MTL - A Bar In An Alternate World: Pick Up A Young Witch-Chapter 54 1 circle around the city wall

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The three of Linge came out of the bar. Outside was the busiest commercial street on the north side of Castallon, Uladha Long Street. During this time period, the street was very lively with people coming and going.

A tiny bone mouse emerged from under Ringo's cloak, sniffed the air, then pointed west.

"over there."

Ringer moved forward in the direction indicated by the bone, stopping from time to time to reposition the bone, and soon saw a familiar figure in the crowd at the end of the street.

Light leather armor, petite figure, short black hair.

"found it."

She was standing in front of a stall with her head down, as if she was looking at the merchandise on the stall.

Suddenly, a rush of people blocked her petite figure.

The three passed through the crowd and came to the stall, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Boss, where did that little girl go just now?"

The stall owner was a middle-aged man with a pair of donkey ears. He shook his head: "There are too many people, so I didn't pay attention. Customers want to see the goods?"

"No thanks."

Bone cautiously stuck his head out from under the cloak, pointing towards a crowded direction.

"Going over there."

Ringer chased in the direction he was pointing, but Bone did not retract his head, but turned his head curiously, looking at the busy streets and pedestrians.

In the small mouse skull, the fire of the soul kept flickering.

"I didn't expect that one day I would return to the human world. I really want to live here." He couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"If you can find a pair of armor or a full-body robe that can hide your undead breath, maybe you can do it." In the eyes of passers-by, Lanya looked like she was talking to Ringer, but she was actually talking to the undead under his cloak chat.

"Then can you help me find a set?"

"That equipment is expensive, but I don't have the money..."

At this time, Karina suddenly looked back at the crowd behind her, then smiled and said to Ringer beside her:

"It's not just us following others, there are also people following us."

Ringer was stunned, turned around and scanned the crowd behind him, and saw a few strange figures.

The few people were distributed on both sides of the street, and they all turned around to face the nearest stall. If it wasn't for the tip of a tail with scales protruding from under the gray robe, he really wouldn't have noticed it.

"It's the lizardman again."

"Is it for you?"

Ringer nodded and told the whole story.

"Haha, it turned out that it was because of that red-skinned lizard prince who led them to a deserted alley, and I will deal with them."

Ringer nodded and walked to the nearest alley.

The space in the alley is narrow, only two people can walk side by side, and the walls on both sides are high, which prevents the sunlight from shining in, so it looks dark.

This kind of alley is the favorite of local hooligans and rogues. Even in broad daylight, few people are willing to walk into this kind of alley.

When they reached the depths, the three of them stopped, and Lanya hid behind Ringer nervously, grabbing his cloak.

"There are people on the wall." The bones under Ringer's cloak suddenly said.

Ringer raised his head, just in time to see four lizardmen jumping down from the high wall, the two in front and the two behind, all holding sharp scimitars in their hands, and the sharp blades were slashing towards the top of the three of them.

Karina didn't even draw her sword, she raised one long leg and turned her body around. Linge only saw the blurred shadow of the legs, the shining white light of the knife, followed by four crisp sounds.

When Karina retracted her legs, the four lizardmen were already lying in the corner, life and death unknown, and the scimitar in her hand was broken in two.

Linge went up and took off the hoods on their heads. They were all unfamiliar faces. It seemed that the group of lizardmen who chased him outside the city were not the only ones who were staring at him.

What a pity, why did I meet that unlucky lizard prince that day.

Leaving the alley, Bone continued to follow the breath of the black-haired girl, guiding the three of them.

Soon after, the three of them tracked down a gorgeous building, which looked like a church. It was tall and beautiful, with white walls and red roofs. From the stained glass windows, the voice of children singing some kind of ballad was heard, and the ballad was full of religion. sacred meaning.

Even the people on this street were mostly aristocrats, and some of the aristocrats who entered and left the church were accompanied by respectful white-robed priests.

"This place is filled with a holy atmosphere, I can't sense her anymore." When he arrived at this kind of place, Bai Gu seemed very nervous, and his voice was much lower than before.

"What is this place?" Ringer asked the two people around him.

Lan Ya shook her head: "I won't get close to this kind of place. This kind of sacred atmosphere makes me very uncomfortable."

Karina smiled and said, "You are a necromancer, so of course you don't like the atmosphere here. This is the church of the Holy Light Cult, and the people who come and go here are all rich nobles."

"Did she hide here?" Linge looked at the gorgeous church in front of him.

Bones shivered under Ringo's cloak.

"Linger, my dear friend, promise me, don't go in, okay? Just here, I feel like I'm about to be purified."

"Then come and stay in my ring for a while."

Linger must go in and have a look, so he put the bones into the ring, and then walked towards the church gate. Karina walked side by side with him. Lanya hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth and followed.

The interior of the church is very bright, and Ringer feels that it is even brighter than the outside. The smooth floor is glowing, as if walking on water.

As soon as the three of them entered the church, a pastor came to receive them.

"Are the three here to pray?" A warm and comfortable smile appeared on the face of the mature female priest in a white robe.

Linge said: "We are adventurers from other places and want to visit."

"Okay, please feel free to take a look, but please don't make any noise. Non-religious people, the scope of activities is limited to the lobby. If you are interested in becoming a Christian, you can always find any pastor in the church."

"I get it, thank."

The three of them turned around in the wide hall, but they didn't find any trace of the black-haired girl.

Lan Ya tugged at Ringer's cloak and whispered, "Ringer, let's get out of here quickly, I always feel that many people are watching me."

Her appearance is extremely probably because she is afraid of being discovered as a necromancer.

Seeing her appearance, Karina frightened her: "Among the three holy religions, the Holy Light Cult has the strictest attitude towards undead, and necromancers are regarded as depraved heretics by them.

The necromancers burned to death by them every year in Ios continent can almost circle the wall of Castalon. It's a good thing you haven't entered the tomb, and the aura of undead on your body is not strong, otherwise they would have spotted it long ago. "

Lanya shivered, feeling even more guilty. She lowered the brim of her hat to cover her entire face, and firmly grasped the corner of Ringer's cloak with one hand.

Ringer shook his head: "Don't scare her, let's go."

After the three left the church, they returned to the street outside.

"Are you still chasing?" Karina asked, stretching her waist charmingly.

Ringer shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that the other party has noticed and even knows how we are tracking her, so he deliberately ran to this church to get rid of us. She may have already left through other exits of the church. It's hard to find her again, forget it."

"Then I didn't make this trip in vain." Karina was slightly dissatisfied, her attractive red lips curled up slightly.

"Don't worry, I will make you another two bottles of new wine as a reward."

"Can you repay me in other ways?" Karina asked again, winking.

Ringer said with a dark face: "No."

"Think about it again."

While laughing, the three left along the long street.

A woman dressed as a knight came out from the gate of the Holy Light Church, staring coldly at the backs of the three of them walking away along the street.

"No mistake, the breath of the undead, although very weak..."