"There are no heroes. In life, the monsters win."...In 2106, [Mayhem Online], a fully immersive VRMMO game, was released. Soon, it dominated the world's economy when people could exchange the in-game currency with real-life currency and vice versa.In the year 2107, Flynn Grey, a 22-year-old college dropout with an ambiguous history, joined in the fray of billions of people that had already started playing [Mayhem]. Hoping to uncover the game's secret and earn a fortune, he spent months on adventures without fruitful results.For better or worse, Shura, Flynn's in-game character, ends up in a great Wyvern's den, acquiring a hidden class and a monstrous race. Join him as he defeats his past and paves his way into becoming a true legend in both worlds.
- C.133 0. One Sided Deal
- C.132 0. Dinner Invitation
- C.131 0. Deadnight Legion
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- C.007070 [Bonus Chapter]
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- C.005050 [Bonus Chapter] |
- C.004949
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