MTL - 80s: The Soft and Waxy Beauty Took Care of the Wolf Husband-Chapter 323 into town

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  Chapter 323 Entering the city

   "Third Aunt, are you here to pick us up to play in the city today?" The boss is eager to try, she has long been looking forward to going to the city to watch movies and eat popsicles.

  Li Qiao smiled: "Okay, I'm afraid your parents won't agree."

   "I'm relieved." Song Lin said.

  Let the children go to the city with the champion to learn more, study hard at the beginning of school, and lay the foundation for the future college entrance examination.

  Li Jiaoyang: "Of course you don't need to take care of your children, don't worry, three children, each one is skinnier than the other, how can you care about it?"

  Li Qiao took the conversation: "Aren't you all right? Come along. Brother-in-law, if you have free time, you can also come together. It happens to be a guest at home."

   Song Lin hesitated.

  Boss and second child grabbed his arm and shook vigorously: "Father, let's go together."

   "Let's do it." Song Lin said after consideration.

   "Then you should hurry up and finish what your mother told you."

  Song Lin immediately followed suit, took the fans, and rode away on a bicycle.

  The children are happy, and the adults are naturally happy.

  Li Jiaoyang said: "I'll start making lunch now, and when your brother-in-law comes back, let's finish eating together before leaving."

   "Don't do it, I will treat you to a restaurant when you enter the city." Li Qiao said.

  The boss went to the restaurant with Li Qiao, and the food there was much better than his own. According to the words in the Chinese document, it was delicious. She took the lead in yelling: "Go to the restaurant! Go to the restaurant!"

  The younger sister and younger brother didn't understand, so they followed her and yelled slogans vigorously.

  The neighbor's child ran home after hearing the words, pulled his mother to the door, and asked her to take him into the city with Li Qiao.

   "When a big family goes to the city, why don't you join in the fun." The neighbor scolded the child.

   "I don't care, I don't care, I will go to the city to eat with Dani Erni and the others."

   "He has a number one aunt, and when he has money, he is sometimes free. Who told you that you don't have a number one aunt."


  Li Qiao held his forehead: "How about I take him?"

  Neighbors are worried, her family has only one seedling, and there are so many people in the city, what should I do if I lose it? She smiled politely: "No, no, you play your tricks."

  The child cried even louder, but was eventually dragged home by the adults.

   Soon after Song Lin came back, in order to save travel expenses, he said: "I will ride a bicycle, you two and three children."

  Li Luo: "Together, we will meet again after entering the city. If you can't find your way, it will be troublesome."

  Li Jiaoyang also persuaded, but Song's mother was worried that the new bicycle would be stolen, so she didn't allow him to ride it.

  Song Lin had no choice but to agree that the third child was young and tired after walking a few steps, so he would carry it on his back.

  Li Jiaoyang: "Fortunately, you came with me. If I recite it alone, how tired will I be? After entering the city, I probably don't want to go shopping and watch movies."

   "Mom, I'm hungry." said the child on the back.

   "When you go out, you're either hungry and thirsty, or peeing and peeing. Where can I get food for you right now? Be hungry and bear it."

  Li Qiao opened the handbag and took out a pack of small biscuits: "Here, let's eat something first."

   "I want it, I want it too."

  The other two children fought aside.

  Li Jiaoyang just felt ashamed: "I usually buy you biscuits, don't you? Why don't you know how to be reserved?"

   "Auntie San's biscuits smell delicious, and they are very clean. She takes a bath every day, and even the pillows on the bed are fragrant. They are more hygienic than the things you take."

  Li Qiao couldn't help laughing, kid, he knows a lot.


  The three children finished sharing Li Qiao's biscuits and drank the water in her small water bottle before they stopped.

   Fortunately, we also reached the side of the road.

  Three adults, each holding a child and waiting for the bus.

Li Qiao warned: "When you enter the city, you must not run around. If you are abducted by bad guys, you will never see your parents again." It is also difficult to recruit people in the vast sea of ​​people if you really kidnap and mobilize a large force.

   "Why did the bad guys kidnap me?"

"Because you are a boy, and you have what they want. If you fall into their hands, let alone eat biscuits, you will have nothing to eat. Your new father will not carry you behind your back. You will be spoiled, and he will whip you you told you to work"

  The little guy was too frightened by Li Qiao's words to keep quiet, and hid behind Song Lin.

  Li Qiao achieved his goal and smiled.

  Old Daoist: "Third Aunt, the girl won't be targeted by bad guys, right?"

"Girls are more dangerous. Except for your parents, your grandma, your third aunt and me, don't believe anyone else's words." Li Qiao told the two eldest and the second child what would happen if the girl was abducted. .

  The two promised nervously: "We will not believe what other people say."

   "That's good." Li Qiao said.

  Li Jiaoyang smiled and said: "Qiao Qiao, you are a bit too exaggerated, there are no relatives who abduct children."

   "Sister, I'm not trying to scare you, it's all true. Our team has taken over similar cases." Li Qiao told Li Jiaoyang about an uncle in a village trying to bully a little girl earlier.

  The news that a female college student was abducted by relatives into the mountains decades later was slightly adapted and explained to the children.

  Going out, girls are more dangerous than boys.

  Boys are brought back to carry on the family line, and they will not suffer too much, and some will even be pampered.

  Girls are miserable.

  Li Jiaoyang began to pay attention, and said to the children: "You must remember what your third aunt said."

  The children nodded seriously.

   At this time, the minibus also came.

  The family boarded the car in an orderly manner.

   "Eldest sister, third sister, what are you doing?"

  Li Qiao found Li Jinniu in the corner, and Li Jinhua was sitting beside him, his eyes were dull, his face was yellow, and his lips were white.

are you sick?

  Li Qiao didn't speak.

  Li Jiaoyang responded: "Taurus, you and Jinhua are also going to the city?"

   "Well, the fourth sister is sick and has a high fever for several days. The medicine and water in the health center are useless, so I want to go to the city to see." When Li Jinniu was speaking, he secretly glanced at Li Qiao.

   Sigh secretly.

  In the past, the third sister loved him a lot, even though they didn’t talk much.

Li Jiaoyang couldn't feel sympathy for Li Jinhua. She already knew that Li Jinhua brought his parents into the city to make trouble. Qiao Qiao came to the door twice and didn't reveal a single word. It is conceivable that she didn't want to mention him, so she didn't dare to be in front of him. carry. She changed the subject: "what are you doing at home recently?"

   "It's nothing." Li Jinniu said.

He is a little bit more sensible now, knowing that life at home is tight, so he originally planned to see Third Sister one day and ask her to help him find something to do for him. She will most likely agree to him.

  Unexpectedly, Li Jinhua irritated people again, and the third brother-in-law even came to beat up his parents.

  How dare he mention work?

   There is also Li Jinhua, who still has a short memory after suffering a big loss, and now she is kicked out by her husband's family because of Li Jianguo.

   But she was sick, and he couldn't ignore her as a younger brother.

  Li Jiaoyang thought about it and said: "Your elder brother-in-law found a job as a bricklayer to build a house for the government, and it cost 90 cents a day. If you are free, wait two days to start working with him."

  Li Jinniu's eyes lit up: "Success!" Nine cents a day, ten days in a row, nine yuan.

   Enough to cover the expenses of the family for two months.

  (end of this chapter)