MTL - 1.5 Million Dollar Child Custody Contract-Chapter 1 .He is the patron ()

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  After one night, he tasted the essence: "Woman, you taste good, one million a month, I'll buy you!"

  She raised her eyebrows and smiled: "If you want me, pay a 30% deposit first, no credit!"

   During the day, he was a strict and rigid CEO, but at night he turned into a wolf, eating her up mercilessly.

   When the contract expired, she turned around gracefully. When he chased after her, she found that there was already a kid the size of a kid beside her...


  Mu Qingyu was raped.

  The unfamiliar pain between her legs and the weakness in her waist made her aware of this fact.

  She felt that she was lying in an absolutely comfortable room, with soft velvet quilts messily spread on the horizontal jade body.

  The lights were not turned on, and in the dark room, the curtains had been drawn to block out the misty morning light outside.

  The air conditioner slowly blows air, dispelling the chaotic atmosphere in the room.

  She stared blankly at the complicated reliefs on the ceiling, her eyes were empty, and the corners of her lips were bitten off, like rose petals falling after a heavy rain, full of softness and pity.

  Her head hurts, besides the bitter taste of alcohol in her mouth, there is also the smell of tobacco left by the man on her body.

as well as. . . . . . When men and women are in a state of extreme excitement, they will emit that kind of seductive smell.

  Actually, before she stepped into that private room last night, she had already heard bad rumors about this client. If it wasn't for Enen's huge surgery fee, she wouldn't have made this business trip.

   I didn't expect that she could calculate thousands of things, and she couldn't figure it out. That dress-crown-bird-beast would put medicine in the wine, and then. . . . . .

  She struggled to sit up, as if her body was being run over by a heavy truck back and forth, she vaguely heard the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and then the sound of the door being pulled open.

   Breathing, suddenly stagnant—that man, he hasn't left yet?

   There was a faint mist in the pupils, and she swallowed it again. The fingertips of her clenched fist had already turned white from her pinching. She sat up and looked around for her clothes and pants.

  The matter has come to this point, no matter how regretful or painful it is, it can't restore her innocence.

   Here, she can't stay here for a second, she wants to leave!

  The door, at this moment, suddenly opened, and then the light in the room came on, and the sound of the man's steady footsteps came. She closed her eyes subconsciously, and she was still pinching the underpants that she had just picked up that had been torn into pieces.

  She didn't know how to face all this, the pain and fear hit her, almost making her unable to hold herself!

  Even though she didn't open her eyes, she could still feel that the man's gaze, as hot as fire, was constantly roving on her naked body.

   Anger and shame intertwined. When she turned her head and wanted to pick up the crystal ashtray on the bedside table and throw it at it, a man's nice voice sounded above her head: "Are you awake?"

  She was taken aback, this is not the obsessive client! The man's voice was cool and elegant, like the melody of a cello.

   Besides, where did she seem to hear this voice? There is a feeling of inexplicable familiarity.

  She raised her eyes in doubt, and an unusually handsome face came into her eyes!

  When she saw that man, her eyes widened in surprise!

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