MTL - A Bar In An Alternate World: Pick Up A Young Witch-Chapter 84 have a small meeting

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In the depths of the cave, you can see surging magma pools everywhere, and the stone walls are as red as iron.

Ringer was fully alert, and big beads of sweat rolled from his forehead, making him want to take off all his clothes.

He tried to use ice magic to cool down his body, but in this dry volcanic hinterland, the elements of ice and water are almost extinct, and he can't use it at all. He can only endure the high temperature with willpower.

Lan Ya leaned on her staff and hung weakly at the end.

Elise was the most relaxed. Seeing Ringer's vigilant appearance, she laughed and said, "You are too timid, don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you."

"It's better to be careful."

Ringer didn't relax his vigilance because of Elise's words, but became more vigilant. Elise's proud appearance made him very worried.

"Are you so unconfident in my strength?" Elise waved her fist dissatisfied.

"Unless you tell me that you are invincible and no one in this world is your opponent, you should be more careful."

Elise is very confident in her strength, but she is not so arrogant that she thinks she is invincible. Her voice couldn't help but whispered:

"Even if I'm not invincible, small characters in this kind of place won't be my opponents. This cave seems to be the territory of a certain flame creature. It doesn't even have any subordinates. It's probably a young man."

Until the three of them walked into the wide stone room at the end, they did not encounter any living creatures along the way.

Linge scanned every corner of the stone room, but found no trace of Dios, and there was no way ahead, it seemed to be an empty cave.

Why is there no one?

"There is a portal here, it seems that they have gone to another place." Elise squatted in front of a mess of stone pillars, looking at the messy lines connecting the stone pillars on the ground, "It's really a rough magic circle, just set up with a child It's like playing."

Elise despises the poor portal builder.

Ringer walked over and saw the graffiti-like texture on the ground.

"Where does this portal lead to?"

"Hey, just follow up and have a look."

Elise pressed her hand on a certain stone pillar, activated the portal with magic power, and a distorted black vortex appeared between the stone pillars.


A dark castle under a **** full moon.

The scarlet moonlight came in from the window and sprinkled on the red carpet inlaid with gold. The carpet extended to the center of the hall, under a long wooden table of ghosts.

On both sides of the long table, there were many phantoms. The tall phantom at the top had two horns on its head, and its face was hidden in the thick darkness.

The atmosphere in the hall was serious and tense.

"Ahem, then let me give a brief report on the human situation." A feminine male voice broke the silence, bowed to the head seat, and continued.

"Simply put, it's a bad situation."

"In the past year, humans living on the surface lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the death rate dropped to the lowest level in the past hundred years. Correspondingly, for us, the conversion rate of undead was also the lowest year in the past hundred years. It has to be said that this is a bad news. information."

"In addition, the sects dedicated to saving the undead are developing rapidly. Among them, the Holy Light Sect is the most important. It is said that three out of every ten human beings believe in the Holy Light Sect."

"Under this situation, countless undead are super-purified by the clergy every year. If it is not contained, there will be fewer and fewer undead in the world, and our strength will also be affected."

The phantom in the first seat swayed slightly, and a cold idea came out of the shadow, which was directly conveyed to everyone's minds.

"So... tell me about your solution."

Just as the man was about to speak, a crimson magic circle suddenly appeared above the long table, and a petite red figure fell out of it, and with her, there was also a purple-haired girl who had fainted.

A dozen gazes instantly focused on the two who suddenly appeared.

After scanning the surrounding area, Shania was overjoyed. She didn't expect to be teleported directly to the meeting place. She thought it would take a while to find where they were hiding for the meeting, which would save them trouble.

Her eyes stayed on Andil, the man who was just summarizing his annual work, and anger burst out of his eyes.

"Andil, why didn't you call me for the meeting!" The magma-like red lines spread on her body, and a strong flame burst from the top of her head.

"This... I thought you were not interested in meetings of this nature." Andil said in a tactful way. What he wanted to say was that although you are also a cadre, you are a bare-bones commander, and you don't even know how to work. It's the same with or without you.

"Whether I'm interested or not, you should have informed me instead of ignoring me, bastard."

A helpless smile appeared on Andil's pale face.

At this moment, a slightly mocking cold voice entered Shania's ears.

"You obviously didn't receive the invitation, but you still came here with a thick skin. Your skin is really as thick as your butt."

Then came another similar voice.

"Yeah, what a cheeky big-ass fiend."

Shania immediately recognized the voices of Feliz and Kulid, those two damned frozen demons.

The red lines on her body were brighter, like a volcano about to erupt. At this time, a cold gaze swept across the hall like a blade, cutting off all noises, and the hall suddenly fell silent.

Shania felt that the Lord Demon King was watching her, and the hot lines on her body dimmed and disappeared without a trace.

Under the strong pressure, she knelt down on the and pushed the unconscious Dios out.

"This is my gift to you, Lord Demon King, a natural elf."

The phantom seemed to glance at Tios, and then waved his hand. There was an extra chair at the end of the long table. Shania sat on the chair, excited, which meant that she had been recognized by the Lord Demon King and was qualified to sit here.

But why didn't Lord Demon King put that girl away? Doesn't Lord Demon King like this type?

Shania looked at Dios who was still lying on the table, as if she was just a vase on the table, everyone could see it, but they didn't care about her existence.

The meeting continued. Listening to Andil's boring voice, Shania quickly fell into a drowsy state. She vaguely heard words such as "war" and "source of soldiers".

I'm really not suitable for this kind of meeting, I won't come next time...

She felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and finally fell down on the table.

It wasn't until the table under her ears suddenly made a loud noise, as if something heavy had fallen on the table, that she woke up.

She raised her head and saw two more people on the table, two unfamiliar faces.

A man and a girl, the teleportation tunnel above their heads is closing, and the magic pattern near the exit looks very familiar.

On the long table, Ringer's body was stiff, his scalp was numb, and the malicious and terrifying sights coming from all directions almost tore his body and soul into pieces.

Especially the terrifying aura coming from directly behind, like an ever-approaching abyss, trying to swallow everything.

Cold sweat oozes from Ringer's forehead. What's the matter with this unparalleled sense of oppression? Where did it go?

Also, what about Elise, what about an Elise that is my age? Mingming walked into the portal together, so how could they be gone?