MTL - A Bar In An Alternate World: Pick Up A Young Witch-Chapter 47 happy home

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On the edge of the sea of ​​purple flowers, Ringer handed out fine wine to the girl in front of him. In the beautiful glass, the light purple wine was crystal clear, much like her hair color.

The girl's delicate nostrils fluttered slightly, and a somewhat familiar fragrance penetrated into her nose.

"What is this?" She made a curious voice.

"The wine made from your nectar, I named it the Purple Spirit."

The girl's pure and flawless face approached the glass, sniffed it lightly, took a sip carefully, blinked, showing a surprised expression, drank it down, and a lovely blush floated on her face.

When he looked at the man in front of him again, his wary eyes softened.

When Ringer returned to the store, Selia hadn't left yet, but Lanya was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Lanya?"

"She's in the staff lounge, maybe she's asleep." Selia paused, then asked hesitantly, "You two slept together?"

"Haha, how is it possible, do you think I look like the kind of person who shoots at little girls?" Ringe laughed, and pointed to the sofa in the hall, "I sleep here."

But Lan Ya, a little girl, I just let her sleep in it once, and then naturally occupied my bed. It seems that I have to go to the nearby community to find a new residence as soon as possible.

Celia took a closer look at Ringer, as if to confirm whether he was the real one, but when Ringer met her gaze calmly, she looked away a little embarrassed.

"Where did you go?"

"I'll take the rest of the wine to the elf."

After all, it was made with other people's nectar. Linge wanted her to taste it too, and by the way, got in touch with the raw material supplier. As far as the result was concerned, it was very good, even too smooth.

How should I put it, he always felt that the elf was too simple, in other words, it was easy to fool, and could be bought with a little something delicious. Ringer showed a little kindness, and she gained her trust.

"How is the effect?"

"It's not bad, she likes it very much, and gave me another bottle of nectar, asking me to make more for her to drink." Linge felt a little funny when he thought of Dios's little girl-like appearance asking for candy.

Dios was her name.

"Actually, I want to ask you a favor." Selia said suddenly.

"As long as I can help, just say it." Linge said straightforwardly.

Without Celia's strong combat power, it would take a lot of effort for him to obtain such superb nectar, so he cherishes this cute and powerful teammate very much.

There are still infinite magical materials waiting for him to discover in this world. With the help of Selia, this process will be much easier.

"I want to go home." Selia rarely looked embarrassed.

Ringer reacted quickly.

"You mean, use the magic door in the bar to send you back?"

Celia nodded slightly.

"I set off from Lordland in the north and traveled all the way south. It took me two years to reach Castallon. Even if I went back by carriage, it would take several months.

Although I'm a little homesick, I don't want to just give up my adventure career, so..."

Ringo laughed.

"a piece of cake."

Turning around and walking to the door, he patted the door panel lightly.


"I heard, don't touch it." A **** mouth appeared on the door.

Ringer withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

"Lordland, right? I know, what is the exact location?" Men Ling asked.

Selia came over and whispered, "In the Lord's Mansion..."

Lord's Mansion?

Ringer glanced at Selia in surprise.

"I've never been to that kind of place, take your hand here." Men Ling's tongue stuck out of his mouth again, swinging it playfully.

Celia looked at the tongue with some fear.

Linger recalled the scene when the door spirit enchanted him last time, sighed, and patted Selia on the shoulder.


Celia finally worked up the courage, went to the door, closed her eyes, and put her hand in front of the mouth.

"What are you doing?" The expected situation didn't happen, but Menling's puzzled voice came from next to his ear.

Celia opened her eyes strangely.

"Didn't you ask me to hold out my hand?"

"Bah, what are you thinking? You want to take advantage of me, don't you? Just put your hands on me."

"Oh well."

Celia blushed and put her hand on the smooth door.

"Just use your dirty mind and think about where you're going."

Celia gritted her teeth, and a vast manor appeared in her mind. There was a beautiful castle in the manor, with tall gray walls, bright glass windows, and tall and pointed towers... It was the place where she lived in her childhood, a gorgeous castle. cage.

"That's enough, don't pass on your excess emotions to me, it's hard to eat."

The door spirit's distasteful voice sounded in her ear, Selia withdrew her hand, opened her eyes, and stared at the long-mouthed door in front of her in surprise.

"Feel sorry."

"I've set the exit near there, you can go through."

Ringo put his hand on the doorknob.


Then he opened the door.

Going out, it was night outside, and a tall castle appeared in front of Ringer.

The moonlight was hazy on the castle, and a circle of white roses were planted below. The white petals were as delicate as silk under the moonlight, and swayed slightly in the night wind.

"This is your home?" Ringer couldn't help being surprised when he saw this gorgeous and elegant castle.

Celia who came out took a deep breath, stared at the castle ahead, and nodded slightly. UU reading

"I'll be back as soon as I go to see my mother. You wait for me under that tree. Don't run around, so as not to be discovered by the guards."

Celia pointed to an old tree in the yard, and then walked lightly around to the back of the castle, as if planning to sneak in from somewhere.

Ringer felt strange when he saw this, but he didn't ask any more questions, and went directly to the old tree.

This tree was as thick as three people hugging each other, with luxuriant branches and leaves, casting a shadow under the bright moonlight. The grass in the yard was obviously well-groomed, very flat, soft to step on, and exuding the fragrance of green grass.

Really nice garden.

Leaning against the tree, out of boredom, he guessed Selia's identity in his heart. Seeing her sneaking appearance, could it be the lord's daughter?

Maybe it was an illegitimate daughter. The dissolute lord bullied the maid after drinking and gave birth to her. Because of the oppression of the lord's wife, the identities of the mother and daughter were not recognized, and they were even bullied. She escaped from the castle in a fit of anger and went outside. wandering.

Well, no, if that's the case, why did she leave her mother and run away alone?

Maybe she was just the daughter of an ordinary servant, because the dandy young master of the lord's house coveted her body, she left the lord's mansion in order to avoid the young master's entanglement.

Well, this explanation is much more reasonable.

Just as Ringer was thinking wildly, he heard a voice from the direction of the castle gate.

He turned his head and saw that the gate had been opened, and a group of guards ran out of the gate holding torches, their armor gleaming in the flames, making neat sounds as they moved, each with a weapon in their hands .

"There, grab him!"

The fire illuminated the courtyard, and Linge was discovered immediately. The leader of the black armor captain gave an order, and more than 20 soldiers drew their weapons and surrounded Linge.