MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 49

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Ye Wenxuan took the phone back and smiled. "Let's go, take your face."

And when they finally reached their destination, Ye Wenxuan discovered that the situation was somewhat different from what he thought.

There are too many people in the fifth square of Cantel.

"There is an open-air concert here." Xing Yuan took over the flyers distributed by passers-by and looked down and said.

Ye Wenxuan stunned: "No wonder that when I came here yesterday, I felt that the car going into the city was scary." He said, he leaned over to Xing Yuan: "Rock? Which band..."

Xing Yuan looks different: "Xia Yanbin."

"..." Ye Wenxuan immediately remembered that he had seen the two people talking privately at the hotel, and the expression on his face became gossip: "Oh oh, that Xia Yanbin..."

"...What is your expression?" Xing Yuan blackened his face and threw the flyer into the trash can: "I remember I said that I have nothing to do with him."

"Hey, I didn't say anything, don't rush to explain it." Ye Wenxuan looked at his movements and touched his chin. "What is this called, come here for a thousand miles?"

Xing Yuan: "You can shut up."

Ye Wenxuan: "Don't be like this, it's all fate!"

Therefore, when they arrived at the designated location and saw Xia Yanbin coming down from the RV, the scene was very embarrassing.

Ye Wenxuan single-fingered at the other side, feeling that the whole person is not good: "Summer... Summer, summer..."

"Mage?" Xia Yanbin looked at them: "This dress is not bad, I didn't recognize you at first sight."

Xing Yuan confirmed for Ye Wenxuan: "Little girl?"

"Come on." Xia Yanbin patrolled around in a vigilant manner. He let the two men come in sideways. After closing the door of the car, he took off the sunglasses: "You can count it, just sit, I have a concert after half an hour, and I will end. Then let's go."

"No, you wait a minute..." Ye Wenxuan was in a mess: "I will confirm it again, is your code name?"

Xia Yanbin: "Little girl."

"How can a young girl's cute name be a sister?!"

"Whoever tells you the code name must be consistent with me." Xia Yanbin said: "And, the cute name of the younger sister, of course, should be a boy."

Ye Wenxuan’s face and the previous Xing Yuan have a fight.

Unexpectedly, you turned out to be such a rock star!

Xia Yanbin: "Being here, I told the agent that you are my powder in the UK. He doesn't know that I work for the special department. Don't show up."

After he finished, he left, leaving two people with different expressions, but in my heart there was the idea of ​​a dog.

After a while, Xing Yuan said: "What is the powder head."

Ye Wenxuan reached out and screamed on his face: "The small leader of the fan group."

Xing Yuan turned his head to the past: "Give him a powder, it really costs."

Outside the RV, the crowd shouted a wave higher than the waves, the music gradually began, and a penetrating voice was screaming with the drums.

After the initial shock, Ye Wenxuan finally stopped tangling the difference between the code and the real person. He turned his head and began to observe the interior of the RV.

Not to mention, this rock emperor is quite extravagant.

Not long after, Xia Yanbin’s agent opened the door from the outside.

The agent had also seen Xing Yuan and Ye Wenxuan before, but they had not been in close contact, and the two had a simple disguise on their faces. Therefore, he did not find that the car was previously occupying the global news list. For the first three days, the predecessor of Xing's president.

"Hello, I am Xia Yanbin's agent Zhang Mingjie, call me Jie Ge or Ajie." Zhang Mingjie pushed the glasses and handed the documents to the two: "This is Yan Bin's British propaganda plan, you guys. You can go back and take a look at the above work."

When he didn't pay attention, Xing Yuan took his hand off the handle under the clothes. Ye Wenxuan silently waved the lightning ball in his hand. The two men took the pages of the documents in an unintentional way, as if they had just There is no such thing as a sword.

Just outside the open-air rock music, Ye Wenxuan and Xing Yuan looked at the propaganda plan in a pretentious manner. Ye Wenxuan fully expressed his admiration for the rock emperor. Xing Yuan could not install this. Suo and Zhang Mingjie began to discuss how to conduct business for the stars. Packaging, as well as various means of marketing.

At the beginning, Zhang Mingjie was still stunned. After a while, Ye Wenxuan was squeezed aside, and he and Xing Yuan sat on a sofa and chatted with excitement.

Ye Wenxuan: "..."

He was speechless, and he simply said hello to the two, got off the bus and sneaked into the crowd, watching the singers on the stage enjoy the carnival.

Rock and Roll Emperor Xia Yanbin turned out to be his colleague "Little Girl."

Ye Wenxuan: "...this is sour."

After more than four hours, Xia Yanbin’s concert at Cantel ended. Ye Wenxuan and Xing Yuan were mixed in his work team and returned to London with the team overnight.

However, the power of Lola here seems to be not small.

Less than an hour after the team went out of Cantel, they began to encounter the first wave of unidentified people.

At that time, Ye Wenxuan and Xing Yuan were mixed in the staff's bus. Their team was not low-key on the road. When the bullets penetrated several cars' tires from 100 meters, the two immediately alerted them.

"What's going on, it seems like a car puncture."

"Oh, this abominable prank..."

The band and the accompanying dancers whispered in the same car. Ye Wenxuan sat in the window. He looked around the window with vigilance and whispered to Xing Yuan: "Not only we, but some private cars also turned off."

The driver opened the door and went to check. Xing Yuan looked at Ye Wenxuan and looked out: "The car at the right rear is not weak for a man and a woman."

Ye Wenxuan: "I thought it was just a small couple."

However, he was specially trained after all. After reading a few eyes, he also recognized the sense of violation, and then the nerves immediately tightened.

"They have a group of people who are stealing cars, and the other group is mixed with ordinary people." He twisted his eyebrows and thought, "But how did they find us?"

Xing Yuan: "Get off the bus first."

“叮咚”, Ye Wenxuan’s cell phone shook. He took a quick glance at his mobile phone and found the information sent by Xia Yanbin in the front RV.

Little girl:

"It’s a little girl." Ye Wenxuan vaguely said: "They found him."

The two mixed in the staff and got off the bus. Ye Wenxuan saw the front door of the RV opening wide. Zhang Mingjie jumped out from the inside. He immediately greeted him: "Xia Yanbin?"

"Well? In the car." Zhang Mingjie is inexplicable, obviously does not know why he asked.

Ye Wenxuan: "I will take a look." I ran after I finished.

Xing Yuan was unable to run violently because of the injury. He was affixed to talk to Zhang Mingjie in the back: "Xiao Zhang, trouble calling the nearest police station, said that we met the terrorists."

Zhang Mingjie: "...ha?"

Xing Yuan changed his saying: "Xia Yanbin's British black powder is ready to take him away for indecent assault, and report a policeman."

As soon as I heard that it was "black powder", Zhang Mingjie did not think about it and immediately called.

In the RV, Xia Yanbin and Ye Wenxuan, who are about to encounter the "black powder" attack, said: "This is a good guess. I have been in London recently, suddenly went to Cantel, and I am sensitive. They must have guessed that you will hide in me. ""

He said as he pulled a box from his feet and opened it and took out a few handles from the inside. The gun was buckled on the table: "But it is necessary to find the right person among my group of staff, no effort. No."

Ye Wenxuan picked up a gun and looked at it: "Is this ready for a shootout?"

"The gun is just for spare." Xia Yanbin had a little light in his eyes: "I have long wanted to see the Master's stunts."

The two smiled tacitly.

Zhang Mingjie just came back from the outside and saw that the two were playing with a table of weapons. The whole person was almost out of danger: "You, you, ... where are you coming so many guns?!"

Xing Yuan followed him from behind, grabbing the hand thrown by Xia Yanbin | gun.

Xia Yanbin: "For the big brother to defend himself."

Zhang Mingjie: "You don't want to hear it! What are you... bb bomb?"

Xing Yuan: "Is there something wrong? Give me a hand."

Xia Yanbin: "If you can't use it, your master will open up a little later."

Zhang Mingjie collapsed: "Bin Bin! You are a public figure. Even if you have black powder and want to be rude, you can't blatantly shoot out the gun! So how did you get the security of this box of weapons?!"

Xia Yanbin inexplicably said: "Black powder?"

"I told him that the bandits outside were your black powder." Xing Yuan took the gun apart and looked at it, then raised his head again: "There was a gunshot, they came."

"I went to the co-driver, where the vision was a bit wider and it was convenient for me to act." The voice did not fall, and Ye Wenxuan had already opened the door first.

Xia Yanbin followed, he put on a mask, took the cap, and took two guns to shoot his agent: "Xiaojiejie, here, I am going to guest."

Zhang Mingjie is in a mess: "Don't call me Xiaojiejie... No, what are you doing... I am a little confused..."

Another Xing Yuan, who was left in the car, opened the small window on the side wall and looked at the situation slightly.

"One less contact headset." He was not too willing to hold his left shoulder, there was some faint pain.

After ten o'clock, the sky is getting darker and darker. When the people are not aware of it, the clouds slowly gather here.

Xia Yanbin’s team was forced to stop at a very subtle position. There are fields on both sides, mountains and mountains in the northeast. There are no villages nearby. It’s especially desolate in the dark. In the evening without the moon, a street lamp every few tens of meters on both sides of the road became the only light source here.

At this time, a team of Jeep sneaked across the east and west sides of the road, blocking more than a dozen cars in the middle, much like a bandit bandit who was preparing to block road robbery.

In addition to the rock emperor's team, there were several private cars that were forced to stop. A group of people stood outside and nervously gathered to ask each other.

Xia Yanbin’s RV stopped in front of the bus. He drove the driver to the back and squeezed the bus. He took Ye Wenxuan and sat in the cab. He took a telescope from under the seat and handed it to the other party: “My people are back in the car. The rest of the ten, eight of them are fake passers-by, really when I see."

Ye Wenxuan took the telescope: "So we are surrounded?"

"I heard that Pipiru has licensed you to use it on a large scale." Xia Yanbin said: "There are certainly many colleagues in the ministry who have encountered unexplained blocking, otherwise Pipiru will not be so violent."

"Yeah." Ye Wenxuan remembered the acquaintances he had encountered before, and some vaguely said: "About my ability, I will ask Pippi again after I go back. In short, this trip to the country really refreshed my world view. ”

The members of the Brotherhood who blocked the road in front of the road fired a gun and signaled that all the people in the car came out.

Because of Xia Yanbin’s instructions, the people in the team did not act. Only the private car owners got off their cars and raised their hands. The attitude was very cooperative.

"Don't hear it? Get off the train to Laozi!" The head of the captain patted the front hood, and the index finger hooked back to the body: "Five numbers, no action, my people will help you."

Behind him, there were players coming down from the car.

As soon as this group appeared, Xia Yanbin and Ye Wenxuan saw some greasy things. The former screamed: "High-voltage insulation suit? It is ready." He said that he patted the colleague next to him: "Mage, they are all insulated. You still can't do it?"

Ye Wenxuan blinked: "I will try it."

Then, he took out the pen that had been used once in his arms, and tapped the pen on the window at the end, and asked the driver casually: "Do you think Demacia and Leigong help me to be more handsome? ”

Xia Yanbin: "Everything..." is frustrating.

His spit has not yet been exported, and the rest of it was stunned by the top of his head.

There was a loud bang, and the storm was negligent.

All the people who stood outside were poured out, and the little captain was shocked. The cigar in his mouth fell on the ground and didn't notice: "Thunder... Mom, this is not the mystery." Are the weapons engaged in ghosts?"

"Boss, insulated suit... can you resist lightning?"

"You really thought they could recruit lightning, and go to catch people!"

"Yes Yes……"

However, they soon discovered that this group of people can really attract lightning, and take insulation suits to resist lightning, and there is no use of eggs.

On the outskirts of the rainy night, thunder covered the gunshots, and the wicked gangsters didn't even touch the target's face. They had already held the insulation suit on the ground and had no sound.

The Chinese who wore a raincoat got off and changed tires in a hurry, and slowly set off in the horrified eyes of the private car owners around them.

Heavy rain gradually spread from the suburbs of Cantel to London.

On this day, almost half of the British Isles were in a rainy day, and the Thunder wandered between the black clouds. The loud noises and even the French towns on the other side of the English Channel were faintly audible.