MTL - 100k Volts Electrocutes You to Death-Chapter 111

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Ye Wenxuan pointed to the corridor: "Put them here, you can guarantee the safety of exports, but also a deterrent."

He listened to white: "I guess these prison doors should have been opened many times."

He wore gloves on his hands and his index finger was gently rubbed on an iron railing: "There is blood on it, just don't know if it is animal or human."

The two said while walking back, to the side of the armored car, just watching Liao Banqing command the team members, and all the uniforms of the dead soldiers on the ground were all smashed down.

“Identity nameplates, guard uniforms, electric batons, hands|guns, headsets and passes are all here.” He listened to throwing a few cards at his feet: “Jin Peng, I need you to try to invade the management system here. Get a picture of the building structure, otherwise it will be caught." No one answered, He listened to white and frowned: "Jin Peng?"

Jinpeng looked awkward: "Ah? Deputy team, are you hanging?"

He listens to white: "..."

He exchanged a look with Liao Banqing, and stood up helplessly, staring at Jin Peng: "Go, let's go there and talk."

Ye Wenxuan looked at He Tingbai's focus on Jin Peng and Guo Lei. He couldn't hear the content far away, but he thought it was comforting the two fragile hearts.

Liao Banqing handed over a uniform that had been taken down from the soldiers: "This way of travel, I sincerely hope that the next time I can give my team a little time to adapt."

Ye Wenxuan touched his nose and took the uniform: "Well, I may be a bit sloppy, sorry."

"No, it's amazing." Liao Banqing's tight lips twitched slightly: "If you can guarantee safety, it is an excellent exercise."

Ye Wenxuan turned to look at the salted fish-like unicorn team members, and his eyes could not help but reveal a trace of sympathy.

"That, if it is a structural diagram that needs to be studied..." He licked his face and whispered, "I think I can help."

Sure enough, when it comes to business, Liao Banqing immediately reveals the light.

"My ability is to control electricity, you can summon lightning, you can also build a magnetic field." Ye Wenxuan said: "I can feel that the underground building here is very large, it has quite sophisticated security measures, Jinpeng wants to overcome the firewall, may need Take some time."

Speaking of this, he could not help but mutter: "So Xing... 'Haidongqing' is how to send the signal out, and he is not afraid of being caught on the spot."

Liao Banqing: "The signal transmission device of 'Haidong Qing' is the latest scientific and technological achievements of the military, and can escape 90% of the world's security inspection system."

Ye Wenxuan said: 90%, the remaining 10% is the end of the game, Xing Yuan you wait for Laozi.

Liao Banqing did not know that he had begun to wonder how he would be violent in the future. It is natural to turn the topic back: "So, can your super powers get the map here?"

"I don't know the computer, I can't get their confidential documents." Ye Wenxuan extended a finger and gently clicked on the ground: "But my electricity can reach many places."

“They can be my ‘eyes’, depicting all the areas that have passed through.”

"In addition," he paused and looked back at the little girl who was still sitting in the car: "Kathy...should be okay."

Liao Banqing took the initiative and decided: "If that's the case, then act now."

"All members of the Kirin team, gather."

A bunch of fighters who were still half dead and alive, only listened to Liao Banqing’s unhealthy command, and the expression on his face immediately changed.

The six soldiers stood upright and looked solemn. Ye Wenxuan breathed a few points. After the special training, he almost felt instinctively. These people gradually became murderous.

The animals in several nearby compartments were agitated and began to be restless. The hill-like orangutans held the railing and slammed their heads on them, making a dull sound.

"From now on, enter the state of combat. There are three missions. Meet with 'Haidongqing', find Professor Kangnan and his assistants, and rescue the captured special police officer Zou Jie. The photos of these people have been before. I have seen it." Liao Banqing's line of sight swept through everyone, and then Shen Sheng: "Jin Peng, the signal in the institute is disordered, this time you don't have to deal with it in the back, let's go in with us."

Jin Peng should say: "Yes, captain."

Liao Banqing: "Oh, that's it."

"The mission begins."


When the institute fell into a brief darkness, Xing Yuanzheng and his temporary teammates stood in the elevator.

The lights on the top of the head suddenly went out, and the elevator was stopped in the middle of the two-story staircase. The three people felt that something was not good.

"Rely on..." Liu Tianquan will lean back against the metal wall of the elevator, look up and look around, with a very low voice: "Ai Fu Li, your palm prints have problems."

Efrey also spoke with an anger: "Impossible, I just used this to come back, nothing to lose."

Liu Tianquan: "What is the situation now?"

Efrey didn't have time to return, and the light in the forced space was restored.

With a bang, the floor under the feet of the three people shook and the elevator went down again.

Ai Fuli: "Ha, it seems that there is still insufficient power supply in this place."

Xing Yuan glanced at the monitor and simply picked up the emergency phone hanging on the wall of the elevator while pressing the alarm button.

Ai Fu Li & Liu Tianquan: "..."

"Hey, security center." Xing Yuan's voice was steady and calm: "I am Dr. Mario's assistant, in the elevator. Well, just after the elevator suddenly blackout, I want to know what is going on."

I didn't know what to say over there. Xing Yuan looked up at the monitor above and said, "Is the monitoring broken? Hehe... I am more and less hopeful about your work efficiency, which makes me very A sense of security."

"How about the negative 27-story situation, I heard that the experimental body is still rioting?"

Ai Fuli moved to Liu Tianquan and whispered, "I met this boss for the first time. I like his boldness."

Liu Tianquan: " what are you doing?"

Efrey licked his eyes: "Mystery makes men more attractive, what do you say?"

Liu Tianquan wants to say how mysterious is still a short and fat fat man, but it is estimated that the other side of the road is unknown, this sentence will not lead.

On the other side, Xing Yuan found some news. When he saw it, he said: "I hope that you can solve the problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, I may need to reflect this situation with the doctor."

Operator: "Okay, you... Zizizi... Rest assured... nourish..."

Xing Yuan: "Hey?"

Operator: "First... raw... nourish... nourishment-"

The current sound gradually overshadowed the human voice, and accompanied by strange noises, Xing Yuan listened carefully for a moment and found that there was a regular "drop" sound.

It is the Morse code.

The lights in the elevator suddenly disappeared. Xing Yuan’s identity card on his chest floated slightly and poked at his chest.

Ai Fuli: "Oh, this research facility is not good."

Liu Tianquan: "Is it something wrong?"

This ability...

Xing Yuan felt a move and said softly to the microphone: "Mage?"

Xing Yuan took a deep breath and quickly said: "Negative 27 floors, yx3 area."

Almost in the next second, the drip sound in the current sounded again.

The noise faded, the operator said: "Mr....sir?"

Xing Yuan’s heart jumped wildly, and he took another look at the surveillance. The voice said smoothly: “Nothing, hang up.”

After that, I took the microphone back.

“The operator said that the monitoring of the laboratory has failed.” Xing Yuan turned to the other two people: “This is a good thing for us.”

"Then you don't need to be happy like this." Liu Tianquan noticed that his mouth was slightly tilted and his eyebrows rose: "Do you have something to look at me?"

Xing Yuan: "There are so many things about you, and the tricks are not good friends."

Liu Tianquan: "..." You also know what a good friend is, and it is not easy.

Xing Yuan’s fingers stroked his identity card and whispered: “Our strong support is coming.”

Liu Tianquan sighed: "But I haven't signaled yet..." Then he woke up: "Is that over there?"

"Old Feng and Lao Luo are all the way, our follow-up support forces should all be the same." Xing Yuan reveals a mysterious smile: "But this is my side."

Liu Tianquan rolled his eyes: "So proud, is your wife?"

Xing Yuan: "Uh huh."

Efrey touched his chin and said, "The monitor is malfunctioning?"

"Yes." Xing Yuan said: "I guess this is one of the movements he made."

The light in the elevator was still moving in the fine microwave. Liu Tianquan pointed at the light belt and mocked: "Oh, you want to tell me, this is also your backup?"

Xing Yuanman said with deep meaning: "He can do more."

The lights in the elevator flashed twice, as if in response to what he said.

The elevator stopped at the negative 27th floor and the door did not open.

Xing Yuan took Daniel's pass and brushed it. Ai Fuli came over and put the palm print on the metal panel.

After waiting for a long time, the door never opened.

Liu Tianquan slowly said: "We forgot one thing. The broadcast said that in order to prevent the experimental body from fleeing, the pass is not available on the negative 27th floor."

"It's a bit difficult." Avery looked up again at the monitor: "Make sure this thing is broken, let me see if I can modify the smart program in the panel..."

"Wait." Xing Yuan held him: "I will try."

Then he gently buckled the elevator door with one hand, whispered: "Wife, help open a door?"

The elevator was so terrible that Liu Tianquan raised a hand and pressed the corner of his mouth that could not be stretched.

Efili tweaked it: "Boss, here is what you call,"

Xing Yuan did not answer, he knocked again, the floor display on the head suddenly flashed garbled, and the elevator door slammed open and closed on both sides, making a "squeaky" muffled sound.

Quite a bit mean.

There seems to be a trace of static electricity on the door. When Xing Yuan retracted his arm, he was charged with it. It was itchy and numb.

He is really nearby. Xing Yuan hooked his lips, rubbed his fingers, and smiled softly: "Thank you."

Liu Tianquan & Ai Fuli: "???"

The three men stepped out of the elevator and went to the public space outside.

When Aifuli was at the end, he couldn't help but look back at the elevator and shouted: "Sesame opens the door?"

The elevator did not respond, he tried again: "Wife?"

The elevator door closed ruthlessly in front of him.

Ai Fuli: "..."

Liu Tianquan grabbed him: "Come on, don't play."

Ai Fuli: "This is not scientific! Boss, how did you open it?"

Xing Yuan: "Beep."

The three stood in the hallway and looked to the sides of the passage.