MTL - 80s: The Soft and Waxy Beauty Took Care of the Wolf Husband-Chapter 310 small case-handling expert

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  Chapter 310 Little Expert in Handling Cases

  Li Qiao finally got a good night's sleep after moving out of the master bedroom.

  The next day at work, Xun Dong teased her about having dark circles, and Ma Ling explained the situation on behalf of Li Qiao.

   "Is there such a thing?" Xie Dong said: "Put it on me."

  Li Qiao: "She keeps secrets, and she doesn't break the law by screaming at her house, how do you solve it?"

   "It's very simple." Xie Dong looked determined to win.

   "Okay, waiting for your good news."

   During the lunch break, Li Qiao fell asleep on the table, and then read the documents after waking up.

   It was a robbery case in this county. An uncle collecting waste was injured by masked bandits on the way to collect waste and robbed the wallet in his trouser pocket.

   There is 120 yuan in cash in the bag, which is the half-year income just brought back from the waste station. Because the uncle didn't see the robber's appearance clearly, the team couldn't locate the robber, and the case came to a stalemate.

  Li Qiao looked through the detailed records of the case investigation.

  The person in charge of the junk factory said: I didn’t expect such a thing to happen when I just paid the bill.

  Friends around Uncle said: Uncle is kind and has no enemies.

  Everyone who knew that the uncle was paying the bill was checked one by one, and all of them had alibi.

   "Did you find anything?" Ma Ling leaned over.

  Li Qiao: "No, do we still need to participate in cases that don't involve homicide?"

   "Yes, a lot of comrades next door were sent out to study, and they are short of manpower, or why do you call me back?" Ma Ling said. Director Xun disagreed at first, because he was worried that it would affect Li Qiao's study, and later wrote a letter tentatively, and only after receiving a definite answer did he arrange for her to join the job.

Li Qiao groaned, and she looked at the development of the case carefully again, and said: "This case is quite strange. Suppose I am a robber. I don't know the uncle, but how can I know where the uncle's wallet is?" What about the side trouser pocket? Look at the transcript of the uncle, the money grabber punched him as soon as he came up, and then took out his wallet from his left trouser pocket and ran away. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this statement, but when you think about it, it is wrong. Who is my partner? I have never noticed that I only put money in my pocket, and I have to touch both sides when I ask for money, do you know which pocket your parents put their money in?"

  Ordinary people don't pay attention to this matter, do they?

   Unless the money grab is planned long ago.

  I'm afraid it's the head of the family, why is he so familiar with the uncle's habits.

  Ma Ling: "I really don't know if you ask me that."

  Li Qiao: "We can observe the location of Director Xun's wallet, and we will not hide this from him in advance."


   While talking, Director Xun came in from the outside: "Li Qiao, your neighbor hired her. She said she just wanted to scare you, and she promised not to do it again."

  Li Qiao was curious: "You are so efficient, how did she recruit?"

"I found her partner's factory. He was very talkative, and he admitted directly that he had reprimanded her, but she didn't listen. Then I brought her here for tea on the grounds that she harassed the people and was reported. She was most afraid of this place after squatting. , just say it, and promise not to do it again in the future.”

   Li Qiao felt happy. "Fuck her!" She looked into his trouser pocket.

  Xian Dong was keenly aware of the direction of her eyes, thinking that she was pushing between his legs, so he wrapped his white coat around his body: "What are you looking at?"

  Li Qiao denied: "I didn't look around."

  Xion Dong had an unnatural expression: "More than a dozen cases are waiting to be investigated, hurry up." He returned to the office.

   It took Li Qiao and Ma Ling three days to find out the location of Xun Dong's wallet, and put it in the inner left pocket of his white coat at work.

   But after get off work, I will transfer the wallet to the pants pocket, and it is on the right side.

  Ma Ling said: "We stay with Director Xun every day, and we never know the location of his wallet. It took several days to find out. So I speculate that the robber must be a family member."

   Li Qiao and Ma Ling had the same opinion, and immediately reported this point of view.

   Xie Dong held his forehead and smiled. He obviously felt that they looked at him more times these days, and thought he was very attractive, so they were fascinated by them, so they were staring at his wallet. "Yes, quite logical, I will immediately tell my superiors what we found."

  Xion Dong provided clues, and the other side was responsible for the investigation.

  On Saturday, the teammates arrested the nephew of the boarding uncle and found a masked headgear from under the mat in his room, and the case came to light.

  Li Qiao was praised again, and the uncle and daughter-in-law sent two catties of cucumbers to the team to express their gratitude.

  Li Qiao is eating cucumber, which is very sweet.

  Ma Ling said: "I also have cucumbers to eat after being exposed to you."

  Li Qiao smiled and said, "You also have the credit."

   "You're the best." Ma Ling admired her sincerely. She read the case materials many times, but she didn't find any clues.

  The case here has been solved, and another case has taken shape.

  The thing happened like this, the waiter of a guest house in this county got up early to clean up the room and found that the tenant in the double room was lying in a pool of blood, and the cash and belongings he carried with him, together with the roommate who shared him, disappeared without a trace.

  Only one letter of introduction was left at the scene.

   According to the address in the letter of introduction, I found the person, but it was not the murderer.

   That is to say, the murderer borrowed someone else's identity to commit the crime.

  According to the description of the murderer's appearance by the waiter in the guest house, the murderer's face has been known, and the other party's accent is southerly. But there are so many people, it is not easy to find someone.

  Li Qiao got the route map of the passenger transportation unit, and analyzed that the other party should go north, because there are many stations for passenger transportation going north in this county, and it is convenient to buy tickets.

  And there are many mountains along the way to the north and it is easy to hide.

  She suggested that the team inquire whether such cases have occurred in the counties to the north.

  The next day, news came from the northern county, 300 kilometers away, that a case that happened not long ago in the county had the same modus operandi as the case in this county.

  People from both sides immediately organized a meeting to study.

  The team brought Xun Dong and Li Qiao, and the two sides had a chat.

  Xun Dongdao: "Li Qiao, did you find anything?"

"One thing I really don't understand is two places, two letters of introduction with two identities, why can the murderer easily get the letter of introduction to disguise himself? Even if he bought it, he has to find someone to sell it? Usually like this Craftsmen will not expose themselves, especially when facing foreigners with different accents."

   A word awakens the dreamer.

  The other party may engrave a fake seal.

  Someone said: "It is also necessary to have this skill in making fake chapters."

  Li Qiao: "It's not difficult, I will get it after a few months."


"I think the scope can be narrowed down to craftsmen who can carve, and they have a southern accent. There are many kinds of southern accents. Even in a township, there are differences in the accents of east and west. The students in the south in our school are like this. Not the same." Li Qiao said.

  As soon as everyone heard it, they immediately found the waiter in the guest house.

  A group of southerners with different accents were invited to tell the waiter what the murderer said when he entered the guest house.

  The waiter pointed to a person and said, "It's almost like his accent with a little nasal."

   After determining the accent of the other party, determine the approximate city where the other party is located.

   Based on the characteristics of the craftsman, the identity of the suspect was quickly determined.

   It is a young man named Qiu You from Daogu Township in Fengxian County in the south. He has ancestral carving skills, but the other party has long since disappeared.

   And during the investigation period, new cases occurred, also in the northern county.

  Everyone met to discuss the murderer's next motive.

When it was Li Qiao's turn to speak, she said: "If I were a murderer, I would have gone to the north to commit crimes, and I would have gone to relatives. I am not familiar with the place and have been staying in a strange place. It is easy to attract attention. Living with relatives is not the same. You can Speaking of visiting relatives. And it’s convenient to have relatives in other places take them with them to do anything, check if there are any relatives in his family in the north?”

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  (end of this chapter)