MTL - A Complete Explanation of the Negative Textbooks of the Imperial Examination-Chapter 11 Master

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A few days later, Chu Shuxin called back and agreed to come to Dingyong Houfu to teach.

Xiao Jingduo was not surprised by this result. The old lady's maid came to inform him that after the class officially started tomorrow, Xiao Jingduo stayed in Qingze Courtyard all afternoon to take care of things.

Although the new dynasty has been set, the price is still high, a bucket of rice is as high as 8,000 yuan, not to mention ordinary people, even the dignitaries cannot afford it. As for pen, ink, paper, and inkstone, these were not cheap in the first place. The war was raging for years, production was destroyed, and the price of paper skyrocketed.

Qiu Ju took care of Xiao Jingduo's pen and ink, and couldn't help complaining: "Master Hou is really cruel, Da Langjun is going to see Mr. tomorrow, he doesn't even ask, even the study room. They are not prepared for Dalangjun. Such rough ink is not worthy of the identity of Dalangjun..."

Xiao Jingduo smiled lightly: "No need."

"Ah?" Qiu Ju raised her head and asked inexplicably, "Why doesn't it work? Even if Lang Jun is still complaining about the Marquis, he can't get along with money! Money."

Xiao Jingduo did not explain any further, his eyes moved out of the window, and he pondered.

Qiu Ju's words reminded him, not to mention other, the paper needed for reading is a huge expense, this money Xiao Ying will not prepare for him, Xiao Jingduo does not want to use Xiao British money. So how to get this money has become the most pressing issue at present.

Xiao Jingduo hadn't fallen out with Xiao Ying when he went to Beijing. At that time, his servants brought him a lot of gold, silver and jade, which he still keeps. But although these are valuable, they can't solve the urgent need. The cash he has now is not enough for even five hundred pennies.

However, in addition to his own pen and ink, he also has to provide for his mother to recuperate. Although every ten days, a man would come to the mansion to ask for a pulse, saving a fortune on medicine, but it was not Xiao Jingduo's intentional derogation. This man's level is really bad, and his medical skills are far inferior to his grandfather. There is only one way - exorcism.

Xiao Jingduo endured this quack doctor for a long time, and finally decided to find another way and spend money to make another tonic for her mother. It's a pity that my grandfather left early. If he had studied medicine by himself, he wouldn't have needed to hire a doctor from outside.

Compared with his mother's illness, his own expenses are much lower, so when Xiao Jingduo went to the street to buy pen and ink, he did not choose the best, but chose the most affordable.

For this reason, Qiu Ju kept saying: "Darlang, you have wronged yourself too much. The pen and ink are the facade of the school. You are the majesty of the Houfu, how can you lose your identity?"

Xiao Jingduo doesn't care: "It's just a fake name."

He has more important things to do.

Qiu Ju wiped away the tears from her eyes with a firm tone, not sure if she wanted to convince Xiao Jingduo or herself, "Lang Jun, you will definitely have great prospects in the future!"

Xiao Jingduo was amused by Qiu Ju, he nodded and said, "Lend you auspicious words."

Qiu Ju looked at Xiao Jingduo's smile and seemed stunned: "Lang Jun, you just laughed! You haven't laughed for a long time."

"Really?" After speaking, Xiao Jingduo subconsciously restrained his smile and returned to his indifferent and indifferent look.

Then Xiao Jingduo saw Qiu Ju, the crying bag, showing the expression of wanting to cry again. He was at a loss, and immediately stood up: "You are busy first, I will go see mother."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Jingduo didn't dare to look at Qiu Ju's expression again, and ran out.

In the main room, Zhao Xiulan leaned on the bed and stared absently at the fallen leaves outside the window. "It's autumn already..."

I'm going to study with the master."

"Really?" Zhao Xiulan showed a weak smile, "It's great, my Duoer can read too."

Reading has always been the privilege of an aristocratic family. It would be good for commoners from better families to be able to read and write, not to mention reading those Confucian and Taoist classics, not to mention that many books are not circulating in the market. These books are hidden inside the family, passed down from generation to generation in the form of family property, and are not allowed to be read by outsiders.

It wasn't until the previous dynasty that they could become officials through reading, and then schools gradually emerged among the people. Otherwise, reading and literacy is useless, why do ordinary people spend huge sums of money to send their children to study?

Zhao Xiulan can read because her father is Langzhong, but she does not understand the Four Books and Five Classics. This is a book that aristocrats of noble families have the opportunity and power to read.

With Zhao Xiulan's light, Xiao Jingduo was also literate, but he had not been systematically enlightened, so it would be of great benefit to him to invite the master to teach him.

Xiao Jingduo accompanies Zhao Xiulan to speak, and he soon discovers that Zhao Xiulan is not in the right mind. From time to time, he covers his lips and coughs lightly. Obviously, the pain is difficult to heal.

Xiao Jingduo's heart couldn't help sinking, he knew that he was only a rough understanding of pharmacology, far from being able to see a doctor, but he still had the courage to give Zhao Xiulan a medical book Prescribe the medicine. So other than that, he has nothing to do.

Even so, Zhao Xiulan's body is deteriorating day by day. Obviously, this is a heart disease. No matter how much tonic Xiao Jingduo gives Zhao Xiulan, it cannot be cured.

"Auntie", Xiao Jingduo couldn't help holding Zhao Xiulan's cold hand and reiterated to Zhao Xiulan, "I will grow up as soon as possible and take you out of this place as soon as possible. Auntie, I will definitely You will get justice for you, you must hold on and watch this day come with me."

"Okay." Zhao Xiulan just nodded with a smile, and then urged him to go back to rest, "It's getting late, go back and rest, and I will see the master tomorrow."

Xiao Jingduo sighed heavily and left.

Under the lamp, he stroked the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and his eyes flashed a compelling light.

He will definitely fulfill his promise to his mother, rise to the top as soon as possible, take back Madam Hou's honor for her, and then take her out of this oppressive place.

He firmly believes that this day is not too far away.

The next day, Xiao Jingduo arrived in the study early, waiting for Chu Shuxin's arrival.

In the middle of the hour, a middle-aged scholar in a green shirt slowly walked out of the house.

Xiao Jingduo hurriedly stood up and saluted the Master: "Xiao Jingduo has seen the Master."

Chu Shuxin nodded lightly, obviously he had heard a little about the situation of the Xiao family, and after a little glance, he recognized Xiao Jingduo: "Are you the lord of the Xiao family?"


Chu Shuxin nodded again and stopped talking. This former student was thin and slender, but his face was quite indifferent, as if he didn't care about anything, Xiao Jingduo didn't dare to speak rashly about this, to make the master unhappy.

After waiting for a while, Xiao Jinghu came, and Xiao Jingduo heard the noise from a distance. Xiao Jinghu walked in front of him impatiently, followed by many servants, including the old lady, Second Aunt Xiao, and even two sisters Xiao Yufang and Xiao Yuli. Second Uncle Xiao walked beside Xiao Jinghu and seemed to be still instructing what.

In comparison, Xiao Jingduo is really agile alone.

Second Uncle Xiao led Xiao Jinghu to Chu Shuxin, smiled and greeted a few words, and then asked Xiao Jingduo and Xiao Jinghu to bow to the master, and then presented the teacher's rites, kneeled to Confucius, and so on. After all the tossing, it was getting late. Second Uncle Xiao glared at Xiao Jinghu again with warning eyes, and then left with the servants, leaving the space to the master and the students.

After all the other people withdrew, Chu Shuxin sat at the top and asked Xiao Jingduo and Xiao Jinghu about their literacy. "Can the two read?"

"Okay." Chu Shuxin nodded lightly, and then said, "Open the thousand-character script, let's recognize the characters today."

"The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric. The sun and the moon are shining, and the stars are standing. The cold is coming and the summer is coming, and the autumn harvest is in the east..."

After reading it with them, Chu Shuxin explained the meaning and structure of the words word by word, starting from the first line. Chu Shuxin interprets the words in the text, and cites widely, which shows that the foundation is very solid. Although Xiao Jingduo had learned Chinese characters according to medical books, but after all, he had never learned it systematically. At this time, after Chu Shuxin spoke like this, he felt suddenly enlightened, so it was.

Chu Shuxin speaks for them according to the thousand-character script. Although this is very demanding for the master, it is too boring for children. Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Jinghu sat on the mat and twisted from side to side, obviously impatient.

Chu Shuxin saw it but did not realize it, Xiao Jingduo was also happy, the master would not take Xiao Jinghu into account, the progress was greatly accelerated, which was very beneficial to Xiao Jingduo.

At the same time, Xiao Jingduo became more and more certain of his guess. The Master Chief was not willing to come to the Hou Mansion to teach the boy, but he was just stuck with his livelihood and had to do it as a last resort.

After half an hour, Xiao Jinghu couldn't take it anymore, Chu Shu Xinnian generously stopped the class when they were studying for the first time, and let them rest for a while.

Come and drink.

Xiao Jingduo wanted to read quietly, but he was destined not to do so. His three cousins ​​didn't know how they found out that Xiao Jinghu had been dismissed from get out of class, and now they all came over to show their hospitality. Xiao Yufang brought a plate of cakes, and Xiao Yumang even more, brought a bowl of cold soup directly, saying it was for Xiao Jinghu relieves fatigue. The three of them were surrounded by Xiao Jinghu, both wanting to ask for warmth and excluding others without a trace, Xiao Jingduo was very impressed when he heard it from a distance.

Xiao Yufang and others are really here to take care of their younger brother? Obviously not. Xiao Jingduo knew very well that the real purpose of the three of them was to please the old lady. After all, it was the old lady who held the power of the Hou Mansion. If they wanted to live a good life, they could only devote their time to please their grandmother. Xiao Yumang used to be attentive to Xiao Jingduo, but after Xiao Jingduo and Xiao Ying fell out, these three shrewd cousins ​​found that Xiao Jingduo was unprofitable, so they turned to coax Xiao Jinghu.

These ups and downs all happened within a few months. As one of them, Xiao Jingduo has a deeper experience of human affection. Power is really a good thing. As long as you have even a little relationship with those in power, there will be people who flock to ask for help.

on the family. In the back house, they do not recognize identity but only recognize power, and the world is so sophisticated, but that's all.

A strong man, only self-improvement. Xiao Jingduo's thoughts on the back house gradually cooled down. He did not intend to waste his attention here, but lowered his head and silently recited today's lesson.

The sky and the earth are yellow, the universe is wild.

Although no one in the room dared to go to Xiao Jingduo's side, everyone was peeking at his movements. When they saw that Xiao Jingduo's face didn't change from beginning to end, but they were just looking down at the book, they were very bored. However, in addition to disappointment, they also gave birth to some admiration.

At a young age, Da Langjun is very self-restrained, and even this kind of gap can be accepted.

Fortunately, the chaos in the study only lasted for a while, and soon Chu Shuxin came back. Seeing the Master's return, Xiao Yufang and the three of them had to make room if they were reluctant, delaying Lang Jun's study, and they could not afford this crime.

Xiao Yufang and the three turned their heads and walked three steps at a time, and Chu Master Ziquan should not be able to see it, and without waiting for the people below to sit down, he opened the book and continued to teach.

Xiao Jingduo immediately forced himself to concentrate and threw himself into the book.

Xiao Jinghu was very impatient in the second half of the class. While tasting the cakes brought by Xiao Yufang, he looked around boredly, eager to end the get out of class in the next instant. After finally seeing Chu Shuxin stop, showing the appearance of collecting books, Xiao Jinghu didn't have time to wait for the Master to leave school, and immediately ran out.

Xiao Jingduo was slightly embarrassed, he apologized to the Master: "Second brother is reckless, Master don't blame him."

Chu Shuxin waved his hand: "It's okay." After he finished speaking, he left.

Xiao Jingduo didn't care to put away his pen and ink, and quickly chased after him: "Master, the student heard that you participated in the imperial examinations of the previous dynasty, do you know which books are covered by the imperial examinations?"

Chu Shuxin gave Xiao Jingduo a strange look, and his tone was still indifferent: "You are the eldest grandson of the Hou family, the parent and son of Hou Ye, you don't need to participate in the imperial examinations, what are you asking about? Besides, there are no imperial examinations anymore."

Xiao Jingduo smiled bitterly, but he didn't want to mention the situation of his family to outsiders, he just bowed deeply to Chu Shuxin: "Please, Master, give me some advice."

Chu Shuxin also sighed deeply: "You don't want to say it, and I don't want to hear it, but the imperial examination died a long time ago, so you don't have to think about it anymore. People have to accept their fate, Since God has reincarnated you as a commoner, don’t be too lofty and think about soaring into the sky. Your family is sheltered, and you can rely on your father to easily seek officials in the future, so there is really no need to inquire about this.”

After finishing speaking, Chu Shuxin didn't seem to want to mention it anymore and walked away quickly. He didn't take two steps when he suddenly heard the young man's voice chasing after him: "Master, if the imperial examination is held again in the new dynasty, are you really willing to give up?"

Chu Shuxin just paused for a moment, and then continued to stride forward. He sighed leisurely in his heart, the current Langjun is really not likable.

At night, everything is silent, many people have fallen asleep, and the lights in the east wing of Qingzeyuan are still on.

Xiao Jingduo was obsessed with the pen and wrote stroke by stroke under the lamp.

It's too late for him to open the door. If he wants to catch up with others, he can only make extra efforts.

The lights of Qingze Court stayed on until midnight that day, and at this time, the old lady of Gao Shoutang, Xiao Ying and Wu Junru of the main courtyard, and even the entire Chang'an had already fallen asleep for a long time.

The author has something to say: congratulations on collecting all the fragments and getting a beautiful picture:

Xiao Jingduo, who had a prejudice against women and the back house because of the hardships experienced by the youth.jpg