MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 64

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The woman was expressionless. After she took the stage, she put the alloy case on her hand on the table. Mario stepped forward and unlocked the complicated password lock one by one. Then he clasped the box side with both hands, and the thumb was silvery. The cover immediately bounces upwards.

Mario Rhodes put on sterile gloves and carefully took out a sealed test tube and showed the light blue liquid to the officers under the stage.

"Csw8702 reagent, the main role is to strengthen cell capacity, maximize the development of human body limits, so that it is more perfect in terms of speed, physical strength, strength, etc..."

He looked at the crowd under the audience and snorted: "In short, it can make super warriors."

When the atmosphere is getting higher and higher, Mario can add: "Of course, because everyone's ability to withstand is different, not everyone has used this thing, they can become superman with it. So Can you change yourself and look at the number of lives?"

"I brought a total of four to demonstrate its specific performance on the **, and the rest will be delivered later." Mario cleared the scorpion, revealing the first smile after coming here: "So, everyone here, are you ready to take on the risk of possible death... Follow me, the first batch of heavenly pride?"

This is it!

Someone couldn't help but stand up from the seat. The soldiers were hesitant and awkward, and some of them were so excited that they were in a mess until a few high-ranking leaders shouted quietly to extinguish the enthusiasm of the group.

Xing Yuan sat next to Mullen. The latter was excited by the blue veins. His eyes were red, as if he could not wait to run to the stage immediately. He grabbed the reagent and drank it.

The blue-eyed Chinese moved their eyes to the stage again. Mario played the sealed test tube in his hand and looked around in the field, colliding with the blue dragonfly.

The doctor's expression was calm, with a little contempt and high, but the eyes were turbulent, and he couldn't wait to conduct an experiment to ease his demise.

"I brought four finished products, so..." He followed the fingers of two strong black soldiers: "The first and the second."

The crowd immediately burst into a louder sound. Mario seemed to have not heard it. His eyes searched for a circle and ordered an elite captain: "The third."

Then the fingertips turned around and turned in the direction of the only Asian in the field.

"You, come to the fourth."

The black people who were not selected gave a disappointing sigh.

Mullen sat back and looked at the fierce and embarrassed eyes of the man next to him.

"This is not fair!" Someone stood up and shouted: "Reagents should be given to the first elite troops, we are the most ferocious soldiers of Ysera!"

"No! It should be in accordance with the level! It should be left to the captain of the elite troops!"

"Give the first unit! Why start with a few ordinary soldiers!"

"I think we should let the leader decide!"

"Quiet!" Mario held the microphone and snorted: "I will give it to anyone who will give me no objections. Without me, even if you get this thing, you will not become a super soldier."

There were successively tempered men who screamed, some fell off the stool and left, and some hoped to see the results of the experiment, waiting for the temper to sit in the same place.

But no one dares to move the doctor's hand on the stage.

Xing Yuan sat still, his eyes and Mario silently separated by a few tens of meters.

Mario's mouth was hooked and a smug smile was hanged.

"Then, please ask the four experimenters to follow my assistant and go to the lab upstairs to make some preparations."

Two assistants dressed in the same white coat walked to Xing Yuan and politely asked him to keep up. Under the eyes of the public, Xing Yuan could not, but he could only calmly stand up from the chair and leave the venue silently.

In the corner where no one noticed, a black shadow quickly flashed out of the partial door and hid in a corner that the monitor could not capture.

The black shadow took a small instrument from his arms, bowed his head for a while, then re-hidden things against the flesh, and turned away if nothing happened.

At the same time, Xing Yuan was at the foothold of this place. In the three-storey villa that Mullen gave him, he was slightly shocked in the care of the loft in the attic.

He threw the rag into the bucket and closed the wooden door in the attic. Then he took a thing from his body and looked down.

There is a lot of complicated code on the screen, but Yu Wei looks carefully and looks at it with a sweep of his eyes.

The undetectable emotions rushed in his eyes, and Yu Wei took the micro-communication device back into his arms, and when he looked up, he still looked like it.

He picked up the bucket again, opened the attic wooden door, and sullenly went downstairs.

Five minutes later, he walked into his room, locked the door, opened the window, and turned it over to the outside of the window frame. The whole person hangs on the wall on the second floor.

Then, Yu gently put a light voice, quickly turned over several rooms next door, came to the position of the master bedroom, his left hand hooked twice, the padlock on the window was silently broken.

The window was pushed open silently, Yu Wei went into the cat's waist, rolled a half circle after landing, and removed the momentum on the leg.

He has not yet stood still, his right hand is quickly lifted up, and it has caught the attack from the rear.

"Mage, it is me," he whispered.

Ye Wenxuan’s hand was unloaded most of the time: “Yu Wei?”

Yu Wei: "I just received the information of my comrades. Some things may require your help."

Ye Wenxuan: "You said."

Yu Wei: "Leave here first, say on the road."

Ye Wenxuan looked awkward and realized that a serious accident might have occurred.

"Just go out?"

“No.” Yu Weidao: “There is Ysera’s eyeliner in the room. We walked the window and dragged as long as possible.”

Ye Wenxuan said nothing, just nodded and acted quickly with Yu Wei.

Twenty minutes later, Lucy rang the door of the master bedroom.

Lily came out of her room and looked at her curiously: "Lucy, are you looking for Tom?"

"Yeah." Lucy showed a gentle smile: "I made some small desserts and wanted to ask if he wanted to eat together."

Lily came over: "He didn't hear it? Is it asleep?"

Lucy knocked again and still didn't respond. She reluctantly let go: "Forget it, wait for him to get up and talk about it." Then Lily said: "I also prepared your share, in the kitchen downstairs, go by yourself. Take it."

Lily: "Wow, Lucy, you are awesome!"

Lily ran away, and Lucy pulled back and the smile on her lips gradually gathered.

She knocked a few more times and still no one responded. Then she took a bunch of keys from her pocket and picked one of them. She glimpsed through the light in the corridor and then turned two turns to the right. .

With a bang, the door opened.

Lucy calmly took back the crime props and pushed them in.

There is no one in the master bedroom.

"Little monkey, really loves to play." She stared at the half-open window and hugged her arm and stood muttering at the bed: "Where is this going?"


Lucy turned her head and saw Edward leaning against the door, looking at her gloomyly.

"Edward, you lost him." Lucy was dissatisfied: "Who was the original guarantee to the adults, to deal with this kind of goods without any effort?"

Edward calmed his face and said, "I have other things to say to you."

Lucy: "Hey?"

"I have been looking for other people since I started." He said: "Clarence didn't know when he was gone, and Yu Wei, there are no two people in the whole house."

Lucy: "Plus the little monkey, very good, now it's three."

"At least one of them is a foreign spy lurking in Ysera." Edward looked at her and said, "We are being played."

Lucy: "Contact Marlen."

In a small building outside the Wuxian Street, where Xingyuan’s temporary residence is located, Ye Wenxuan hides behind the window of the small room on the first floor and carefully looks at the outside situation.

There are no people living in this building, and all the rooms are full of debris, which seems to be used by the soldiers of Ysera as a waste warehouse.

He looked at it for a while, turned his head and asked Yu Wei, who was sitting cross-legged next to him: "Have your comrades sent a message yet?"

Yu Wei looked down and continued to operate on the instrument, while pumping the air: "I am afraid...the situation is not good."

Ye Wenxuan: "What the **** is going on."

Yu Wei looked at him and put the instrument down.

"In fact, in addition to searching for you everywhere, we have taken some other tasks, one of which is for Ysera." He explained: "We recently discovered that Ysera has become much more warlike than last year, they started Large-scale annexation of small and medium-sized forces around, frequent exchanges with government forces, and cable reported that Ysera is holding government officials in South Sudan."

Yu Wei: "It’s normal to win over officials, but we are surprised that their actions are too successful, almost no officials refused, and they promised very quickly. This is very unusual."

Ye Wenxuan: "So, you have to find these abnormal sources."

“Yes.” Yu Weidao: “It seems that the truth is very close.”

"Csw8702 reagent, the manufacturer is suspected to be named Mario Rhodes, the role of which can greatly enhance the body's function, turning ordinary people into super warriors. Mario carried four reagents and selected four people in Ysera. Carry out experimental transformation."

He read the information on the instrument and frowned. "Is this group of people thinking that they are playing superhero movies? How can there be such a thing in the world?"

Ye Wenxuan was moved by a name: "Wait, you just said... Mario Rhodes?"

Yu Wei snorted and looked up at him: "There is still something, I want to tell you."

Ye Wenxuan is still digesting a message: "Mario Rhodes came here, it was originally going to do this kind of deal with Ysera..."

Yu Wei: "Xing Yuan was taken to the laboratory as the fourth experimental body."

Ye Wenxuan glanced: "What?!!"

Columb Base, Central Building, Temporary Laboratory on the fifth floor.

Because it is the laboratory established by Dr. Ysera at the request of Dr. Mario, the laboratory equipment and equipment here are far less than the sp research institute, and South Sudan is not rich, so it may not be comparable to the general laboratory.

Mario walked back and forth in several labs, isolation rooms, and observation rooms, and his face was not very good, but he still barely suppressed his dissatisfaction.

"This is a broken place, I really can't stand it anymore." He took off his glasses and wiped the dust on it: "My little darlings, I haven't seen them for two days, if I still see you tomorrow." To..."

His assistant came over: "Dr., the first experimental body is ready."

"Okay." Mario regained his glasses: "There is something that will make me excited."

Because the lab was too rudimentary, Mario and his assistant could not allow the four subjects to undergo surgery at the same time, they could only come one by one.

So, when the first experimental body was placed in a closed sterile laboratory, the other three were sitting outside, staying with Mario's team and bodyguards, and observing the laboratory through a super glass wall. The situation inside.

In order to prevent the dangerous movements of the waiting body, Mario's bodyguards always stare at them. Outside the laboratory, there are Ysera soldiers and countless monitoring probes guarding them, vowing to fly even one fly. The highest standard that does not come in.

Xing Yuan was forced to change his blue and white clothes and looked like a patient who was about to undergo surgery. He sat next to the second and third place.

The longest place from the glass wall was a long strip of tables with a pile of instruments on it, which was brought by Mario’s assistants.

He quietly observed the experimental body behind the glass. The black man wore only a pair of shorts, his hands and feet were put on the straps, and the whole person was fixed on a wooden bed, which looked like a slaughter. livestock.

But the man didn't feel it himself, and he always smiled and was very excited.

The csw8702 reagent is not safe, as Mario himself has said, it has a lethal possibility.

Even so, however, there are countless people who want to prove that they can pass the test, and they all feel that they are special.

Xing Yuan was calm on the surface, but his brain kept thinking about it for a moment. Now the situation is quite unfavorable for him. Should he quit now and leave?


His eyes swept over the instruments on the table and the silver alloy suitcase in front of Mario.

If you can mess with a reagent, it will be very useful to us.

When he calmly thought about how to act, in a sterile laboratory next door, a female assistant wearing a mask walked over to the bound black man and began to give him the final check.

Then she made a gesture in the direction of the glass wall, Mario nodded on the other side, and the female assistant immediately took out the carry-on suitcase and took the things out one by one.

She stuck countless wires attached to the body of the experiment to monitor his body data, then removed the familiar sealed test tube and a pen-sized pulse syringe.

Injecting the light blue liquid into the syringe, the female assistant came to the side of the experiment body again, pointed the syringe at the aorta on one side of his neck, and quickly injected one-half of the liquid into it.

She then moved the high-pressure micro-nozzle device of the syringe down, aimed at the heart, and infused all of the remaining drug.

The black man made a sigh, his muscles were tight, and it was not very good to think.