MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 57

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Ye Wenxuan: "What happened to join the ** army?"

Xing Yuan: "There was a battle there, I was discovered by them..."

His words were interrupted by knocking on the door, Xing Yuan stopped, and someone shouted outside: "Jerry, Moses, they found an armed force in the woods in the south, and you come over and see!"

"Know it." Xing Yuan should finish, turning his head and whispering to Ye Wenxuan: "I will stay here first, I will tell you that you are my person. When I come back, we will make the rest of the things clear."

Ye Wenxuan stuttered a bit: "Wait... what your people are... you are ambiguous..."

Without waiting for him to shun the words, the opposite person has already put on the uniform and went out, and he also locked the door when he left, obviously not wanting other people to come in.

Ye Wenxuan: "..."

Ok. He wiped his face and thought: If you have any ideas, wait for someone to come back and solve them together.

This waits until the evening.

Xing Yuan threw the **** coat to the soldier behind him. The goggles were broken during the gun battle. His forehead was still dripping with blood, but he didn't care, and Jean, who was standing next to him, said: Let the doctor treat the wounded, Garcia and Moses, let them take the trial of the prisoners of war, and, for a while, give me some food."

Jean's left leg was marked by a bullet. He walked a little embarrassed. Xing Yuan looked at him: "Excessive blood loss will make you more uncomfortable. Go to the second floor and find a position to lay, let the doctor dress you up. ""

Jean glanced at his leg: "Small wounds, I will handle it myself."

Xing Yuan just mentioned it casually. He went to the door and found the key to open the door.

Jean looked at his movements and his expression was a bit strange: "The brother who listened to the gate said that the Chinese people stayed in your house for a day."

Xing Yuan: "Yeah."

"Do you know?"

Xing Yuan took a look and looked back at him: "No. How?"

"Nothing." Jean shrugged: "No wonder you don't touch the girls that the boss has come up with. I used to like men." When he said this, he couldn't help but say: "But... is our aesthetic biased? I I think he looks... um... you understand what I mean, do you like that?"

"..." Xing Yuan looked at him as if he had known this gentle black brother for the first time.

Jean: "Oh man, don't look at me like this. This land is biased against homosexuality, but I personally think it's nothing."

"There are wars and diseases everywhere, no one knows how long they can live, and how to manage what kind of people they like." He shook his head and said: "But Moses has an opinion on you, don't let him take the opportunity to find Your people are in trouble."

"Oh, the sky is dark, I hope that the lady has not slept yet, our wounded can be a bit more..."

After that, the guy waved his hand and limped away.

Xing Yuanmu sent him down the stairs, feeling the five flavors in his heart.

It’s not that Jean’s remarks make him uncomfortable or ridiculous.

But... he doesn't want to refute Jean's words, and even has some faint sense of leaps...

It is because I am in a foreign land, countless times of life and death, insomnia at night, and finally found out... There is still a person who is willing to travel to this land not far away, just to find himself?

It is undeniable that Ye Wenxuan’s arrival is very touching.

"Why is he coming?" This question has always been lingering in his heart. Xing Yuan lowered his head and re-insert the key in the keyhole, thinking: "My relationship with him... in fact, it has not been very good, Although I am saddened together, but...he is because of the orders of the special department, and I always look down on me."

So, why is Ye Wenxuan willing to brave the gunfire to the war zone to find someone who may have died?

"Maybe it is a task." He thought.

Turning the key in the keyhole for two turns, Xing Yuan pushed the door open and lifted his leg and went in.

The guard outside the door was rushed to the downstairs. Several elite players living next door have not yet returned. The only third floor is him and Ye Wenxuan.

This is the best chance to be alone.

Because it entered the night, the house was dark, and only the dark moonlight came in through the broken window, so that people would not hit the wall while walking.

Xing Yuan walked in and lit an oil lamp on the table, and the room was instantly lit up.

He turned his head and found that Ye Wenxuan was lying on the marching bed, sleeping sideways.

The light hit his face, Ye Wenxuan still motionless, presumably did not rest well these two days.

Xing Yuan bent down and leaned closer to observe him.

Looking through the light, the pock on the face of this guy is more obvious.

Xing Yuan: "..." Forget it, completely sensible.

After a while, someone outside had sent in and saw Ye Wenxuan lying in bed, and then went with a strange smile.

When Xing Yuan saw it, he knew what he was thinking. He was too lazy to explain it. He felt that this was good. He could take the opportunity to let Ye Wenxuan stay with him.

The taste of the food awakened Ye Wenxuan's life. He turned over and sat up. He saw Xing Yuan lean on the wall next to the window and yawned. "What's delicious?"

"Canned food, vegetable soup, bread." Xing Yuan swallowed a piece of cake and motioned him to look at the table: "Military rations, so many bacteria are less. Eat?"

Ye Wenxuan: "Try it."

Then he was smashed by the dry and hard cake.

"What... what's the story... Is this cake actually a hidden weapon?!" He coughed for a long time, dumbly said: "You eat something like this? Are you not a captain?"

Xing Yuan did not change the color and chewed the cake in his hand. He said: "I am not a small captain, just a temporary player."

Ye Wenxuan looked at him in awe, and picked up the other half of the cake. He said, "Let's come, I see that the group listens to you."

"Because I can play." Xing Yuan pointed his finger at the next door: "The black man who lives next to him, called Moses, and the jean you have seen before, are all sent by their bosses to monitor me."

Ye Wenxuan: "...ha?"

Xing Yuan picked up the soup bowl on the table and blew the oil stain on it. He bowed his head.

"Do you think that a suspicious person who appears in the war zone can stand here and chat with you without any harm?"

Ye Wenxuan pointed to his forehead: "Is it hurtless?"

Xing Yuan snorted and almost knocked over the bowl in his hand.

Ye Wenxuan went to press the wound on his neck: "Do you call this a hairless?"

The injury at that place was also very new. In the morning, Ji Ma gave Xing Yuan a large and small wound on his body. Ye Wenxuan stood next to them. Xing Yuan added a lot of new injuries to his body. He saw it clearly.

"How do you get the injury here?" He scraped it away and tore the wound, and looked at the scars that had not been scarred inside: "The cutting is sharp... Who cut your neck with a knife?"

Xing Yuan’s throat moved: “A fight with Follett of Ysera’s army, he made a stroke around my neck, and I put his kidneys on.”

Ye Wenxuan: "Isra is what?"

Xing Yuan put down the soup bowl: "Isra is armed, their people found me in Mount Kinetti, the war zone is not reasonable, the group wanted to shoot me, I killed a few people, and finally they I want to recruit me."

"..." Ye Wenxuan did not quite understand the thoughts of this group of people, and asked: "What about Follett?"

Xing Yuan: "The members of the fifth elite team of Ysera, I am not pleasing to the eye, I came to attack them on the night of their troops."

Ye Wenxuan: "What later?"

Xing Yuan sneered: "They sent him to the battlefield hospital in the ** stronghold."

Ye Wenxuan saw that he took the can of the box and put it in front of him. He said that he was not comfortable: "Give me something?"

"Yeah." Xing Yuan took back his hand and leaned back against the wall: "I am full."

I always feel that the attitude of the other party is different from before. Ye Wenxuan sat a little awkwardly in the chair and ate his head.

After a while, he couldn't help but raise his head: "I said... Can you always look at me, it feels weird."

Xing Yuan: "Oh, there is nothing to see, you can only see you."

Ye Wenxuan took a deep breath: "I have something to look at..."

"Look at your pockmark." Xing Yuan pointed to the pile next to his nose: "I was thinking, can you stick to these things for a few days?"

Ye Wenxuan: "...a week, probably."

Xing Yuan: "Oh."

Ye Wenxuan: "What is your expression? It’s too obvious. When I look at it?"

Xing Yuan: "What is really ugly."

Ye Wenxuan: "..."

He picked up the pen in his pocket and poked it on the man's lap: "Do you say it again?"

Xing Yuan also took out the pen in his pocket and took the nib at the end of Ye Wenxuan's chin: "I have this thing too."

"Are you stupid?"

"No you are stupid."

"Can you not be stupid?" Ye Wenxuan was smirked, and he poked him hard: "No, I can mix it up like this, and I am a big rich man wearing gold and silver. Now I am going to eat soup with dried soup. The stickers on the body are all wounds and gauze. I look at your face and it’s almost broken. Oh, it’s terrible.”

The person who was poked by him snorted.

"I have mixed like this, you come to this place to find me." Without the pen on the leg, Xing Yuan looked down at him, his voice was hoarse: "It’s been five days since the plane crash, I might be parachuting. When I die, I may have been killed because of the war here. The body was thrown into the ruins and I couldn’t find it."

He slowly said: "Even if you do, you still haven't given up looking for me... are you stupid and stupid?"

Ye Wenxuan’s movements in his hand, said: “I, I never thought about...”

Xing Yuan took a pen and licked his chin: "Why come to me?"

Ye Wenxuan honestly said: "I think you must be alive."

"Not this." Xing Yuan shook his head. He bent down and looked at the person in the chair: "When you are in the UK, you always see that I am not pleasing to the eye. I have a lot of problems. You said yes at that time. You said... My life is not worth more than others, and even worse than most ordinary people."

"If it is not the order of the special department, you should protect the more outstanding talents instead of running to the UK with me, and finally forced to escape all the way."

Ye Wenxuan said hard: "No... I know later, you are not really..."

In the latter case, he did not say anything. Xing Yuan took a pen and put it on his mouth. He said, "I have passed back the evidence of the collusion between Xing Jia and Gao Guan. I have to do it. Basically, I don't need my help. It’s time to be a person’s card again. But for me, the dispatch of the peacekeeping force is already a matter of kindness, they have not given you a task, right?”

Ye Wenxuan pressed the pen on his lips and removed a little. He whispered, "I applied for it myself."

Xing Yuan: "Why?"

- Seeing that I am not pleasing to the eye, why do I still have to save me?

- If I have an accident, maybe someone will be sad, some will sigh, some will sneer or even celebrate.

"Only you came to me." He hanged his head and leaned on Ye Wenxuan's shoulder and said tiredly: "I... thank you very much."

Ye Wenxuan still held the pen in one hand, the shoulder on the right side was a little heavy, his fingers hanging on his side moved, and finally he lifted it up and took it on the man's back.

There was only one oil lamp in the house that glowed dimly. It couldn't take a long distance. Only the two people beside the table were softly held, as if only the light could be seen here.

Late at night seems to expose all the hidden weaknesses, and it makes people feel more emotional than during the day, and it is easier to confide their hearts.

The two people's breathing is close at hand. Ye Wenxuan is not sure what he is thinking, but he feels that he has been searching for such a day, flying from England to South Sudan, dealing with various local people, watching the war happen in front of himself, and Those frustrating news reports about the crashed plane.

He did not know why he was still insisting that the relationship between the two people was actually not as good as that of a good friend, but when he heard Xing Yuan’s accident, he himself had a mess.

In the special affairs department, a recent mess, Zheng Xingguo did not give him the task. Xing’s family had already ruled that Xing Yuan had died. After the peacekeeping force confirmed the body on the plane, he was forced to search privately because of the tension in the war zone. There is more action.

Ye Wenxuan examined the circle and found that no one even insisted on finding him.

"If I don't come, then he really wants to stay here, maybe he can wait for the rescue, but he may die in the war." He took the man's shoulder and silently thought: "I don't want him." It’s so dead.”

Thinking about it, he slowly said: "Xing Yuan."

Another person put his head on his shoulder and heard nothing.

"It is a person who has shortcomings. The most difficult thing is to stick to self-correction. You are very good. It is not so unbearable." He patted the other's back and carefully bypassed the injured: "I will not comfort people, shoulders borrowed. Look at you."

Xing Yuan smiled lowly: "Thank you."