MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 28

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Boom -!

The entire office was twisted and broken, and the invisible shock wave came from behind. Ye Wenxuan couldn't even send out the pain. He had already been smashed out and squatted on the back of the person.

There was a sharp pain in his nose.

The ear is a woman's scream and the man's curse. It seems that I can hear someone in the distance blowing a whistle and making a refreshing laugh.

The second fire | arrow bombs can be killed!

It passed through the wall that had been smashed by fires and arrows, smashing the thick smoke, screaming and screaming, and so eagerly chasing the target.

Turbulent, a grid of power out of the air, cut this mad man to the waist!


Fire|The arrow bomb is unwilling to rotate at high speed. The bright blue flash arc is locked in the middle of its warhead. It is like a fishing net that gradually gathers and vows to kill the prey in the net.

No one can see the wrestling in the heavy smoke, the mysterious grid only appeared for five seconds, and as it came, it suddenly disappeared.

Fire|The arrow bomb was defeated by the "enemies" that the ghosts did not have. It was planted, and the bullets hit the ground and burst, which brought a second blow to the insane building!

Only the man holding the rpg rocket launcher outside the building snorted softly, and it seemed that the effect on the shell was very unexpected.

"Oh, this is not right." He stood up from the ground and turned his arms over his shoulders. He said to himself: "I didn't kill people? Really, it's a shame."

However, the power of these two fires | arrows is actually very huge.

The teaching department originally had six floors, and the length of the building from the east to the west was at least 30 meters. At this time, some offices on the fourth floor facing south were taken care of by the shells. The fires and arrows bombed the building with a huge hole in the warhead. □ □ was detonated, those burning red flames will see the wind, and soon there will be a prairie.

The walls collapsed, the fire spread, and smoke poured into all corners of the building. All these accidents were evaded by the refuge in the school building.

For a time, screaming crying can be heard even in tens of meters.

In the midst of the fire, some people ran out in a panic, and some people walked in the air.

It is said that it is human purgatory, but it is not the case.

There was a pain in the bottom of the nose, and Ye Wenxuan slammed his eyes open, just to the deep sapphire on his head.

Uh... a little nice.

"Are you awake?" Xing Yuan took back the fingers in the middle of others, and then extended **** in front of him: "What is this?"

Ye Wenxuan looked at him with a dizzy look: "...What is this?"

Xing Yuan compares four: "Ask you."

Ye Wenxuan shook his head: "...ask you."

Xing Yuan looked down at him for two seconds: "Sure enough, he was stupid by the stone."

"Oh, stupid...?" Ye Wenxuan covered his right hand on the back of his head and touched a very obvious drum kit: "How... what is going on..."

When I asked him, I remembered it myself.

When six people fled to the corridor, the second fire|arrows flew over behind their buttocks. Ye Wenxuan intercepted a grid with the shield of smoke, but did not pay attention to the collapsed floor, and did not pay attention to the air. Then I fell to the third floor with the gravel.

Then the second shell was detonated, and he was once again smashed by the strong aftermath. He was also smashed on the back of the head by a stone, and he was not smashed.

As for why Xing Yuan will fall with him in one place, Ye Wenxuan really has no impression.

When the sense of dizziness finally faded away, Ye Wenxuan had the mentality to look around.

They are now nested in a very small space, with concrete blocks and broken steel bars stacked in the mountains. The places where they are visible are dim, and sometimes the hands and feet will touch hard stones.

There were constant crying calls from the cracks around the stone. Ye Wenxuan guessed that this was the poor man who was pressed under the stone like them.

He moved his nose and couldn't help but sneeze the smog.

Xing Yuanzhen was on him, and his face was hanging on his right cheek. He heard a cough and then stretched out a hand and slammed his nose and mouth. "Slow your breath, don't cough, The smoke **** too much and the life is gone."

When he finished, he suddenly turned his side to the side and rushed to the back: "Cherno, can you go out?"

Ye Wenxuan heard a familiar voice behind Xing Yuan: "Can."

At this time he only reacted. Here is not only him and Xing Yuan, but also a Cherno in the top.

No wonder that after waking up, I always feel that I have to be smashed. It turns out that I have two big men on my body.

He just really thought that Xing Yuan was lying on his body and was actually a big fat man of more than 400 kilograms.

Ye Wenxuan was too quick to say anything: "You - so heavy -"

Xing Yuan spit out a sigh of relief. It seems that he was glad that Ye Wenxuan had not been smashed into an idiot: "If you live, you should be content with it. Do you still abandon your savior?"

Oh, who is the savior of the people is not necessarily.

Ye Wenxuan was overwhelmed by the terrible weight and only groaned: "Now is... what is the situation...?"

His voice did not fall, and there was a roar on his head. Cherno’s back against the two men below had already opened the half-piece of the door that had been pressed against them, and flew out numerous stones on the door. .

This movement is not small, the gravel smashed out and flew out of the ground, and a few pieces fell to Ye Wenxuan.

After a while, Ye Wenxuan became a lot easier in his own hands. He opened one eye and saw two people in the dark swaying around.

"You two stood up, I thought it was black and white impermanence to lock the soul." He raised a hand, vomited a sigh of relief, and then asked: "Why are we jealous, others?"

Cherno was coming to pull him, and he was stopped by Xing Yuan. He personally leaned over and grabbed the hand that was stretched out. The arm slammed hard and pulled Ye Wenxuan up and sat up.

"Suddenly, I am close to you." He let go of his hand and said faintly: "Fortunately, Cherno grabbed half of the door and blocked it, otherwise we all have to go half a life."

Ye Wenxuan sat patted the ash on his body, heard the words, and said "thank you."

Because there was a fire in the building, the three did not stand up, just lowered their bodies to avoid breathing in the smoke, while searching for other people, while searching for a way out.

Five minutes later, they found Li Fei and Zhang Qingxue, who also fell from the fourth floor, in the wreckage more than ten meters away.

Li Fei was thrown down to the shoulder and an arm was broken. Zhang Qingxue was guarded by him. When he fell, there were many bruises, but it was not fatal.

"Cough, oh... 阮 assistant, she... didn't fall." 阮玉姗 coughed and cried, "She pushed me from behind, ran, oh..."

Li Fei’s mouth was bleeding, dragging his **** right arm, and whispering: “If the wolf is cautious, it will definitely come in and remove the roots. We must leave here.”

Ye Wenxuan observed everyone by fire, and made a heavy question mark on the label of Yu Yuxi.

Isn’t the jade jade a traitor mentioned in the “cannibal flower”?

There are also two bodyguards who went out to explore the road. They haven’t come back. Is it possible... Is it actually going out to ventilate the letter?

The more I think about it, the more the lumps of the back of my head are screaming at my own sense of existence. Ye Wenxuan couldn't help but touch her hand and simply wrinkle her eyebrows and stop thinking about these problems.

It is imperative that Xing Yuan be treated to the back door of the "cannibal flower" to find a milk truck.

He was thinking about how to act, and coldly, Xing Yuan suddenly said: "There is a gunshot."

Everyone was stagnation and didn't talk.

Ye Wenxuan listened for a while, and suddenly there was some creeps.

I don't know where it is, there are thick boots to crush the stones, and I am not slow to step on the steps.

The walking footsteps sometimes stopped, and then they could hear the "噗" sound. Ye Wenxuan was quite familiar with the sound. He reflexively thought that when the special training was in the special department, the shooting coach tried to let him try. Have this.

That is the hand that installed the damper | the sound of the gun.

I don't know if it is his illusion, and the sound of crying around seems to have gradually disappeared.

Ye Wenxuan breathed quickly, and Xing Yuan next to him pinched his back neck. The hand groaned on his neck and whispered, "Calm down, follow me, first find a bunker."

Ye Wenxuan tried to breathe gently: "Well... I am not afraid."

Zhang Qingxue mourned on one side: "Xing Zong... I am afraid of Xing Zong..."

A group of people did not hear.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Xing Yuan quickly looked around. He told Cherno to deal with the person and watched Li Fei’s injury: "Your wound will not stop bleeding, the whole arm will be abolished. Follow me. I can't treat it in time, you can act on your own, get out of danger and contact again."

Li Fei bite his teeth: "Boss, you are careful. There must be someone in the middle of us, otherwise it won't be exposed so quickly, that money, and..."

Xing Yuan interrupted him: "Don't tell, it's all in your mind. After you go out, check it for me."

Li Fei swallowed a spit of blood: "Yes."

When the two talked, Cherno had left the crowd and fought with the killer in the dark!

"Ha ha ha ha!" The man laughed wildly: "Found you, little baby..."

Cherno’s throat made a low-pitched voice. The two men had passed dozens of shots in the fire. They had been hitting the hallway from the corridor to the ruined classroom next door. There were gunshots and bricks falling down. It is conceivable. How fierce the battle is.

Xing Yuan pushed the people around him: "Go!"

Ye Wenxuan had long waited for this opportunity. He grabbed Xing Yuan and Zhang Qingxue violently, and the cat began to walk hard in the tunnel.

As Xing Yuan and Li Fei spoke, he began to observe the surrounding environment and search for the route of escape.