Master Of None-Chapter 40 - 40. The Mansion

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Walker returned home smiling since with that last quest he had hit level five. He had been musing what to do with his next five stat points and distributed them to defense, magic attack, one one point to agility. Taking that hit against the jade locust made him worry he would not be able to defend in the future. However as he began to think of why to do his next level up Garret opened the door and started bringing out crates and boxes. There weren't many due to his families smaller residence and collection of items but it was enough to cause Walker to jump in and help.

Not a few moments later did the sound of a carriage and horses come to their ears. Igor was heading to them with a smile in his nicest garb knowing he would head to the inner walls. Stopping in front of the pile of crates and boxes he spared no time to rest and immediately began loading the carriage. Garret was impressed that Walker had been so fast to find a nice carriage along with a driver who was so astute to help them lay their belongings.

With just about everything loaded after an hour of work Hilda had come out and hopped in with Garret. Lisa and midnight were the last two. Walker went looking for them to tell them they were leaving. The home seemed empty bringing a bit of sadness to Walker but it became overshadowed by new opportunities. He reached Lisa's room and could hear her talking to midnight in a hushed whisper "do you think he'll like it? It took days but it's perfect." This made Walker curious so he almost just opened the door but decided it's safer to knock.

"Hey it's time to go we need to get on the carriage!" His voice caused a scramble in the room for a moment.

"Come in!" Lisa's voice called out so Walker opened the door slowly. Standing there with her arms out holding a black cloak that seemed to shine ever so slightly. "I made this for you with the needles you gave me! It should fit exactly. It's a thank you for your gift." Lisa's huge smile was contagious and Walker couldn't help but smile as well. Even midnight seemed to have an air of happiness about her.

Using his all around appraisal skill walker checked it out

' elemental cloak- high class item

+5 mana

Channels elements to refresh 2 mana every five minutes.

Created out of familial love and determination.'

"This..this is amazing! You made a high class item do you know what this can do? It can regenerate mana! Lisa this is incredible!" Walker was ecstatic this single cloak had not only increased his mana but also refreshed it. This would hugely reduce his worry if exhausting his mana while out fighting.

"I wanted you to be safer so I used all my mana every day sewing with the needles you gave me. I even got a titled quest that rewarded me for giving you a gift in return." Her smug smile and voice was showing how proud she was of being praised by her older brother.

Walker put the cloak on and felt the refreshing feeling of mana flowing around him. This was definitely something he couldn't imagine happening. He smiled at Lisa "how do I look? Do I look like I can cast any spell?" She smiled and nodded her head quickly hugging Walker happy to see he liked her gift so much so to put it on immediately.

'The passive skill elemental affinity has been taken from the Elemental mage class due to the user experiencing mana influx from the existing elements.

Elemental affinity- passive skill 𝒇𝑟e𝙚𝑤𝙚𝐛𝗻𝐨ν𝚎𝘭.c𝐨m

Allows the user to more easily use magic based on the elements. '

Walker glanced at the skill curious what more easily meant and made a mental note to practice some spells when he has the chance. If this means he could use all the elements he could choose the best for each situation and counter many element based monsters. Smiling he said "let's go show this off and you can tell mother and father about your high class creation. You know people would pay a lot for something like this, you just may be able to take your own orders like mother does." Walker knew this would excite Lisa since she was always amazed by the adventurers that placed orders for bread and such with their mother.

Exiting the home they jumped in the carriage along with midnight and began the ride to their new home. Lisa and Walker explained the cloak on their ride. Hilda and Garret were extremely surprised. They knew Lisa was working on a gift for Walker but not that it was to such an amazing degree. They truly had two children with bright futures.

Soon they came to a stop so Walker jumped out and saw the sight before him. Ten guards were stationed at a rusting gate. The was a strong but slightly old looking stone wall surrounding a large property. Behind the walls was an overgrown garden in desperate need of some love. The mansion itself had a few broken shutters and needed a good scrubbing on the putter bricks. Some shingles were missing from the roof. All in all it was a bit old looking but the two floor building was definitely large enough to house all of them and even 30 of 40 guests if ever need be. Walker could see on one side was what appeared to be a small outdoor forge and on the other side of the mansion a small outdoor workshop which appears to be equipped with alchemy tools.

Before he could start thinking a guard approached "hello sir hero we are the royal guards sent by his majesty. We will start a patrol with your permission. Five of us shall be patrolling at once on shifts. His majesty also sent this gift here. Once you accept it we shall begin." The guard held out a box with a small note attached.

"Thank you, please guard myself and my parties families safety." Nodding the guards headed to start their patrol. As they started to walk away the sound of another two carriages approaching drew his attention. Gil and Remey were in one and Su was on the other. It looked like Remey had partnered up with Gil since he passed the orphanage in his way from the fields. Walker couldn't wait to hear what they thought.