MTL - 80s: The Soft and Waxy Beauty Took Care of the Wolf Husband-Chapter 340 Can't slack off

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  Jin Daxue did the tailoring, and Qin Jin entrusted someone to buy a new imported tailoring machine. The materials are stacked, and the machine can cut it with one knife.

  After her efficiency improved, she got off work earlier than everyone else. Seeing that Li Qiao was busy, she deliberately lowered her voice: "Qiao Qiao, why wait for them, let them do it themselves."

"He has come all the way, can I be the host if I don't entertain him? Besides, I don't serve him very much." Li Qiao said, Qin Jin may have told them, so when she is busy, there will always be someone to help her. So she only did grocery shopping on the first day.

   Later when she came here again, they had already bought, washed, and cut them up.

  She just needs to start a fire and fry it.

   And only make one meal at night, and more importantly, they will leave tomorrow.

   Li Qiao cooked the dishes and shouted to everyone: "The dishes are ready, clean up after you finish eating."

   "Hey, sister-in-law, go ahead, you have worked hard these few days."

   "You're welcome." Li Qiao smiled, bid farewell to everyone and left.

  When I was sleeping at night, there was a knock on the door outside. Qin Jin went out to see that it was the landlord of the courtyard.

   Qin Jin went back to talk to Li Qiao, then left with the landlord.

  When I got there, I happened to meet the security team who came to check the introduction letter. Seeing that everyone had ID cards, I criticized them and left.

   Qin Jin also left after warning them to be quiet.

At first, I thought it was a high-level matter, but the next day, after learning about the situation in the courtyard from Jin Daxue, Mrs. Qin grabbed Qin Jin's ear and asked, "You're getting more and more courageous, what business do you do? A few people are making noise at home, eating and drinking for nothing, and even hiding it from me, wanting to rebel." Several people in the village didn't even say anything, if it wasn't for the heavy snow, she wouldn't know.

Li Qiao explained for Qin Jin: "Grandma, it's the tobacco market that transports the goods. It's a regular business. They're leaving today." Now that self-employment is fully liberalized, and ordinary people in the tobacco market can also enter, Qin Jin misses his hometown and fights together The good brothers who made trouble, so I went back to my hometown and led them to deliver goods, earn money together, and get rich together.

  Once Mrs. Qin heard that the person was about to leave, she calmed down and let go of Qin Jin's ear: "I see."

  Qin Jin touched his sore ears, and secretly cursed at the complainant!

   If you find it, you must throw it out.

   A storm passed.

  The days returned to calm. On Saturday, Li Qiao went back to the dormitory for a lunch break. The dormitory manager told her that someone was looking for her outside. When she went out, she saw that it was Director Wei of the publishing house. She greeted him warmly.

  Director Wei said angrily: "You haven't been to the newspaper office since last semester was on vacation, so I had to find the school to come."

  There are photo introductions posted on the bulletin board, jump from level 78 to level 76, full marks in professional courses, and publish many professional papers a year.

  The translation and publication of books is such an honor that I didn't even mention it.

  She said: "The last book you translated sold well. Now I have another book in my hand. I want to ask you to translate it. I don't know if you are free."

   Li Qiao naturally replied that he was free. A translation of a book can cost thousands of dollars in royalties. "Did you bring the manuscript? What about the price? The last book sold well, so the price of this one should be raised?"

  Director Wei: "I brought it here, why don't you find a place to sit and talk slowly?"

  Li Qiao: "Okay, a coffee shop just opened near our school, the environment is very good. I treat you, let's go!"

  Director Wei responded with a smile.

   Arrived at the place, Li Qiao asked for two cups of coffee, and the two sat down to drink coffee and talk leisurely.

  Director Wei said that the translation has been raised from the original 5.5 yuan to 6 yuan. Within three months, the delivery time can be delayed appropriately, and the manuscript fee will be settled immediately after the review is passed.

  Li Qiao roughly flipped through the manuscript, which was a little challenging, but not a big problem. No wonder Manager Wei asked her. If such a book is translated by a famous author, the cost must be high, but she is a newcomer with a good level, cheap and easy to use.

  She had no objection, and immediately made a promise to complete the task perfectly.

   Around two o'clock, Director Wei is leaving, and Li Qiao is planning to go back to school. Today is the last class of the accounting class, and there will be an exam assignment. She has to go back and listen to prepare for the next exam.

  Li Qiao bid farewell to Director Wei, walked quickly to the school, and entered the classroom with the ringing bell.

  Qin Jin was already there, and there was an empty seat next to him, apparently reserved for her.

   "Why are you so late today." Qin Jin whispered.

  Li Qiao: "The director of the publishing house asked me to translate books."

   "Aren't you preparing for a graduate exam?"

"Not urgent."

  Qin Jin's heart aches, she is so hardworking, a girl works so hard, and a man like him can't slack off.

  He also has to put all his energy into his career and get ahead.

  In this way, when others mention her in the future, they won't say that she is blind, and she is looking for a ruffian who does small business, and she is not worthy of her at all.

  When get out of class was over, the teacher told the students the exam time, and at eight o'clock in the morning next Wednesday, October 3, he told the students to leave on time.

  Li Qiao and Qin Jin walked to the library with books in their arms.

  The exam is coming soon, so I have to digest all the key points the teacher made.

  Meeting Xue Sufen on the way, Xue Sufen was terrified of being slapped by Qin Jin, so she took a detour.

  Li Qiao and Qin Jin didn't look at her either, they went straight into the library and found a quiet place to read.

   Before he knew it, it was getting dark, and Li Qiao was about to go to eat when someone patted him on the back suddenly.

   Turning your head is the first day of Nanchu.


  Nan Chu shushed with one finger on his lips, and then whispered to himself: "I knew you were here." She took out an envelope from her medical book and put it on the table, then sat across from her.

   Li Qiao lowered his eyes, it was a letter from his old middle school.

  A thick stack.

  If it was putting the money she paid for the radio in, the shape of the letter is also wrong.

  Is it all letter paper? Have so many words to write?

  She opened it and took a look.

  A letter written by the principal himself, expressly thanking her for donating radios and tapes to the school.

  The school will record her good deeds into the school history.

  Li Qiao was overwhelmed with flattery, the top scorer in the previous exam has already been recorded, and recorded again?

   She continued to read.

  The following letter was written by Senior Sister Yu Xiu. Senior Sister Yu Xiu said that she had reported Cai's mother according to the method she taught.

  The people from above ordered Cai's mother to apologize to her, but Cai's mother's influence on her was irreversible.

  Her reputation is still stinky, she wants to come to Kyoto to relax, she doesn't know if she likes it or not.

   Li Qiao is naturally welcome. Thinking that Liu Er will be returning to his hometown in the next two days, he happened to bring Senior Sister Yu Xiu here.

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