MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 51

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When I arrived at the embassy, ​​things became clear.

Xing Yuan’s u disk was highly valued by the many secrets he had mastered before. He stayed in the office with the ambassador to the UK every day, and sometimes talked remotely with some officials in the country. Ye Wenxuan listened a few times. On the other hand, it was found that their understatement determined the future of several political circles and could not help but be frightened.

These big names are all exceptions, and they have done py activities with the Xing family.

Ye Wenxuan faintly felt that it was not appropriate. He did not expect Xing Yuan to play such a big ticket. Later, when he reported to Zheng Xingguo, he hesitated and asked.

His top boss just said: "Xing Yuan had contacted us a long time ago. Most of the important confidential documents encrypted in the Intelligence Information Center of the Special Affairs Department are mostly 'nails' placed in the dark. Heart and blood. And among them, there is a merit of Xing Yuan."

"Xing's family climbed too high, and his ambitions were too strong. The length of the list of officials colluding with the Xing family can be said to be very shocking." Zheng Xingguo said: "And recently, they have begun to contact the arms and drugs business. The terrorist forces with foreign countries are also faintly mixed together."

Ye Wenxuan’s throat moved: “These... not all Xing Yuan and you said?”

Zheng Xingguo: "Some things, you don't need Xing Yuan to say it, we can find it along the clues."

"But he is not a Xing family." Ye Wenxuan did not explain: "He is not like this, is it equal to the righteousness?"

Zheng Xingguo gave a slight glimpse: "If Xing Jia is really a good place, how can he stage such a drama of his brother-in-law?"

Ye Wenxuan language stuffed, and then no words.

"Xing Jianming supports the eldest son on the surface, but in fact he is also very fond of his second son. It is impossible to find out the situation between the two sons. But he is still sitting in the president's office of the Xing Group in the city of b. There is no doubt about Xing Yuan’s death, just expressing sorrow to the media."

"Xing's family is now actively confirming Xing Yuan's death with the British police. While busy condemning the British royal family, the other side still wants to take advantage of the opportunity. They may not know that Xing Yuan has had contact with us, otherwise it will be more concealed. Zheng Xingguo shook his head: "I guess, Xing Jianming and his relatives who support him are already aware that Xing Yuan is collecting evidence. They didn't want Xing Yuan to go back in the first place."

Ye Wenxuan: "This Xing family... is really..."

He remembered that he had been to Xing Yuan’s home several times before. Xing’s father acted like a professor with great connotation. He always looked at various books and told the nanny to give him a cup of coffee. Xing Yi likes to talk to him. He laughs very softly. Although he is not good at it, he can see that his passion for life has not been devastated by illness.

Now think about it, the young man was at that time... probably just want to ask him some news about Xing Yuan.

After this conversation, Ye Wenxuan was in a complicated mood. When he faced Xing Yuan, he was different from before. He had more patience and inquiry, and his attitude was much gentler.

This person... is really different from what I imagined.

Two days later, the storm that devastated London’s cockroaches finally dissipated. Xing Yuan followed several guards to bid farewell to this place and returned to China on a special plane.

Before leaving, the two men got together and had lunch alone.

There were no staff members of the consulate around them. At the dinner table, Xing Yuan briefly told Ye Wenxuan about his own affairs.

"My mother is suffering from depression. After Xing Jianming derailed his second wife's news, he chose to commit suicide by cutting his wrist in his bathtub."

“Before the incident, she came to my room, touched my head and said goodbye to me, and warned me that when I grow up, I must stay away from this family without feelings.” Xing Yuan’s tone is very dull, while cutting the steak. One side said: "I grew up and found out that she said yes, Xing is really not a place for people to stay."

Ye Wenxuan’s chewing speed slowed down: “At the time... how old are you?”

"Five years old, I don't remember much." Xing Yuan said nothing: "Retracting the sympathy and maternal love in your eyes, I have no deep feelings for my mother. I was too young at the time."

"Okay." Ye Wenxuan bowed his head and continued to eat, and asked: "But your dad is so scum, no wonder I haven't found any news about Xing Jianming's wife on the Internet, so now is your stepmother living in your home?"

"Accurately, it is my second stepmother." He smiled slightly: "My mother, Xing Yi, Xing Peiwei's mother is not alone, how is it, is it exciting?"

Ye Wenxuan drank his mouth: "... really exciting."

After the meal, Xing Yuan packed up his luggage, and Ye Wenxuan and the Ambassador to the UK accompanied him to the airport.

Under the **** of the guards, Xing Yuan suddenly returned to the gate, and he wore a black long trench coat, only carrying a carry-on bag, standing in front of Ye Wenxuan and rubbing his lips.

Being stared by the British ambassador and a bunch of staff, Ye Wenxuan suddenly got nervous: "What are you doing?"

"There is a sentence, I always wanted to say." Xing Yuan bent down and whispered in his ear: "Thank you very much, you can come to England with me."

"I am waiting for you in China."

The hot breath is still in the ear, Ye Wenxuan subconsciously touched the hot earlobe, did not answer, only looked at the random group of people on the plane.

How... how do you feel a bit strange...

Until the plane took off, Ye Wenxuan still touched his ear and felt that the temperature on the earlobe still did not disappear.

He couldn't help but mutter: "By waiting for me to go back, I must honor you once!"

Ye Wenxuan did not go back with Xing Yuan’s plane because he had another task to complete.

After sending away Xing Yuan, Ye Wenxuan rushed to a coffee shop in London and met again with Adonis.

Adenis did not bring Casey this time. He came alone. It is more convenient to escape.

Regarding the unfortunate supersonic abilities, Ye Wenxuan has reported his situation to the special affairs department. Officials of several major departments in the special affairs department, plus Minister Luo Wen sat together to discuss and finally discuss A more unified opinion.

"My country can provide you with certain political asylum and Kathy, but correspondingly, we need you to provide more comprehensive information about the sp research room, as well as detailed data of every versatile person you have seen."

“In addition, in the first two years, you need to bring a monitoring bracelet. The residence is provided by us. The daily activities will be subject to certain supervision. Once you find that you have abnormal behavior, we will immediately send you back. Exit the country and give appropriate disciplinary action."

"However, you can return to normal life as quickly as possible under the supervision of our staff. Casey can enter the school to study, as long as you do not reveal your identity, you can live a normal life. There are special emergencies, and the special department and the military may rush you to participate in the operation as 'non-staff personnel', but we can talk about it later."

Ye Wenxuan held the mobile phone and read all the contents inside, and then looked up to the opposite person: "These conditions and rights, can you accept?"

After listening carefully, Adenis asked only one question: "Is your country not asking me to cooperate with relevant research experiments?"

"There is no such item in the documents I received." Ye Wenxuan did not consciously touch his head: "This is one of the reasons why I chose to join the government agencies on their own initiative. They think that my achievements in power supply are far more than Doing that craniotomy experiment is a bit more realistic."

"..." Adenus was stunned and reluctantly said: "That sounds really good."

However, when he said this, his expression was hard to say, and he felt very insincere.

"But... I didn't expect... you turned out to be a Chinese." He looked at Ye Wenxuan who had taken the disguise. The vigilance in his eyes wiped out a lot: "The mysterious Eastern country, I always wanted to go there when I was young." Take a walk."

"So, your thoughts are...?"

"Kathy said that you are safe." Adenus took a deep breath and slowly extended a hand: "I believe her. So, I want to believe you again."

Ye Wenxuan looked at him and reached out and aligned with the opposing abilities. "Welcome to you."

Successfully accepted the two capable abilities, Ye Wenxuan was in a good mood. He discussed with Adenus about going to China. He said that if he and Kathy are ready, they can go directly to the airport tomorrow, together with Ye Wenxuan. leave.

The special plane prepared by the special affairs department for Ye Wenxuan will take off tomorrow morning. Adenis and Casey can use the super power to avoid other people and secretly follow Ye Wenxuan to fly to China.

Adenis did not think much, and nodded directly to promise.

"For me and Casey, the sooner I leave, the better."

When he left, he bluntly said: "We are in a difficult situation at present. Most of the reason is that the people of the 'whistle whistle' have penetrated into all walks of life. Some of them do not even know what kind of institutions they are working for, but only certain fixed People report what they have seen and heard, but it has brought us a huge disaster."

Adenis: "So, please be careful."

Ye Wenxuan solemnly said: "I will."

After completing the task assigned to him by the special affairs department, Ye Wenxuan felt relaxed when he returned, feeling that the sky in London was clear.

However, this good mood disappeared when entering the consulate.

The ambassador to the UK specially waited for him at the office. When Ye Wenxuan was led in, the ambassador smiled and said: "Small leaf... I may have a very bad news to tell you."

The faces of several secretaries standing next to each other were not very good-looking. The atmosphere in the office made Ye Wenxuan feel a little uneasy.

He also smiled involuntarily: "Mr. Ambassador, what happened?"

“Just fifteen minutes ago, we received news from China.”

"This afternoon, I took off from London Heathrow Airport. The plane that was scheduled to land in B City lost contact with the ground command center for an unknown reason after flying for an hour and a half." The Ambassador of the United Kingdom said seriously: "The preliminary judgment may have The reason for the weather, but ... does not rule out other human factors. The domestic does not give us clear information, maybe just a false alarm."

After he said it for a while, Ye Wenxuan seemed to understand what it meant.

He was a little confused and said dryly: "You mean, the plane is missing?"

Ambassador: "I am still looking for..."

His words have not been finished, a confidential secretary came in from the outside, and he eagerly knocked on the door: "Mr. Ambassador, I think you need to look at this!"

"The instant news broadcast on the Internet, an unknown passenger plane crashed in a certain country in Africa. The specific casualties are unknown. Because it is a war zone, there are troops in the vicinity who are fighting fire. The war correspondents there only took a few very blurred photos. I... I looked at the plane on the photo... much like the one that Mr. Xing took..."

Ye Wenxuan breathed a stagnation.

"From here to China, I won't go through Africa, maybe it just looks like..." He replied with difficulty.

It is not necessarily the plane. The news of the special plane is very secret. Apart from the domestic military, the special affairs department, the embassy in the UK and several high-level officials at the airport, no one knows that Xing Yuan will return to China today.

But inexplicable, he recalled the warning the other party gave him when he met Adenis in the afternoon.

- Most of the people in the 'whistle whistle' have infiltrated all walks of life. Some of them do not even know what kind of institution they are working for, they only report to some fixed people what they have seen and heard, but It has brought us a huge disaster.

Difficultly waiting for more than an hour, the domestic news, confirmed that the plane that Xing Yuan took has indeed crashed, but the staff there also said that there are still people on board.

Although the call signal issued by the District Control Office was unresponsive, one hour after the online publicity of the unidentified passenger plane crash, the domestic capital airport received an encrypted message from the crashed passenger aircraft.

This information was handed over to several insiders, and Ye Wenxuan was indirectly informed by Zheng Xingguo’s phone.

"The flight scheduled to pick you up tomorrow morning is temporarily canceled. Please do not hesitate to trust anyone around you before you find out the ghost incident."

Ye Wenxuan: "Do you include colleagues in the special affairs department?"

Zheng Xingguo was silent for a while and replied: "Probably also includes my order."

Ye Wenxuan: "I understand."

He sat at the computer desk and showed the encrypted message on the screen.

The sentence that Xing Yuan said when he left was as if he was still in his ear, but for a few hours...

The change came so suddenly that everyone could not respond.

"Who is leaking the wind in the end." He looked at the message and muttered to himself: "Xing Yuan... Are you still alive...?"

"Where is the plane... where is the crash?"

"Wenxuan, the incident has been upgraded, and the progress of the case cannot be disclosed to unrelated personnel. You should be clear about this procedure."

Ye Wenxuan took a deep breath: "What is... unrelated person... Deputy team, I kept him all the way."

Zheng Xingguo did not speak.

"If I join this case, can I know the location of the crash?" Ye Wenxuan wins the pursuit: "The vice team, there are actually some news on the Internet, I am trying to check it..."

Zheng Xingguo sighed and interrupted him: "The one used to send encrypted information is the fixed communication device on the machine, and the coordinates have been locked."

“The crash site is in South Sudan, near Eastern Equatoria.”

Ye Wenxuan closed his mouth, he lowered his eyes, and a dark thunder was created in the palm of his hand.

When it appeared, the communication device was abnormal, the computer screen flickered, and the current sound of "Zizizi" began to appear frequently in the mobile phone that was talking.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the dangerous weapons that were deadly in the palm of his hand. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth.

"The anti-terrorist action team member Ye Wenxuan, code-named mage, applied to travel to South Sudan to help find the plane of the crash and possible survivors, hoping that ... the deputy team can approve."