not how you just pick the ghost so casually! There is also her microphone.

The next moment she saw the ghost that had stopped moving. The twisted limbs were like angered and rushed toward the ignorance. It had already swelled and rotted, showing the horrible face of the forest bones close at hand!

Ren Hui, who stood behind Gu’s countlessness, was already scared and screamed. Only Gu did not count on a calm look and ghosts, and he also found that the ghost's eyes also had obvious traces of being dug.

Is this related to the murderer who caused the murder?

Still waiting for nothing to think about, the ghost has actually passed through his body directly, a cold meaning from the top of the head through the soles of the feet!

At this moment, several pictures suddenly emerged from his mind. It was a scene that emerged from the perspective of a person's first person. He seemed to try to hide in the dark, and the faint light was wrong.

The screams of men and the crying of women continued to sound, and even the air was filled with pungent **** smell.

From the faint gasping and trembling sights, you can see how fearful the party is.

Obviously afraid of reaching the extreme, but he could not see any traces of the murderer, he could only hear the footsteps sounding around, and the footsteps seemed to be far away for a moment, and the next moment was near.

"The last one, you have to swear." A young boy from Qingyue sounded with joy that could not be said.

The party did not dare to breathe again. He held his mouth and nose and breathed quietly, but the flustered heartbeat seemed so big at this time. He could only hold his heart and pray for himself. found.

The footsteps seemed to go slowly, but soon, there was something cold liquid that flowed from above and dripped onto his shoulders.

The line of sight trembled and turned to the top, and the eyes were filled with two **** faces, and the blood was squatting from the eye.

In the next moment, nothing was seen, and everything turned into a blood red.

- He saw me.

No, yes... I saw him.


When Gu woke up and found that he was lying on the sofa in the living room, the others were standing next to him.

"You finally woke up." Ren Hui's sigh of relief, apparently in the process of having nothing to do with her, she did not care for her ghosts, and did not let her suffer a little hurt.

"I have been in a coma for a long time?" Gu Wuji still had some confusion in his mind.

"Oh, I have already told you not to provoke a ghost. Now I have made this look." Luo Kong sneered at the side. "If you are not lucky, you are probably dead!"

"You shouldn't be so excited." Fang Jian converges on his own slight surprise. He thinks that this guy is still quite a big life. It has not been a big deal to be tortured by ghosts. "Mr. Gu is fainted." It’s less than ten minutes. But we just stayed here, and the two of you suddenly disappeared. It’s really shocking.”

"It’s really scaring me!" Ren Hui said that he suddenly said all the pictures he saw. "The corridor must have a problem!"

"You're right, I've seen it." Fang Jian nodded and looked dignified. "When you don't see it, we have found something here. The corridor is actually the gateway to the basement..."

He said that he took out a layout of the house, and there was a secret door leading to the basement of the villa at the corner of the corridor.

There is no doubt that anyone who is a bit of experience knows that there will be no good things in the basement in this background. After going there, it will definitely not come back.

The cold sweats on the heads of all people have come down. No wonder they just have to look into the corridors and become like this. It is definitely dangerous to the extreme.

Fang Jianxin was very satisfied with the expression of everyone. How can these people know that, in fact, is it safer around the basement? After all, in order to avoid the most terrible existence, even the ghosts are subconsciously afraid to get close to them, and the farther they go, the better.

Now, as long as he follows his plan, everything will go smoothly.

At this time, "I found this." The voice of the girl in the little couple was ringing in Ai, and she carefully placed a photo album in her hand on the table.

After turning the photo album open, it’s the few photos on the top that are neatly placed. It’s just that people feel uncomfortable. The eyes of everyone in the photo are all crossed out – the handwriting is flustered and It was also a little trembling, just like what was done at the time of extreme panic.

In addition, it can be seen that the images of most of the photos belong to the owner of the villa, and there is almost a 16-year-old boy next to him.

The face of the young man is basically invisible, but from the appearance of a few facial features, he can see that his appearance should be extremely beautiful. Only at this time, no one has the mood to care about these things.

Looking back, in addition to these crossed out parts, there are a lot of words written in abundance, "What should I do?" "He saw me!" "Ming Ming has already..." "Where can I hide?" ..."

Everyone looked at the breath, but in the next moment, a picture of both eyes appeared in the eyes of everyone.

It seems that it is too late to cross out. The photo is a middle-aged man who looks very majestic. It is no doubt the original owner of this house.

It was only a photo, but the eyes brought a sensation of scalp tingling, and the coolness of the wind rolled over the back, and even the cold hair stood up. In the next moment, there were blood and tears in those eyes.

The girl's face changed greatly, and the teeth were to be closed.

Almost in an instant, the album that had already been closed had a hand that suddenly reached out and directly caught the girl's body.

When the people didn't have time to do anything, her body burst open instantly, a lot of blood splattered around, and everything except blood disappeared out of nowhere... No. They were only absorbed by the album.

The crowd quickly stepped back a few steps, and looked at the album that had fallen into the pool of blood, and did not expect that a living person would die in front of him.

At this time, the remaining men in the couple could not accept this, suddenly rushed up, grabbed the album and opened it, frantically flipping through the pages.

"You, calm down..." Ren Hui’s heart gave birth to a bit of sympathy. When he wanted to comfort himself, he was dragged directly by Gu.

"The situation is not right." Gu Wuji said, no one can ignore the moment when the still alive is disappearing in the next moment, but rationality can avoid more unnecessary sacrifice than sensibility.

Just in the moment when his voice fell, from the surrounding blood pool, a few rotting hands were extended, and the man was directly pulled into it. The miserable screams instantly rang.

This sound is like a wake up to the villa that has been quiet since the beginning, the **** smell spread from all around. It’s not just the blood of the couple, the walls, the ground, and the blood that spreads everywhere.

"Let's go!"

Under the leadership of Fang Jian, other people rushed to the second floor without thinking about it. Before that, they found no important clues in the downstairs. When they came here, they must have the news that they can survive.

After everyone went upstairs, everyone followed Fang Jianfei to the second floor corridor, and everything seemed to be quiet for a short time.

In the light of the mobile phone, everyone saw that the wall was full of splashes of blood, and there were a lot of messy words like the ones that appeared in the album.

Can only barely identify what, he saw, why, escape, no... These words, in addition to these are some messy patterns that make people look psychologically uncomfortable.

"This is what the people who came after it stayed, or what was left when the case was first stopped... What is the situation?" Ren Hui could not help but feel cold.

"It should be there." Fang Jian said. "After being blocked here, there are often some curious people who come to explore in the middle of the night... and most people will disappear. Only a small number of people with mental disorders are found alive outside the villa. ”

In my mind, I remembered the strange pictures I just saw, when I saw what I saw.

"These ghosts have no eyes, and the eyes in the album are also painted out... The person who has just been closest to the photo has been killed, plus a lot of these confusing words." Gu Wuji thought about the opening, "These things must be related to the clues that our mission lives."

Although Gu Wuji always thinks that there is no difference between ghosts and ordinary humans, it is like ordinary people who have metamorphosis and murderous madness. He still does not come close to the existence that makes him unconsciously uncomfortable.

But to put it bluntly, although his instinct for ghosts has always been very precise, it is completely useless when faced with people... Otherwise, he will not fall to the point of killing chicken stew.

At the moment, it is obviously not so easy to be able to sneak all the way to the soy sauce and finally sneak away. From the beginning, I have been paying attention to it.

Fang Jian heard that the subconscious raised his glasses and nodded. "You said it makes sense. I think, maybe these ghosts can't see the existence of our group of people because they have no eyes. Just now Different photos gave ghost eyes, which led to their death, and the villa ghosts were awakened. Next, if we had other ways to cover our breath, maybe they would not notice us."

Luo Kongton looked at the past with the eyes of worship, and felt that Fang Jian’s analysis was very reasonable.

"But all this is still a try, look at our advanced study -"

At this moment, the noisy voice rang from the corner of the corridor. It was a footstep that was not devastating. Obviously, there was a lack of knowing what was happening slowly.

The crowd suddenly remembered the female ghost on the second floor that was seen downstairs before, and was shocked by a cold sweat.

Fang Jian did not want to open the door to the side, and everyone immediately rushed in.

"It’s troublesome. With our current strength, we only have to die on the ghosts. We must find a way to hide them. The situation is urgent. Everyone is looking for a place." Fang Jian said that he opened the wardrobe and took care of him. Just let him stand inside, still looking at him with a nervous face, "must not make a sound!"

This room seemed to be just a room, there were not many things that could cover people, the cabinet was not big, and the bed was just a single bed. Ren Hui can only hide under the bed after the war, although this is generally the first horror film to die, but there is no other way at this time.

Luo Kong hesitated a little, but he ran and huddled with him, and looked at Fang Jian. "Where are you going to hide?"

Fang Jian’s face suddenly refused with a kind of determination. “I am going to lead the guy. After all, it’s too dangerous to hide... I am also an experienced person, maybe there is still a chance to live.”

If there were people in the past, some people would persuade him, but it is obvious that the other two people are in danger. It is not bad for the other two people to save their lives.

However, Gu is not very moved to look at Fang Jian, but also come forward, "Fang Da Ge, you are so kind... I can't let you go alone, bring me! Two people may be able to escape a little. ”

The smile on Fang Jian’s face solidified: “??”

It’s really stupid or pretending to be a guy. But he has to seize the opportunity to kill him. He still has to move his hands and feet. If you really want to go out with the plan, it’s good to be dead. .

Fang Jian suddenly smiled and smiled. "You still don't want to mix this kind of thing. It's too dangerous... you just have to stay here!"

Said, Fang Jian is like being afraid of taking care of him and walking with him. He directly pushes Gu Buji back into the closet and hurries off the door and rushes out.

Luo Kong in the cupboard was touched, and Fang Jian’s eldest brother was not willing to sacrifice anything else. He could even describe it with greatness. He solemnly said nothing to him: “You must remember the kindness of Fang’s brother.”